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Ys: Memories of Celceta Limited Edition announced


Unconfirmed Member
Aaaaactually, do take note of those big letters that say "IMAGE NOT FINAL" on the bottom left of the Celceta LE shot.

...What, you expected me to expand upon that statement? No, no, it's much more fun to imply something, then leave you wondering. ;)

You mean there is a chance we could get a better box art?

Insert appropriate yessss please gif here.
- Historical significance. So, things like the original JDK Band version of "To Make the End of Battle," the English vocal version of "Lilia," the full version of Ys Seven's "Rush Out," or the classic vocal theme "Endless History" as featured in the Ys anime.

I'm so god damn sold, that's my favorite song of all Ys(which is actually in your youtube account haha)

Now use all the Ys money to give us FC on Steam already, it will make the wait for SC less painful :p


Unconfirmed Member
I'm so god damn sold, that's my favorite song of all Ys(which is actually in your youtube account haha)

Now use all the Ys money to give us FC on Steam already, it will make the wait for SC less painful :p

Well, they are apparently making a Steam announcement next month, and there is much speculation it is Trails related. Was supposed to be announced this month but Tom likes tormenting us it was delayed.
Well, they are apparently making a Steam announcement next month, and there is much speculation it is Trails related. Was supposed to be announced this month but Tom likes tormenting us it was delayed.

They're announcing SC, 3rd, Zero, Ao, and Sen, right?

It will only take them 20 years to release all of them
I don't know anything about the Ys series apart from the fact that they're JRPGs. Just to give me an idea of how they play, what more well known franchise are the games most comparable to? Anything like Final Fantasy?

That LE sure is purty by the way.
I don't know anything about the Ys series apart from the fact that they're JRPGs. Just to give me an idea of how they play, what more well known franchise are the games most comparable to? Anything like Final Fantasy?

That LE sure is purty by the way.

They are Action RPG's, pretty much NOTHING like Final Fantasy. Ys is all about the amazing boss fights and some of the best music you'll ever hear.
Something announced for Europe or have we to begin to prey?
It's coming to Europe, but we don't yet know when or in what shape.
I don't know anything about the Ys series apart from the fact that they're JRPGs. Just to give me an idea of how they play, what more well known franchise are the games most comparable to? Anything like Final Fantasy?

That LE sure is purty by the way.
Imagine a fast-paced Zelda game with more focus on RPG elements. The combat is mostly about reading tells from the enemies and reacting fast.


Aaaaactually, do take note of those big letters that say "IMAGE NOT FINAL" on the bottom left of the Celceta LE shot.

...What, you expected me to expand upon that statement? No, no, it's much more fun to imply something, then leave you wondering. ;)-Tom

You mean there is a chance we could get a better box art?

Insert appropriate yessss please gif here.

Tom, you evil man ;_;

But if we DO end up getting something similar to the old japanese Ys boxarts to boot this is going to be the best thing ever, haha. Will anxiously await for more news now!


I don't know anything about the Ys series apart from the fact that they're JRPGs. Just to give me an idea of how they play, what more well known franchise are the games most comparable to? Anything like Final Fantasy?

That LE sure is purty by the way.

Other action RPGs you may be familiar with: Secret of Mana, Terranigma, Phantasy Star Online/Portable (though Ys is just single player)

Ys series is a bit like them, but faster paced, with better boss fights (usually), and best music in videogaming.
Thanks guys, that helps. Seeing Zelda and Phantasy Star Online mentioned doesn't exactly work in favour of the game where I'm concerned however - I don't really enjoy those series' much. I wanted a grand JRPG on the Vita, one that wasn't a Monster Hunter clone, and was hoping this would fit the bill, but ehh I guess not.
Thanks guys, that helps. Seeing Zelda and Phantasy Star Online mentioned doesn't exactly work in favour of the game where I'm concerned however - I don't really enjoy those series' much. I wanted a grand JRPG on the Vita, one that wasn't a Monster Hunter clone, and was hoping this would fit the bill, but ehh I guess not.
Have you played Persona 4 yet? It's not exactly Final Fantasy, but it's a turn-based, story focused JRPG that has received overwhelming praise. You also have the Atelier Plus series on the Vita.


Thanks guys, that helps. Seeing Zelda and Phantasy Star Online mentioned doesn't exactly work in favour of the game where I'm concerned however - I don't really enjoy those series' much. I wanted a grand JRPG on the Vita, one that wasn't a Monster Hunter clone, and was hoping this would fit the bill, but ehh I guess not.

Though I haven't played Celceta, I hear it is pretty grand, and it will have plenty of story. It is a single player experience, certainly not a Monster Hunter clone.
It just isn't turn based, it has arcadey, twitchy real time combat.


I don't know anything about the Ys series apart from the fact that they're JRPGs. Just to give me an idea of how they play, what more well known franchise are the games most comparable to? Anything like Final Fantasy?

That LE sure is purty by the way.

Ys series are basically very fast-paced action-RPGs, but it's hard to pinpoint one series to call it 'similar to' because Falcom's always changing around how the games play. In the west, at least as of the time of writing of this post, there are quite a few games avaible, and many of them play quite differently from each other.

Ys I & II Chronicles, which is PSP/Steam right now, is basically a remake of the first two games in the series, but done so that the games would still feel kinda "retro", keeping the bump combat system that was unique to the originals. Instead of pressing a button, you basically ram into enemies from the sides in order to avoid damage and that's pretty much it! It's really simple and some people end up never getting too into it, but the whole thing works just fine. Other than that though, the Chronicles version of Ys I & II features a fully rearranged soundtrack by Falcom's very own JDK Band, and this is pretty much reason enough for anyone to play through those games. I & II have some of the most classic tunes in the series, with stuff composed by Yuzo Koshiro (of Master System Sonic/Streets of Rage fame) and Mieko Ishikawa. Your mileage may vary, but I am not exaggerating when I call it one of the best videogame soundtracks of all time.

Next up, the two Steam exclusive games: (and then not really, forgot Felghana's on PSP too, thanks Magus) Ys: The Oath in Felghana and Ys Origin. The first one's a remake of Ys III, but done with a completely different mindset by Falcom. Whereas I & II Chronicles tried to keep the original's "charm" alive, with the retro combat and what not, Felghana is basically a new game with a good chunk of the story from the original Ys III. This is because Ys III was a game not loved by many, and even considered by some the black sheep of the series. The original played like Zelda 2, being a 2D sidescroller and all. Felghana basically ditched all that and works like a mix of action-RPG/hack'n'slashy combat with platforming, on a full 3D world. It was, before Ys Seven's release, my favourite game in the series, and definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a challenge. The game's HARD, haha.

Origin plays very similarly to Felghana, but it has its own perks as well. First, it's the only game in the series not to feature Ys' recurring main character, Adol Christin. Since it takes place thousands of years before Ys I & II and is a sort of 'prequel', there are actually three different playable characters! Also unlike Felghana, instead of a Metroidvania strucuture sort of thing, where new abilities allow to explore new places in the "world map", Origin is more of a dungeon crawler, with you going up and up on a pretty huge tower. Gameplay-wise, though, it uses the same engine as Felghana, so it's basically not very different on that front, except that two of the three characters have different styles of attacking compared to Adol (and Origin's Yunica).

Lastly, Ys Seven is a PSP exclusive and the first game released by XSEED here. Seven's probably Falcom's "biggest" Ys title, in that they definitely tried to increase the scope of the story. The game runs for like 25 hours, as opposed to the usual ~10, and it has a more elaborate plotline, with more cutscenes and what not. Mind you, the plot's still very oldschool, but the execution I felt was pretty good, so if you're into that, I'm sure you'll still dig it. The real star of the show here, however, is the new combat mechanics. Falcom dropped the Felghana/Origin engine once again and went for something completely new once again. This time, instead of just controlling Adol, you can have three different characters and change between them on the fly by pressing a button. They have different weapon-types that are more or less effective against some enemies, so switching is encouraged to best deal with some enemies. The game also features a more robust skill system, with characters learning quite a lot of moves exclusive to each of them, as well as other JRPG stuff like crafting new weapons and armors out of materials picked up from monsters in your adventure. Opinions on it are a bit mixed, with some of the fans saying they'd rather have the more straightforward nature of the old games and less story as opposed to this, but personally speaking, Seven's my favourite game in the series right now. I find the balance between story/gameplay pretty awesome, and just LOVED the new battle mechanics.

Last but not least, Celceta is following Seven's footsteps, keeping the party mechanic alive and what not, but apparently having a different 'focus', with exploration being one of the keywords in the game. I haven't played yet, so I can't tell you much about this one.

Anyhow, your best bet would be heading to YouTube and just searching for the games to see some footage of them, in order to get a better idea of how they play. As always, since this concerns Ys, I ended up writing way too much, but here's hoping it helped, lol.


Ys: The Oath in Felghana is also on the PSP.

Oh yeah, indeed! I keep forgetting about the PSP port of Felghana. Thanks for the heads-up, lol. Might be also good to note that unlike the PC one, it features voice acting and what not, and the dub's generally looked at quite positively. I don't think it's all that important, but some people do love their VA in games, so, haha.
Opinions on it are a bit mixed, with some of the fans saying they'd rather have the more straightforward nature of the old games and less story as opposed to this, but personally speaking, Seven's my favourite game in the series right now. I find the balance between story/gameplay pretty awesome, and just LOVED the new battle mechanics.

Nice to see another SEVENbro. Best Ys for me too. For the same reasons too, I felt the stronger story focus really made it more enjoyable.

And hearing Celceta is expanding the SEVEN formula with exploration just makes it way better. I always thought that would've benefited the franchise greatly to be more than Adol leaving corpses of monsters through dungeons.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't really like the more story heavy direction Falcom has gone, means more breaks between the action and more mashing through dialogue. Also means it takes longer to localize.

I don't really mind the party mechanic, but I miss jumping and would happily trade party members to get jumping back.
I don't really like the more story heavy direction Falcom has gone, means more breaks between the action and more mashing through dialogue. Also means it takes longer to localize.

I don't really mind the party mechanic, but I miss jumping and would happily trade party members to get jumping back.

I agree with the story part, but I'm fine with the party mechanic... Even if I feel the games are easier now because of it.


Thanks guys, that helps. Seeing Zelda and Phantasy Star Online mentioned doesn't exactly work in favour of the game where I'm concerned however - I don't really enjoy those series' much. I wanted a grand JRPG on the Vita, one that wasn't a Monster Hunter clone, and was hoping this would fit the bill, but ehh I guess not.
I'd recommend the Kiseki games but they're not localized! :(


I wouldn't mind the more emphasis on story in 7 if the dialogue wasn't so bland, and if it was better paced. I hope Celceta is an improvement in these areas.

And yeah I miss jumping a lot, especially in boss battles. The level design is also less interesting without platforming.
Thanks guys, that helps. Seeing Zelda and Phantasy Star Online mentioned doesn't exactly work in favour of the game where I'm concerned however - I don't really enjoy those series' much. I wanted a grand JRPG on the Vita, one that wasn't a Monster Hunter clone, and was hoping this would fit the bill, but ehh I guess not.

Ys is NOT a MH clone. I also don't like those series much and love Ys, just saying.


Unconfirmed Member
Ys is kind of it's own thing. Especially since the games vary so much. If you want something grand or epic it's probably not what you're looking for though, it's a very gameplay/combat focused series.


Anyone starting the series should check out Ys: The Oath in Felghana or Seven.

no, it's a placeholder, don't expect it by then.

WTF, I aksed the lady if that was solid a couple weeks ago when I grabbed Xillia and she said yes. Wal-Mart has it releasign on CoD day on their website....


whats a silver anniversary?

I heard its a good time to buy silver right now, does it have to do with that?
It has to do with the wedding anniversary types traditional in europe and other western countries. I believe there's no specific word for the celebration in english, but a 5 year wedding anniversary is a wood/iron anniversary, 15 years is crystal, and 25 years is silver. Ys is celebrating 25 years in the West, as someone already pointed out.


Probably not for a while, unfortunately. There are still too many variables that could push it back, and we don't like to give release dates until we can fully commit to them.

If you want a "best guess," though, just see what retailers are claiming. Those placeholder dates don't just materialize out of nowhere, after all -- they're educated guesses! Still just pure conjecture, but they should at least give you an idea of what we're shooting for.

If we haven't announced it, though, that means there's at *least* a 50/50 chance of that date getting pushed back, so... don't ever take one of those placeholders at face value, lest you emerge disappointed!

If it's any consolation, disc 2 goes pretty heavy on the Ys IV and Celceta music. A lot of it is arranged rather than OST, but still... you're likely to find most of the standout tracks from the game in some form on disc 2 of the LE set.


please do a LE/CE with a Digital Download Code (for the game, the rest should be physical!) instead. think of us Digital-Only Vita owners!


XSEED Localization Specialist
please do a LE/CE with a Digital Download Code (for the game, the rest should be physical!) instead. think of us Digital-Only Vita owners!

Don't even think that's possible, I'm afraid. None of the consoles or handhelds are set up to accommodate digital codes in physical packages, with only rare exceptions made for first-party titles every now and again. We've tried this sort of thing before, but it's always wound up hitting a dead end. Seems like for third-party publishers, it's either all physical or all digital; there is no in-between.

There's no reason you "digital-only Vita owners" can't play the game physically, though. I mean, game cards are region-free, and they're not exactly intrusive or anything -- they use the same type of flash memory that Sony's own memory sticks use, AFAIK, they just go in a different slot. Doesn't really matter which slot the Vita is reading your game data from, in the end, as it's the same game either way. ;)



Wish I had a Vita only for this game. Loved Ys Seven. If/when I do get a Vita, this game is the first I'll buy for sure!


I dunno, Tom, Capcom's done it a couple of times now with both Marvel vs Capcom 2 and DuckTales Remastered, both for PS3. But that may be because there are ONLY digital versions of those games? I dunno!


I believe XSEED over a retailer. And they've said there is no official date.

No dought. Fing GS. I jut called again and now they have the release date back to Nov. to match Wal-Mart's date, but did say, there is no longer any "official" street date listed.
lol I'm playing Ys' Seven on my PSP. It's good and it reminds me of Brave Fencer Musashi, somehow.

What's the best Y's for PSP, PortableGAF? By the way, holy shit does that look cool. I might have to buy a Vita.


Unconfirmed Member
lol I'm playing Ys' Seven on my PSP. It's good and it reminds me of Brave Fencer Musashi, somehow.

What's the best Y's for PSP, PortableGAF? By the way, holy shit does that look cool. I might have to buy a Vita.

Oath in Felghana, but it's even better on PC!

I also prefer Ys II to Seven, but I'm probably in the minority on that.
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