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What are you reading? (March 2014)

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Random choice at the book store, found in the WW2 section. I have to say, it's already captivating only just 100 pages in, some of these stories are simple but so poignant. Also featured a bit with Eugene Sledge, made me think I might need to pick up his book at some point.

You bought it because the author's name is Studs Terkel, right?


To be fair, Studs Turkel is an awesome name.

The Good War is my favourite one of his oral histories, and I think I might've read them all at this point.


"Night Film" is not what I expected at all so far.
I'm on a road trip, not driving, so I have been able to read about 60 percent of the book so far, and I thought it would be more of a horror mystery than what it actually is so far.
Good book, but it's not great.

I thought the book a major disappointment. The design of the book--incorporating 'web pages' into the text--was more interesting to me than the slapdash plot.


I finished up Abaddon's Gate by James S.A. Corey last month but never posted in the thread. I felt the book to be really annoying a lot of the time. Not really even the book actually, just the character Melba. I couldn't stand a single chapter of her's. Everything else was fine. I wanted more of Holden and the crew. They were oddly absent for most of the book in this one.

Regardless, I love the world and I loved a lot of the book so I ended up giving it a 3/5.

Next I read Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend by Matthew Dicks. This one started out a bit slow for me. There seemed to be too many side details and the main character just seemed to ramble and repeat himself. As I continued, I came to like how it was written. It makes it easier to relate to the main character as it is almost a "stream of consciousness". It helped to know how Max and Budo saw the world and how they process events.

The plot was pretty good. I felt helpless and frustrated much like the characters in the book. Normally I'd view this as a negative, but it really showed how even simple things can be a difficulty for people like Max.

I finished up the book today in Starbucks and had to hold back some watery eyes.

Overall, I enjoyed it and would definitely recommend it to others.

Next up is Words Of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson. Can't wait for my copy to get here tomorrow!
Finished reading The Dark Ones by Bryan Smith. It's a fast-paced read filled with blood, violence and sex. Smith doesn't really go into graphic detail. He gives just enough detail to paint the scene, but never lingers over things. The sex scenes, in particular, are given a cursory sentence or two description before he moves along. That said, it's still a very fun read. Smith's writing has a real sense of humor, not unlike Edward Lee. In fact, with all its murder, sex and satanism the book came off as Edward Lee-lite. That's a good thing.

Up next:



I've been meaning to read Video Night for a while. I bought it when it first came out, started it, but then got sidetracked. I thought now would be a good time to give it an honest shot.

I've been listening to a lot of Life of Agony recently, so that got me interested in their bassist Alan Robert's foray into comics. Judging by the glowing reviews he's gotten from the genre press, he's been doing a pretty good job.


Words of Radiance is on my Kindle! Goodbye, sweet world.

I ordered the UK version and have to wait two more days :(
I'm still on my re-read of book one though, so it's not too bad.

I also started listening to


Not far in yet, but I think that I'm gonna enjoy this a lot once I stop having trouble with the names.


I finished Royal Assassin yesterday. omg was it good. Best book I've read so far this year. I'll be starting the third book tonight.
About a hundred or so pages into


It's a very well-written, easy to understand biography of the man. It helps contextualize the breakthroughs of science during his involvement. It also explains the concepts in down to earth terms that are amazingly easy to comprehend.
Amazon has the Paperwhite for $100 today, thinking about upgrading. But was wondering if they are due for new models anytime soon, anyone know?
I ordered the UK version and have to wait two more days :(
I'm still on my re-read of book one though, so it's not too bad.

You can always cancel that preorder and put a fake address into Amazon to get the US version, although it's not worth it if you aren't going to start it right away.

I'm ~40 odd pages in after last night. So. Damn. Good.

Amazon has the Paperwhite for $100 today, thinking about upgrading. But was wondering if they are due for new models anytime soon, anyone know?

They seem to update them very regularly (annually?), so there's always something better on the horizon. Having said that, the latest version of the Paperwhite is basically perfect. The only feature I think it's missing is a headphone jack for Audible compatibility. I end up listening to audiobooks on my Nexus, so it's no big deal, but having both features on a single device would be ideal.


Amazon has the Paperwhite for $100 today, thinking about upgrading. But was wondering if they are due for new models anytime soon, anyone know?

I'm 95% sure the current Paperwhite was upgraded in September, so it is only half a year old. I'd guess it would be awhile for an update.

I have the new Paperwhite too and it's great, though would consider a Kobo next time (once they update, if they haven't already) because I hear they have more reading options and use ePub's.


You can always cancel that preorder and put a fake address into Amazon to get the US version, although it's not worth it if you aren't going to start it right away

Funny enough I would habe been able to preorder the american version as well without having to change the address (Amazon.de is strange that way). I mainly preorderd the UK version because it was cheaper. Wasn't until some weeks ago that I realized the release date was different. Ah well, like I said still not through with the reread, so I can stand to wait two days longer.
They seem to update them very regularly (annually?), so there's always something better on the horizon. Having said that, the latest version of the Paperwhite is basically perfect. The only feature I think it's missing is a headphone jack for Audible compatibility. I end up listening to audiobooks on my Nexus, so it's no big deal, but having both features on a single device would be ideal.

I'm 95% sure the current Paperwhite was upgraded in September, so it is only half a year old. I'd guess it would be awhile for an update.

I have the new Paperwhite too and it's great, though would consider a Kobo next time (once they update, if they haven't already) because I hear they have more reading options and use ePub's.

Cool. Guess I'll pull the trigger and give my keyboard to mom.

Thanks dudes.


I'm 95% sure the current Paperwhite was upgraded in September, so it is only half a year old. I'd guess it would be awhile for an update.

I have the new Paperwhite too and it's great, though would consider a Kobo next time (once they update, if they haven't already) because I hear they have more reading options and use ePub's.

I resisted the Kindle for awhile using a variety of other devices. I got the new Paperwhite and love it more than any reader I've used. Calibre works great on converting epubs if you don't mind the extra step.
I resisted the Kindle for awhile using a variety of other devices. I got the new Paperwhite and love it more than any reader I've used. Calibre works great on converting epubs if you don't mind the extra step.

Calibre is quite great, yes. My friend published his book in ePub format and the program converted everything without a hitch.

Having said that, I'm perfectly content to keep everything in the AZW/mobi ecosystem. Amazon consistenly has the best prices and remains my go-to site for digital books.


Finished Mary Stewart's The Crystal Cave. I liked it enough, but man, after finishing a book where all the characters who do anything interesting are men and all the women are just there for sex... I just feel tired. Considering that the book strives for some sort of realism, I shouldn't be surprised. And I don't count it as a knock against it. It just makes me feel bad, because I really do love fantasy, and I want to be able to enjoy it without feeling like this. Someone recommended The Black Company as having good female characters, so I'll check that out next.

For now, I'm gonna start on:



Wrapped up The Reality Dysfunction by Peter F. Hamilton last night at around 12:30. Pretty awesome space opera that goes deeper than The Expanse series and even has a captain who's a complete whore. Sex and violence in space baby.

Now onto some ultra-violent reading with A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess.



I'm 95% sure the current Paperwhite was upgraded in September, so it is only half a year old. I'd guess it would be awhile for an update.

I have the new Paperwhite too and it's great, though would consider a Kobo next time (once they update, if they haven't already) because I hear they have more reading options and use ePub's.
Yep, updated last fall. Minor changes from what I remember.


Cheeseland is alright so far. Nothing amazing yet really, but it's short, so I feel like it'll be a decent palete cleanser. The author clearly has good taste in rock music however!


Still making my way through Republic of Thieves. It's not... bad, but it feels so contrived and pointless. :( I feel like I'm just reading it out of obligation to The Lies of Locke Lamora.
And because I paid for it. :p

Heh, I couldn't get through it. First book was great, second was pretty good, but I think the series suffers from a lack of interesting characters at this point.
He should never have killed the Sanzas off.
I might give it another shot in the future, we'll see.

On to Words of Radiance!

Where's doors of stone and the next dresden files? :[


I started reading some Alan Watts stuff that I was putting off (was in a sort of novel binge). Going through the book on the taboo against knowing who you are atm. really interesting


Finished Cheeseland. Not the hidden gem I hoped, but still liked it. Some subject matter I wasn't expecting, and the short length of the novel never really gives anything any time to have any great impact.

Not sure what to read next, but it'll probably be Beautiful Boy, will start it when I'm not at work.


However, this comes out on Tuesday and I'm counting down the hours:

I'm about 100 pages into Words of Radiance, and I like it so far. I'm excited, because I love Shallan and Jasnah.

Before starting WoR, I finished The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time #3) and it was decent. So far, I don't feel the hate for Egwene and Nynaeve. They're pretty bullheaded at times but they're alright. I really like Tar Valon chapters and learning about Aes Sedai. Maybe they get worse later?

I had a week between finishing The Dragon Reborn and WoR's release so I read The Dressmaker by Kate Alcott. I went into it wanting something light and short and I got what I expected, but the story still could have been better.


unexpectedly, this book about atomic bombs and their history and development is long. who would've thought.

much more interesting read than the bundy thing though so whatevs. Pairing reading this with Maus was maybe not the most uplifting of ideas.

Wrapped up The Reality Dysfunction by Peter F. Hamilton last night at around 12:30. Pretty awesome space opera that goes deeper than The Expanse series and even has a captain who's a complete whore. Sex and violence in space baby.

Sounds like my kind of book


Reading through A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens right now - and it's geniunenly amazing.. like the themes are kind of trite (rich capitalist learns the values of christian goodness) but it comes off as so genuine that it's hard not to be moved by it all. Not to mention Dickens undoubtedly is a excellent writer who has a way with words and description.

I'm also 120-pages away from finishing my re-read of Moby Dick.


Just finished "Night Film"

Very interesting because the protagonist was a lot like myself, a realist and a sceptic, but
I feel like I woul have just fallen into Inez Gallos fabrication of truth. I actually thought that's how the book was going to end. The whole chile thing is interesting, but I like to believe that Cordova is not as sinister as McGrath thinks.

Is Marishass Pessl's first novel worth a read?


Finished Fool Moon the other day and am about half way into Grave Peril, Glad i have found another series to get into. I don't mind stand alone books but if a book is good i always get a little sad when i finish it because there is no more, A series like this there is always the next book to look forward too (for a month or 2 at least).


Just finished "Night Film"

Very interesting because the protagonist was a lot like myself, a realist and a sceptic, but
I feel like I woul have just fallen into Inez Gallos fabrication of truth. I actually thought that's how the book was going to end. The whole chile thing is interesting, but I like to believe that Cordova is not as sinister as McGrath thinks.

I really liked the book. The juxtaposition of tone really helped in my opinion. In my review I stated at times it felt like a wacky Scooby-doo mystery, and I loved Nora, but other times it no doubt got very tense and a little dark. I have no idea what her other novel is like.

Now reading....
Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction - David Sheff

The tears have already started, so I know this is will be a very hard read for me because of my own struggles.


Reading this now...

I have the Nook version and the margins are too big even on smallest margin setting. Anyone else?

Yup, it's pretty annoying. Also, I've noticed some of the illustrations are centered placed oddly - they're almost flush against the bottom of the page, instead of centered with margins on 4 sides.
The Brothers Karamazov is even better ;)

Agreed, Karamazov... man, I need to reread it soon.

Finally finished Legacy of Ashes by Tim Weiner. Dear Lord, just soul crushing in its depiction of CIA ineptitude. I feel like every page heading should have "In your name, with your money" to drive home how the organizations failure and criminality is ultimately our failure as a democracy.

Picked up and quickly read through Jerusalem by Guy Delisle:


Enjoyable, light, piece, almost a sort of pastoral companion to Joe Sacco's much more dense, researched and pointed material (Palestine, Safe Area Gorazde, etc.). Worth the time, should pick up more of his stuff.

Now reading Thomas Paine's Common Sense, short and enjoyable, I hope. After that not sure. Probably finish the border trilogy by Cormac McCarthy.
Hyperion based on a GAF recommendation. At the poets story now and really enjoying the read.

It's one of my favorites of modern sci-fi, the mixture of classical Canterbury Tales frame story, the Keats line, etc., are all very well done. Glad you're enjoying it.
The Void Which Binds/Godhead stuff is quite weak, wish he could have done that exposition without it getting so goofy, but c'est la vie

I have both volumes in my signed first editions collection, I should make a photo gallery or something.



Tom Clancy Rainbow Six

I am around 530 pages in, and it is pretty good. The actionscens in it are awsome and the I like all the detalis. The villians are some of the smugest motherfuckers that I have read about in a long time. I want to punch them in the face. They are so full of themself and are some of the biggest hypocritics I have ever seen.
Tom Clancy Rainbow Six

I am around 530 pages in, and it is pretty good. The actionscens in it are awsome and the I like all the detalis. The villians are some of the smugest motherfuckers that I have read about in a long time. I want to punch them in the face. They are so full of themself and are some of the biggest hypocritics I have ever seen.

Damn good book. Probably my favorite Clancy book. Absolutely love it.

Anyway, I'm reading Stephen King's first short story collection Skeleton Crew. I just got finished reading The Jaunt, which is probably the best King story I've read so far.

First this was a pretty good Sci-Fi time travel story. I loved it. Has King written much science fiction stuff? I realize most of what he has written is horror/fantasy but anything with a more science fiction twist would be welcome.

Second, anything similar to it by other authors? I loved the idea of the Jaunt and the drawbacks/setbacks/risks that came along with it. I wanted so much more once I got done with it.
First this was a pretty good Sci-Fi time travel story. I loved it. Has King written much science fiction stuff? I realize most of what he has written is horror/fantasy but anything with a more science fiction twist would be welcome.

11/22/63 and Under the Dome are both excellent sci-fi stories from King. And 11/22/63 has time travel elements.
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