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GameTrailers to close after 13 years

For real. The episode starts with a disgusting 5 minute discussion of hernias... jesus christ

I mean look at the way the film the damn thing, for the entire episode you have one guys face stuck in front of the camera, not even paying attention to what's going on and playing a video game while everybody else talks about something unrelated.

Compare this to a studio-filmed video podcast with scripted segments and a host that keeps everyone on topic whilst still being witty and enjoyable.

I'm sorry if it looks like I'm being unfair to Funhaus et al and I imagine the GT team don't want this to become about them vs others but it just makes. no. sense. to me. The higher quality material is supposed to win, and it hasn't... why?


(works for gametrailers)

Why does this video have over 70k views in on day when a typical episode of GT Time had only around 35k?

No offense to Funhaus but their podcasts don't hold a candle to the production value and quality of GT Time. It's just a mess of irrelevant anecdotes, random shit happening without context, meandering conversations, barely any actual gaming discussion, and the same goes for most of the other offerings from other outlets.

I. just. don't. understand. it. Why does this survive while GameTrailers gets shut down? WHAT THE FUCK.

[edit] mmm the opening five mins of that Funhaus podcast were... uhh... pleasant.

You don't get that kind of borderline psychopathic garbage on podcasts that cover other mediums like movies etc. But it seems to have become the norm in gaming podcasts to spend 75% of the time talking about irrelevant topics. Bonus points if it involves people that the audience doesn't know or in jokes that nobody listening understands.

Yes mad now that I'm left without the one major exception to this rule.
Completely agree, if you go back and watch some of Invisible Walls almost every episode is about Shane either getting into an argument with Marcus or him doing everything in his power to tell someone their opinion is wrong and he is right. Some episodes are outright painful to watch, there was an episode where Marcus and Shane were getting into an argument over how much retails like Gamestop made off of new games and despite Marcus background being a PR person (IE someone who would fucking know what hes talking about) Shane would not stop telling him that he was wrong/crazy/ect it goes on for like 20 minutes out of the whole episode and guess what Shane was way fucking off.

He's just an ass and I think what annoys me about it is that he doesn't seem to be aware of it, in his mind he thinks everything he does/says is right even if hes proven wrong and I can't stand that at all.

Like I said earlier, right when he was launching SIFTD, he had a weekly show. On one episode, he said reviewers giving Bloodborne glowing reviews were irresponsible, saying people would be duped into thinking they should buy the game and would end up frustrated and not trust the reviewers. He even had a guest on, who reviewed it well, and Shane kept trying to get him to agree with his point. I didn't like him much on GT, but was more than willing to give him another chance. He just has too off-putting a personality to me.


Is there a dedicated thread for that "archive team" and to see their progress or something?

That cryptic website I saw doesn't exactly help me or tell me how to help them...
oh hey i made that gif :)

Thanks, sn00zer!

Phew, made it to the end. I don't know how many threads I'll be able to read, but I made it through this one. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to share your memories, from whichever era you started with the site, even if you stopped coming at some point or another.

I've always had a strong sense that God brought me to GT as there were so many varied parts of my past experience that made it a perfect fit when I came there at just the right time for a rare opening. Reading Shane's job description on craigslist was as if it was written directly for me.

In the eight and a half years that I've worked there, I've truly grown as a writer, producer, and eventually a manager. I started at GT from a background that was purely focused on Nintendo and bit by bit, I focused on pushing myself to be just as well versed with PlayStation, Xbox, and eventually PC gaming, and now I bounce between every platform just depending on what game I want to play. Somehow, I became known for my opinions on racing games, and for as long as I could find time, I put my strongest efforts into telling the stories of my favorite game soundtracks and getting composers on camera to tell their own. I still firmly believe that anyone would be hard-pressed to make better pieces on the music in the Mass Effect or BioShock series.

In the early days, Shane was the most influential in shaping my scripts, but as we grew and responsibilities shifted, I learned so much from Ryan, Justin, and Miguel. Even some of the younger writers on our editorial team like Patrick Morales and Michael Damiani were absolute legends, and we were backed up by the tireless work of Johnny Chang, Rich Brown, Megan Rugh, Matt Blair, Jamie Kohler, Kelly Campbell, Brad Winters, Bobby Burns, dang I could be listing people all night.

Safe to say, this team, these people from the last eight and half years, are family. We've been up through the night, sleeping in the office during E3 only to head back out on the show floor the next morning. We suffered together through brutal travel snafus. -- Ryan even bought us clothes once when our luggage got delayed. -- And we had some of the most amazing meals at Gamescom and TGS.

Every one of us was gutted when Shane announced his departure. Geoff stepped in briefly to set a new course while Ryan and Jeremy took the reins to lead the team on a day to day basis, lighting a fire under us to double down on great originals, birthing shows that have carried us to this day like The Final Bosman, GT Time, and Mandatory Update. As we began invading Brandon's VO booth, awkward first pushes like The Final Verdict began to prepare us to get comfortable being on-camera, but make no mistake, that foundation was laid with Shane when he started Invisible Walls and pushed us to write regular staff blogs.

Then came the purchase by Defy. Nothing left me in more shock than to learn that Ryan Stevens and Brad Winters, the men we relied on for direction, wouldn't be coming. Suddenly, Brandon had to take up his role as the founder of the site to lead the few of us selected to stay, and I found myself as the eldest member of the editorial team. Since Brandon had never really been a part of the review or preview process aside from reading scripts, I knew I had to take that weight off his back so he could focus on figuring out practically everything else.

The fact that we somehow reinvented ourselves among moving, changing our entire production pipeline, learning all new equipment and programs, and adapting to a new corporate culture is an absolute testimony to the strength of everyone who came with us. Don and Ian are editing monsters, churning out videos faster than should be possible, yet still they pushed to go beyond that and produce content of their own. Damiani, Elyse and Kyle are creative powerhouses and always kept us from accepting the status quo. Huber and Brad brought much needed enthusiasm to everything they did. Matt Blair worked tirelessly for years well into the middle of the night for far too long and has done so much that should be utterly inappropriate to ask of him. Ben Moore is one of the most fantastic and thoughtful writers imaginable and voracious in his breadth. And Brandon Jones is like a brother now, always leading us through the worst news with positivity and optimism. The dedication to daily programming, streaming, and the passion these guys had to make shows (even when I questioned their ability to fit it in) should not be taken lightly. It will be hard for any team to ever match them.

Right now I am on my honeymoon. I have no idea what's waiting for me when I get back. If the right offers come up, I could easily see myself writing or producing for another outlet, moving to a game studio, or moving outside of gaming altogether. But if someone has a realistic plan to keep this team together, I'd be a fool not to hear it out.

(sorry didn't intend to write a full history of my time at GT, it just came out)

Thank you for this, Daniel Bloodworth :)
And so you guys enter the 'anger' phase. It will all be good, give it time. ;-)

Anger is all I have left (sob sob). All joking aside, I have no anger toward Funhaus, I haven't seen enough of them to even really have an opinion. It is just a bit of culture shock moving from GT to them. As a GT refugee, the whole world looks like a cold dark place and I no longer have a website to call home.

Also, I do like that they found sponsorships that are not gaming related.


Guys, I don't like Funhaus either, but you are not being fair. GT Time often spent a lot more than 5 minutes on random topics and weird things Ian or Kyle brought up. And I liked it. Funhaus fans must enjoy their podcast as well.

I would be perfectly fine with GT time having a commercial in the middle if that meant they can sustain themselves. Other channels like Game Grumps actually do creative and funny commercials (Check out their first Crunchy Roll ad)

The point is, we expected them to mention the GT crew and share some good memories, but they had the screwattack guy there and one of their crew was leaving the channel, so they didn't have the time for it. Let's just leave them be.

As much as I love GT I have to admit, before Bosman I almost only visited for reviews. They don't have (and don't need to have) a perfect 13 years past.


Unconfirmed Member
You can't really pay a dozen salaries with Youtube unless you are getting millions of views per video. Video production is expensive, that is why Gametrailers wasn't profitable anymore.

You could with "sponsored content" although I can't imagine the GT crew doing add spots.


Guys, I don't like Funhaus either, but you are not being fair. GT Time often spent a lot more than 5 minutes on random topics and weird things Ian or Kyle brought up. And I liked it. Funhaus fans must enjoy their podcast as well.

Yeah, I love GT Time, but every week I'll skip forward until I see that they're on Corrections in the monitors.
You could with "sponsored content" although I can't imagine the GT crew doing add spots.

Fear not.
Guys, I don't like Funhaus either, but you are not being fair. GT Time often spent a lot more than 5 minutes on random topics and weird things Ian or Kyle brought up. And I liked it. Funhaus fans must enjoy their podcast as well.

I admit that obviously personal preferences are the major factor here but still, being purely objective, GT Time was a lot more organised and I would say.. considered, than Funhaus is, and most other podcasts are. You could just tell that they were all really making an effort to keep things tight and focused as well as giving a bit of room for some fun, and they succeeded in that. But the fashion these days seems to be to have an outright contempt for a script and production values.

I won't go on because you all know how I feel but I say it as someone with no personal connection to the people at GT, I just felt for a long time that the current iteration was pretty clearly doing a better and more professional job than anyone else and I am very shocked to see them go.

Whatever they do in the future I will support, with money if needs be. Unless of course it is to join one of these sites that pumps out 60 minutes of drivel and name dropping.


Like I said earlier, right when he was launching SIFTD, he had a weekly show. On one episode, he said reviewers giving Bloodborne glowing reviews were irresponsible, saying people would be duped into thinking they should buy the game and would end up frustrated and not trust the reviewers. He even had a guest on, who reviewed it well, and Shane kept trying to get him to agree with his point. I didn't like him much on GT, but was more than willing to give him another chance. He just has too off-putting a personality to me.

I saw that episode and I'm with you - I totally disagreed with his point and thought he was cutting off the other guy a bit but you have to admit - he raised an interesting question as to how much a reviewer should take the audience into account. I like to think that's what he was trying to do, as Shane has a proven track record for creating great shows and casts for gaming.

He's a top 5 producer in this industry and it makes me a little sad because I don't think you guys appreciate that he made GT what it was, brought in a lot of the talent we're concerned for and built the foundation for what they've been doing now (as Bloodworth himself said a few pages back, and Marcus also commented last night). I definitely don't agree with everything he says but I'm always willing to hear him out.

SIFTD is really good as a personalized news aggregator and Shane achieved his original vision for the site - a community that's had all of the bad eggs filtered out beforehand. I definitely recommend you guys check it out, I think those of us who subscribe can gift you a trial/discount or something (pm me).


He's a top 5 producer in this industry and it makes me a little sad because I don't think you guys appreciate that he made GT what it was, brought in a lot of the talent we're concerned for and built the foundation for what they've been doing now (as Bloodworth himself said a few pages back, and Marcus also commented last night). I definitely don't agree with everything he says but I'm always willing to hear him out.

SIFTD is really good as a personalized news aggregator and Shane achieved his original vision for the site - a community that's had all of the bad eggs filtered out beforehand. I definitely recommend you guys check it out, I think those of us who subscribe can gift you a trial/discount or something (pm me).
Pretty sure just anyone can set up a trial account. You don't need to be "vetted" or anything.

Yeah, I often disagree with with Shane says, or even his reasoning for the way he feels, but I like hearing his opinions on things. He's a great host too, as I've always thought he really steered the conversation well and got the other people talking and brought up things that might've not been.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I hope you guys won't complain for sponsored content if/when they have to feature watches or movies into their videos. That's pretty much how they'd survive.
I hope you guys won't complain for sponsored content if/when they have to feature watches or movies into their videos. That's pretty much how they'd survive.
I honestly wouldn't mind them having ads during podcasts, most of the ones I listen have them already and I can just forward 30 seconds to 1 minute and be done with that. I hope they at least do something like that even if they don't get to work together anymore, kinda like the ATP guys.
I hope you guys won't complain for sponsored content if/when they have to feature watches or movies into their videos. That's pretty much how they'd survive.

People complain about necessary evils all the time. People will complain about such promotion with the GT crew (look at the bud lite pope gif a few post up). It doesn't mean they won't get over it and enjoy the shows anyway. I don't like thinking about it, but I definitely don't like thinking about a world without GT even more.
Ōkami;194854874 said:
I had a little hope that we'd get a final final bosman episode today, but alas.

He said he'd be back today and he wasn't.

I was dreaming today about how he could do an alternate timeline in the bonus bits in which GT never shut down. That is, if he still had a show.


Pretty sure just anyone can set up a trial account. You don't need to be "vetted" or anything.

Yeah, I often agree with with Shane says, or even his reasoning for the way he feels, but I like hearing his opinions on things. He's a great host too, as I've always thought he really steered the conversation well and got the other people talking and brought up things that might've not been.

There's no vetting per se but one of the advantages of the subscription model is people who don't care aren't going to stay around. Whether or not that's true, I think it's a great community over there where vendors the disagreements are unusually civil.

Anyway, wouldn't be surprised to see an ex-GT employee as a guest on an upcoming GameFace.


There's no vetting per se but one of the advantages of the subscription model is people who don't care aren't going to stay around. Whether or not that's true, I think it's a great community over there where vendors the disagreements are unusually civil.

Anyway, wouldn't be surprised to see an ex-GT employee as a guest on an upcoming GameFace.

Oh yeah, I totally agree, and I was just responding to this:
"I think those of us who subscribe can gift you a trial/discount or something (pm me)."
Anyone can start a trial account from what I can tell.

It'd be nice to see more guest co-hosts. I loved it when Brandon Jones was on there, and then Daniel Kayser, and then Bloodworth, and really loved it the couple times Ryan Stevens was on there (I still need to further check out his new thing. Not something I can just have playing in the background...).


Oh lawd, someone over at that Uneasy Alliance Subreddit posted the Gamescom song Bosman did. Totally forgot about that and cracking up now.

Es tut mir leid!

wait I was uber busy for awhile but this is the first I've heard of this

Nooooo.... why.... :(
Basically this but with Defy:


Serious awnser, Defy just wasn't interested in GT. There's nothing more to it really.

Thank you Blood for the post, it's a great story. I love to ready how people ended up at the site and it's great that everything worked out so well! But it's terrible that this happened at this time for you. I just hope you and the lucky lady have a great time for now on your honeymoon and will enjoy it to the absolute max regardless. I wish you two the best! 😁
I don't think any reasonable person should mind sponsored content. I have been exposed to some interesting products via sponsors. If it helps a group we love survive that is great.

LinusTechTips has a lot of sponsors and it allows them to even have their own nice building with quite a few staff members.


I don't think any reasonable person should mind sponsored content. I have been exposed to some interesting products via sponsors. If it helps a group we love survive that is great.

Yeah, I don't mind sponsored content and I think if the GT crew can form their own group and get sponsors, they'll be fine. I trust this group of folks.

People are just afraid of another "The Know" type situation where they're basically championing their sponsors products and ignoring critique.


RIP to the best source of gaming related vids out there and good luck to all the staff in the future. I've been habitually checking GT at least a couple of times a month for what feels like 10 years now. Sad that I don't have more reviews or retrospectives to look forward to.

Par Score

If putting the GT guys in sponsored outfits that would put NASCAR to shame, in front of a wall covered in ads, sat around a table constructed from Doritos and Bud Light, with regular ad breaks, is what it takes to have them still making content, then sign me up for a yearly subscription anyway.

They're the best in the business, and they still would be even festooned in the most egregious of advertising paraphernalia.


I didn't care for the screwattack guy pretty much just saying that the only thing gt was good for was hosting his old content and their old monopoly on game trailers. I never cared for screwattack and he doesn't get why people are upset. Also Elyse barely talks, is funhaus always like this?

Stuttering Craig has gotten older, more focused on business, and I feel like his outlook has changed a bit. Let's remember ScrewAttack has been up and down in the past ten years as well.

If anyone from ScrewAttack was amazing it was Daily Destin (I believe he moved to IGN? I remember him doing a FFXIV story).

ScrewAttack was a major source of inspiration for some of the content I've worked with for seven years. Hard News was the best though. I haven't talked to any of those guys in over five years, but I also haven't visited ScrewAttack consistently in a really long time.

But yeah, this podcast felt like, "Here's the reason GameTrailers is gone" versus "Here are our great memories of GT". Something there felt a little disrespectful, and too soon to really discuss. I can't say I was fine with it either.
all those glorious shows.... all those wonderful people

this is too much...

I would pay for a subscription version if these guys want to... something like GiantBomb or donating
I mean look at the way the film the damn thing, for the entire episode you have one guys face stuck in front of the camera, not even paying attention to what's going on and playing a video game while everybody else talks about something unrelated.

Compare this to a studio-filmed video podcast with scripted segments and a host that keeps everyone on topic whilst still being witty and enjoyable.

I'm sorry if it looks like I'm being unfair to Funhaus et al and I imagine the GT team don't want this to become about them vs others but it just makes. no. sense. to me. The higher quality material is supposed to win, and it hasn't... why?

Well, the great thing about GT and what makes them so enjoyable is their personalities. Which is exclusive of things like production values and high production costs. So even if they continued some GT content even as a side thing, it would do very well and be enjoyable. The Final Bosman works because of Kyle and the content he's written, not the video or stage production values behind it. Same thing with everything else.

GT Time would be just as awesome if it was done on a kitchen table instead of an office soundstage with 5 HDTV's behind them.


But yeah, this podcast felt like, "Here's the reason GameTrailers is gone" versus "Here are our great memories of GT". Something there felt a little disrespectful, and too soon to really discuss. I can't say I was fine with it either.

Exactly how I felt, as well. While it's fair to analyze why this situation evolved, from an analytical and educational perspective - I remember when Kyle mentioned that he saw Craig doing a lot of reading on Social Blade to figure out how to move forward - the tone of the talk overall did have a tinge of disrespect, though I don't think that was the intended effect.
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