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Welcome to Night Vale [Mafia] |OT| The Dog Park will not harm you


Without knowing what you are yet, kudos to you Squidy. You really nailed that sick read on day 1 and if you are just town then that was amazing deduction. I'm sorry that I pushed for you and Raz as a package.


Oh please, he did not read me as mafia on day one, don't oversell it.

He tried to push me for a reaction, and even said as much.


Oh please, he did not read me as mafia on day one, don't oversell it.

He tried to push me for a reaction, and even said as much.

To be fair, your reaction was less than optimal on multiple fronts and his initial read and a lot of ours came from how you did react.


To be fair, your reaction was less than optimal on multiple fronts and his initial read and a lot of ours came from how you did react.
It was still really cheap considering he knew that I quit the last game because of personal reasons and he only pushed for me day 1 because of the way I acted in that game.


OK if I do the weather before the lynching happens?

Please do, I think Retro did post weather today but more weather is always fun.

It was still really cheap considering he knew that I quit the last game because of personal reasons and he only pushed for me day 1 because of the way I acted in that game.

To be fair, I did go back and read some AC because of all of this. You were way more chill back then.
Without knowing what you are yet, kudos to you Squidy. You really nailed that sick read on day 1 and if you are just town then that was amazing deduction. I'm sorry that I pushed for you and Raz as a package.

I'm like, totally at least taking partial credit
If only cuz my rhyming accusation took like a lifetime to edit.


There once was a man on the Tubes
Who fell asleep on ice cubes
And while he was laying
I forgot what I was saying
Boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs

Are we still doing votes for poem of the day? If so, this one wins even thought you're not even in this game Ouro!


We're getting word that the first victim is being loaded into a helicopter. Is it? It is! It's Razmos!

Razmos has died.


The Night Vale City Council has provided this mandatory identity reminder:

You are Kevin, Host of Desert Bluffs Community Radio


(That means you are a Godfather and a Wolf Cub)

You are aligned with Desert Bluffs (That's the Mafia)

You don't understand this town. Everything is so wrong. The people are so... unhappy! Why can't they see the glorious light of the Smiling God that you see? You will MAKE THEM SEE.

You have partners in your endeavor: [REDACTED]

Each night, one of the Desert Bluffs Mafia Players may kill one of the other players by PMing RetroMG with the command KILL: <Player>

You do not have another night action. However, if investigated by an alignment investigator, you will appear to be aligned with the town. Also, if you are killed by the town, the next night, the Mafia will be allowed two night kills.

You win when Mafia aligned players outnumber both Town and Neutral players put together.

Wait, listeners, what is this noise? And that blinding light on the horizon, coming from the direction of Desert Bluffs? What could it possibly-


I... listeners? Listeners did you hear that? I don't even think it was an actual sound so much as a vibration of our very souls.

Listeners, oh, listeners, I think you have made someone, or something, very angry today. Huddle close tonight, and pretend that being near to those that you profess to love will give you any sort of safety at all.

Now the second is coming up the ramp, and it's... squidyj!

Squidyj has also died.


The Night Vale City Council has provided this mandatory identity reminder:

You are Lauren Mallard, Strex Corp Vice President


(That means you are a Traitor)

You are aligned with Desert Bluffs (That's the Mafia)

Strex Corp has sent you to Night Vale, incognito, to get the town ready for a new Strex Corp Installation. You know they have other agents here, also preparing the way, but they don't know about you. That's the great thing about Strex - They really know how to make everyone feel useful, while still getting the job done!

You have partners in your endeavor: [REDACTED]. However, you are not going to start the game with them, or with a factional night kill. If one of the other Desert Bluffs players visits you (either with a kill or a night action,) you will join them as a full Mafia Player. (Most of the mafia actions will not affect you, but some of them will)

The other Mafia players are aware that you exist, but do not know who you are.

Each night, one of the Desert Bluffs Mafia Players may kill one of the other players by PMing RetroMG with the command KILL: <Player>

You do not have a night action.

You win when Mafia aligned players outnumber both Town and Neutral players put together.

Mafia thread will be sent to you when the other Mafia Players discover you.

Have fun!

This has been an amazing, exciting day, listeners. Let us wrap up our show today with this:

“Somewhere there is a map. And on that map is Earth. And attached to Earth is an arrow that says your name and lists your lifespan. Some of you die standing, others sitting. Many of you die in cars. I can never die. It is difficult for me to understand the concept that I am attempting to convey. I cannot show you this vision, but you may imagine it. Step forward and tell someone of it, please.”

You heard it here, folks. Tell people. Tell people about Flaky-Os new line of cereals for nighttime only. Do it in memory of its Board of Directors.

Stay tuned now for an hour of dead air with the occasional hiss and crackle.

Good night, Night Vale. Good night.

Today's proverb: Fun game. Say "toy boat" over and over. Do it for the rest of your life. Retreat from society and live on alms. Whisper "toy boat' as you die.



As night fell upon the city,
We say goodbye to razmos and squidy
I was gonna buy a cake
To have at their wake
But I only have three-fiddy :(

Razmos (10)
ScraftyDevil .1311
Sorian .1323 .1398
Pop-O-Matic .1335
squidyj .1368
Sorian .1452 .1492
Karu .1483
Unmasked Ferret .1553
Mike_Hawk689 .1568
Royal_Flush .1572
Sorian .1574
AbsolutBro .1582
Seath .1587

squidyj (4)
TL21xx .1491 .1673
Sorian .1492 .1574
Razmos .1509
gryvan .1544 .1546
gryvan .1546
AbsolutBro .1559 .1582
Setre .1663
Coppanuva .1685

Seath (1)
Coppanuva .1394 .1507
Royal_Flush .1418 .1572
TL21xx .1457 .1491
gryvan .1543 .1544
UltraJay .1669

StanleyPalmtree (0)
UltraJay .1395 .1669
Sorian .1398 .1434
Seath .1407 .1586

AbsolutBro (0)
Coppanuva .1372 .1394

Karu (0)
Coppanuva .1507 .1616

Coppanuva (0)
gryvan .1386 .1543

ScraftyDevil (0)
Sorian .1434 .1452

No active vote for Day 3:
TL21xx (has previously voted)


Night 4 will be extended by 24 hours, and will end at 11:00 AM Mountain Time on 12/8/15. Apologies for any inconvenience.



&#12541;&#3900;&#3720;&#1604;&#860;&#3720;&#3901;&#65417; RIOT &#12541;&#3900;&#3720;&#1604;&#860;&#3720;&#3901;&#65417;


nngh... what?


Where am I?

My booth. Listeners? Listeners can you hear me?

What time is it? It's so dark, I can barely make out my watch.

Tuesday? I've lost twenty-four hours? How could that be?

Listeners? Dana? Dana! Are you all right? You just woke up, too? My watch says it's Tuesday. I know. Twenty-four hours. How could we all have lost twenty-four hours?

It's so dark in here. Dana, can you find the ligh-

The light.

Oh, god, the light. The burning, piercing, glorious, awful light coming from Desert Bluffs, burning everything in it's path as Raz-no, Kevin, and Squid-no, Lauren chanted and sang praises to their Smiling God. The light burned through Night Vale, vaporizing everyone it touched. Two brave citizens stayed out longer than the others to try and get others to safety... and then it all goes black. And we woke up here, in the studio, twenty-four hours of our lives, just gone, as if some will greater than my own wants me here to report what has happened.

Dana? Dana, can we find out who those two brave souls were? They should be remembered for their service to Night Vale.

Listeners, if you can hear me, as soon as we know who it was, we will bring you word.

The Day has not Started yet.



Cecil? Cecil, is that you?

I'm out here now. It's so quiet. The town is so still and eerie.

Oh wait.

I see people coming out of their houses, Cecil. I can't make anyone out yet but I see shadows emerging from different buildings all around Night Vale. I'm going to investigate Cecil. I'll call back in once I know who survived the night.

Don't worry about me Cecil! I'll be fine!

Couldn't resist, I hope you don't mind Retro :p


It&#8217;s not darkest before the dawn. It&#8217;s actually darkest after all the stars have gone out. It&#8217;s very dark then.

Welcome to Night Vale.


Listeners, we now know who it was that worked so tirelessly to save so many citizens of Night Vale from the Smiling God's attack. Intern Dana reports now that people are saying that it wasn't two people, but two small armies. One was led by Old Woman Josie, and was comprised of her angelic friends. She directed them, and they hurried people to safety. The other group - and this is remarkable, listeners, was a group of children, aged eight to seventeen, and they were led by none other than Tamika Flynn, who is one of the only children ever known to survive an encounter with a librarian during the Summer Reading Program of 2013. As the last survivors were hurried to safety, the Smiling God's light found them, and together, a young girl and an old woman bravely met their ends in the fire of the Smiling God's light.

These two brave souls will forever be remembered in the History of our town.

Setre, AKA Old Woman Josie, who talks to Angels,


Coppanuva, AKA Tamika Flynn, Teenage Revolutionary

Have died.


The Night Vale City Council has provided this mandatory identity reminder:

You are Old Woman Josie, who talks to Angels


(That means you are a Doctor. In a GAF Mafia game. Good luck!)

You are aligned with Night Vale (That's the Town)

You don't know why the Angels have decided to hang around with you. Maybe it's all those years of clean living. Maybe it's your perfume. Anyway, they like to spend time at your house. Sometimes they do nice things from you. Sometimes they borrow things from your cupboards without asking.

Every night, you may select one player and send the Angels to protect him or her for the rest of the night. To do this, PM RetroMG with Protect: <Player>

You win when no more Mafia aligned players remain.

Have fun!


The Night Vale City Council has provided this mandatory identity reminder:

You are Tamika Flynn, Teenage Revolutionary


(That means you are a Saboteur)

You are aligned with Night Vale (That's the Town)

You grew up in Night Vale, and when dark(er) forces have come in to try to mess with your town, you were the first to stand up and fight. You might be young, but you have a slingshot and a stack of heavy books that you can hit people with.

You do not have a night action. However, if the Mafia manages to take you down, you'll fight hard enough to keep them busy all night before they finally subdue you. That means if you are night-killed, the Mafia will not be able to kill anyone else the next night.

You win when no more Mafia aligned players remain.

Have fun!

The Mafia Team will be unable to perform any kills tonight.

Day 4 begins


Poor mafia.

Alright first things first.


I was targeted by that stupid mist thing. I'm supposed to be posting in song lyrics today but I'm not about that life. My only action is a day action that allows me to invite people to my gossip chat. I am at the maximum of three people over there already so I'll just be taking the role block.

Not sure if this power is scum-aligned and they figured they could silence me and kill other people or town-aligned and the person doing it realized they could target me and I would ignore the stipulation anyway but there it is.

I have like, a confession to make.

I'm not just like, some rando tourist like most of you think I am. I've got like, this super special power that lets me like, investigate others and see what kinda stuff is in their heart and whatevs. It's like, ESPN or something.

Anywaaaaaay~, I like totally lied earlier when I said I hadn't breadcrumbed my power at all. If I'm like, being honest, I was leaving like some kind of code thingy in my diary entries to mark who I thought was fab and who was so totally unfab with like, O's and X's respectively.

On Night 1, I like totally investigated Sorian and it turned out he was actually a super cool dude!

On Night 2 I checked out MikeHawk and like, unfortunately he was a cool dude too. Doesn't make him like, less of a dumb-dumb, though.

Last night I was totally gonna investigate Pop cuz he was acting like super shady, but then he made that like super silly statement near the end of the day and like, there's no way that the bad guys would be like, so stupid as to make such a big ol' screwup.

I guess I like, have Pop to thank for me moving on to my #2 target though, cuz I like totally found out who's hot and who's not last night.

Karu, you're like, totally un-fab, aren't you?

Be like, totally honest with us. I looked into your heart and found it to be like, totally groady, and I don't think there's like, any reasonable explanation for that. Plus my boobs can totally detect if you're lying, so don't think you can like, try to trick us.

VOTE: Karu

There like, still might be other bad guys out there though so I'd like suuuuuuuper appreciate it if the good ol' doctor could like give me a hand tonight so I can keep looking for bad guys.
RIP Setre and Coppa. ;_;7

On mobile so I can't really expound or search well at the moment. I'm planning to revisit my theory on Mazre's list today. Squidyj was on the list, but since Mazre posted that list before they had any chance to recruit him Mazre had no way of knowing that Squidyj was the Lost Partner. That only leaves a few other names, plus one not on the list that I've already noted as suspect.

My guess is that Scum thought Coppa was the SK. Hence our Teenage Revolutionary (whom I have not yet met in the actual podcast, but I think I'm on that episode) making a valiant last stand.


I have like, a confession to make.

I'm not just like, some rando tourist like most of you think I am. I've got like, this super special power that lets me like, investigate others and see what kinda stuff is in their heart and whatevs. It's like, ESPN or something.

Anywaaaaaay~, I like totally lied earlier when I said I hadn't breadcrumbed my power at all. If I'm like, being honest, I was leaving like some kind of code thingy in my diary entries to mark who I thought was fab and who was so totally unfab with like, O's and X's respectively.

On Night 1, I like totally investigated Sorian and it turned out he was actually a super cool dude!

On Night 2 I checked out MikeHawk and like, unfortunately he was a cool dude too. Doesn't make him like, less of a dumb-dumb, though.

Last night I was totally gonna investigate Pop cuz he was acting like super shady, but then he made that like super silly statement near the end of the day and like, there's no way that the bad guys would be like, so stupid as to make such a big ol' screwup.

I guess I like, have Pop to thank for me moving on to my #2 target though, cuz I like totally found out who's hot and who's not last night.

Karu, you're like, totally un-fab, aren't you?

Be like, totally honest with us. I looked into your heart and found it to be like, totally groady, and I don't think there's like, any reasonable explanation for that. Plus my boobs can totally detect if you're lying, so don't think you can like, try to trick us.

VOTE: Karu

There like, still might be other bad guys out there though so I'd like suuuuuuuper appreciate it if the good ol' doctor could like give me a hand tonight so I can keep looking for bad guys.

Good ol' doctor is dead love.

So, I have to ask, why were you so sure on Razmos yesterday? Because I had quite a different theory on how you knew, you seemed quite sure of yourself.


Also, there will be no neutral kill today by the way. I am in contact with our serial killer. It is a night action with a random day death. As proof that I am not lying about knowing who they are, there will be no death today. I'll explain more later in the day as I feel it is needed.
01 [m] StanleyPalmtree - New
02 [m] UltraJay - New
04 [m] Unmasked Ferret - New
07 [m] Karu - New
08 [m] TL21xx
09 [m] Ty4on
10 [m] Pop-O-Matic
11 [m] AbsolutBro
12 [m] Mike_Hawk689
15 [f] ScraftyDevil
16 [-] Seath
19 [m] Sorian
22 [m] gryvan - New
23 [m] Royal_Flush

List players remaining
8 votes for majority!
Good ol' doctor is dead love.

So, I have to ask, why were you so sure on Razmos yesterday? Because I had quite a different theory on how you knew, you seemed quite sure of yourself.

It just like, made sense to me. I was gonna go hard on Mike Day 3 instead but after he like, checked out I like, totally reviewed all of the stuff he said during Night 2 and like, he just seemed the most likely to be a bad guy to me.

And it like doesn't even matter that the doctor's dead cuz we get a free night tonight anyway!


So, in other words, the Mafia have not lost or gained ground this time. They cannot kill tonight, but they got two kills off today.

I had a feeling Coppa would be killed soon if he was town. Looks like they finally got around to it.
It just like, made sense to me. I was gonna go hard on Mike Day 3 instead but after he like, checked out I like, totally reviewed all of the stuff he said during Night 2 and like, he just seemed the most likely to be a bad guy to me.

And it like doesn't even matter that the doctor's dead cuz we get a free night tonight anyway!

You are referring to Raz? During Night 2?


So, I meticulously combed through this thread last night and built a whole case, I'll let Scrafty do her thing but I want to target someone else today and let our SK get Karu tonight if Scrafty is telling the truth. There are probably two scum left so Karu is one and ??? is the other. Let's try to lynch ??? today.

There was some theorizing last night but the below is basically a copy and paste from my gossip chat from last night, the target and final scum is Unmasked Ferret:

So this post is an easy one to point back to. Knowing whether Kevin is in the game or not isn't really some huge advantage but now that we know Kevin is in the game, this was kind of a weird thing for Ferret to bother trying to correct Fireblend on.

He took a hard line on not commenting on Squidy vs. Razmos (and Trigger), this neutrality stuck around for a lot of day 1. Was he worried about his teammate going earlya nd figured if he stayed neutral on the topic, it would die down?

This reads list provides an interesting story if you just look at the Squidy/Razmos/Trigger triangle. He calls Squidy pro town, which, to the scum perspective, he was probably going to come off as the towniest town ever if Razmos ever got lynched (Mazre even set Squidy up as town too in his reads list). Then he null reads both Tazmos and Trigger but you'll notice that he says that he thinks Trigger has a higher chance of being the scum.

I was skeptical of this post at the time and on a re-read, still makes red flags. I'm usually a pretty easy person for mafia to try and lynch. It never works out but it always looks good on paper since I do tend to act weird. This could have been the rumblings of trying to make me look guilty. Especially since at this point, mazre knew what I was and scum may have been trying to make me seem suspect before I said anything about Mazre.

After this post, for a lot of day 2, Ferret posts a lot of good stuff but I think we had been knocking into him so much about only defending himself and not scum hunting that he decided to change his play style so that he would seem less suspicious. Of note is that he only goes after Pop, Setre, and Pop who I am all pretty sure are town so he didn't really do any favors. He also bandwagoned with me on every single vote at the end of day 2. He was jumping around a lot and it was probably because he didn't want an accidental tie, whoever died from the three of them was a fine choice.

He didn't push this super hard but he kept bringing up the possibility of saying that I was the lost partner. I still find it odd because he didn't give the same push to Setre who has also claimed a female character. He also starts a rumbling at the end of this post that maybe Squidy is the scum and Razmos is the unsuspecting town.

This was an interesting thing to say to Razmos since they have a secret chat to each other but I've been in a scum chat before, sometimes people just aren't looking at both thread simultaneously. If Ferret thought that Razmos wasn't looking at scum chat, he might have just snuck advice in here hoping that Razmos would see it. It wasn't bad advice so it wouldn't be scummy at the time.

Again, kind of a fence post, he is starting to say that maybe Squidy is the bad one in all of this but we needs to go back and re-read today's stuff. Day 3 was rough for scum, Razmos almost seemed like a sure thing with two lynches but I'm sure scum still had to try. Squidy was going to be their first good person to push votes to and I think I see that in this post.

Still fence sitting on Razmos but the crack is starting. Razmos is becoming a lost cause at this point.

Here's where the bus had to start. He did a little back and forth with Squidy before this but I don't think he saw anything that was going to make saving Razmos a possibility so he is starting to throw Razmos under. He votes Razmos in his next post.

I also see a lot of this interaction with Squidy (didn't post all links, they are all around this area) as him trying to get chummy with Squidy. Squidy was going to come out looking GREAT if he survived and Razmos died. Getting on Squidy's good side might have been a great place for scum to be.

VOTE: Unmasked Ferret


It just like, made sense to me. I was gonna go hard on Mike Day 3 instead but after he like, checked out I like, totally reviewed all of the stuff he said during Night 2 and like, he just seemed the most likely to be a bad guy to me.

And it like doesn't even matter that the doctor's dead cuz we get a free night tonight anyway!

Presumably, you got your results right as day 3 started. You went after Razmos right out of that gate, that doesn't seem like a lot of time to think of and build a case that you were so sure of.
I may be reading too much into flavor text but this whole "protecting citizens from the smiling God" business sounds like they didn't explicitly choose their target. On the other hand, both dead players were (or at least should have been) high priority targets for scum. Either they got RNG lucky or the flavor is confusing...

Also, there will be no neutral kill today by the way. I am in contact with our serial killer. It is a night action with a random day death. As proof that I am not lying about knowing who they are, there will be no death today. I'll explain more later in the day as I feel it is needed.
Is he town aligned?


I may be reading too much into flavor text but this whole "protecting citizens from the smiling God" business sounds like they didn't explicitly choose their target. On the other hand, both dead players were (or at least should have been) high priority targets for scum. Either they got RNG lucky or the flavor is confusing...

You are reading too much into the flavor.
You are referring to Raz? During Night 2?

Like, shyeah.

Also I think it's like, totally important that we like, lynch Karu today cuz I'm worried that he'll like, totally screw someone over with his power tonight if we don't. If Ferret like, really is a bad guy (which we don't have confirmation on, whereas I like totally know for sure that Karu is totally a bad guy!) then he can totally wait until tomorrow.


I may be reading too much into flavor text but this whole "protecting citizens from the smiling God" business sounds like they didn't explicitly choose their target. On the other hand, both dead players were (or at least should have been) high priority targets for scum. Either they got RNG lucky or the flavor is confusing...

Is he town aligned?

Pretty sure it is just flavor.

The SK is a neutral. They have a win condition to meet and then they will be exiting the game. They can side with either town or scum (they have two different win conditions) but siding with town is the easier win condition at this juncture and I'm pretty sure I can get them their win tonight. I am being purposely vague for a reason, don't worry, I'll reveal all the important details before the day is out.
Like, shyeah.

Also I think it's like, totally important that we like, lynch Karu today cuz I'm worried that he'll like, totally screw someone over with his power tonight if we don't. If Ferret like, really is a bad guy (which we don't have confirmation on, whereas I like totally know for sure that Karu is totally a bad guy!) then he can totally wait until tomorrow.

But during Night 2, are you referring to gossip chat? Im confused with the phases..
Presumably, you got your results right as day 3 started. You went after Razmos right out of that gate, that doesn't seem like a lot of time to think of and build a case that you were so sure of.

I had like, already started to go over things at the end of Day 2 when I noticed he like, hadn't showed up at all near the end. My power gave me results like, an hour before I woke up so that was like, more than enough time to finish going over some stuff and like, prepare my accusation.


Like, shyeah.

Also I think it's like, totally important that we like, lynch Karu today cuz I'm worried that he'll like, totally screw someone over with his power tonight if we don't. If Ferret like, really is a bad guy (which we don't have confirmation on, whereas I like totally know for sure that Karu is totally a bad guy!) then he can totally wait until tomorrow.

No, feeding scum to the neutral is 100% in town's interest. If you are being truthful then we have 100% verified scum and we can finish up these day kills faster which is in everyone's best interest.
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