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Top Gear New Series |OT| No Longer Starring Chris Evans

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The Hobo

Definitely an improvement over last week. SIARPC was too long though. No need for so many guests.

Matt is great off the cuff but the scripted stuff trips him up. The banter between he and Chris in the studio was awful. Their chemistry might get better as the show goes along but there's no guarantee.

Has Chris Harris featured yet?

No. He's on next week.


Episode 2 was a slight improvement for me, but still lots of issues and growing pains.

McLaren film

Here's one of the main problems I have with Chris Evans hosting a car show - since he didn't cut his teeth in motoring journalism he can't prod and probe a car very well, he only drove in anger in a straight line and had to get Jenson Button to do the slidey stuff for him. When Jeremy or Richard blasted the cars they were given to test on the track, they let loose and could actually sell you on their car knowledge. Chris is just not convincing for me in telling me why this McLaren was a great super car.

South Africa film

Road test hijinx with SUVs and three guests. Again Matt shines with his dry wit and humour, and Eddie Jordan was kinda endearing as the old man on this trip. The drinks challenge was a bit of a funny lark and I quite liked the animal filming challenge. I was just not really convinced that each presenter actually believed the cars they were driving were better than the other. That's sort of the point of these road trips for me - they should be taking a side and defending it vigorously. There was also very little technical insight for each of the SUVs, again it's something I miss from the old trio who would instinctively describe the advanced features of their chosen vehicles. The conclusion was messy too - they didn't really go into which one did the best and Chris just declared the Jaguar to be it.

Celebrity Interviews and Star in Rally Cross Car

It still had the awkward unstructured interviewing style. Please stop with the "ask other celebrity guest to read from the teleprompter". At least we got to hear about Damien Lewis being talked up as a possible new Bond.

Studio segments

There was even less of it than last time. The hospital bed thing was... err... strange, Chris and Matt still lacked chemistry, and Eddie Jordan was just plain awkward as an addition. They're still going with the whole "we don't do the whole bombshell thing" joke and there was still some forced clapping and cheering (heck Evans was doing it, and he's a bloody presenter). Still no sign of the Extra Gear guys, would like to see them on the main show.

Overall, slightly better than last week but that's not really saying much. Hopefully the quality keeps improving, dunno if the ratings will save it though.

Has Chris Harris featured yet?
Sadly he's stuck on the Extra Gear sister programme on iPlayer. He (or Rory) said that they would feature on the main show in upcoming episodes, though whether it'll be a regular slot or whether it'll be just for films, we'll have to wait and see.


I enjoyed it. I don't know what that says about my views on the previous show, but I though the challenge was pretty entertaining Damien Lewis is always someone that I like to listen to.

Seeing Jenson in the car also made me think that he would actually be a pretty charismatic lead on a show like this.


It'll take some time to bed in. I enjoyed the old show even though I don't like Clarkson. I don't like Evans either but this is entertaining me.

I hope they do a Christmas episode this year.

I knew as well as everyone else that Jezza, May and Hammond couldn't be replaced, and everyone at the BBC must MUST have known this, they needed to either completely change the whole format or keep the original (like they have done) but push it to the next level.

The original was something unique that cannot be replicated, look at the effect it can have Family screaming because they saw Top Gear being filmed

I don't really like Chris Evans (I did in his early days) and trying to do Top Gear must be very hard on him and also the criticism must be un-bearable and yes I have criticised him and I do feel sorry for him, but he knew the task he had to do and it is clear it's not delivering.

Would it not have been better to do something completely different, and if it failed then at least they can say that they had tried? populating it with Evans's pals and seemingly poking fun at the old team who were useless at filming animals that it became an "in-joke" just speaks of desperation to me.

Chris Harris is on the main show next week, and he was somebody that I wanted on the show because even when he isn't driving he is right up there as a car journalist and presenter, just a shame he's not going to get his chance to shine, but hopefully this exposure will get more people to see the content he made before Top Gear.


Seeing Jenson in the car also made me think that he would actually be a pretty charismatic lead on a show like this.
Isn't that strange? Chris Evans was supposed to be road testing the car but it was Jenson Button who actually put it through its paces around the corners and sold you on it being a performance vehicle.
Evans is flat out terrible. Only watching this week since Le Blanc is pretty good.

Eddie Jordan is also awful. The guys on extra gear are so much better than jordan and Evans.


It was fun but the guests were atrocious aside from Tiny.

That 3rd presenter really reminds me of Germaine Greer.

Evan's shouting was at its worst during the Damien Lewis segment.


Kills Photobucket
I haven't watched anything yet. But is this likely to be the last season of Top Gear?

I wouldn't be surprised if they try to dump Evans, but I imagine they'll hang on for a few more seasons. Once the real Trio gets their show going, I have a feeling Top Gear will just become irrelevant.


My experiences with Chris Evans so far is 0/2.

Matt is pretty good and this ep was better than the premiere.


My experiences with Chris Evans so far is 0/2.

Matt is pretty good and this ep was better than the premiere.

This would be my view too. The 3 musical rando's was weird at first but kinda worked by the end, although it would have been awkward as hell if Sharleen (her band is Texas) won and crooned her pop songs to a pub crowd. The Durban segments were fantastic and beautiful to watch, albeit lite on the car talk. The celeb-in-a-car segment was overly long and cringe-y at times, they need to dump the "1st car / best car" bit, its awkward and bad time filler.

Its kinda funny seeing the tweets suggesting that Tinie Tempah replace Chris Evans as a host, but its absolutely true - he and Matt had some great chemistry and would be much more fun to watch together.


The segments are pretty good but I just don't think the studio parts are working too well. Too much forced audience participation and I'm not sure the larger sofa of guests is a better choice.

I am in same boat. I love the show's production and audio, all the camera angles. That I still enjoy. As soon as they go into the studio it sucks.

I could still watch this show, it just won't be the same. If the Amazon show is good, and I really hope it is, then it will take the crown pretty easily.


Not good news at all ratings wise

Chris Evans’ Top Gear suffered a big drop in its viewing figures for its second episode, drawing what is thought to be its lowest audience for at least a decade.

The BBC motoring show – worth £50m a year to the BBC in worldwide sales – lost a third of its audience, pulling in just 2.8 million viewers, a 14% share of the audience on Sunday night.

Evans had previously said he would be “disappointed” if the show drew less than 5 million ahead of its high profile return following the axing of Jeremy Clarkson last year.


A drop of a million's about what I was expecting from overnights. The first episode consolidated pretty well overall (I think the eventual reach was in the 8M ballpark?), so I'm curious to see how this one does.

I'd love to see the standard deviation for the AI figures.
If it's worth noting, episode one went up to 8 million views when catchup and iPlayer were added.

Obviously - that's not to say a third drop on overnights isn't a big deal at all. Comparably, not good at all. But it's going to be by the end of the series before we really get any sense of this.


Oooff. Big drop. Depends on iplayer figures I guess as the celeb football was on itv.

Thought the second episode was leagues above the first. Almost like a completely different show, which really, highlights a particular problem.

They seem to not have a set group of presenters. No core if you like. People just appear and disappear without much warning. Worst still, the presenters on Extra Gear are too worthy of being on the main show. Why are they stuck online?

Also, watch the second episode of Extra Gear for a completely different side to Evans, why on earth would you cut that from the main show? Madness.

Something seems to have gone really wrong in how they chop the material up over the two shows. Mashed together you've got a really decent spread of material, but someone is butchering it.

I really think Chris Harris should be the main host along with LaBlanc and Jordan.
Evans needs to take more of a backseat if they are going with this multi host format. He's in his element when there is a more claustrophobic zaniness to the live proceedings. Trouble is, the current studio stuff is not that format, and it's coming off as a bizarre mix between TFI and the One Show.

We know it's all scripted, so can't he actually play the producer role which is something we've not seen before on the show, setting up and giving the challenges to a disgruntled team?
Thought it dragged in places, but again not too bad. Even EJ wasn't too irritating. The new star interview format continues to suck. Can't they just have a normal chat?

Those who are new to Evans should watch the second Extra Gear.

why on earth would you cut that from the main show?
It didn't fit with the tone of the piece I guess.


Oooff. Big drop. Depends on iplayer figures I guess as the celeb football was on itv.

Soccer Aid isn't a massive rater (I'm hearing around 4M, but not sure if that's with +1 or not). Weather was good, though, that can be a factor - moreso with the 8pm start than it would have been with a 9pm start (something I'm surprised CE hasn't started tweeting about yet!)

The context is interesting, because the ratings are still very good for BBC2 - the first episode's going to top the week for the channel. But, yes, they're still similarly poor compared to Clarkson-era TG.

The big question now is whether this big drop is because a large number of people tried a single episode and decided it wasn't for them any more, or if it's a more worrying sign of a continual decline; staying in the vicinity of 3M is good, dropping further is bad. That said, there's two further components; iPlayer views (which seems to be the latest thing Evans is tweeting about - which feels a bit overly-protesting but is a reasonable point despite that) and overseas popularity; the latter's going to be tough to get a benchmark for for a while, I suspect.

Edit: Said latest tweet:

The way Top Gear is being viewed is repositioning the way television is consumed. Last week 9 millions viewers. This week we shall see.


Good episode I thought.

Matt is pretty excellent, I was skeptical about him but he's been the best thing about the show so far.

Only annoying thing was Chris in the studio, I don't mind him during the filmed segments but his studio bits are baaaad. I've always disliked the guest bits so no change for me on that front


It didn't fit with the tone of the piece I guess.

This is Top Gear though. part of it is supposed to sell you on the hosts love of cars. If you remove all the human element you get exactly the problems they are having now with host perception. It's not really a good idea to put all the more human stuff in a separate show :/

Remember Hammond and his love for that wreck he had on one of the foreign challenges, so much so that he imported it? That was good stuff.


Soccer Aid isn't a massive rater (I'm hearing around 4M, but not sure if that's with +1 or not). Weather was good, though, that can be a factor - moreso with the 8pm start than it would have been with a 9pm start (something I'm surprised CE hasn't started tweeting about yet!)

The context is interesting, because the ratings are still very good for BBC2 - the first episode's going to top the week for the channel. But, yes, they're still similarly poor compared to Clarkson-era TG.

The big question now is whether this big drop is because a large number of people tried a single episode and decided it wasn't for them any more, or if it's a more worrying sign of a continual decline; staying in the vicinity of 3M is good, dropping further is bad. That said, there's two further components; iPlayer views (which seems to be the latest thing Evans is tweeting about - which feels a bit overly-protesting but is a reasonable point despite that) and overseas popularity; the latter's going to be tough to get a benchmark for for a while, I suspect.

Edit: Said latest tweet:

He does have a point though. Episode 1 is still at #12 on iPlayer and last night's episode is #1.

iPlayer puts up some serious viewing figures these days.
I really enjoyed that episode so that's 2 for 2 for me. Not bad. The studio bits are piffle but the pre-recorded stuff has been great. Seeing Eddie Jordan get shamed into silence was gold, gold i say! :)


He does have a point though. Episode 1 is still at #12 on iPlayer and last night's episode is #1.

iPlayer puts up some serious viewing figures these days.

Yeah, sorry, I meant to convey that I thought there was a fair point there - just the tone of how he's tweeting it feels a bit iffy.

There are programs that do better on iPlayer than they do on broadcast.


Unconfirmed Member
I enjoyed last nights episode. The "banter" still feels a bit forced but that aside, I thought it was a good hours entertainment.

I actually admire the nerve it took to start the show with a voiceover, "Tonight, I get even more shouty!"
I find Evans' iPlayer related damage control tweets to be particularly annoying as several other BBC shows "repositioned" the way TV is consumed in the UK way before Top Gear, most notably Doctor Who, which really marked the iPlayer-heavy switch a good six fucking years ago.

That said - yeesh, the overnights for episode 2 are brutal, eh? I hope for their sake the iPlayer numbers don't match up to that.
This is Top Gear though. part of it is supposed to sell you on the hosts love of cars. If you remove all the human element you get exactly the problems they are having now with host perception. It's not really a good idea to put all the more human stuff in a separate show :/

Remember Hammond and his love for that wreck he had on one of the foreign challenges, so much so that he imported it? That was good stuff.
Yeah I can understand that, but I think it was the right choice in this case. There wasn't time to dwell on the F1 when there was an original Long Tail to drive, and even that didn't warrant much airtime when the story is about the 675LT. I think it would've been such a short clip that it may have even had the opposite effect, with people wondering what the hell that was about, or that is was forced, etc.
Mark me down as another who quite enjoyed this episode. Still want Evans to be replaced, but he was more tolerable.

LeBlancs "no, I'm serious, you're not driving" segment was actually hilarious.

I also liked the idea of having more guests on the show, especially during road trips.


Unconfirmed Member
Having 3 or 4 guests on at the same time is something that better suits Chris Evans as an interviewer, I think. He can be the ringleader who gets them talking with and about each other. He does it every Friday morning on his radio show and it works well. It's maybe unrealistic to expect them to get so many guests on Top Gear every single week though.

Think I'm already seeing something that could work as a recurring theme with the challenges. That Matt LeBlanc would probably win every time if someone wasn't cheating to beat him.

I'm a bit surprised that Chris Harris couldn't be on Extra Gear last night because he was taking part in a special race event. Surely that's the kind of thing that should be covered on the show? Maybe it'll be on next week.
This episode was better, but I'm not sure it's really good.

Evans is a rich guy who likes buying fast cars. I'm not convinced that he knows or cares enough about them to be a host. It feels too much like a regular news show where they take the news reporter on [some extreme sport event] and he get's predictably overwhelmed by it all. The Jensen Button bit reinforces this.

The hosts also lack opinions on their cars. They don't need to copy the old trio's personas but they need to understand that a Top Gear group test is pitched like a debating contest. Each host defends their assignment, regardless of their true beliefs. Towards the end they might begrudgingly accept arguments from the others, and reluctantly concede defeat at the end.

Richard Hammond doesn't actually hate Mercedes and Jaguar, but for the purpose of a 'group test', he's would've argued that his Porsche is so good that it's finally time we forgave Germany for the two world wars and David Hasslehof's signing career (or some other hyperbolic argument). Meanwhile Clarkson would be decrying it as a '911-on-stilts', while James would be calling the Jag the only true choice of a refined English gentleman.

All I really got from this weeks segment was that they had three good cars, and maybe the Merc was a bit less powerful than the others?

They need Harris or Rory on the show to act as the car guys. Evans could still work as the "I don't care if it lacks a double-clutch and limited-slip diff, just look at that bodywork" guy.
It could make for good chemistry to have Harris as the guy who knows a bit too much about cars, and Evans as the guy who just wants to have fun nd doesn't care about the detail.


Yeah I can understand that, but I think it was the right choice in this case. There wasn't time to dwell on the F1 when there was an original Long Tail to drive, and even that didn't warrant much airtime when the story is about the 675LT. I think it would've been such a short clip that it may have even had the opposite effect, with people wondering what the hell that was about, or that is was forced, etc.

Oh, I definitely agree with you on timing. It's just the Extra Gear piece was 100% more engaging than the entire Top Gear piece(apart from the Jensen Button bit.) Same high production values except now it's a bit soulless.


Thought it dragged in places, but again not too bad. Even EJ wasn't too irritating. The new star interview format continues to suck. Can't they just have a normal chat?

I was amazed. He looked drugged. Based on his F1 pieces I was fully expecting him to out-irritate Evans but he was quite subdued.

The producers should do everything in their power to get JB back though. He's a natural.

Edit: if Ep 2 is indicative of the standard going forward then I'm OK with that. The producers fucked up with episode 1 though, as it was awful and probably scared a lot of people away for good. They should have led with the content in episode 2.


Chili Con Carnage!
I really like Matt, he gets the tone down perfectly without sounding like he's trying to rip it off, which is the hole Chris falls into.

I thought Jenson Button made a better host than Chris in his 90 seconds of air time last night to be honest, let him run out his F1 contract, get him some intensive broadcasting lessons and put him on air.


Enjoyed Jenson pratting in the McLaren, LeBlanc telling Jordan off was funny, I seem to be one of the few people who finds Eddie Jordan entertaining. The race at the end was tense, the rest of the episode was a bit meh.
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