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Trump: ‘Look at My African-American Over Here’

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Meh. 'My' can mean 'my friend' which is the context here. But keep on firing at the wrong targets. Clinton showed what needs to be done - take him front and centre - not this pathetic skirmishing 'oh no' nonsense.

how often do you go around saying "oh, here's my white, and my mexican."

if you were friends you'd say their fucking names

stop defending this bullshit


Trump on seeing a black guy at one of his rallies:


I hate the phrase 'African American' its based on eye sight and that in itself is ignorant of the range of peoples in the world or the range of peoples in Africa. Black would have been a lot better, but you also can't say Black Americans do not feel part of their identity is being Black. So to me I see no disrespect here, hes acknowledging a Black audience member - and yeah him being black does actually mean something. Its just a thanks.

As I say people need to focus on the actual policy stuff with Trump; this constant sidelining is a waste of time and focus.

Did you watch the video?

He's parading around a black person like an animal. Like, look dudes, I have a black friend, and he's behaving.

You keep talking of this context, but it's literally all in the video for you to glaze over. I suggest you watch it. Or maybe this is lost upon you, I dunno.

Point is, you can focus on both Trump's shitty policies and his shitty nature. Humans can multitask, and not only that, from a non-political standpoint, it's dehumanizing a race fullstop. Sorry if I feel like that should be spoken out against. Same thing when he referred to that judge as a Mexican - that shit is unnecessary in today's age and shouldn't fly.


People are voting for this guy in massive numbers and want him in charge of the executive branch of government.


Absolutely. Trump is normalizing racism, bigotry, and xenophobia. When he entered the race there was outrage at his comments. Nine months later it is unsurprising to see a story where, for instance, Trump says that a Hispanic judge is unable to oversee his trial because of his ethnicity. This is now normal in America.

Which is exactly my problem with these kinds of posts:

You guys really feed into Trump don't you

Not any better than using the victims of the cop on black shootings for photo ops like Hillary did, then dropping them when it was convenient.

These people are nothing but trash

Meh. 'My' can mean 'my friend' which is the context here. But keep on firing at the wrong targets. Clinton showed what needs to be done - take him front and centre - not this pathetic skirmishing 'oh no' nonsense.

They want us to act like this can and should be normalized, as if it shouldn't be called out, brought to light, hammered on just because Trump says it so much, or because they can't help themselves but draw a false equivalency with some other candidate.

Fuck. That.

I refuse to normalize this and take it "sitting down and behaving".


People are voting for this guy in massive numbers and want him in charge of the executive branch of government.

As long as he loses, this is going to go down historically as some kind of weird fever dream political era for America. 20 years from now somebody will make a miniseries about this election, and people will be completely flooded by how many ridiculous things actually happened. "No, no, they had to make that up!"


Which is exactly my problem with these kinds of posts:

They want us to act like this can and should be normalized, as if it shouldn't be called out, brought to light, hammered on just because Trump says it so much, or because they can't help themselves but draw a false equivalency with some other candidate.

Fuck. That.

I refuse to normalize this and take it "sitting down and behaving".

Not any better than using the victims of the cop on black shootings for photo ops like Hillary did, then dropping them when it was convenient.

These people are nothing but trash
How has Hillary Clinton dropped support for Mothers of the Movement, Inuhanyou? I am sure that isn't a baseless remark on your part and you actually have a reason for comparing Trump to Clinton. Please explain.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
how often do you go around saying "oh, here's my white, and my mexican."

if you were friends you'd say their fucking names

stop defending this bullshit

I think he was saying that to set up the story about a black guy punching an unhooded KKK member that ended up making the crowd think the black guy was starting trouble, but they were wrong because they couldn't tell the dude was a KKK member.

That's the reason, but it's still stupid.


how often do you go around saying "oh, here's my white, and my mexican."

if you were friends you'd say their fucking names

stop defending this bullshit

I think if he weren't white he would and identifying a Mexican Mexican is not exactly controversial. Fact we're going around in circles is exactly why these arguments are terrible.

Time and time again Trump says something that kicks this off but he always says it so generally. Enough to play the centre in language if that makes sense. I don't think hes a motormouth - and I think people need to just move on and deal with the issues at hand.

End of the day this adds nothing new to perceptions of Trump. That's not defending anything.
End of the day this adds nothing new to perceptions of Trump. That's not defending anything.

You're right. It's not anything new. It entrenches perceptions.

And that's the saddest thing. That a guy who shows so many signs of racism, so many signs of misogyny and of bigotry, can merely get a "meh, focus on what matters" from you. You've either become desensitized to fucked-up drivel, participate in it yourself, or don't care.

All of those are bad looks.
If Trump can get away with so much before he has any power or command of the US military, imagine the fuckries he'd get away with if he was voted into the white house?

"If I had a son, he'd probably look like George Zimmerman".


Not any better than using the victims of the cop on black shootings for photo ops like Hillary did, then dropping them when it was convenient.

These people are nothing but trash

You do know she was just with them on Mother's day right?


In honor of Mother’s Day, Clinton taped an appearance for VH1’s Dear Mama special during which she addressed Lucy McBath, mother of Jordan Davis, who was killed by a man at a gas station who didn’t like how loud the music Davis’ music was. McBath is the founder of Mothers of the Movement, a group of moms who have lost children to gun violence and who work for gun law reform. Clinton has met with the organization in the past.

But both sides are the same right?


Where have you been? Racism, bigotry and xenophobia have been normalized in this country since Day Zero. Nothing's changed. Trump is just shining a light on how acceptable it still is to so many people.

I'm aware that America was built on this stuff, and it's been there throughout our history, but we made great progress too. Four years ago the nominee for the Republican Party could not have made the statements that Donald Trump makes each week. Open racism had been pushed out of the public sphere. That's not me saying that racism was dead, or that other forms of discrimination were dead, just that it was no longer publicly acceptable in traditional form.

Donald Trump has almost singlehandedly made it ok to be an open bigot again. He has changed the conversation from suggestive language to clear hatred. I know it's easy to blow things out of proportion but if anything I think Americans should be MORE angry over Trump, not less.

Which is exactly my problem with these kinds of posts:

They want us to act like this can and should be normalized, as if it shouldn't be called out, brought to light, hammered on just because Trump says it so much, or because they can't help themselves but draw a false equivalency with some other candidate.

Fuck. That.

I refuse to normalize this and take it "sitting down and behaving".

I agree.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I mean it could have been a lot worse, he could have jabbed his finger at the black guy and just screamed,"GET'EM BOYS!"

Edit: I'm not even joking with how crazed some of his rallies can get. Trump could probably incite a public lynching if he really riled up the most unhinged of his base, he's already having an effect on hate groups and other bigoted loons.


Not any better than using the victims of the cop on black shootings for photo ops like Hillary did, then dropping them when it was convenient.

These people are nothing but trash

Oh man, you're recent political thread posts are the pinnacle of shitposting.


Trump "And the difference between us on the first point of that is?

Well, atleast i don't want to knock over yet another foreign country for another nation building experiment, putting us directly against the government and the rebels of that nation, directly in contact with our biggest rivals Russia over an indefinite no fly zone.

Also, Israel is great, absolutely love it. I went to Aipac, i even have some Jews on my staff doing my tax returns

And about the nuking thing, i'll have great people on it, like John Bolton who said nuking Japan was the best thing ever a few days ago...trust me, it'll be great and everyone will love it."

Bernie : "Oh my god, this is a shit show, America, what is this"

Jill Stein : "You aint 100% perfect Bernie, but i readily agree with you on a majority of what you say -shakes head-"
I want to see more of this, upending the system and shining a light on the crusty molded underside.

It feels like we are in the emerald city and the man behind the curtain refuses to come clean
What won't she lie about? seems like people really can't afford to defend the indefensible anymore just to perpetuate a narrative.

Or, did Trump's checks clear?

You just walk in, take a uninformed dump in the middle of the thread, then exit stage left before people can call you on your bull.


And THIS is the guy some people want as our US leader???

I cannot even imagine the amount of insults and faux pas he will do while speaking to foreign dignitaries and countries. He may inadvertently start wars because of some backhanded insult to a crowd. What a buffoon.


I think if he weren't white he would and identifying a Mexican Mexican is not exactly controversial. Fact we're going around in circles is exactly why these arguments are terrible.

Time and time again Trump says something that kicks this off but he always says it so generally. Enough to play the centre in language if that makes sense. I don't think hes a motormouth - and I think people need to just move on and deal with the issues at hand.

End of the day this adds nothing new to perceptions of Trump. That's not defending anything.

What does ignoring it solve exactly?


Okay, I appreciate the link...

But the person in the Klan hat was a woman, and this dude beat the shit out of someone else.

Outside of the gross "one of the good ones" implications of this moment of this speech, he can't even get his story right.

Well yes, he got the facts wrong, which is not surprising. But he was referring to an actual event in his own special Trump way.
Trump said:
We had a case where we had an African American guy who was a fan of mine. Great fan. Great GUY!

It's so weird how he emphasized "guy," as if he felt he had to remind himself that African Americans were people too....

And then it's like "Oh there's an African American guy here! See people, I love African Americans, they love me too."

The whole thing is awkward as heck.
What does ignoring it solve exactly?

It's called acceptance. It's a step towards okaying this shit with lame excuses like "hurr it doesn't affect him".

Who cares. Put that shit on blast. If we ignore it, shit like this continues to exists and then we get to a point where we wonder how it happened.

Ivan 3414

Which is exactly my problem with these kinds of posts:

They want us to act like this can and should be normalized, as if it shouldn't be called out, brought to light, hammered on just because Trump says it so much, or because they can't help themselves but draw a false equivalency with some other candidate.

Fuck. That.

I refuse to normalize this and take it "sitting down and behaving".

What do you mean, normalizing? This is nothing new. Trump is capitalizing on the ire of blue collar Americans who are upset about the direction the country is going. But this wasn't created when Trump ran for president; it was simply revealed. I'm not saying this shouldn't be called out, but I don't see why you would get so upset every time Trump says something racist or bigoted because you're worried about it being normalized. You're too late. It already is normalized. What we're looking at is the ugly face of America. But it's still America in the flesh.
There's so many layers to this.

Have we confirmed it's even the same guy? If it is, he committed an act of violence against a protester. He's anything but "behaved".

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