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SXSW cancels a panel on "Overcoming Harassment in Games" due to threats of violence


A panelist from the GG related panel that Zoe Quinn talked about is now telling the speakers of the anti-harassment panel to lawyer up:

Libel is libel, if he can prove what was said was outright lies and defamation of character he has every right to lawyer up.

Would you want people dragging your name through the mud?
A panelist from the GG related panel that Zoe Quinn talked about is now telling the speakers of the anti-harassment panel to lawyer up:

That's what amazes me about GG.

They rant about censorship and freedom of speech, but then when someone speaks out against a GGer or the movement, they immediately move to threaten/sue/censor them.


Harassment issues aside:

"SavePoint: A Discussion on the Gaming Community" and "Level Up: Overcoming Harassment in Games."

People are going to have to start moving away from leaning on the crutch of gaming parlance if they want their ideas to be taken seriously. Titling your panel something like "Start Button" or "Game Over," especially when they seem to have little to do with the content of the panel (like the above) is a good way of telling me that their appeal to attract "gamers" is more important than what they actually have to say.

Could the panel not just be called "Overcoming Harassment in Games?"

Movies and books and other related media have this problem, too, when talking about games. It always feels like its removing legitimacy from real issues that need to be meaningfully addressed in the community. But this is also a community that has a hard time discussing anything without falling back on memes, so what else can I expect?
If that's the truth then why would he need lawyers?


We're talking about GG here. These are the same people that tried to have Zoe Quinn arrested for treason for speaking at a UN Panel on harassment (using an ancient US law about consorting with foreign governments).
That's what amazes me about GG.

They rant about censorship and freedom of speech, but then when someone speaks out against a GGer or the movement, they immediately move to threaten/sue/censor them.

A complete lack of introspection and self awareness is kinda needed for someone to still be supportive of GG at this point.


I know this isn't their fault, but there is a little irony in a anti-harassment panel getting shut down over harassment, albeit death threats (as many like to pretend for some reason that these things don't happen and aren't common forms of harassment). Also a little strange about the panels they ARE allowing. Makes you wonder if there are motives we aren't hearing about.


I know this isn't their fault, but there is a little irony in a anti-harassment panel getting shut down over harassment, albeit death threats (as many like to pretend for some reason that these things don't happen and aren't common forms of harassment). Also a little strange about the panels they ARE allowing. Makes you wonder if there are motives we aren't hearing about.

It's not just a little ironic.

It's just sad tbh. Wouldn't be surprised if this is a 8chan op or some bullshit like that.
Well I think it was said best above. There's no forum for these individuals, only the wild expanses of Twitter, and those are at best the wild bleating of a supine mountain goat. I just feel like we here at NeoGAF, as a forum, need to do something about this.

I've had the topic about this with my wife, and she feels I have no place in this discussion. Because I'm not a feminist. And why am I not a feminist? Because I'm a man, and in her opinion, every man has the intrinsic belief that women are inferior. It's written in our genetic code. And thus, we can't be on the side of Anita Sarkessian and the anti-harassment front because, put quite simply, we're not women.

This greatly upsets me, because everyone is making this out to be a gender issue. It is, yes, but the fact of the matter is, when you are harassed, based whether it be your gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, fuck, even your choice of favorite developer, console or smartphone, it's not cool. And I'm goddamn sick of it.

Jesus, I've been mocked for being a Nintendo fan. MERCILESSLY. I've had death threats, saying I live in my mom's basement, never met a woman (happily married 3 years), never had sex (first child coming in January, do the math), I'm not sayng that what's happening to me is anywhere near on par this situation, I'm just saying that harassment is everywhere, and it's time to stop it.

I do have to respectfully disagree with your wife, men can absolutely be feminists. (The intrinsic belief that women are inferior is absolutely not written into a man's genetic code, either.) Continue being awesome, dude!


I'm surprised people are still surprised at the basic ignorance of your common Gator.

We're talking about GG here. These are the same people that tried to have Zoe Quinn arrested for treason for speaking at a UN Panel on harassment (using an ancient US law about consorting with foreign governments).

GG likes excuses for sending people to moon jail.

Has anyone got any evidence he's just talking out of his ass?

I mean if this is another case of gamergate idiocy then nail the dude on his bullshit. Simply dismissing him out of hand doesn't sit right with me.

I see a whole lot of shit flinging whenever this topic comes up but never any names linked to actual events. just anonymous accounts and amorphous terms like the 'SJW's' and the 'MRA's'

It's exhausting to try and comprehend. If these people on the gamergate panel have been proven to be harassing people then get the damn cops or sue their ass!
It's exhausting to try and comprehend. If these people on the gamergate panel have been proven to be harassing people then get the damn cops or sue their ass!
My experience from seeing the amount of times people have threatened lawsuits during GamerGate is this sort of legal retribution is way easier said than done. Nothing ever seems to hit the courts and it just comes across more as scare tactics than anything else.
for as much as GGer's whine about their free speech rights being violated by things like blockbots they sure are quick to threaten legal action to silence people.

not to mention sending death threats to shut down a panel that was about how to deal with online death threats.


Has anyone got any evidence he's just talking out of his ass?

I mean if this is another case of gamergate idiocy then nail the dude on his bullshit. Simply dismissing him out of hand doesn't sit right with me.

I see a whole lot of shit flinging whenever this topic comes up but never any names linked to actual events. just anonymous accounts and amorphous terms like the 'SJW's' and the 'MRA's'

It's exhausting to try and comprehend. If these people on the gamergate panel have been proven to be harassing people then get the damn cops or sue their ass!

Given you don't even seem to know what he's claiming to need the lawyer for it's weird that you're going to bat for him so much.
I just wish ignoring the whole situation would make it go away, but it's been more than a year now and this stuff keeps cropping up.

It seems that most of games media and gaming companies wished the same thing... but this has been a longtime coming. The old boy's club of gaming culture is lashing out at change that has been in the making for a while.


Those people making death threats or bomb threats are no better than religious extremist. Something should be done here in the US.

Like if you are making death threats to another person, FBI should get on their ass and face some jail time.
So is every pro-gamergate person a loon or is this just the work of a select few? I keep seeing shit like this and it's sad, annoying and childish.

Everyone in GamerGate who isn't a loon eventually gets out of it.

I usually stay out of GG related threads cause I don't really care, but it seems like there are threats at every panel. Thanks for the tidbit.


Given you don't even seem to know what he's claiming to need the lawyer for it's weird that you're going to bat for him so much.

This might be a result of my own naivete due to not following this mess for a while, but my knee-jerk reaction when I see posters throwing someone under the bus without proof that they're talking bollocks is a defensive one.

Surely if this guy was going to be on the gamergate panel, he wouldn't be dumb enough to make shit up about the people on the other panel saying "not nice thing about me" to the level it would require lawyers, it would completely undermine his efforts.


"Equating the harassers with the victims" is a great way of putting it. Just another example of men having a leg up on women in all areas of our society.
I do have to respectfully disagree with your wife, men can absolutely be feminists. (The intrinsic belief that women are inferior is absolutely not written into a man's genetic code, either.) Continue being awesome, dude!

Thank you for being the first person to say that to me. It means a lot.
I'm not so sure giving in to terrorists is the correct move. Maybe get beefed up security? I guess no one wants to take that chance these days though.


Surely if this guy was going to be on the gamergate panel, he wouldn't be dumb enough to make shit up about the people on the other panel saying "not nice thing about me" to the level it would require lawyers, it would completely undermine his efforts.

"Surely he can't be THIS stupid" has historically been a wonky defence


I reached out to him for clarification here.

Make of that what you will.

Not sure what you're going for. The tweet you linked to is some random guy, not the guy making the complaint, and also goes directly against the panelist's story, that it was another panelist that is slagging him off, as Quinn is not one of the panelists.


"Equating the harassers with the victims" is a great way of putting it. Just another example of men having a leg up on women in all areas of our society.

I'm under the impression that the organizers just don't want to deal with situations this charged and controversial, especially when threats are involved. They just washed their hands and went back to safer topics.

It is cowardly because it is enabling, but that's life.


Not sure what you're going for. The tweet you linked to is some random guy, not the guy making the complaint, and also goes directly against the panelist's story, that it was another panelist that is slagging him off, as Quinn is not one of the panelists.

That was the last tweet in the discussion, try this one.


Truly pathetic of SXSW to give in to what can be best described as a hate group whose only goal at this point is to make whoever they target's life miserable.


I'm under the impression that the organizers just don't want to deal with situations this charged and controversial, especially when threats are involved. They just washed their hands and went back to safer topics.

It is cowardly because it is enabling, but that's life.

People might also forget that this happened. I can only imagine that prepping for death and bomb threats would balloon the security budget. One of the larger industry get togethers would probably be a more realistic venue to make it happen if people are going to act like complete nut jobs.


A panelist from the GG related panel that Zoe Quinn talked about is now telling the speakers of the anti-harassment panel to lawyer up:

I wish his lawyer amazing luck in taking his money because libel is one of the hardest things to nail down in the US, due to the first amendment.

You have to prove that they knew the truth and posted a falsehood maliciously specifically to tear them down.


FGC Waterboy
People might also forget that this happened. I can only imagine that prepping for death and bomb threats would balloon the security budget. One of the larger industry get togethers would probably be a more realistic venue to make it happen if people are going to act like complete nut jobs.

People also forget what happened last year.


Not the best move for them, but understandable seeing as they had a major incident just last year.

@HP_Wuvcraft - I think people are taking that out of context. I think when they say "Gamergate" they mean "anything related to the topic, including anti-Gamergate panels". The tweet is taking them to task for ignoring the responses they got.

EDIT: Also, for those who have never been to SXSW - it's not in a given building any more - it's basically strewn out across several blocks of Austin in the open. Security (see: 2014) is nearly impossible.


Not sure what you're going for. The tweet you linked to is some random guy, not the guy making the complaint, and also goes directly against the panelist's story, that it was another panelist that is slagging him off, as Quinn is not one of the panelists.

I'm assuming this is what he was whining about though?

The picture's not actually through that link, but his tweets there should be more than enough to prove that he doesn't exactly have any good will behind him here. It's just more attempts to harass.
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