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Evolve Ultimate Edition coming to PS4 and X1 on Nov 3


Not nearly as bad as I thought (as in you can still get games going), but for a full price game it's still a laughing stock.
Such a mishandling of an IP. Sad.

Though I've never played the game, I think that the concept is pretty cool. I tried watching some matches but its hard to root for anyone as theres not really a terrible amount of strategy. Imagine if Valve tried to push Left 4 Dead as a competitive multiplayer game.


you know your game is trash when

A) You have to release an "ultimate" edition in the same year the base game released
B) Have to use pre-release hype quotes from the previous year when your game wasn't even out

Was this game really trash? I did not play it, but I tought impressions on release were quite decent. I thought the game died quick, because it was low on content and had this expensive DLC policy.

2014 lol. Charging full price for a "Best of 2014" game in 2016 is hilarious.

The game was released this year and this edition will release in a month. It's not so unusual for publishers to charge full price for an ultimate version with all the DLC.


They seriously fucked this up. From what I've seen, the game is super fun, yet they botched the release and the infrastructure in an unprecedented way. It's like that one team shooter with the parkour thing.
edit: Brink! Yet even worse.


Was this game really trash? I did not play it, but I tought impressions on release were quite decent. I thought the game died quick, because it was low on content and had this expensive DLC policy.

The game was released this year and this edition will release in a month. It's not so unusual for publishers to charge full price for an ultimate version with all the DLC.

It was decently received, but ultimately turned bitter to most people by its DLC structure, lack of content, and I'd like to think in no small part thanks to the daft way DLC was announced in the first place; First by announcing pre-order content before the game was even shown, and then finally by releasing this kind of ridiculous, presumptuous piece of PR when announcing DLC plans:


We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, the Monster Expansion Pack for Evolve – gives you two things: At launch, you get an exclusive Savage Goliath skin. After the game ships, you get the fourth Monster (BEHEMOTH). That is a retail value of more than $14.99 and adds a whole different gameplay mechanic to how you’ll fight. If you pre-order, you get this FREE when the Monster is done. If you’re already thinking of buying Evolve, this really is the no-brainer.


We can’t drive this part home enough: If you are planning to buy the game, but are skittish about pre-purchase, don’t be. As soon as the clock strikes midnight on 2/10/15, the FREE Monster Expansion Pack bonus goes away and it will run you over $14.99 to buy Behemoth, the fourth Monster, and the Savage Goliath skin after the fact. Think of it as us buying the first round for you. As a thank you.


For some incredibly stupid reason I thought this might be the announcement of a F2P version of Evolve.

Nope, $60. This will sell dozens of copies.
The game looks amazing but the community looks dead. I like asynchronous multiplayer... I want this to work.


Does this shave off all of the F2P elements that don't belong in full price games? If this Ultimate Edition just includes it all then maybe this could revive it!


We can’t drive this part home enough: If you are planning to buy the game, but are skittish about pre-purchase, don’t be. As soon as the clock strikes midnight on 2/10/15, the FREE Monster Expansion Pack bonus goes away and it will run you over $14.99 to buy Behemoth, the fourth Monster, and the Savage Goliath skin after the fact. Think of it as us buying the first round for you. As a thank you.
Wow, that couldn't sound any more like an infomercial even if they listed the price as "three easy payments of $19.99"
We can’t drive this part home enough: If you are planning to buy the game, but are skittish about pre-purchase, don’t be. As soon as the clock strikes midnight on 2/10/15, the FREE Monster Expansion Pack bonus goes away and it will run you over $14.99 to buy Behemoth, the fourth Monster, and the Savage Goliath skin after the fact. Think of it as us buying the first round for you. As a thank you.


I hope this game bombs, again.


King of Gaslighting
What a wasted opportunity this was.Game that is tailor made for cosmetic DLC and the like, or hell even F2P, but completely missed the mark.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Oh, I remember that 'Behemoth for free' pre-order tactic.

Absolutely terrible.

Don't even see this charting, at any rate.
Played one match of beta. Spent 5 minutes attacking the monster and 25 minutes running around trying to catch it. Terrible game. How someone thought it was a good idea to release it is beyond me.


Gold Member
My Xbox is telling me I have spent 474 hours playing this game. I think a portion of that must be in sleep mode or something, but I know I have nearly 300 hours played just as Goliath.

I would not recommend this game to anyone, really. At launch it was awesome, except for bugs and glitches. Stupid, needlessly misleading DLC chart aside, the games main problem is the devs tweaked the games meta way too much and never for the better. Now is a very shitty time to jump in. Vanilla hunt matchmaking has been replaced by Hunt 2.0, which takes FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRR to find a match compared to vanilla Hunt, and has your normal ranked mode issues like people quitting because they don't get what they want or are losing, disconnects and no one can join in to replace them, people raging at bad players, etc etc.

I don't really blame the media for falling in love with the game the way they did. Played in short bursts with other players unfamiliar to its mechanics in a small social setting (all in the same room), I would imagine the game was amazing. But in reality it just didn't work out that way, which is probably why the pre-release buzz and metascore don't line up.

The funniest part about this (if the price is real) is that the DLC isn't even out yet. The first hunting pass and 4th monster are out. But the second hunting pass has only seen two of the four hunters released. Neither of the other two hunters or the monster have even been revealed let alone released. In fact in the fine print on the second hunting pass they only guarantee the content will release before like May 2016 or something LOL. I guess maybe this at least confirms the DLC should arrive before November 2nd.

Oh yeah, the game still has glitches and bugs that were present in the alpha, and beta. Glitches that badly fuck up the poster child monster Goliath and make him virtually worthless in high level play. And they have the nerve to pull this bullshit. LOL.


The target clearance stickers are already printed out for this. Going to bomb say hard that the next evolve wannabe is going to feel it.


Originally Posted by GameSpot


"As you know, Evolve is very multiplayer focused, and that's worked for people--we've had something like 27 million game sessions played," Zelnick said. "And we've sold-in over 2.5 million units. We're really happy with where it's going. It isn't 10 million units...yet. But it is an important franchise for us.


Are they really happy with ~10 play sessions / purchase? Doesn't seem like something you would want to accentuate



"As you know, Evolve is very multiplayer focused, and that's worked for people--we've had something like 27 million game sessions played," Zelnick said. "And we've sold-in over 2.5 million units.

Source: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/evolve-is-a-permanent-franchise-alongside-gta-red-/1100-6427675/

2.5 million units. 27 million sessions.

That's 10.8 sessions per unit.

That seems... low. I played more than 11 sessions during the beta.

I assume each match is a session, rather than each series of matches, but even so, booting up a 60 dollar game less than a dozen times feels pretty sad.
Amazing. The game has been $12 used at gamefly and $20 new multiple times, the population is a wasteland, and they think it'd be good to rerelease it for $60???

At $30 even I would have jumped in. I liked the game from the rental i played but man, at $20 this game would be a no brainer.
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