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Ace Attorney [Mafia] |OT| Turnabout Scum

The short of it is that not voting for Stanley because "we might lose both our cops" is a bit foolish. If Stanley's claim is legitimate we'll lose both cops either way.

I suppose not voting for Stanley means making scum use another night kill on N6, but if Stanley isn't killed on N6 we have to waste D7 lynching Stanley for not being night killed. Which will just go around in circles.
You're assuming Scum will kill a cop, or a PR in general
Which they haven't done this game
0. I wanted you to not let scum know you were a cop. Idk what's confusing about that.
1/3/5. The thought of you hiding a powerful role and only nameclaiming never occured to you?
2/4. We are losing 2 townies a night and you still don't think the role would be put to much use?
6. Saying "I'm willing to believe Xam" or something of that nature isn't the same as claiming to be a cop and painting a target of your back. Also "to suddenly come out and support xam"? It's not like you two have been at each other's necks this whole time then you changed your tune when he roleclaimed. He claimed on Day 2, 2 weeks ago and you haven't mentioned xam once before today. I'm not saying you should've been "I believe Xam because I'm Ema, I become cop if Xam dies." But if you were able to point back and say "In this post 344 when I said "I'm willing to give xam a shot" it's because I am Ema Skye." Would've made things more believable. Also that last part makes no real sense. You would claim if he had a scum player?

A. im repeating myself here, but we were getting all roles out into the open, so i wasnt going to lie.
B. at 2 townies a day do you really see this game lasting that much longer?
C. i honestly didnt think of the supporting being a bread crumbing kinda thing.
C and a 1/2. nothing Xam had said in regards to his investigations warranted the need for any support from me, he had only checked townies and noone was arguing. if he had found a scum and noone believed him then yeah i would have said something, probably not a full roleclaim but something.


Seriously, everyone, I'm a Vanilla. You gain nothing from my death unless you're Injust. In which case, you gain a free day. I've explained every point against me; I don't know what to do from here.

If you are dead-set on killing me, please at least investigate Palmtree and Squidy tomorrow/the next day, assuming the Injust don't keep getting bonus kills?


Current Vote Count:

Zubz (4)
Matt Attack

StanleyPalmtree (3)

squidyj (1)

EzekelRAGE (0)

TheGoddamn (0)

7 votes are needed for majority.

Day 4 ends in:


If it helps at all, I did try breadcrumbing Maya. It was just by calling Wright "Nick," but it's something. I also wanted my first post to have Turnabout Sisters in it, but I thought that might be cheap to do before the game's start so I switched it to the song from Undertale that is basically Turnabout Sisters before posting.
the Dahlia stuff that Matt's stuck on is seriously a coincidence (And barely one at that, seeing how someone gets possessed, like, 3+ times per Ace Attorney game).

No, it went way beyond being barely a coincidence the moment the possession train of thought got linked to me on the day after I first used my possession ability. Real talk: I nearly had a heart attack at the time because I thought you were a town PR who incredibly blatantly breadcrumbed your role (some sort of ability to see actions or something), as the moment I died it would have been clear to everybody what your alleged joke was referring to. I'm not sure I'm willing to gamble on it being a joke.


No, it went way beyond being barely a coincidence the moment the possession train of thought got linked to me on the day after I first used my possession ability. Real talk: I nearly had a heart attack at the time because I thought you were a town PR who incredibly blatantly breadcrumbed your role (some sort of ability to see actions or something), as the moment I died it would have been clear to everybody what your alleged joke was referring to. I'm not sure I'm willing to gamble on it being a joke.

I really don't want to sound rude here, but please don't convince yourself it's anything greater. It was a joke. A horrible, unlucky, paranoia-inducing joke. But a joke nonetheless. It'd be really embarrassing to die because of that.

And, again, possession is commonplace in the AA universe. I also wanted to make that joke as much as possible before I realized it was dumb. I feel straw-graspy taking this route, but no one counter claimed Maya, either; she's way too big of a role to just leave out of this game.
I really don't want to sound rude here, but please don't convince yourself it's anything greater. It was a joke. A horrible, unlucky, paranoia-inducing joke. But a joke nonetheless. It'd be really embarrassing to die because of that.

And, again, possession is commonplace in the AA universe. I also wanted to make that joke as much as possible before I realized it was dumb. I feel straw-graspy taking this route, but no one counter claimed Maya, either; she's way too big of a role to just leave out of this game.

Don't worry about being rude, if I were an ordinary townie in this situation (as you claim to be) I'd probably be pulling my hair out. But consider things from my perspective, and I don't think that it's a stretch to see why alarm bells would be set off. I want nothing more than to believe you because I will feel absolutely awful if you do flip town and die for such an unlucky reason, but I can't ignore this.

Also, we have no clue what Sorian did with the roles- it's entirely possible he did leave Mia out.


At this point, y not?
Time and time again it's been stated that flavor is just flavor, so stating just names could end up just confusing us or leading us to potential wrong paths.
Plus again as stated before, if we were just gonna name claim then at least we should've tried to make it simultaneously to try and catch Mafia claiming an already claimed name.
Plus, I also quoted you so as to have a mental note of who was the person who brought up for us name claim and succeeded in getting people to do so. Don't worry, I've also made a mental note that you only suggested for name claims. I've also taken a mental note that Zubz was the one who followed through and didn't just name claim but also role claimed which may have prompted the rest to do so as well.

I'm seriously at crossroads between Zubz and Squidy.

I really didn't like Zubz "prod vote", not because it was for me but because it was super safe and maybe he just didn't want to put it on SalvaPot when all 3 candidates had the possibility of being lynched and maybe Zubz thought "I wont be able to get here tomorrow before the day ends, I don't wanna vote for Town and be connected through voting as Mafia but what if my vote ends up being the cause of a majority for Salva, I'll just vote elsewhere." Plus he did seem to be defending TWE at times. Plus in a way he started this name and role claiming train.

As far as Squidy. Admittedly that green check from Xam is helping him for me to want to believe him. But I just don't trust him. I do feel like he's acting differently recently. Then he says he's Apollo and doesn't role claim although everyone else did. A few hours later he says its to get Mafia to potentially target him? It just feels like he was taking time trying to come up with a good fake role and when he couldn't he just went with Vanilla Town.

Also notice that post 1856 is when Squidy says he's sick and he'll be away for a while. and post 1863 is when Zubz gets things going for people to claim. Perhaps they're both Mafia and made this so that Squidy could have a chance to name/role claim last since he had just excused himself?

I have no problem voting either way. I'll decide as I keep reading what Zubz and Squidy have to say.


why would I give the name Apollo Creed Justice without already knowing what my fake role is? I mean you first have to believe that sorian didn't give me a fake role as scum, that he gave me just a name, or perhaps that I decided for no good reason to throw out a full role for something completely different. Then you have to believe that I felt I needed to claim right then and there when I didn't have an idea of what I was going to do. what was pressuring me what would have happened to me if I hadn't claimed Apollo Creed Justice there? If I had waited until I had a fully formed claim? I'll tell you what. Absolutely fucking nothing. It's insane to think that I just threw out the name Apollo Creed Justice and then frantically scrambled to come up with a role to go with it. absolutely insane.


why would I give the name Apollo Creed Justice without already knowing what my fake role is?
It's a big protagonist name that seems unbelievable that it wouldn't be in the game.
I mean you first have to believe that sorian didn't give me a fake role as scum, that he gave me just a name, or perhaps that I decided for no good reason to throw out a full role for something completely different.
It's hard for mods to come up with good roles that will work in all scenarios. (a bit meta but even Ourobolus just said it and he figured they could have made better ones, perhaps it's the same with Sorian, he can only do so much without knowing what turns and twists the game will take). For example at this point if you claimed tracker then you have to provide actions of who you tracked and what you saw and its difficult for everything to line up, especially when anyone can catch you in a lie if you take a misstep. It's also harder to keep up with a PR lie in the future.
Then you have to believe that I felt I needed to claim right then and there when I didn't have an idea of what I was going to do. what was pressuring me
Time. If you didn't come back here soon enough traction for votes against you could start gaining speed because you conveniently disappear, haven't claimed yet, and people had already been casting suspicion on you. All thoughts and eyes would be on you. Waiting for your return. Plus you had to come back and try to place suspicion elsewhere.

Plus now after everyone has claimed you're quite active. No longer super sick to the point that you have to go "blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'disjufvo;ldsvldsvnhc dsv;sdlavjasdgfjsdil;fjds;flsdajfas"?

You're actions have become suspicious and aggressive.


but tell me, who do you find most suspicious at the moment? and why?
That's a radical shift from your thinking earlier, CornB. I trust you 100%, but I'd like to know what feeling you're getting right now.

I just really think squidy is scum to be quite honest. I know your check and everything, but I'll eat an entire head of lettuce if there isn't some cop-spoof role in this game. And squidy's behavior just doesn't strike me as town.
I just really think squidy is scum to be quite honest. I know your check and everything, but I'll eat an entire head of lettuce if there isn't some cop-spoof role in this game. And squidy's behavior just doesn't strike me as town.
I meant more of your unwillingness to lynch him earlier
Just making sure you're not turning into CzarTim
No-one wants that
Vote: Squidyj
I meant more of your unwillingness to lynch him earlier
Just making sure you're not turning into CzarTim
No-one wants that
Vote: Squidyj

I'm sort of hovering between Stanley, Squidy, and Zubz.

Squidy is ultimately high risk high reward. But we all look really bad if his claim and alignment are legitimate. And honestly, I really REALLY want to see his flip.

I think lynching Zubz or Stanley is probably safer/better though.
Pretty strongly

Well, shit. Earlier today I typed up a quick post on mobile:

Originally, my issue with Zeke's plan is that it doesn't help us get to the bottom of the failed N2 actions by CB and I. Now that Xam has copped to Ascetic, it makes sense.

I don't know why a scum Zubz would be so brazen as to keep mentioning Dahlia, unless he was banking on it being so absurd as to be shrugged off, as I'm doing now.

I'll verify this later when I'm on a computer, but if Stanley really didn't hint at his role at all-- especially to Xam, then I'm inclined to believe my prior speculation that Stanley is piggybacking off Xam's claim. Even if he hasn't been that participative, it's a simple matter to put some feelers out there-- I mean, I'm pretty low-activity myself, but I breadcrumbed at every opportunity I could. Not hinting at your role, not letting Xam know he wasn't alone-- that is anti-town.

A good way to verify that Xam is a cop as well as to verify Stanley's claim is to lynch the latter. Scum Xam and town SP makes no sense. The only other possibilities are scum Xam and scum SP, town Xam and scum SP, and town Xam and town SP. We have a 67% chance of licking the right frog (ha ha ha)


With Xam's reveal, he is all but guaranteed to be dead tonight, isn't he? But it still doesn't sit right by me that if he is ascetic, why is he still alive? Did scum really not even try to kill him? We've had six night kills, all town. Xam has been prominent since D1. He claimed on D2, and there have been four night kills since. No one tried to kill Xam? This isn't an indictment of Xam-- I trust him-- but a questioning of what is going on those with the night kill powers.

My train of thought led to the conclusion that, why, yes, I do trust Xam. So verifying him is unneeded. And he doesn't want Stanley dead. It's why I removed the command from my vote for Stanley (and I had to ask Xam just how strongly he felt). I really can't shake the nagging feeling about Stanley, though-- if we compare Zubz and Stanley's reaction to being lynched, Zubz has much been more pro-town about it, telling us what to do in the event of his death. Stanley, on the other hand, although game for being lynched at first, seemed to become increasingly defensive towards Ezekel's posts, but hasn't done it convincingly.

squid, man, that's a whole other animal. But still, I trust Xam. I am seriously factoring in an ability of some kind that fools checks, such as a switcher or a Godfather.
And suddenly the thread moves fast.

Trust transference, then.

Vote: squidyj

We've got over 24 hours to weigh our options (here's hoping we don't turbo). I would definitely like to hear more from squidy, but I've verbalized my thoughts on Zubz/StanleyPalmtree.

Everyone who hasn't weighed in on the new developments, I'd also like to hear from you. Scrafty, Star, I think.
And suddenly the thread moves fast.

Trust transference, then.

Vote: squidyj

We've got over 24 hours to weigh our options (here's hoping we don't turbo). I would definitely like to hear more from squidy, but I've verbalized my thoughts on Zubz/StanleyPalmtree.

Everyone who hasn't weighed in on the new developments, I'd also like to hear from you. Scrafty, Star, I think.
Just because you trust me doesn't mean you need to vote for who I vote for
Your vote is your own and you should put it where you see fit, not someone else.
Matt, who did you say you Possessed N1? And N2?

Matt Attack claims he possessed Scrafty N1:http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=197739887&postcount=1871

which is also when Star says she jailed Scrafty (she also did it on N2)

And Matt mentions he possessed Roy here http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=197769687&postcount=1892

He didn't specify when he did this in that post, but since his power ceased to be effective at the end of D3, it follows that that was his N2 action.

Xam: Yes. At the moment, I want to hear more from squid.
I suppose possessing Scrafty makes sense if he didn't know what the role block did.

But that doesn't really explain why only Roy got a blackmail card. The Blackmailer would never actually target Scrafty.
I suppose possessing Scrafty makes sense if he didn't know what the role block did.

But that doesn't really explain why only Roy got a blackmail card. The Blackmailer would never actually target Scrafty.
Crazy theory:
Maybe the other person besides Roy to get a card on N1 was me, but it failed so they tried again the next night?
(That's pretty farfetched so take it with truckloads of salt)
Crazy theory:
Maybe the other person besides Roy to get a card on N1 was me, but it failed so they tried again the next night?
(That's pretty farfetched so take it with truckloads of salt)

Its possible. But unlikely.

So... lets assume it was anyone BUT you. Why is there only 1 card given on N1?
It's possible the NK killed whoever Salva targeted for a blackmail/roleblock and Xam wasnt killed on N2 because they figured they would send Salva and role block him.
Problem with having TG watch SP. What if SP isn't targeted, then we still have to skill SP to prove he is town.

Thoughts - We are assuming Sorian gave scum fakeroles to claim and wouldve gave them the roles when the game started, so couldve been easy for scum to breadcrumb their roles since the start of the game. If TG were scum, he would have all the information needed to make a fakeclaim of missile.

Maybe TG is scum watcher

N1 - Arguable that CB wouldve been seen as the most town/killable targets out of CF/Roy/SJ
N2 - If he is Scum watcher he would know that his ability failed or he is scum and knew Salva's ability failed since Xam got a read the next day.

N3 is the important night. If I am remembering D3 correctly, CB roleclaimed that he gives "powerful gifts". SD, our 100% confirmed town player agreed to that. So there was no reason for CB to be tracked, if anything he shouldve been watched. Unless you wanted to know who CB couldve given the override gift to.
It does seem weird that we'd have a Watcher in PW, and then Missile as a Watcher.

Then again we have quite a bit of PR.

Its possible TG is lying. Missile given as a name, and then his claim is easy enough to spoof.

Or he may be a scum watcher as you said Zeke.

Might be worth looking into his voting habits.
N3 is the important night. If I am remembering D3 correctly, CB roleclaimed that he gives "powerful gifts". SD, our 100% confirmed town player agreed to that. So there was no reason for CB to be tracked, if anything he shouldve been watched. Unless you wanted to know who CB couldve given the override gift to.

Woah.... you're fucking right.

Why -was- I watched?

If we think about it, scum didn't target me for a kill. Maybe they were hoping to get the override. And if that failed, they'd just kill whoever I gave it to.

Vote: TheGoddamn
Not sure I like this idea of voting on potential godfathers right now when we have likely two more viable targets without a green check. And Xam's feelings on Stanley are pretty meaningless.

If Stanley flips town, we can trust Xam's reads and worry about a godfather if we really have nothing better to do.
It Stanley flips scum then yay. We've pushed MyLo back and have more time to fuck about.

If Squidy flips town we learn... not much. Xam could still be scum. We'll be at potential MyLo tomorrow with an uninformative ML.
If Squidy flips scum, sure, yay. No Godfather and then super yay.

I just want our lynch today to be positively informative no matter the flip. If we ML, it needs to clear targets. If Stan is town, we go into tomorrow with a lot more confidence even if we lose two town in the night again because we gain increased confidence in four town.

Right now, we have:
Scrafty - vanilla (proven)

RedFalco - vanilla claim
Squidy - vanilla claim
Fep - vanilla claim
Xam - alignment cop claim

Star - jailor claim (role block proven unless star and Zeke are both scum. One scum roleblock already proven)
Zeke - vote thief (proven)
CornBurrito - compulsive item gift claim (confirmed action n1 only)

Matt Attack - blackmail clear. Not proven but makes sense with how dumb the blackmail could have been.

TheGoddamn - watcher/tracker claim. breadcrumbed like crazy but actions do not stack up against role claim. Claims to have found CB super town and in danger of NK N1 yet attacked him non-stop in the thread and voted for him immediately D2. Claimed action: watched with no visits. Why would no visit watch get someone so riled up? Why watch someone you thought was scum? Why lie to town about any of it? Also, one other town watcher already confirmed. This claim stinks.
Zubz - vanilla claim. Total trash vote D3.
Stanley - claim deputy cop. Super convenient claim. Likely dead before giving any reports. Literally no reason for town to trust any report he gives should he survive. Can clear Xam flipping town and raise trust in Xam's checks.

Leading us to, should Stanley flip town deputy:
Scrafty - proven town

Xam - proven excepting a counter claim

Fep - all clear excepting possible godfather




Even removing two people from the top of the list as NK's we're still collectively in a better spot and we have 4 claimed power roles to potentially hear back from. CB has one more chance to prove himself. Star can potentially stop a kill. Matt can try and prove himself by following someone else. Not prepared to believe any watcher reports from him.
It does seem weird that we'd have a Watcher in PW, and then Missile as a Watcher.

Then again we have quite a bit of PR.

Its possible TG is lying. Missile given as a name, and then his claim is easy enough to spoof.

Or he may be a scum watcher as you said Zeke.

Might be worth looking into his voting habits.

I talked about Goddamn on the last page. He looks pretty bad tbh.
Woah.... you're fucking right.

Why -was- I watched?

If we think about it, scum didn't target me for a kill. Maybe they were hoping to get the override. And if that failed, they'd just kill whoever I gave it to.

Vote: TheGoddamn

You're not actually agreeing with Zeke here and what you have written is borderline nonsense to me, but then I'm super tired.

Why are you continuously surprised you're alive??

Of fucking course scum hopes to get an item, you have the most scum friendly supposed town role in this game. No one would waste their time watching you.
Problem with having TG watch SP. What if SP isn't targeted, then we still have to skill SP to prove he is town.

Thoughts - We are assuming Sorian gave scum fakeroles to claim and wouldve gave them the roles when the game started, so couldve been easy for scum to breadcrumb their roles since the start of the game. If TG were scum, he would have all the information needed to make a fakeclaim of missile.

Maybe TG is scum watcher

N1 - Arguable that CB wouldve been seen as the most town/killable targets out of CF/Roy/SJ
N2 - If he is Scum watcher he would know that his ability failed or he is scum and knew Salva's ability failed since Xam got a read the next day.

N3 is the important night. If I am remembering D3 correctly, CB roleclaimed that he gives "powerful gifts". SD, our 100% confirmed town player agreed to that. So there was no reason for CB to be tracked, if anything he shouldve been watched. Unless you wanted to know who CB couldve given the override gift to.
Vote: TheGoddamn
Yeah that don't make sense at all, ESPECIALLY because he gave an item to confirmed town. Why would a Scum ever give a beneficial item to a confirmed town?
You're not actually agreeing with Zeke here and what you have written is borderline nonsense to me, but then I'm super tired.

Why are you continuously surprised you're alive??

Of fucking course scum hopes to get an item, you have the most scum friendly supposed town role in this game. No one would waste their time watching you.

I'm not shocked I'm alive. I think I wasn't killed because my items aren't that amazing and scum was hoping for the override.

I am more surprised I was tracked because... I was fairly open with who I've been giving items to. If TheGoddamn trusted me even a little he'd not have tracked me. So either he somehow thought I was a killer, or he wanted to know where the item went in case it didn't go to scum.
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