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Watch_Dogs Torrent secretly installing a Bitcoin miner on thousands of computers


To publishers you can't. If you got rid of piracy tomorrow they'd STILL say that wasn't enough, used games are cutting into their profits too much. In fact lately I've heard more about used games from publishers than piracy.

The reality is, most people have convinced themselves that piracy is morally wrong but they really care why. Most people are only going to play a game once and then that's it--it's not like music or movies where people often rewatch it a bunch. While there are certainly a ton of gamers (most of which are on GAF) who will periodically replay good games, GameStop wouldn't be nearly as successful if a large majority weren't playing it once and then getting rid of it.

In that sense then, just borrowing a game is screwing the developer out of money too.

And no, I don't pirate video games. I'm a console gamer and while I'm sure it's possible--it just seems like too much work to me. I'd rather pay the $60.

what "publishers think" would be irrelevant even if it wasnt a strawman, which it is.

They have their rights, you have yours, attempts to rationalize why its totally ok to infringe on those rights just seems desperate and scummy


I would think calling someone a cunt would be a bannable offense, but other than that you seem to have a thing for Marcel.

I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time invid and others have chose to target me indiscriminately or use gendered insults against me. We can be free to disagree but calling someone a cunt is pretty much crossing the line.


Gold Member
To publishers you can't. If you got rid of piracy tomorrow they'd STILL say that wasn't enough, used games are cutting into their profits too much. In fact lately I've heard more about used games from publishers than piracy.

And I'd tell them they're full of shit. Buying used can only happen if there's a large enough market who have bought new. In addition, each of those new copies have already been paid for by the retailers, even if they don't sell. The fact that they're on the shelf in a retail shop means that product has been sold by the publisher through to the retail channel. The publisher already got paid and the onus of making the money back on the purchase lies with the retailer.

Most people are only going to play a game once and then that's it--it's not like music or movies where people often rewatch it a bunch. While there are certainly a ton of gamers (most of which are on GAF) who will periodically replay good games, GameStop wouldn't be nearly as successful if a large majority weren't playing it once and then getting rid of it.

This is a red herring. You're conflating subjective replay value with retail value. How much I value I derive from repeatedly listening to something, watching something, or playing something is largely irrelevant to the market value of a product. In several months time the going price for a new game will be markedly less regardless of subjective value. Hell, I got a physical copy of COD Ghosts for $19.99 on sale at Walmart two weeks ago despite the fact that Activision still has the digital version sitting at $59.99 on Steam. Assuming I get as much playtime out of the title as someone who bought it for $59.99, am I robbing the publishers of profits? No, because my subjective value isn't tied, at all, to the amount they got paid for my purchase.
This is possibly the funniest post I've seen on GAF. You're justifying stealing (piracy IS stealing) because a company will be fine anyway.

I'm off to steal $1,000,000 from Bill Gates because "he'll be fine anyway".
I'm not taking any sides to this discussion or anything but taking something from someone versus duplicating it is different. Kind of like if you had an expensive vase and I stole it versus I copied that vase that you worked hard on.


Neo Member
Haha... aren't the uploader(s) of the game trackable now since basically anyone could get their Bitcoin wallet address?
I agree with you because this is why there are patents and trademarks.

Finished you post for ya.

A game about hacking that was supposedly hacked and then distributed, turns out to be a fake release that when people use it, hacks their system to mine bitcoins.

Pretty ironic if you ask me. (Situational Irony, look it up)
That's not what the original poster was claiming was ironic. He was saying because he used to pirate, that his first post on Gaf being in a thread about piracy was ironic.


I'm not taking any sides to this discussion or anything but taking something from someone versus duplicating it is different. Kind of like if you had an expensive vase and I stole it versus I copied that vase that you worked hard on.
You committed intellectual property theft. Look it up.



In common usage, theft is the taking of another person's property without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.

You have deprived that person of his intellectual property.

patent/trademark/copyright infringement are not theft, despite the best efforts of the IP cartels to hammer their favored version of the law into everyone's heads
The FBI disagrees with you: http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/white_collar/ipr/ipr
I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time invid and others have chose to target me indiscriminately or use gendered insults against me. We can be free to disagree but calling someone a cunt is pretty much crossing the line.

Exactly. Arguments are fine and all, that's a natural part of any discussions but a personal insult like that is definitely uncalled for and absolutely crossing the line.


Sucks for the kids with no income, but for people who should know better... yeah, it's kind of justified. I got really annoyed at my friend the other day for pirating Transistor. What a shitty thing to do, especially for an indie game. :/

This is why you should buy your games, I guess.


Exactly. Arguments are fine and all, that's a natural part of any discussions but a personal insult like that is definitely uncalled for and absolutely crossing the line.

The sad thing are the usual suspects cheering him on like it's a good thing that he simply put down a dumb "cunt". I may not have a popular, friendly opinion but I don't think I'm saying anything that warrants that type of response.

L Thammy

So there's no proof that Ubisoft is doing this themselves, right? I hope that nobody is genuinely going "yeah, take that pirates" if the people distributing the game - i.e., the people enabling piracy - are profiting from doing so. That isn't going to discourage piracy.


So there's no proof that Ubisoft is doing this themselves, right? I hope that nobody is genuinely going "yeah, take that pirates" if the people distributing the game - i.e., the people enabling piracy - are profiting from doing so. That isn't going to discourage piracy.

Wouldn't it look pretty bad for Ubisoft if they were caught distributing bitcoin mining malware anyway? I don't think they would do that. I know everyone likes to laugh at the pirates but it wouldn't show well on Ubisoft for rolling in the mud with them, so to speak.
The sad thing are the usual suspects cheering him on like it's a good thing that he simply put down a dumb "cunt". I may not have a popular, friendly opinion but I don't think I'm saying anything that warrants that type of response.

I would think that with this being GAF, people are well aware of what's allowed/cool to say and what's definitely not. So for people to be saying:
Great post.
is actually mindblowing.

But as others have said, piracy discussions on here are ridiculous. There are discussions about music leaks, downloading porn, and those are generally fine and no one gets their pitchforks out.

With discussions about game leaks, THEN the people get their pitchforks out and are ready to lynch anyone who isn't specifically ANTI-PIRACY. It's funny.


The sad thing are the usual suspects cheering him on like it's a good thing that he simply put down a dumb "cunt". I may not have a popular, friendly opinion but I don't think I'm saying anything that warrants that type of response.

Yup like not friendly at all, you just called a guy opinion ridiculous shit a while ago.


And other countries use pirated software on their PCs. What is your point?

What FBI claims as theft could not be theft in other places. It's relative and still debatable.

Most of us here are discussing by a moral perspective.


i think he's saying that legal != moral
No problems on that statement. Legal and moral are different. The moral justification for downloading games is even harder to do though.

and laws aren't the same everywhere?
In which case Brazil is an awful example. They were one of the first countries to come up with IP rights. Their breaking of US patents is more of a economical sanction against the US than anything else.

What FBI claims as theft could not be theft in other places. It's relative and still debatable.
Luckily Brazil also has IP theft laws, and the link you posted is part of economic sanctions against the US, not some stance on IP laws.


If you want to talk about whether it's "theft" or not, it merely depends on what you think you're stealing (or not stealing, as the case may be).

It's not the game you're stealing. That's just a digital copy. What you are stealing are the company's profits from that copy had you purchased it instead. That's hard currency right there.

That's actually why I boycott Gamestop. By buying a used copy of a game, I'm effectively "stealing" it from the publisher/developer because they get absolutely none of the money that I paid for it. Hence, I always buy new. If it's worth spending money on a game, it's at least worth giving that money to the people that made it.


What exactly is your opinion on piracy, if you don't mind me asking?

As far as video games are concerned? I think it's a fair problem in some cases, and in others a boogeyman that publishers and game developers use as an excuse to wrestle more control away from consumers. I also think it's a problem that won't be solved until the publishers and IP owners provide more services that are more convenient than pirating. Netflix and Steam are good steps forward but it does not beat free, as many people have pointed out.

Piracy is also a problem that will never really go away as long an exchange of information and goods exists. Publishers tried to use a hammer rather than think it out and draconian disc DRM came out of that environment. I don't know the solution because piracy, bootlegs, IP theft and so on are issues that existed long before video games.


No problems on that statement. Legal and moral are different. The moral justification for downloading games is even harder to do though.

In which case Brazil is an awful example. They were one of the first countries to come up with IP rights. Their breaking of US patents is more of a economical sanction against the US than anything else.

Luckily Brazil also has IP theft laws, and the link you posted is part of economic sanctions against the US, not some stance on IP laws.

in this particular case i would argue that IP laws are heavily tilted in favor of the bigger, more powerful countries and enable exploitation of poorer ones

brazil ignoring pressure from american IP industries to give medicine to poor people is morally correct


Haha... aren't the uploader(s) of the game trackable now since basically anyone could get their Bitcoin wallet address?

No, the miner only needs a username and password for the instance it mines for. And that pool will have another username and password to access the funds. Wallet address is never given.


No problems on that statement. Legal and moral are different. The moral justification for downloading games is even harder to do though.

In which case Brazil is an awful example. They were one of the first countries to come up with IP rights. Their breaking of US patents is more of a economical sanction against the US than anything else.

Luckily Brazil also has IP theft laws, and the link you posted is part of economic sanctions against the US, not some stance on IP laws.

Where did I implied it's not a crime in Brazil?

Just said that the sanction was a crime by FBI's perspective and still a right moral decision from Brazil's perspective.


I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time invid and others have chose to target me indiscriminately or use gendered insults against me. We can be free to disagree but calling someone a cunt is pretty much crossing the line.

Calling someone's opinion ridiculous shit ≠ personal insult.

Come on now.

Here's a thread about the word cunt, and in the words of the administrator:

Bitch, please.

Which I tend to agree with especially when it comes to rationalizing piracy. Although implanting bit coin miners is ingenious if not ironic


in this particular case i would argue that IP laws are heavily tilted in favor of the bigger, more powerful countries and enable exploitation of poorer ones
Brazil is one of the bigger, more powerful countries. It is the seventh largest economy.

brazil ignoring pressure from american IP industries to give medicine to poor people is morally correct
It is, and it isn't. Making medicine for poor people is a good thing, but the research for medicine is also really expensive. That entire industry needs a reform with research into medicine being taken out of the private domain to be really effective. Brazil however isn't making a stand on that. They're more than happy to support their own IP holders and IP holders from other countries. It is part of a sanction against the US.

Where did I implied it's not a crime in Brazil?

Just said that the sanction was a crime by FBI's perspective and still a right moral decision from Brazil's perspective.
It is not a moral stance, it is an economic sanction against the US.
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