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Visceral Games: We're keen to continue with Dead Space at a later date

German friend of mine translated for me. I just hope they put it back in the right direction. More 1 and 2, less 3.

In an interview with Visceral Games General Manager Steve Papoutsis:
"Dead Space is near and dear to a lot of people here and has a definite place in our hearts. Right now we're currently busy with Hardline and other stuff, but it is something we want to look again at the right time."
"We're definitely very keen to continue with Dead Space at a later date."
Via: http://www.play3.de/2015/03/06/dead-space-visceral-games-wurde-die-reihe-gerne-fortsetzen/

Rough Google translate: https://translate.google.com/transl...ie-reihe-gerne-fortsetzen/&edit-text=&act=url


Membero Americo
I hope that Star Wars game they are rumored to be working on is somewhat like 1313.



I have 0 doubt there will be a Dead Space 4 at one point this gen(They're making Mirror's Edge 2 for god's sake).

My concern is that it'll be co-op again, be riddled with micro-transactions and lack the tense and awesome atmosphere that made Dead Space 1 and to a lesser extent DS2 really memorable/awesome games.

Dead Space 3 was easily one of the most disappointing games I played last gen, because I loved Dead Space 1 & 2 to death.
I agree.

More like 1 and 2.

Nothing like 3 at all. In any way, shape, or form.

I personally prefer Dead Space 2 over the original, so that is my preferred template.
I can't say I'm thrilled if the series is going to continue in the direction of DS3. They should just Blomkamp it out of existence.


Hopefully Dead Space 1-2 (Fuck Number 3) are some of my favourite Horror Games, the games are often underrated. The non existent HUD really immerses you into the game having it all on Issacs body, tired of Games cluttering the screen with HUGE Huds, need more options to change the size and what Hud elements you want in games.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
I really liked the Dead Space series before 3. I'm eager to see what these guys can do on the new machines, and, most importantly, FUCK DEAD SPACE MULTIPLAYER! No one cares, guys. MP, co-op, etc, doesn't belong in these games, please just give it a rest.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
I'll be happy if they retcon 3 out of existence and continue from DS2.

The ending of the DLC in 3 leaves plenty in the open, enough for a pretty good reboot or sequel.

I would be extremely sad if they didn't make a 4. Do some soft-body physics shit like in the Order on all the limbs and I would buy it just for that.


I expect a smaller scale episodic Dead Space game this generation. Hardline will be the first and last Battlefield game Visceral will make and they can't just pump out Star Wars games.
Not only that, but a lot of GAF acts like 2 was incredible and much better than 3. I think they were both very good games but the first game was a masterpiece they haven't been able to match yet.
I still enjoyed 3, but I think 2 was the best in the series personally. It had the perfect blend of scares and horror and awesome setpieces.

The story in 3 felt like it kind of went off the railing a bit, and the it leaned a lot towards the action side of gameplay. I didn't like the idea of co-op, and the customization system just felt like clutter to me. To top it off, I felt like many of the enemy encounters were poorly implemented. A lot of them just felt like wave attacks, seemingly a dozen popping out of the snow from nowhere, etc. I want that eerie solitary experience from 1 and 2.


Unconfirmed Member
I really liked 1 and I really liked 3, but they are basically different games to me. 1 is a very solitary experience, and it's basically "Resident Evil 4, the alternate universe in space" while Dead Space 3 is a horror themed fun coop gun builder game.

3 isn't great, it has some pretty bad game design flaws like the constant repelling and copy-paste sidequest design, and the ending of the game is a slog, but it's still a lot of fun to go through and build cool guns and play with a friend.

edit: I honestly didn't really like 2 that much. It was just DS1, but kinda worse IMO atmosphere wise.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Why does everyone hate Dead Space 3? It had a "Thing" vibe going on.

All of em had a thing vibe lol.

It took all the color, sci-fi, and balance out that the original games had in terms of art direction, guns, etc. The whole game is just a nasty green/grey, the story was uninteresting, the side characters were uninteresting, and most of all it wasn't scary, and I say that as a pretty chicken shit dude.

I still enjoyed 3, but I think 2 was the best in the series personally. It had the perfect blend of scares and horror and awesome setpieces.

The story in 3 felt like it kind of went off the railing a bit, and the it leaned a lot towards the action side of gameplay. I didn't like the idea of co-op, and the customization system just felt like clutter to me. To top it off, I felt like many of the enemy encounters were poorly implemented. A lot of them just felt like wave attacks, seemingly a dozen popping out of the snow from nowhere, etc. I want that eerie solitary experience from 1 and 2.

These were the big killers. By the midgame you can make like the best gun and basically never change it, thanks to the universal ammo. Everything just turned into mass bullet sponge shooty bullshit. Hell you fight the same boss like 3 or 4 times.
While I did enjoy 3, I hope 4 is more like the first two. I had fun with the co-op but I wouldn't miss it if it were gone. Still love the series and hope to see more of it.


DS3 was by far the worst in the series, no doubt about it. There were some fundamental problems with it that just makes it so close to being good, but no. Stuff like bullet spongy enemies and many bad encounters just ruin it.

Make the next game like DS2 and it'll be amazing.


Im guessing they are going to do a soft reboot and do something more inline with DS 1 and 2. I gotta imagine they got a ton of shit for DS3

EDIT: What are the chances their Star Wars game is going to be a horror Star Wars game?


I'll be happy if they retcon 3 out of existence and continue from DS2.

Well, I didn't play the DS3 DLC, but assuming
Isaac came back from the dead, there's really no retcon to do. We learned absolutely nothing about the markers in DS3. The whole thing was a glorified side story. You could open up DS4 with Isaac and Ellie together and you could pretty much pretend DS3 never existed and it wouldn't hurt the story at all.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Im guessing they are going to do a soft reboot and do something more inline with DS 1 and 2. I gotta imagine they got a ton of shit for DS3

Ironically the game that was supposed to mainstream the series basically put it on life reserve lol. Don't know any of the numbers for 1 or 2, but you have to figure they had to dopretty damn decent. Don't know why they went so left-field with 3.


I hope that Star Wars game they are rumored to be working on is somewhat like 1313.


I can't help but feel like 1313 is still around. 1313 was a tps, a genre of games Visceral likes to make. Disney brought back Battlefront with plans to release it around Star Wars VII. 1313 was a game about Boba Fett and the next Star Wars movie is a Boba Fett standalone. It's as if they cancelled it just to have it re-engineered to fit in with the timeline of the movie. And I maybe crazy but it just seems to perfect whenever I think about it.

OT I'd absolutely love a new Dead Space game. It's one of the few games where the main protagonist doesn't need to be the same guy for the story to be good. Hopefully they get their third person action adventure fix from whatever the Star Wars game they're making is. That way they can refocus Dead Space back into a survivor horror game.


I played 1 and 2 and can't remember a single moment from either except the "eye sequence". All I remember is at the time of Dead Space 2 playing it and thinking it looked absolutely amazing

Keep that up and I'll play 4, I'm sure with some time it could rival anything out there graphically.


Not only that, but a lot of GAF acts like 2 was incredible and much better than 3. I think they were both very good games but the first game was a masterpiece they haven't been able to match yet.

2 was had enough positive changes to off-set the critiques it got. 2 also has some very memorable moments.

Dead Space 2's atmosphere was just as good if not better then the first. In Dead Space 1 you're coming in significantly after things have gone to hell, in Dead Space 2 you're there when everything is going down. I will never forget seeing all the people struggling and attempting to fight back initially and then the entire station becoming dead quite in a matter of minutes. I will not forget returning to the
USG Ishimura
, or being trapped in that fucking
with those weird
Dog Necromorphs
I really liked the first Dead Space, and its lore, but by DS2 I didn't care about its story much anymore (except for the amazing false ending) and the less said about everything in 3 the better. Honestly, I don't care at all about DS4, but I do want another horror game in the same vain as Dead Space. Does that make sense? I'm a fan of the series and loved 1 and 2, and want a game in the same style, but I don't care if it continues the "story" or not.


I'll be happy if they retcon 3 out of existence and continue from DS2.

That doesn't follow, as DS3 was an exact continuation on everything DS2 was and pushed to the extreme.

I wish I could live in this fantasy land Dead Space fans seem to live in that makes the games these super scary survival games other than rote, stock shooter with an event horizon coat of paint that they actually are.

Hell, Dead Space 2 went even further down the action route from 1 than 3 did from 2. Dead Space 2 was essentially nothing more than a corridor shooter filled with setpieces and a laughably bad plot.

That's not to say I don't enjoy them, though. I liked all three games for what they were: silly, merely average to above average shooters at best with a fun spacy-horror theme.


I'd be fine with more Dead Space. I even enjoyed playing 3 with my brother, but would much rather prefer them going back to 1 and 2's style.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Ah crap, I just read a summary of the DS3 DLC. So much for ignoring the whole story.

Yup lol. Still,
with the earth being under attack, they could literally replace Issac with anybody and there's a bazillion location possibilities. But then again they could also just stick with Issac.

That doesn't follow, as DS3 was an exact continuation on everything DS2 was and pushed to the extreme.

I wish I could live in this fantasy land Dead Space fans seem to live in that makes the games these super scary survival games other than rote, stock shooter with an event horizon coat of paint that they actually are.

Hell, Dead Space 2 went even further down the action route from 1 than 3 did from 2. Dead Space 2 was essentially nothing more than a corridor shooter filled with setpieces and a laughably bad plot.

Nah, Dead space 2 had attitude and style. Not always super scary, but at times it was but also managed to be great fun.


Great news!

Don't make Dead Space 3 again. Bad. I did like the weapon system though....good.

Hope they keep Isaac, at this point, I want to see how his story ends.


"We're definitely very keen to continue with Dead Space at a later date."

. . . but EA probably won't let us


Im guessing they are going to do a soft reboot and do something more inline with DS 1 and 2. I gotta imagine they got a ton of shit for DS3

EDIT: What are the chances their Star Wars game is going to be a horror Star Wars game?
For Dead Space 4 to exist they pretty much need a third team (or more specifically the ability to have two games in full production at once) so we are probably looking at 2020 at the earliest (I can't imagine then getting the go ahead for that much staff unless Hardline (2015) and Star Wars (Fall 2016?) notably succeed plus a three year dev cycle).

At that point I think a reboot is assured.


Still haven't played 2 but at some point I plan to replay 1 on PC and then play 2. Shit was so good. Would welcome more space-based horror whatever form it takes
I'd love more entries in the Dead Space series. Would also love a remastered trilogy while they're at it, big fan of all three.


No, let it die. That being said if they made another co-op game with Dead Space 3's weapon customization, that might actually be fun.

I'll be happy if they retcon 3 out of existence and continue from DS2.

What? 3 was all a hallucination? Cause that was a line out of Issac in the DLC(The DLC was actually pretty decent compared to the main game).


Dead Space 2 was a very fair balance between action and horror, I really wish we'd get another game like that. Severed was excellent as well, I was so let down with Dead Space 3, I can't begin to describe how sad I was to go from 2 to 3. I don't usually buy games on day one unless I'm seriously hyped for it, and 2 gave me confidence that 3 would be good, and I got burned this time around.
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