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Xbox 360 NBA 2K6 preview


My jaw is on the fucking floor with those player models, and I'm on the record as saying it looks incredible, but I just don't see the point in comparisons of sports titles to the monster technical engines of MGS and Gears of War. They're completely different in what they're trying to accomplish.

They both involve humans. This models in this game have a more realistic look than both Gears of War and MGS4. Considering the fact that Metal Gear has always set the standard for graphics its an amazing accomplishment.
TheDuce22 said:
They both involve humans. This models in this game have a more realistic look than both Gears of War and MGS4. Considering the fact that Metal Gear has always set the standard for graphics its an amazing accomplishment.

the models in Metal Gear and GoW aren't going for a super realistic look. These are based on actual humans, MGS and GoW are going for a fantasy/scifi CG movie look. Its like comparing The Getaway to Metal Gear Solid 2 or GTA.


There's no need for advanced outdoor lighting, paper blowing in the wind, or things burning, but I think this does basketball better than it's ever done.

This is the best looking traditional sports game ever shown, period.


I need to point this out because I don't want anyone who felt like shit to forget. Remember the initial trailer at E3 that had Lebron? Later 2K sports posted a trailer that had Xbox models and at the end had a Shaq model from the 360 version? Where is every single fucktard who said that the xbox models were from the 360 version??? Assholes... Normally I wouldn't call people out, but people were blatantly making fun of the people who believed that Shaq model was from the 360 version. That's why you don't hate on these games, cause it comes back and bites you in the ass eventually. you don't need to look further than this gen to see that 2K does outstanding player models. Thankfully this year they got the gameplay just right, man I can't wait to play this.
It looks great, i will admit, but I think Snake's model in MGS4 is alot better, leagues ahead if you are actually not blind and just aren't looking at the faces.


TheDuce22 said:
They both involve humans. This models in this game have a more realistic look than both Gears of War and MGS4. Considering the fact that Metal Gear has always set the standard for graphics its an amazing accomplishment.

Eep. So tempted to respond. Don't want to derail thread...but the urge to mention that MG has set standards regarding cutscene animations, camera work and presentation rather than graphics is almost too overbearing.

No! I won't do it!

*phew* that was a close one. Almost derailed this beautiful thread!

Y'know, besides this game, Take Two's other 2K series games will be ports and look like ass in comparison. NHL 2k6 and Top Spin are good examples.
Ninja Scooter said:
the models in Metal Gear and GoW aren't going for a super realistic look. These are based on actual humans, MGS and GoW are going for a fantasy/scifi CG movie look. Its like comparing The Getaway to Metal Gear Solid 2 or GTA.

Good point, to drive the comparision home just use MGS3 modeling style to a current gen NBA 2K game player models.

Mr Jared

Fight for Freeform said:

That would be sweet. Add some extra sting to the slap on EA's face.

Seriously. I'm a fan of EA Sports (NCAA Football was really great this year and uh. . yeah.) but good lord, 2K just completely trashed the 360 shots of Live that EA has touted around. If the $20 dollar price tag is still there come next generation there would be no way for the Live series to combat this even with name recognition and all.

But who am I kidding? Even if this doesn't wind up being $20 bucks, I'll probably end up getting it anyways, if not to just have something to make peoples jaws drop =D


n3mo_toad said:
Seriously...you CAN'T be THAT much of a troll . . . I mean . . . shit.

This is nothing compared to some of his other stuff. We should have an InkyVoid disappreciation thread, some of his other comments are absolute GOLD.
IJoel said:
I guess next year we'll see EA scrambling for the Exclusive NBA license.

NBA did the smartest thing, they signed all the major players to non-exclusive deals.

If this is any indication of what VC is capable of, I am now more upset than ever that we're not going to see what NFL 2K6 would have looked like!

EA has another option - If their shit is not up to par though, I don't doubt they go after VC and its parent Take Two. When you can't beat them, buy them...


I keep thinking about the hilarious responses that would have been had this been introduced as the PS3 version.


OMG, I can't believe this will be a 1st gen title. Just blows my mind what will come out once all next-gen systems are out....just wow

Fuck EA and you stupid sheep for actually thinking EA can match VC's ability when it comes to making a good looking sports game :p. Maybe EA can start buying off VC staff rather than licenses :p


Banstick Emeritus
Next person to bring up MGS4 vs NBA 2K6 is getting punted until well after X05.

InkyVoid, shut up please.


Amused_To_Death said:
NBA did the smartest thing, they signed all the major players to non-exclusive deals.

EA has another option - If their shit is not up to par though, I don't doubt they go after VC and its parent Take Two. When you can't beat them, buy them...

I was actually being facetious. ;)




Crazy. I'm soooo impressed with NBA2K6. The flowing cloth physics make a big difference too. EA needs to spend another 2 to 3 years working on next gen it seems. There was a time when Live impressed me. Not anymore. Hopefully next Tuesday we see an improved Live. I'm not a big bball fan but I don't think I'll be able to resist 2K6.


newsguy said:
I need to point this out because I don't want anyone who felt like shit to forget. Remember the initial trailer at E3 that had Lebron? Later 2K sports posted a trailer that had Xbox models and at the end had a Shaq model from the 360 version? Where is every single fucktard who said that the xbox models were from the 360 version??? Assholes... Normally I wouldn't call people out, but people were blatantly making fun of the people who believed that Shaq model was from the 360 version. That's why you don't hate on these games, cause it comes back and bites you in the ass eventually. you don't need to look further than this gen to see that 2K does outstanding player models. Thankfully this year they got the gameplay just right, man I can't wait to play this.
Funny thing #1: This looks even better than that Lebron clip
Funny thing #2: The old vids from 5/18 are on the same page as this vid :lol


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
i remember laughing my ass off at the e3 clip of "test footage" showing that lone player running up for a dunk. of course, it looked incredible, especially the cloth animation, but it was as far as i was concerned 100% cg and fake.

then, today i see this, and realize i was wrong all along. yeah, it may have been cg (who knows for sure?), but i'll be damned if this almost complete version doesnt look just as good.


PhatSaqs said:
Funny thing #1: This looks even better than that Lebron clip
Funny thing #2: The old vids from 5/18 are on the same page as this vid :lol

Good, it should remind them of that thread. I think the same of Madden as well. I won't rip on it cause you never know, we may see a completely different game this tuesday *prays*
Ramirez said:
The Lebron clip animated MUCH better.

I agree for the most part. I've only watched one of the IGN vids but to me, the problem with the animation is not the individual pieces, say the running animation or the dunk animation, but the way in which they flow in to each other (or don't really...). Everything in that Lebron trailer was smooth as silk, you couldn't see the transition from one animation loop to the next, but you can in these vids (it certainly doesn't look bad, it just slightly takes away from the otherwise amazing graphics). Still looks great though, but hopefully the animation's totally sorted out with NBA2k7.


Gamespot's take on the game...

The brief gameplay session we watched featured a showdown between the Shaq- and Dwayne Wade-led Miami Heat against the nuclear offensive attack of Steve Nash and his Phoenix Suns. Our host for the demo was Visual Concepts head honcho Greg Thomas, who spent a good amount of time explaining some of the visual subtleties that have been worked into this game. Glistening sweat droplets that actually streaked down Shaq's face in real time (we saw it happen during a close-up replay) have us convinced that, for the next generation of consoles, sweat effects are the new lens flare. Another huge part of the kinetic feel of the game was the crowd, which appeared less like a teeming mass of synchronized swimmers and more like a group of individuals cheering on their teams. We didn't notice any specific frame rate issues in our look, and Thomas was quick to assure us that the game, complete with (or perhaps despite of) this detail, would be running at 60 frames per second at launch.


Wollan said:
OMG, call MUlder and Scully! It's the black oil!


:D This game looks friggin amazing. Go VC.

Uh, that's a shot from LIVE.

you can tell because of the lifeless eyes . . . and the basal cell carcinoma peppering both their faces :lol also, the skin textures on the rest of the bodies looks more painted on than real.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
with games on 360 looking this good, is it safe to say dvd should work just fine?

although maybe VC is holding off on announcing that nb2k6 will ship on multiple dvd's. you'll have to swap them depending on what division the teams hail from :p


Anyone know why these and the Eagles/Pats screens have sort of a white gloss on them?Looks odd,but it goes away in motion.


Banstick Emeritus
Great night for vids...PGR 3, GTA LCS, Oblivion coming up, and this pure b-ball hotness. Not bad at all. :)
Speevy said:
There's no need for advanced outdoor lighting, paper blowing in the wind, or things burning, but I think this does basketball better than it's ever done.

This is the best looking traditional sports game ever shown, period.

Fight Night looks pretty good as well, but we've seen so little of it minus the one punch.

Not sure if you count Boxing as traditional sports, as there only need to be 2 (or 3 with the referee) character models that are Ultra high quality.





sonycowboy said:
Fight Night looks pretty good as well, but we've seen so little of it minus the one punch.

Not sure if you count Boxing as traditional sports, as there only need to be 2 (or 3 with the referee) character models that are Ultra high quality.




I may be mistaken (so don't shoot me), but wasn't this confirmed to have been running on the 360? (I mean, like it matters, both systems will get it and the character models at the very least will be identical)
Speevy said:
I may be mistaken (so don't shoot me), but wasn't this confirmed to have been running on the 360? (I mean, like it matters, both systems will get it and the character models at the very least will be identical)

It was running on the PS3 dev kits, but in GameInformer, they got a chance to see it and EA said that the 360 and PS3 versions would be nearly indistinguishable from each other.
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