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Touhou Community Thread | Highly Responsive to Posts

Do we know whether 15.5 is gonna be more like the more traditional fighting games or the aerial shooting ones that are more recent?

Looking up the series spinoff titles I thought the former looked pretty cool so I'd love to be able to get into a new one as it releases, especially if it gets a PS4 release like some fangames have.

It's likely we'll get another game in the vein of HM and ULiL if it's true we're getting the whole ULiL cast back.

Basically another aerial fighter with some other new gimmick to keep things interesting.
Assuming the final boss(es) are a tag team of 2 new characters, that leaves 3 other slots. If I had to guess pairings for the existing characters:

Reimu - Kasen
Marisa - Nitori
Ichirin - Byakuren
Futo - Miko
Koishi - Kokoro
Mokou - Sumireko

That leaves Shinmyoumaru, Mamizou and Reisen without partners. Soooo best case scenario:

Shinmyoumaru - Seija (plzplzplz)
Mamizou - Nue (plzplzplz)
Reisen - Kaguya (plz)


This Frisk vs Sakuya (Undertale vs Touhou) animation showed up in Youtube's search results earlier this week.
I decided to watch it on a whim, and was pleasantly surprised that it was actually good.
The animator is clearly familiar with the canon and fanon behind both characters and their games, and the video itself turns the traditional "VS battle animation" on its head through clever use of game mechanics. The presentation, graphics, and effects are on-point as well.


New game announced!


Touhou 16 "Hidden Star in Four Seasons" announced! Playable Cirno, Aya, Reimu, Marisa: http://kourindou.exblog.jp/25711799/




That tanned Cirno is all kinds of wrong

But I'll take playable Aya

ZUN realized he can use skin tones other than ghostly white! Wow :eek:

I like how the ice fairy is the summer character lol.

i guess she's acceptable only for this, his art has just been getting worst since UFO


bahaha I didn't realize "Tanned Cirno" was the actual term that ZUN used in his post.
Really nice to see more new protagonists in a mainline Touhou game.

Someone speculated that each character is associated with one of the four seasons. Reimu=Spring, Marisa=Winter, Cirno=Summer and Aya=Fall.
Though I'm wondering how and why Cirno ended up with Summer in the first place.

Also Rensenware was featured on a Youtube channel dedicated to showcasing malware. It includes a little bit of gameplay as well, haha.

Edit: This is the first Touhou game with a five-word subtitle. HSiFS.


I'm hype for playable Aya. I wonder if she'll be keeping her shottype from POFV

It's good ZUN wants to go back to the basics in terms of gameplay, especially after pointdevice. His description on the story seems a bit more cryptic though. I suspect we'll at least see a return to the usual "first three bosses are unrelated to the plot" (compared to LoLK where I think all the characters were basically related, even though you only faced the culprits in Stage 5, 6 and EX)


minusT released his latest Touhou 3D animation: Subterranean Stars.

Absolutely astounding. Not only is it an exceptionally high quality Touhou fanvideo, it ranks among the very best video game fanmade 3D animations, ever. It deserves its own thread on GAF, imo.


Well yeah.


In this incident it's two-for-one?

The still-ongoing influence of the urban legends has brought about a new incident.
In this incident two people are one!? In that case, we'll have to resolve it together!

Create the baddest pair using Perfect Possession!

This is an incident where one person will spontaneously change places with somebody else, called "Perfect Possession".
The playable characters are paired up as "Master" and "Slave", and you can manipulate this designation at will.

The player will choose a pair of "Master" and "Slave", and will fight together while switching between each other as a danmaku tag battle. A Slave can lend the Master her power, occasionally pull her out of a tough spot, and be disposed in times of emergency. Such duels of love, friendship and exploitation will soon unfold.


Touhou Tag fighter? Hype. I hope NISA puts this on a console. Either way I'm in. The Touhou fighters are all very unique and worth studying.


Looking up ULiL clips on youtube I'm not sold on the gameplay but visually the game looks gorgeous. If the new one is basically that+teams I'd be willing to give it a chance so long as they bring it to PS4.


Just looked up some Urban Legend in Limbo stuff and had no idea this was for PS4 or that it even existed. Looks closer to a Genso Rondo sorta vibe than a fighter vibe but that is not a deal breaker considering I love aerial combat fighters too!

It looks like you have to communicate with the servers in japan or it crashes though...its not region locked but that'd make it unplayable if the region doesn't connect to mine like it did for many. Does anyone here have the PS4 Urban Legend in Limbo in America? I'd love to buy a copy. If it doesn't work for PS4 I hear the PC version has an english patch I can install as well but I'm not certain it has the extra PS4 content.


That tanned Cirno is all kinds of wrong

i guess she's acceptable only for this, his art has just been getting worst since UFO

You can really tell that he's doing his own art again. Maybe we'll go back to having truly good mainline Touhous again.

No one can convince me that the last one was good.
Just looked up some Urban Legend in Limbo stuff and had no idea this was for PS4 or that it even existed. Looks closer to a Genso Rondo sorta vibe than a fighter vibe but that is not a deal breaker considering I love aerial combat fighters too!

It looks like you have to communicate with the servers in japan or it crashes though...its not region locked but that'd make it unplayable if the region doesn't connect to mine like it did for many. Does anyone here have the PS4 Urban Legend in Limbo in America? I'd love to buy a copy. If it doesn't work for PS4 I hear the PC version has an english patch I can install as well but I'm not certain it has the extra PS4 content.

can't comment on the PS4 release specifics, but I can say the PC version doesn't have the extra PS4 content (which really boils down to one extra character and her story). There's an English patch for the PC version, but I'm not sure whether it's compatible with the current version of the game.


can't comment on the PS4 release specifics, but I can say the PC version doesn't have the extra PS4 content (which really boils down to one extra character and her story). There's an English patch for the PC version, but I'm not sure whether it's compatible with the current version of the game.
The current English patch is built off of version 1.32. The latest version of the game is 1.40. They have different th145b.pak files so I'm not sure how well they can coexist.




1cc'd Imperishable Night (Final B) and beat the Extra.

IN is a really nice step up from the previous games. Music is the best in the series thus far, doing a regular clear is more involved thanks to the time mechanic, the focus/unfocus dynamic is much more interesting with enemy attacks acting differently depending on whether you're focused or not and team shot-types being so different, you can play as best girls Marisa+Alice at the same time, stage 4 is perfection, there're two stage 6's, and amazingly ZUN's art doesn't suck for once. I mean, it's still ZUN art, but compared to the previous two games there's a definite improvement. Even the title screen looks good with that cool Reimu art.

Oh and SPELL PRACTICE. When I was playing EoSD, I thought to myself "it'd be nice if I could practice individual spellcards. I wonder if that was ever added in a later game?" Thrilled to see it only took 2 games for this to be a thing. And it's way better than I could've imagined, with little dev notes for every spell you clear, a bunch of stats, and even a pseudo-achievement system through the Last Words. Wow.

The game was admittedly a little easier to 1cc than usual, though I felt it was more due to the systems (freeze frame on death, spell practice) than the bullet patterns being less difficult. Spell practice also made Mokou pretty interesting, turning each of her spells into less of a dodging test and more of a puzzle. For a lot of her cards, once I spent enough time in spell practice I was able to figure out the flaw in the pattern and make them pretty easy. Except Fujiyama Volcano, fuck that card.

Best Touhou game yet.


Enjoy the spell cards practice, because they aren't there for 10, 11, and 12. And believe me, it made me pretty unhappy.


Congrats! IN was my first 1CC :D (on normal)

Personally I really like its music, and I put it on par with MoF in that department. Both games have amazing tracks imo.

Music is in IN is godlike, even the stage 1 and 2 boss themes make me pause and think "daaaang this music."

Can't decide whether I like Maiden's Capriccio~Dream Battle or Love Colored Master Spark best, they're both so good.

The only downside to playing as Reimu in IN is you don't get to hear her amazing boss theme.

Well, that and you're playing as Reimu. She's a grade a Bitch in Marisa's route.

You. I like you.

Reimu is a total asshole. She does have a really fun fight though.

Enjoy the spell cards practice, because they aren't there for 10, 11, and 12. And believe me, it made me pretty unhappy.

Did I say 8 was the best game yet? I meant best game period. Anything lacking spell practice is automatically inferior.


Normal throws confirmed.

Custom pairings and character switching/assists also confirmed, but I missed the stream so I don't know the details.
Hoo boy.

Edit: Gameplay. Credit to cuc for the link.
Shared healthbar, full control of tagged-in characters, but the "slave" character is limited by some sort of "perfect possession" meter.
Projectiles can now be fired passively while moving/flying.
Multiple spellcards behave more like delayed hyper-combos rather than team hyper-combos.
Plenty of room for Mahvel-like shenanigans.
for the sake of contributing, I'm here to bring you all news of the new characters in Touhou 16: Hidden Star in Four Seasons!

1) Etanity Larva

She's a butterfly youkai and the boss of the first stage, apparently she's a fairy like Cirno. I believe her title translates to "Butterfly Fairy near the shrine", though this may be incorrect so feel free to bring more correct translations as they come.

2) Sakata Nemuno

She's a mountain hag youkai, the boss of the second stage. These types of youkais have reached an agreement with the tengu to live isolated, and as such they do not interact with the world outside their home much at all. Get a load of that big knife.

3) Komano Aunn

A youkai seemingly based on the Chinese guardian lion, the boss of the third stage. She is very cute holy moly look at how cute she is that pose is so cute and I love her and

Now I shall link to some gameplay! Here's a run of the trial on Lunatic with Cirno, if you want to watch.

I look forward to more news for both upcoming games, and I hope you all bear with me here if I didn't provide much info on the new characters, I'm just stating what I know at the time of typing this. Feel free to check the r/touhou subreddit on Reddit, as well as various other imageboards and forums for more information if you'd like.

And yes, her name is spelled "Etanity" without an 'r'.


Mountain hag but still looks like a kid. :p

That subsystem with the petals reminds me of PCB. Any details as to how it works?
That subsystem with the petals reminds me of PCB. Any details as to how it works?
Didn't really experiment with it much, but it seems like you have a kind of separate bomb that builds up through collecting petals. Using it puts out a circle around your character briefly that turns incoming bullets into more petals. It builds up to lv 6 then resets on use, and the higher the level when used, the larger the circle (lv 6 is full-screen).

edit: Turns out there's much more to it. See: https://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php/topic,20728.msg1340337.html#msg1340337

Too early to have any proper thoughts on the gameplay, music or characters yet, but the stage 3 theme was probably my favourite of the bunch.


Sakata Nemuno looks like my favorite of the revealed characters. She's got an interesting aesthetic that I don't feel like a lot of other Touhou characters have. And I like the ribbon on the knife, I feel like ribbons where they don't make sense is classic ZUN (like with Shikieiki's deisgn).

Komano Aunn looks silly but in a good way (first time I saw her, I thought she was wearing a Hawaiian shirt lol). She's an easy second while Etanity is just meh, too overdesigned. There's too many little details all over the design, though she does have an interesting silhouette

Haven't tried the demo or the music yet, but I'm hoping for good things. Especially the music, I've really liked the music since 14 and 15


Sakata Nemuno looks like my favorite of the revealed characters. She's got an interesting aesthetic that I don't feel like a lot of other Touhou characters have. And I like the ribbon on the knife, I feel like ribbons where they don't make sense is classic ZUN (like with Shikieiki's deisgn).

Komano Aunn looks silly but in a good way (first time I saw her, I thought she was wearing a Hawaiian shirt lol). She's an easy second while Etanity is just meh, too overdesigned. There's too many little details all over the design, though she does have an interesting silhouette

Haven't tried the demo or the music yet, but I'm hoping for good things. Especially the music, I've really liked the music since 14 and 15

Nemuno has actual discernible boobs :p

But I really like Komano's design.


This game's subsystem is awesome due to the shottype customization alone. The flashbombing/release mechanic looks to be really fun as well.


Nemuno has actual discernible boobs :p

But I really like Komano's design.

I noticed, that wasn't what I was referring to though

It's a bit hard to explain but it's the combination garish colors, her lanky limbs and the messy hair. It makes her feel really *unrefined* (for lack of a better word) especially compared to how characters are usually designed in the series.

I really like the look. It stands out, it also fits with the isolated mountain hag look, in my opinion of course. Too bad I get the feeling most fan artists are just gonna latch on to the visible boobs though lol


I noticed, that wasn't what I was referring to though

It's a bit hard to explain but it's the combination garish colors, her lanky limbs and the messy hair. It makes her feel really *unrefined* (for lack of a better word) especially compared to how characters are usually designed in the series.

I really like the look. It stands out, it also fits with the isolated mountain hag look, in my opinion of course. Too bad I get the feeling most fan artists are just gonna latch on to the visible boobs though lol

I know what you mean. In a series where every character design is very symbolic, stylized with very deliberate flairs, Nemuno is just plain and ragged (besides those weird diamond holes, which don't really point to anything relating to a mountain hag?). And she's holding a cleaver, which has a pretty threatening connotation compared to some of the weapons other characters use.


I read up on the translated character bios and I'm starting to like Komanu more. It's always cool to see more friendly/neutral youkai like Kokoro and Kogasa. Also, her personality as well as her explicitly hanging around places of faith gives her a lot of potential in fan works, in my opinion.

I'm still about the same on Nemuno after reading up on her. Her being a very primitive individual in a race of already isolated youkai makes her design all the more fitting. But I can't say I'm not a bit disappointed by that. I still think she has a lot of potential (for some reason, I feel like Nemuno and Seija could be an interesting duo) but it's no guarantee she'll actually be used much. Which is a shame, I really like her design.

As for Etarnity. Eteranity is still just meh. I do like the tidbit on fairies going berserk during incidents (because I'm always a sucker for more lore). That's about it. Haven't really gotten a chance to properly play the game yet. I got up to Stage 1 before my computer crashed on me (wasn't sure if it was the game, or something else though).

The menu music is certainly interesting. Not sure if I like it yet, though the last main menu theme that stuck with me was Ten Desire's one.

I know what you mean. In a series where every character design is very symbolic, stylized with very deliberate flairs, Nemuno is just plain and ragged (besides those weird diamond holes, which don't really point to anything relating to a mountain hag?). And she's holding a cleaver, which has a pretty threatening connotation compared to some of the weapons other characters use.

Yeah I'm not really sure about the diamonds at all. It feels like ZUN's been adding more of those weird skirt flourishes in recent games (like with Kokoro's skirt holes, Wakasagihime's robes and Sagume's weird jags), and Nemuno just happened to be the one hit with it this game

And yep, the crude looking cleaver is a pretty unique element. I think that, along with the silly ribbon is what sells me on the design.
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