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Trump: ‘Look at My African-American Over Here’

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i feel like he's just a male Sarah Palin, but gets more respect for no good reason.

Palin got stumped and looked like she had no clue what was going on. Trump is the same but he never looks stumped. He just deflects and takes control of an interview. If he says something stupid and it pops up later on he just denies he said it with conviction and moves on.


Trump is the politician most disliked by people of color anywhere.

"These gaffes have no effect!" people have no observation skills.
Yup, his bullshit with flop spectacularly in the much more diverse general election.

These same people will be shocked and awed how he lost despite his success in the GOP primaries (decided by racists).


In November, when the journalists are done propping this circus up and the people have spoken, there will be article after article about how demographics doomed Trump all along, and those of us who've maintained some common sense throughout this ordeal will say "No shit, Sherlock".


i feel like he's just a male Sarah Palin, but gets more respect for no good reason.

The video I watched touched on how he knows how to manipulate the media and people due to his reality tv experience. In other words, people are simply entertained because he knows how to entertain. As you can tell by GAF and the amount of threads about him....he obviously does. Still a piece of shit.

Republican mods please don't ban me.
In November, when the journalists are done propping this circus up and the people have spoken, there will be article after article about how demographics doomed Trump all along, and those of us who've maintained some common sense throughout this ordeal will say "No shit, Sherlock".

Yeah, and the GOP will do one great big pivot and collectively disown him, hoping that everyone will forget that they already did a massive pivot to get behind him after months of calling him a sociopath.


Yep. And since they have poor numbers with African Americans, this will make it so we will never have another republican president for decades.
It really is amazing how little history people know. It really is astonishing.

The natural equilibrium of the two-party system and the inevitable downturn of a fairly cyclical economy makes your statement unlikely at best.
In November, when the journalists are done propping this circus up and the people have spoken, there will be article after article about how demographics doomed Trump all along, and those of us who've maintained some common sense throughout this ordeal will say "No shit, Sherlock".

Until of course we read the page six articles about how crazy xenophobes whipped up by a Trump candidacy have ridden this wave at the local/state government level and have somehow made life even more intolerable for marginalized communities. Then we'll know how insidious the damage from Trumps rhetorical Johnny Racistseed tour is long after we've pushed him away from the White House with a howitzer.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Oh man, you're recent political thread posts are the pinnacle of shitposting.

You just walk in, take a uninformed dump in the middle of the thread, then exit stage left before people can call you on your bull.

He just did it again. Someone should potty train him.


God damn, Ana Navarro just roasted Trump on CNN. Have to give her huge ass credit. That was awesome to watch, someone stepping up.
I thibj scary part about this whole election is that who ever wins could ignite a civil war with how deep the lines between the conservatives and liberals are now.
God damn, Ana Navarro just roasted Trump on CNN. Have to give her huge ass credit. That was awesome to watch, someone stepping up.

I just saw that. Oh my goodness. You could see the pure emotion.

Donald Trump is taking every minority in his party, spitting on them, and expecting them to vote for him. When Anna Navarro, Miss Republican Party Line, can't spin it away, you've dun goofed. The guy tried the "I'm voting against Hillary, not for Trump" bullshit, and she wasn't having it at all.


I just saw that. Oh my goodness. You could see the pure emotion.

Donald Trump is taking every minority in his party, spitting on them, and expecting them to vote for him. When Anna Navarro, Miss Republican Party Line, can't spin it away, you've dun goofed. The guy tried the "I'm voting against Hillary, not for Trump" bullshit, and she wasn't having it at all.

Wow, she is a Republican? Even more respect for her. Can't believe I'd say that to a Republican.


Junior Member
I'm sure Hispanic and Black Republicans are starting to feel like LGBT Republicans.

Surprise! Your political party hates you!


I'm sure Hispanic and Black Republicans are starting to feel like LGBT Republicans.

Surprise! Your political party hates you!

They don't hate the good ones. AKA the rich ones especially those that look down on other and their own minority.


This is absolutely disgusting...This guy is gonna take the US a hundred years back..If not worse..

As of right now, he's not doing anything he hasn't been doing before. Nothing we haven't seen at various points in history (no matter how sad in 2016 it is). Nothing that isn't already there.

That is why it is so important for whoever (almost 100% Hilary at this point) to crush him utterly in the GE (she's gonna), and through him, the people he stands for. Make those people realize that a candidate that represents that hate and that prejudice has no place in the GE and never will. Make them feel disenfranchised and hopeless and unable to be "properly" represented by a presidential candidate ever again (unless they stop being so horribly bigoted, but I won't hold my breath there).

That'd be the best possible outcome at this point. Make them feel defeated and then they can retreat back into their holes and leave the innocents alone.
I'd say they're still deep in their "the only vote that matters is the white male vote" bubble.
It's getting really annoying, frankly. Just because your dad likes "some of the things he says" doesn't mean he's driving this moderating force that can sweep him into the White House. Might just mean that your dad is an asshole, AND that you're assuming minorities won't vote.


Would anything change if Trump straight up used the N-word onstage?

That might be the most polarizing moment if it happened. Supporters who are too entrenched would have to dig deeper to support him, while others are driven back to the 'middle' until they can watch enough Fox News debates on how "white people should be able to say the n-word, too!"


Would anything change if Trump straight up used the N-word onstage?

I seriously doubt it. The Trump defenders would be in that thread talking about how the word is mainstream now as it's in lots of music and said as a sign of friendship between two people.

That might be the most polarizing moment if it happened. Supporters who are too entrenched would have to dig deeper to support him, while others are driven back to the 'middle' until they can watch enough Fox News debates on how "white people should be able to say the n-word, too!"

Also this.
I see Trump is letting us know whites will be owning us again when he gets elected.

Thanks Trump for at least letting us know a head of time!
Trump shouldn't be telling stories about racists getting attacked at his rally's, he's gonna scare away most of his supporters!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Trump's hit a point where I really don't think it would matter. Would him saying that make him any worse than he already is?
Not substantively, but it would be so explicit that it'd be very difficult for those voters trying to rationalize Trump to themselves.


This is really getting embarrassing now. GOP should disown him immediately, let Hillary win. This guy is going to destroy the party.
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