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Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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I just got High School of the Dead for $40 new from Amazon marketplace.

Anybody know where I can get a list of what will be airing in the Spring?
Bakuman 2 ep 23

Perfect Crime Club was actually on Detective Trap level but seriously...what in the world is wrong with head editor. What a rotten Merry Christmas.


Sorry, but I'll just say I disagree with that notion. I understand an overall like or dislike for a movie, but I simply find strange having the precision to rank those uncountable feelings on a list, and that without taking into account the appreciation of only determined aspects present on some movies that simply aren't comparable.

I know I shouldn't post any long off-topic reply in here!

This is why I always prefer a list of great movies rather than a ranked list of great movies. The idea of arbitrary rankings is...well, arbitrary.

Now stop it /XX/, you know how I get when you talk this way, all reasonable and stuff.


Gintama 251

These self-aware lazy episodes are always gold.

I'm glad spring looks to be packed because I'm going to sorely miss having this show as part of my weekly schedule.

One thing stands out is the lack of BG music which kinda weird me out. But yeah,I'll miss this show too along with Nichibros. But hey look on the bright side, Gintama will return next year. Sunrise isn't gonna let Gintama die out as long as it's keeps making them money.


I wish I had found a show worthy of "missing" from this season.

Might jump on the Fate/Zero wagon last second to have something to watch continuing in Spring.
Ah My Goddess 01
Keiichi meets a goddess at the end of the episode!
Uh wow, that was a lot of filler. They took like the first few pages of the manga and threw in like three plus minutes of talk about fate, then spent the rest of the time showing how unlucky Keiichi is. I guess it is to build up Keiichi, but at the same time, all that filler. I would imagine that we'll get more than less of one chapter per episode once the series gets going. I would hope.


Subete no aware
Random Gintama Benizakura Arc observation:

So, I like DOES and I'll randomly watch both the movie version and the TV version of the Benizakura arc finale to listen to the songs in context:


When I was watching it tonight, I totally noticed something that I didn't see the 50 or 100 times that I watched this scene previously.

The whole arc is about
, and specifically, what it means
to be a samurai. Early in the arc/movie, Gintoki loses his sword and the bad guy accuses him of not being a true samurai. Of course, something super awesome happens at the end of that scene that isn't worth mentioning here

What's great is that in this fight scene
Gintoki has lost his sword in the previous fight. He's, by that villain's definition, not a samurai. In this fight sequence, he starts off unarmed and then disarms and kills an attack in one single move.
It's a small and ultimately easy point to miss - because it's just so god damned bad ass - but it's completely thematically resonant to the rest of the arc -
being a samurai isn't about wielding the strongest sword, it's about having the strongest heart.

OH OF COURSE - Notice how Gintoki and Katsura both
throw away their swords at the end of the fight.
I can't believe I missed that as well! I think this scene is slowly creeping into one of my favourite anime sequences of all time. Sorachi am based God, etc.

I swear, this show just keeps on giving and giving. If more people used action scenes to actually tell meaningful stories, maybe I would start paying attention to more of them.

(Also, a year without Gintama is probably going to kill me. :/)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
This is why I always prefer a list of great movies rather than a ranked list of great movies. The idea of arbitrary rankings is...well, arbitrary.

Now stop it /XX/, you know how I get when you talk this way, all reasonable and stuff.
There is nothing arbitrary about drawing comparisons between works within the same medium. To seal off a work from the rest of the world when creative works of all types are so reliant on intertextuality just seems short sighted to me. Reflection on the work offers an innumerable number of ways to quantify your reaction to it. That's pretty much what this whole thread is, reactions to episodes that evaluate and compare. If you are unable to quantify your reaction in relation to the impression left by other works you probably just aren't trying.
Bakuman 2 - 24

Well they fooled me at the end of 23. That was a nice set of events and Azuki's VA singing We Wish You A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Ear was pretty sweet and touching. She has a lovely voice. I liked Saiko's plan for the manga though cant wait to see how he evolves in this and if they can truly defeat Eiji's rankings.
Another 11

Jesus tapdancing christ. If you enjoyed Blood C, then you owe it to yourself to watch this show.

I've never seen a show metaphorically shit the bed so gloriously before.


Another 11

Jesus tapdancing christ. If you enjoyed Blood C, then you owe it to yourself to watch this show.

I've never seen a show metaphorically shit the bed so gloriously before.

I lost track of this show at episode 3, but went and read summaries of 4-10 and then watched 11 based on the reactions here and... yeah, unless I'm missing something that entire episode revolved around Mei
not spitting out the name WHICH SHE KNEW of the person who was the 'dead one' who they needed to kill. Despite repeated conversations discussing the dead one, the importance of killing the dead one, etc. Also everyone randomly attacking everyone else for lolz, I guess.

Based on how consistently paced previous episodes were, this one is like somebody hit the 'go batshit' button.
Rinne No Lagrange: Episode 11

Okay, no longer post from me. I'm running behind on stuff, as is!

Dang, I felt like I was watching an entirely different show this week. The tone and content just felt so removed from the last week or so. In a good way, though. It finally feels like this show is ready to do what it wanted to do from the start.

Played out pretty much like I expected it to until the ending minutes. I wasn't expecting them to actually target the town, since that would have actually made sense. Color me surprised! And Madoka is going super saiyan! Curious to see what that leads to next week.

I missed you. : (


There is nothing arbitrary about drawing comparisons between works within the same medium. To seal off a work from the rest of the world when creative works of all types are so reliant on intertextuality just seems short sighted to me. Reflection on the work offers an innumerable number of ways to quantify your reaction to it. That's pretty much what this whole thread is, reactions to episodes that evaluate and compare. If you are unable to quantify your reaction in relation to the impression left by other works you probably just aren't trying.

Drawing comparisons is not the arbitrary aspect, you're right in saying that we all do that in different ways, the ranking is what feels strange to me. The thought of saying this movie/show is #1 and this movie/show is #3 on a list feels like a dismissal of their individuality and whatever they may have achieved.

You say quantify but I'm not sure if that's what you mean. Are you saying that people should be able to assign numerical values to their responses e.g. Madoka was a 10 and Angel Beats was a 5?

I feel that the point I was trying to make is inherent to a problem I have with rankings, I have no problem with people assigning numbers or rankings to shows. It's just not what i like to see.
I lost track of this show at episode 3, but went and read summaries of 4-10 and then watched 11 based on the reactions here and... yeah, unless I'm missing something that entire episode revolved around Mei
not spitting out the name WHICH SHE KNEW of the person who was the 'dead one' who they needed to kill. Despite repeated conversations discussing the dead one, the importance of killing the dead one, etc. Also everyone randomly attacking everyone else for lolz, I guess.

Based on how consistently paced previous episodes were, this one is like somebody hit the 'go batshit' button.

I dont think it makes for good storytelling if they made that revelation before the final episode truth be told, I like having to guess and wait in patient anticipation for it.
And perhaps its just logical that a class trip of all their class would clearly have the extra person there, I almost feel as if she doesnt know
Another 11
I lost track of this show at episode 3, but went and read summaries of 4-10 and then watched 11 based on the reactions here and... yeah, unless I'm missing something that entire episode revolved around Mei
not spitting out the name WHICH SHE KNEW of the person who was the 'dead one' who they needed to kill.
Despite repeated conversations discussing the dead one, the importance of killing the dead one, etc. Also everyone randomly attacking everyone else for lolz, I guess.

Based on how consistently paced previous episodes were, this one is like somebody hit the 'go batshit' button.
That's actually one aspect that I'd defend.
Like hell anyone is going to believe Mei. Even if she wasn't on everyone's murder list, people still wouldn't believe that she can see death with her fake eye. Fuck, having a fake eye that can see death just makes her sound even more likely to be evil.

Dedication Through Light: Up until the end of episode 11, I didn't think that
she knew who the dead person was, since iirc she said in ep. 10 that she never takes her eyepatch off at school. However, her comment and behavior at the end of this ep makes it seem like she does know.


I had no clue what that was even about or why they did that, antigravity effects or something? Style, or just looking cool to look cool?

I think the chairs have
always represented the Voxes and not the girls themselves. Like how when Midori was "grounded", the green chair was below the other two. Or how Madoka had more chairs than the other two in one of the school episodes can be relative to their strength (and the Aura has clearly undergone more transformation than the other two at this time).

If anything, I think it played to what was going on with the blossoming of Rin-ne at the end of the last episode, and that each of the Voxes was blossoming this time. So I would say that (and due to Mr. Shifty-eyes' lines at the beginning), i'd say each of the mechs is undergoing transformation of some sort, whether it be growth to the biowaves Space Tiger mentioned, or as a reaction to Madoka's increasingly tainted heart.

Yet again, if the newtypes using the memoria are any indication, some growth is going to occur between machines and pilots.


That's actually one aspect that I'd defend.
Like hell anyone is going to believe Mei. Even if she wasn't the on everyone's murder list, people still wouldn't believe that she can see death with her fake eye. Fuck, having a fake eye that can see death just makes her sound even more likely to be evil.

Yeah, but she didn't even
tell main character guy, who would believe her. At the end, she's apparently going to go wade through the building to kill somebody herself and not tell him, even though she's aware everyone's after her ass. It seems like she should at least give him a hint, in case she doesn't make it. If she doesn't know, then an "I don't know" would work, but to get her to the point of saying the name ("The extra person is here." "Who is it?" "It's...") and then being suddenly interrupted was just... silly. At the very least you'd think the main guy would keep nagging her about it.

I get the plot structural reasons sustaining suspense doing what they're doing, but in terms of actual execution it felt very cheap.
Yeah, but she didn't even
tell main character guy, who would believe her. At the end, she's apparently going to go wade through the building to kill somebody herself and not tell him, even though she's aware everyone's after her ass. It seems like she should at least give him a hint, in case she doesn't make it. If she doesn't know, then an "I don't know" would work, but to get her to the point of saying the name ("The extra person is here." "Who is it?" "It's...") and then being suddenly interrupted was just... silly. At the very least you'd think the main guy would keep nagging her about it.

I get the plot structural reasons sustaining suspense doing what they're doing, but in terms of actual execution it felt very cheap.
I think
Sakaki was a little too preoccupied to be worried about that, and Misaki probably didn't want to tell him because she didn't want to think about it or place that burden on Sakaki. He can't actually do anything with that information, after all.

The only thing they did wrong, imo, was
having Misaki know who it was.
If they didn't, then people wouldn't be so frustrated about having the answer dangled just out of reach.
I think the chairs have
always represented the Voxes and not the girls themselves. Like how when Midori was "grounded", the green chair was below the other two. Or how Madoka had more chairs than the other two in one of the school episodes can be relative to their strength (and the Aura has clearly undergone more transformation than the other two at this time).

If anything, I think it played to what was going on with the blossoming of Rin-ne at the end of the last episode, and that each of the Voxes was blossoming this time. So I would say that (and due to Mr. Shifty-eyes' lines at the beginning), i'd say each of the mechs is undergoing transformation of some sort, whether it be growth to the biowaves Space Tiger mentioned, or as a reaction to Madoka's increasingly tainted heart.

Yet again, if the newtypes using the memoria are any indication, some growth is going to occur between machines and pilots.
And here I thought it was just them telling gravity to shove it.

Yeah, it's definitely an (unnecessary) visual metaphor for the girls, but not sure about the gravity stuff. It's obvious something was going on, when Madoka's tears were going upwards, but not really sure what that's about just yet. Guess it's something to do with space, three, or jerseys. Or something.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Damn. I don't have the new Kid Icarus anime on my Nintendo Video yet.

And here I thought it was just them telling gravity to shove it.

Yeah, it's definitely an (unnecessary) visual metaphor for the girls, but not sure about the gravity stuff. It's obvious something was going on, when Madoka's tears were going upwards, but not really sure what that's about just yet. Guess it's something to do with space, three, or jerseys. Or something.

I think you guys are looking too much into it.


Kid Icarus: Uprising: Palutena's Revolting Dinner Part 1:


I think you guys are looking too much into it.
Eh, if they're going to give us blatant symbolism, it's gotta mean something.

Also, I just like the show for all the same reasons I like TTGL. I just like it because I don't know why.


I hate every one of you that owns a 3DS right now. And Nintendo for only making these available for a limited time, I guess.

...I'm still going to hold out until E3 on the slim chance there's a revision, but after that I guess I'll look for the next major sale. The screen scratching issue isn't as big a deal anymore as people made it out to be, right?


Are you trying to kill me?
I hate every one of you that owns a 3DS right now.

...I'm still going to hold out until E3 on the slim chance there's a revision, but after that I guess I'll look for the next major sale. The screen scratching issue isn't as big a deal anymore as people made it out to be, right?

Dude, the screen-scratching issue has been basically non-existent since Oct./Nov. If they even do a revision soonish, it'll be to make a larger sized system (and it's still too soon I would say) because the 3DS is almost exactly as small as the DS Lite.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I hate every one of you that owns a 3DS right now. And Nintendo for only making these available for a limited time, I guess.

...I'm still going to hold out until E3 on the slim chance there's a revision, but after that I guess I'll look for the next major sale. The screen scratching issue isn't as big a deal anymore as people made it out to be, right?

I don't wanna go OT here, but there's no way they'll announce a revision at E3. They haven't even started drowning the West with new colors and special editions.
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