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Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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This is kind of what I meant when I namedropped Aika. The whole objectification thing still applies and has always applied obviously in anime, but anime does tend to empower females. I don't know about these days so much, but when I was growing up watching old OVA's and such, the female characters were always powerful and had crazy abilities while the males usually sat around being nearly useless. Its the impression that I first got about how anime treats female empowerment and whether its true or not, thats the impression that has stuck with me to the present.
There are some that do that, but so many more that do the opposite... the ones with the strong female characters (that is, they're not ideal Japanese wives, accepting haremites, etc...) are very much exceptions, that's for sure!

So yes, there are some of those characters, but fewer than this post suggests.

What you're missing is that it's all in service of male wish fulfillment. After all, you can't have a magical girlfriend tend to every whim and need if she's not magical.

Watch how a group of otherwise capable women devolve into moeblobs in Infinite Stratos. It's profoundly misogynistic.
This is certainly true in general, but that was one of the things I was referring to as a positive about Aika -- she's not doing it for some random loser harem-master guy, there is no such character in the franchise. She's doing it because it's the right thing to do, mostly, or because she gets dragged into it.

But yes, I know it's mostly male wish fulfillment, I just don't think that that excuse should be allowed to let them completely get off. Considering how incredibly sexist most of it is, that shouldn't happen.

Well that's always going to be part of it.
I dont think there's any avoiding that. Especially since the more empowered a character is, the more the creators try to make her into a fanservice vehicle.
Just because the audience it's aimed for explains the reasons for it doesn't justify it. That is, that may be how it is, but that doesn't make it right!

Choose your waifu

They turned Australia into a prison continent of sorts, as all the representatives were once criminalized for various reasons. I'm super excited for this game, and I tried the demo, it's definitely mechanically solid and pretty fun as well. It's sad to admit but it's one of the games I've really been looking forward to playing this year.
Also Kamehameha is mai waifu

I still find it odd how this game has a random mixture of historical-based costumes and completely absurd fantasy getups. I know that's how anime-style fantasy always goes, but seriously, as someone who knows actual history, it never fails to look wrong. As always this is particularly true for the Western characters of course.

... And on a somewhat related note, of the two "new" characters on that chart, while Archimedes' costume there is kind of clever (what it's a probable reference to I mean), why does Diogenes' look sort of Chinese or something?

So I finally started on Last Exile: Fam the Silver Wing.

Last Exile Fam 03

Pretty good. I got kinda worried when I saw that half the main cast was moe, especially in the first five seconds of episode 01, but the protagonist and deuteragonist manage to be shockingly capable people. They're basically moe in appearance only. What am I to expect in upcoming episodes?
What should you expect? Constant tension, lots of action, occasional tragedy, ships shooting at eachother, some moe antics... yes, overall it's a very good show, and a worthy successor to Last Exile.
Tari Tari: Artwork



That does look nice, but yeah, I have no hopes the anime will look as good.

I'm pretty sure that's Milky Holmes S2.
That is quite likely true, of course.

Hmm, may need to check this out.
You should, Milky Holmes is one of the funnier anime comedy franchises of recent years. Obviously because it's comedy not everyone is going to like it, but try it, anyway. Do start with season one though, and watch more than one episode for sure.

I'm going to give the first season a shot, since I need something to do while I wait for episodes of Mirai Nikki.
Now those are two shows with some pretty significant differences in tone... but sure, try it out.

So you mean it's finally getting tolerable again? why wouldn't you want that?!
You can't understand why people might prefer moe antics to serious tragic drama, seriously? It shouldn't be THAT hard...


You should, Milky Holmes is one of the funnier anime comedy franchises of recent years. Obviously because it's comedy not everyone is going to like it, but try it, anyway. Do start with season one though, and watch more than one episode for sure.

You are Nichijou brethren. That's all the reputability from you I need.

Is action like from that gif shown earlier today common in the series?



i'm gonna have to wait weeks where i'm at for dat shaft palutena moe. fucking nintendo. maybe they'll add that shit to the gamecart or something... :(

My Neighbors the Yamadas

Visually speaking this was very different from what you'd usually expect from a Ghibli film but it was just as fantastically animated as their usual stuff. If anything the art style really helped add to just how heartwarming this was. Definitely worth checking out if you haven't seen it.
Another 11


This is like... I don't even fuckin know. The last 5 minutes of a Final Destination movie, but amplified to the extreme? Wow.

Also, this creeped me the hell out.
You are Nichijou brethren. That's all the reputability from you I need.

Is action like from that gif shown earlier today common in the series?


Action like that does happen, but it's infrequent. The centerpoint of the comedy is mostly about how the main characters (Milky Holmes) lose their powers in the first episode of season one, and have only infrequently had them after that, so they now have hard lives -- like, a superhero group that loses their powers and have to suffer though moe antics and related comedy. There are other characters too, like the group of thieves, and the police girls, each with their own material, but that is a central element.

While that "look at how cute they are suffering" element is central, there always are lots of other random comedy bits, though, and they're often pretty funny. It can be such a funny series sometimes...

Season two gets off to a slow start, but by the fourth episode or so it gets back up to form, compared to the first season. Episodes five and six for instance were just hilarious...


A Good Citizen
My Neighbors the Yamadas

Visually speaking this was very different from what you'd usually expect from a Ghibli film but it was just as fantastically animated as their usual stuff. If anything the art style really helped add to just how heartwarming this was. Definitely worth checking out if you haven't seen it.
Have you seen Only Yesterday?


Shin Mazinger Z 22

Mostly clips from previous eps. zzz
Crazy to see how affectionate Dr. Hell is to Ashura though.
Genius Party

As always with anthologies, there is an incredible range of styles - and quality - on display.

Genius Party


The series kicks off with a grand, ecstatic, abstract short - quintissental Studio 4C. If it has a meaning it's as the visualization of inspiration, but it can just be enjoyed as the animated showcase that it is. Reminds me of Superflat Monogram in how unified it is with its constantly pulsating music.

Shanghai Dragon


Better than I would expect from Kawamori, the sci-fi stuff ends up being a flashly way to focus on the power of a child's imagination. It's well conveyed; I like the rough scrawl look of what the boy creates. There's an exciting and vibrant quality to the action storyboarding which makes a joy to watch. The use of CG to create environmental depth actually works fairly well, for the most part.

Deathtic 4


A bizarre vision of a world of zombies where living things are eliminated on sight. The direction and CG animation is awkward at times, and while the grotesque style is unusual and striking, I can't say I'm a fan.



The background art is really quite beautiful, and I like the Otomo-ish character designs. The rest of the work is not so successful. It deals with a creepy, unsettling concept but the pacing is too dull and there's not enough atmosphere to pull it off.

Serial Experiments Lain did it better.

Limit Cycle


Our protagonist(?) mumbles pseudo-philosophical/religious nonsense over similarly pretentous and rambling visuals. Incredibly painful to sit through. It's like a caricature of what Oshii's critics think he's like.

Happy Machine


The most successful Yuasa work I've seen yet, as it achieves exactly what it sets out to achieve: being creepy and wildly surreal. Great art direction.

Baby Blue


Shinkai would be proud.

Watanabe shows his mastery of direction in this tender and atmospheric relationship drama. The compositions are attractive and great attention is paid to the use of lighting and making the movements of the characters expressive. The voice acting is not as expressive, and it is the one weak point. What really makes the short is Watanabe's use of music, not only Yoko Kanno's score but also the use of Chopin's Etude in E Major, first stated in a hesitating, incomplete form at the opening and fully realized at the end. Together with an imaginative visual transformation, it makes the final scene magical.

Summary: Standouts are Baby Blue, Genius Party, Happy Machine, and Shanghai Dragon. If I had to pick a favorite, I'd go with Genius Party.


Subete no aware
I must be the only one still watching Last Exile, but fuuuuuuuuuuuck this show. What a janky way to develop an anti-hero, especially considering the scale of his atrocities.
That some Millia's sister would just willingly follow him is just as idiotic.

Only two more episodes left and I can forget this travesty of an ending arc.


Subete no aware
Is it . . . RGB tier?
Pretty damn close. The only difference is that the bullshit is spread over 5 episodes instead of 10 minutes. So I dunno... does that mean it's worse because it's like 10 times as long as the RGB ending?

It's okay, Firehawk, I'm getting to Last Exile in the nearish future. You're not the last one.
I really don't think you should. :/
Or, at least you should know what you're getting into before blood vessels burst in your brain from the confusion and rage.


People still care about Eureka AO?

Yes. I am excited for it.

Kid Icarus: Uprising: Palutena's Revolting Dinner Part 1:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nisemonogatari. Palutena is so fucking moé you have no fucking idea.

Oh God. OH GOD. I need a 3DS. I NEED A 3DS.







I hope Nintendo went to SHAFT and was like, "We have this character and she needs to head-tilt."

"Can you do this for us?"

That's actually probably hilariously similar to what they said.

Genius Party

As always with anthologies, there is an incredible range of styles - and quality - on display.

Genius Party


The series kicks off with a grand, ecstatic, abstract short - quintissental Studio 4C. If it has a meaning it's as the visualization of inspiration, but it can just be enjoyed as the animated showcase that it is. Reminds me of Superflat Monogram in how unified it is with its constantly pulsating music.

Shanghai Dragon


Better than I would expect from Kawamori, the sci-fi stuff ends up being a flashly way to focus on the power of a child's imagination. It's well conveyed; I like the rough scrawl look of what the boy creates. There's an exciting and vibrant quality to the action storyboarding which makes a joy to watch. The use of CG to create environmental depth actually works fairly well, for the most part.

Deathtic 4


A bizarre vision of a world of zombies where living things are eliminated on sight. The direction and CG animation is awkward at times, and while the grotesque style is unusual and striking, I can't say I'm a fan.



The background art is really quite beautiful, and I like the Otomo-ish character designs. The rest of the work is not so successful. It deals with a creepy, unsettling concept but the pacing is too dull and there's not enough atmosphere to pull it off.

Serial Experiments Lain did it better.

Limit Cycle


Our protagonist(?) mumbles pseudo-philosophical/religious nonsense over similarly pretentous and rambling visuals. Incredibly painful to sit through. It's like a caricature of what Oshii's critics think he's like.

Happy Machine


The most successful Yuasa work I've seen yet, as it achieves exactly what it sets out to achieve: being creepy and wildly surreal. Great art direction.

Baby Blue


Shinkai would be proud.

Watanabe shows his mastery of direction in this tender and atmospheric relationship drama. The compositions are attractive and great attention is paid to the use of lighting and making the movements of the characters expressive. The voice acting is not as expressive, and it is the one weak point. What really makes the short is Watanabe's use of music, not only Yoko Kanno's score but also the use of Chopin's Etude in E Major, first stated in a hesitating, incomplete form at the opening and fully realized at the end. Together with an imaginative visual transformation, it makes the final scene magical.

Summary: Standouts are Baby Blue, Genius Party, Happy Machine, and Shanghai Dragon. If I had to pick a favorite, I'd go with Genius Party.

I've seen all these shorts, but the main one that stuck with me through the years is Genius Party. I know I've mentioned it to people here before. It is wonderfully abstract and fun to watch. Stusdio 4C was a master of things like this.


Shin Mazinger 23

Well obviously I have no concept of the passage of time in this show. Episode ended so manly what with that music and narration and whatnot.

Devilman statue!


what's RGB refering to?

Choose your waifu

They turned Australia into a prison continent of sorts, as all the representatives were once criminalized for various reasons. I'm super excited for this game, and I tried the demo, it's definitely mechanically solid and pretty fun as well. It's sad to admit but it's one of the games I've really been looking forward to playing this year.
Also Kamehameha is mai waifu
the character style reminds me of the Quartett! vn. rip littlewitch :(

I really likes the first seaosn. Had the same vibe as Toradora! Didn't like the 2nd season as much but was good as well. The third was just a turd.
hmm, i might check out the first season then. cheers
I must be the only one still watching Last Exile, but fuuuuuuuuuuuck this show. What a janky way to develop an anti-hero, especially considering the scale of his atrocities.
That some Millia's sister would just willingly follow him is just as idiotic.

Only two more episodes left and I can forget this travesty of an ending arc.

Which episode are you talking about? 20, or beyond that? The events of ep. 20 were definitely on the stupid side, yes. The show's still good overall though...
I really don't think you should. :/
Or, at least you should know what you're getting into before blood vessels burst in your brain from the confusion and rage.
I bought it months ago, so it's too late!

I know it has a pretty spotty reception, but the setting really appeals to my own sensibilities... so I couldn't help myself.
Madoka Magica Ep. 7

I'm kicking myself so hard for writing off this show. Still not a fan of the character designs, but everything else is so freaking good that it doesn't even matter. This is some Evangelion level shit we have here.


A Good Citizen
Madoka Magica Ep. 7

I'm kicking myself so hard for writing off this show. Still not a fan of the character designs, but everything else is so freaking good that it doesn't even matter. This is some Evangelion level shit we have here.
Evangelion level? No. No. God, no.

Rebuild level, maybe. Lol. And just maybe.


Kid Icarus: Uprising: Palutena's Revolting Dinner Part 1

Ok. I just saw this video and it was probably one of the most HNNNNNNG things I've seen all year.

These videos will be part of the Kid Icarus game, correct? Like cutscenes or something?
I'm definitely buying a 3DS for that game anyway because I was interested in playing it.


Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 01

Nice, the action gets going fast. I'm liking these goofy villains already and it hasn't been even been ten minutes. Oh, and already we're starting with the old
ZOMG lost powers

But wait, why is the
student council president who is secretly the head thief
trying to will Milky Holmes into becoming effective detectives again? Oh, whatever, I'll just roll with it.
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 01

Nice, the action gets going fast. I'm liking these goofy villains already and it hasn't been even been ten minutes. Oh, and already we're starting with the old
ZOMG lost powers
That's really not a spoiler -- instead, as I said earlier this page, it's the basic concept of the show.

But wait, why is the
student council president who is secretly the head thief
trying to will Milky Holmes into becoming effective detectives again? Oh, whatever, I'll just roll with it.
You'll see, it is explained.


Subete no aware
I bought it months ago, so it's too late!

I know it has a pretty spotty reception, but the setting really appeals to my own sensibilities... so I couldn't help myself.
Ooooooh, you're talking about the first one? I'm talking about the sequel actually. lol
I have never seen the first one, although I hear that goes off the rails at the end as well.

Which episode are you talking about? 20, or beyond that? The events of ep. 20 were definitely on the stupid side, yes. The show's still good overall though...
Everything starting with the
peace conference
really. It's just a horrible way to build up to a character who is
supposed to be an anti-hero instead of a villain.
For me, that change came way too late and asking me to even consider sympathizing with him is fairly insulting.
Choose your waifu

They turned Australia into a prison continent of sorts, as all the representatives were once criminalized for various reasons. I'm super excited for this game, and I tried the demo, it's definitely mechanically solid and pretty fun as well. It's sad to admit but it's one of the games I've really been looking forward to playing this year.
Also Kamehameha is mai waifu
One of them is a giant wolf with a pink bow. I don't even

edit: I recognized Beethoven before even clicking on her. I'm not sure how I feel about this. And I'm putting my money on Sir Balin. He didn't do such a great job in Moria, but those were some bullshit odds.
High School Boys Ep 1
Gintoki's seiyuu can render any anime awesome.
It was also quite funny.

Let us make haste, lest the wind ceases - What the hell am I saying ?!
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