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What was your most hyped game of all time?


Diablo 3

Was constantly hyped for that game for years even before official announcement. Turned out to be a massive disappointment in that they forgot everything that made D2 great. No Blizzard, D2 wasn't popular for over a decade cuz of "teh epic l00t". Even though RoS was an improvement it just felt too little too late.


There have been different moments:

. I was jealous of kids who had the Streets of Rage/Golden Axe/Shinobi pack for Mega Drive.

. Then I was jealous of people who had that Dragon Ball Z game for Sega Saturn (Legends?) so, I bought Final Bout for PS1 (I know).

. I never wanted a Final Fantasy game. They seemed boring. But when my uncle gave VIII to me on xmas it rapidly became my favorite game of all time (it still is).

. I was pretty hyped for The Bouncer. Me and a friend of mine even went to Toysrus and removed the only 2 copies that they had and put them behind some different toys because we would have to come back the next day after convincing our parents. I still think people hate too much on that game. It's fine. The problem was the hype.

. MGS 2 and GTA III lived up to the hype of everyone around me (not mine).

. Final Fantasy X was an easy one for me after VIII.

. I was very worried, for a moment, that Assassin's Creed (the original) was only coming for PS3, when I had made the choice to change from PS2 to MS. My fears ended up not being that important, for several reasons.

. Bioshock, Mass Effect and Red Dead Redemption are 3 of my favorite games due to the fact that I was not expecting much out of those because they were not my type of game.

. The Arkham series and Chris Nolan movies ended my prejudice against comic book characters.

. COD4 and Halo 3 ended my prejudice against FPSs

. I only needed to watch a Giant Bomb Quick Look to know how amazing Skyrim was going to be.

. By the end of that generation I, for the first time, was jealous of people who had a PS3 because of TLOU and Journey. Bought a PS4.

. The Witcher 3 is low hanging fruit.

. Final Fantasy XV by the end of development and because X was the last one I had played and I was starting to miss that franchise. It did not disappoint.

. Red Dead 2, of course.

. I am thinking of buying my second ever Nintendo console, after the Gameboy, because of Zelda (but only next year, when the library justifies the price).

. And, finally, Cyberpunk 2077, TLOU 2 and .... Bloodborne 2?


Probably Grand Theft Auto IV. Also the most disappointing game of all time. I stopped getting hyped after that.
Gran Turismo 5
I bought PS3 for GT5 and expected the best racing game of all time without any flaws, but...
I really loved it though, and spent 266 hours in GT5 according to Sony.


Probably Grand Theft Auto IV. Also the most disappointing game of all time. I stopped getting hyped after that.

Forgot about that one. That, alongside DMC2, were probably the two games I have ever put down more rapidly. Hence the forgetting..


Generous Member
MGS2 (that demo)

have loved them all

I'll add CoD4 not hyped but it's an all time favourite for me.


Mario Kart Wii:
Everyone was so hyped after double dash. Bought controllers and Wii Wheels for it day one. Totally did not live up to expectations and is my least favourite Mario Kart

Grand Theft Auto 4:
The first GTA on the new generation. Honestly completely delivered on a huge increase in world fidelity, and the new physics engine and PC recording tools were stellar and really came through. People crap on GTAIV now but it was a legitimate revelation at the time.

Grand Theft Auto 5:
MASSIVE hype right from the start. Unquestionably delivered on everything from the visuals, to the story, to the character switching mechanic. Roommate and I blazed, got the game day 1, and cut class that day and it was phenomenal.

Don't think I've seen one mention of this but the hype around Crysis with its insane tech videos just as GameTrailers HD was becoming a thing. Completely delivered, in my mind. Graphically, and from a gameplay perspective it was a true leap forward and spurred "Can it run Crysis?" jokes for years to come.

Call of Duty 4:
I'm amazed already at how many of these hyped games have lived up to their promise, but I think CoD4 is also one of them. Somehow a new generation sparks a fucking ton of hype around existing franchises, and lots of times the first outings have been stellar. Notable mentions are Orange Box (this basically deserves its own category), Resident Evil 5, Halo 3 and Uncharted 4.

Super Mario Odyssey:
Very interested to see how this turns out, really has the potential to be a return to form for 64/Sunshine fans, and that style was by far my favourite. "Will it be Mario's BotW?" Will haunt it all year.

Smash Bros:
These games always get ridiculous hype and it's always deserved. They do a great job of drip feeding information. Brawl was fine but 4 really I think took over Melee as my favourite to just sit down and play. The 1080p presentation really helped it too.

Edit: Forgit Killzone 2!! As a PS3 owner the prerelease videos were mind blowing and I preordered it and got the hat and everything. Ended up being one of the most boring shooters I've ever played. Looked amazing though


Was likely either Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess or Terranigma. The latter i remember seeing pictures of Illusion of Time 2 in the uk Nintendo Magazine and just waiting and waiting for it. I remember ordering it from one of the shops that advertised in the magazine too and paid with postal order and then it was delivered a week later. Great days.

The Pope

Skyrim, Witcher 3, Mass Effect 3, MGSV, Bloodborne. Only Witcher 3 exceeded my expectations. Missing out on Gerhman at the end of Bloodborne soured me and every ten posts on Neogaf I must tell people how much MGSV dissappointed me. Skryrim I couldnt bring myself to finish (got my moneys worth though) and ME3's ending ruined what could have been the best Mass Effect game.


Was easily Kingdom Hearts 2, and now a 3 way tie between KH3, Horizon 2, and TLOU 2.

But I doubt my hype for any game will ever reach what it was for KH2 like 2 years out from its release.

One of my answer as well, 2 years of hype over a couple of 15 seconds clips of gameplay that showcased new combat mechanics like the reaction command (and Mulan world!!).

But it's hard for me to decide. StarCraft II was a huge game for me too, and it was announced pretty early as well, Blizzard took their sweet time before released Wings of Liberty. MGS V: The Phantom Pain yet another one, each new trailer only flammed the hype even higher.

Right now I don't have any game that i'm hyped with such intensity, probably a good thing. KH2 and SC2 lived up to the hype, but MGS V and a couple of other mild disappointments made me a little less... passionate.

I do whoever, am starting to expect another overhype trip in the future (I can feel it coming), for Cyberpunk 2077.


Halo 3, without question.

God that pre-release hype was so intense. It soured me on the game though, finished it maybe once or twice and never really got into the MP for more than a few weeks.


Majora's Mask.

I remember getting physically ill a week before it came out because I was so anxious for the release.


Hmmmmm. Probably Zero Time Dilemma, VLR being my favourite game of all time. It was good, but didn't live up to expectations.

Otherwise, FFXIII Versus, which was a crushing disappointment.


at last, for christ's sake
OOT, KOTOR 2, Super Mario Land 2, Wolfenstein 2009, Monkey Island 4, Battlefield 2, Mission impossible 64 (yes)


I don't think any game beat the hype of the MGS4 and GTA4 combo in 2008.

No period of time in my gaming life have I ever been more excited than this.
This is a bit of a weird one for sure.

Piers Solar just generated such hype and hope for me, I pledged to buy it really early on in it's super long development and the hype just sort of slowly kept building. When it finally arrived in the amazing box it came in it reached an insane level I've never experienced before. Tried fervently to get my old megadrive and CD working but couldn't do it that first day so slept on it and was just so excited to play it.

The next day I finally got it all working, and as the title screen song started playing "Ruins" I just burst into tears! Came out of nowhere - just pure emotion and has never happened before or since. I sat there watching the attract sequence and listening to the music for ages and then just shut the system off because I knew it wouldn't be possible for the game to reach higher highs than that.

Played a fair bit of it since, but that first bit was magical.

Told you it was a weird one!


Versus XIII
10 years of expectations, and in the end we get a completely different game with a few re-used designs.

Also Zelda TP and HL2 ended up being good games but not that much worth of the huge hype.

On the other hand, Donkey Kong Country, OOT, Perfect Dark, and MGS2 all paid-off big time.


The Witcher 3. After The Witcher 2 hit the top of my favorite games list I religiously followed the news on the sequel for years. I think it turned out amazing, but I still prefer 2 overall.
After SSX3 I was excited about finally getting a new entry in the HD generation.

SSX was a real disappointment. I just wanted to go from peak 3 to the basement in HD one more time.

Please EA.


I think buying a console 2 years before a game comes out qualifies as my most hyped game, which would be Xenoblade Chronicles X.

As complex and time consuming the extra content can be, I still love the hell out of it, and still play it.

I also gotta go with BloodBorne, which turned out fucking awesome.

Honorable mentions:

No Man's Sky: A complete media and spoiler blackout screwed me.

Final Fantasy VS XIII: 10 years of waiting and hype managed to get turned into not even caring about the game at launch because it had changed so much I lost interest.


There's been many, most of them delivered big time IMO except those marked with a =(

Mortal Kombat 2 SNES
Secret of Evermore =( (I thought it was a sequel to SOM)
Mario 64
Syphon Filter 2
Cruisn' USA (N64 port) =(
Hydro Thunder (Dreamcast)
Tekken Tag Tournament (and that general PS2 hype, it was insane. The only time I stayed up for more than 24hrs to buy something)
Jak 2
Socom 2 (SOCOM was insane, S2 was the perfect sequel)
Metal Gear Solid 2 (tanker part was the best so the demo spoiled me a bit on this one though)
Killzone 2
Burnout Paradise (aka when I realized open world in racing games wasn't for me) =(
God of War 2
God of War 3 (after the perfect GOW2) =(
Uncharted 1-2-4
Uncharted 3 =(
TLOU (it all started with that cordicep video)
The Last Guardian

The next one with an insane amount of hype for me will probably be TLOU2.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Battlefield 3. I would literally scour their official websites after coming home from school for new information every day. The Smash Dojo and Battleblog kept me well fed.


Lived up to it too



Maybe Wizardy 8. It took a good long time, and it wasn't even sure that it would (or could) even happen. Great game, and a shame that the series died.

Diablo 3 before Blizz North all left. Lost a ton of anticipation once a wow team took over. The game never got beyond being a shadow of it's predecessor.


I think Smash Bros Brawl. I used to read the dojo every morning before school and then on launch day I pulled a Constanza and kept thinking on the ride home "I'm surely gonna get hit by a car and die before playing this because that's just my luck."

Silly kid me.
The original Shennmue, I used to read about it on Irish teletext (Aertel) and the dreamcast in general.

This crazy next gem, and I mean really next gen, the actual future, machine of incredible power. Sonic adventure had a tails level that was 3 mikes long! (Whatever that means)

Then Yu Suzuki my absolute hero (along with Yuji Naka) is making a virtua fighter RPG, in development forever, too realistic for the Saturn, the most expensive game of all time, and the only place I could see it was in my head.

I would see pictures of the machine I had known as the Sega Katina in the (trashy) Sunday world Newspaper, and I fell I love.

Screen shots of sonic adventure and powerstone, by my favorite developer other than Sega, Capcom.
Rumours of the amazing soul caliber port,"better than the arcade graphics". The launch day 9/9/99, which slightly slipped to October here if I remember.
The talk about a real place, every person went about their lives, FULL REACTIVE EYES ENTERTAINMENT.
Live and kicking giving away Dreamcasts at launch, the first footage of Sonic Adventure I saw.

My brother getting a dreamcast at launch, then buying Official dreamcast magazine and devouring every morsel about shenmue printed in it.
Watching the demo discs seeing the videos, clips from shenmue 2. The heads demo.
I had never seen graphics like that.

Finally a year later reading the official magazine review, I always found the magazine fair.
10 out of 10. I was over joyed.

I got my copy.

The white splash screen AM 2.

You Suzuki's signature.

The main menu with the katakana.

And the single greatest gaming experience of my life

Just for some detail, I was on a train heading home as I posted this. I missed my stop and went to the wrong town, I got so caught up in my memories.

I took the train as the buses are on strike. Now I need to figure out a way home.

But I don't mind because, Shenmue 3 is real.


Shadow of the colossus - First saw it when it was revealed at TGS. At the time there was no trailer, just some cutscene and gameplay footage on mute and a live version of that mellow acoustic track from the OST. I was entranced by the striking art style, animation and concept and knew I had to keep an eye on it. As more footage was rolled out I realized I've wanted to play few games as much as SOTC. It was a breath of fresh air and looked so immersive and epic and gave you the feels quite a bit as well. When the demo was released I played the everloving shit out of it, testing how much of the game's environment could be explored before it crashed. Discovering the hidden forest and exploiting a glitch that let me climb the towering main temple until reaching the top, discovering the secret garden and enjoying the view from the main bridge. The sense of scale was breathtaking and unlike anything I saw in a videogame. On release day, I remember taking off work and rushing to the gamestop at the (now closed) mall to get my preorder. I remember the very long 15 minute drive back home. As I played through the game I took my time and spend hours upon hours just exploring the gorgeous 3d painting that was its open world environment. The story was riveting and met expectations. Overall, one of the most memorable and highly anticipated games ever for me.

REmake and RE4 - It was still just RE1 with some new features and a new coat of paint, but Resident Evil was still my favorite game series at the time and you have to take into consideration how fucking mindblowing it was for a game to look like that in 2003. It was in a whole other league, visually, and I already knew the core game wouldn't disappoint, so I found myself so hyped that I bought a gamecube, something I never planned on doing. Then, shortly after that, RE4 was revealed in a magazine (I think Gameinformer) and you really got the impression that it would be something special. There was nothing that looked or played like that, and it was also of course the long-awaited follow up to Code Veronica, so I was hyped beyond belief to play it. Still remember the day I got it and the thrills and emotional high I felt while playing it.

Bioshock - I followed the previews, interviews and media obsessively. There was simply nothing like it at all. I mean, it was vaguely similar to System Shock, but never having played a Shock game before it was all very new to me. The beautiful graphics, world building, creature design, open-ended "do whatever you want in this amazing setting" angle to the gameplay, the way enemies fit into a kind of ecosystem that you could play around with...it was very exciting stuff at the time. I was in the hospital when the game was released. The day I got out I drove directly to best buy and grabbed a copy ASAP and gave it a spin in the ol' 360 and completely immersed myself in it for a week.


The more time passes without it being released on Xbox One, my vote goes to Turok 1 and 2.

I'm hoping for a 2017 release, preferably a bundle.


Return to castle wolfenstein. The MP beach demo was everything I ever wanted in a MP shooter. Teamwork as well as great netcode. I was SO hyped for the main.

Will never forget when I picked up my full copy at launch day. Although some maps were a lot weaker than beach it was still TONS of fun. I still think it's the best multiplayer game ever.

Sonic 2 is probably not far behind and I think it lived up to my expectations. That first curled loop was just wooooow.

So many years between those two...haha.


1. Persona 5 - I'm waiting for this since 2013,one more week :((
2.Mass Effect 3- My favourite series until I got to the ending.
3.Gta V-Second best in the series after San Andreas.
4.The Last of US-Entered in my top 5 of all time.
5. The Witcher 3-Not so hyped but it entered in my top 3 of all time,favourite game this generation.


Return to castle wolfenstein. The MP beach demo was everything I ever wanted in a MP shooter. Teamwork as well as great netcode. I was SO hyped for the main.

Will never forget when I picked up my full copy at launch day. Although some maps were a lot weaker than beach it was still TONS of fun. I still think it's the best multiplayer game ever.

Sonic 2 is probably not far behind and I think it lived up to my expectations. That first curled loop was just wooooow.

So many years between those two...haha.

Yeah, I remember playing that beach demo back in high school. I had a lot of fun with it and I wanna say I played it with friends? I dunno, I definitely remember talking about it with friends. I don't think I ever played the full game though.

Sonic 2... When I was a kid I had a dream once where I won some contest or something was about to get Sonic 2 and right before it reached my hands after it arrived my Ma woke me up for school. I was so mad at her, lol. As if like if I got it in my dream I would have it in real life too. Man, that was like... almost 25 years ago? Kinda weird that I remember that but yeah, that's how mad I was.
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