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George Zimmerman punched in face for allegedly bragging about killing Trayvon Martin

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will gain confidence one day
This man was given all the chances in the world to seek help and rehabilitate when he was found not guilty of second-degree murder and manslaughter. That event should have been his wake-up call. Since then, he has done nothing but get into trouble.

Not remotely trying to defend or co-sign Zimmerman's actions here, but why would that have been a wake-up call? He not only got away with the murder, he got fame and money from it. As a result, the most powerful incentive for him would have been to embrace his actions and continue trying to profit off of them.


Well that's a disturbing view to say the least. You expect an unconvicted criminal to feel remorse? So I guess we should just kill all the criminals that feel no remorse? That is inhumane.

This isn't the thread to do this bullshit in. Fuck this guy. That doesn't mean FUCK EVERY SINGLE CRIMINAL EVER. God damn I don't even know why this has to be explained. It's daily on gaf. Some jump to conclusion with a preamble of such edginess as "ah ha! So I guess we should ________ everything then!" All while ignoring a specific context.

This and the devils advocate for no fucking reason is the most annoying shit. Not just on gaf but in real life too. It's a seeming lack of comprehension, combined with a weird condescending tone to it, and an attempt to frame themselves as some moral barometer.

Yes that's precisely what the content is that you're questioning. A person suggesting all unremorseful criminals should be killed.

Your insight isn't novel. Nor is it what is being suggested.


Unconfirmed Member
You don't believe in rehabilitation?


Zimmerman is a terrible human being. Like, not only did he murder Trayvon Martin, but he's tried to make a profit of it through:

selling art that he actually plagarized
celebrity boxing
attempting to sell the gun used to kill Martin

Not only that, he has also:

posted nude images of his ex to twitter
retweeted images of Martin's corpse
stalked other people and threatened to kill them
committed aggravated assault multiple times

And that's just some of the bullshit he's done over the years. It's no wonder that people are glad that he's been punched in the face and wish him ill. Zimmerman isn't your average criminal who needs rehabilitation. He isn't your average person "with a mentally damaged mind."

To be entirely frank, I'm just surprised that he hasn't murdered someone else yet. Personally, I don't wish death on people, but I can certainly understand why some are in this case. Dude's managed to avoid actual justice for years.


Water is not wet!
They should send him to Detroit

Witnesses said they overheard Zimmerman say to someone, “I love your tattoos. My name is George Zimmerman, you know, that guy who killed Trayvon Martin?” Witness said Zimmerman also showed his identification card.

Unbelievable. Literally flaunting murder as a claim-to-fame badge. I would have called bullshit on this, but it falls totally in line with is past tweets, and statements where he generally relishes publicly in what he's done.

I've talked to people voting for Trump who claim the BLM movement is goaded by Obama and Hillary shit-stirring things, but cases like these clearly show there's an actual problem caused by monsters like Zimmerman.


Given Zimmerman's penchant for murdering people, arguably punching him in the face if you see him is merely self-defense.
I'm all for criminals having a second chance I've always been an advocate for helping ex convicts get a new start when they get out of prison.
Zimmerman is someone who murdered someone on the grounds of self defense and then proceeded to feel absolutely zero remorse for taking the life of another human being not including the profit he's made from said murder. Not including all the other shit he's done in following years when he should've just kept quiet the rest of his life for getting away with murder. He is not remorseful there is no wake up call for this man he is proud of what he did. If the auctioning of the gun he killed Trayvon with isnt proof enough of that I dunno what to tell you.
Not remotely trying to defend or co-sign Zimmerman's actions here, but why would that have been a wake-up call? He not only got away with the murder, he got fame and money from it. As a result, the most powerful incentive for him would have been to embrace his actions and continue trying to profit off of them.

I'm assuming his close encounter with being locked away and all the negative media attention/death threats would have overshadowed what you mentioned. Don't get me wrong, I understand what you're saying (a sense of invincibility, for example), but after an event like that, I would personally try to sort my shit and keep out of sight.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Karma has to catch up with this scumbag right?

I hope it's one of those slow rolling Karma things. Like a Cohen brothers movie. Shit gradually gets worse and worse and worse for him pushing him toward that edge.


will gain confidence one day
I'm assuming his close encounter with being locked away and all the negative media attention/death threats would have overshadowed what you mentioned. Don't get me wrong, I understand what you're saying (a sense of invincibility, for example), but after an event like that, I would personally try to sort my shit and keep out of sight.

You probably have some sort of moral core though. Zimmerman seems to be a sociopath.


He deserves everything awful that could come his way. Not only is he a piece of shit, he's a bitch to boot. I'll refrain before I get banned again.


This isn't the thread to do this bullshit in. Fuck this guy. That doesn't mean FUCK EVERY SINGLE CRIMINAL EVER. God damn I don't even know why this has to be explained. It's daily on gaf. Some jump to conclusion with a preamble of such edginess as "ah ha! So I guess we should ________ everything then!" All while ignoring a specific context.

This and the devils advocate for no fucking reason is the most annoying shit. Not just on gaf but in real life too. It's a seeming lack of comprehension, combined with a weird condescending tone to it, and an attempt to frame themselves as some moral barometer.

Yes that's precisely what the content is that you're questioning. A person suggesting all unremorseful criminals should be killed.

Your insight isn't novel. Nor is it what is being suggested.
Agreed. Those type of people add nothing to the conversation and their "arguments/point of views" are inherently intellectually dishonest. You're not on a special moral high ground. You're not intellectually or morally superior. What you're doing is presenting a middle school dilemma with no cognitive resonance.
That fucking psychopath. Fuck him, fuck him to the ground. I don't believe in karma because I know for a fact bad people get away with doing evil shit all the time, but I will not blink if this guy is ever on the receiving end of everything he deserves.

I truly believe he was gloating about the whole deal. I mean, who the hell introduces themselves like that?
If you're bragging about killing a kid, even to the point of pulling out an ID card, then you should be punched in the face.

Multiple times.


This guy is the epitome of scum. The man shouldn't had stopped at one punch.

How the fuck do you brag about killing someone? Anyone? That's so unbelievably disgusting. I can't imagine how the Martin family feels when they hear stories about a guy bragging that he killed their son.
he doesnt want rehabilitation, why should anyone give a damn?
Yeah, you can't save/help those that don't want it. It's idealistic to believe everybody can "change" for the good. Some people are fine in their own skin, even if that skin is violent, predatory, racist and homophobic. And sometimes, people like that need to get slapped around!


...that's seriously the way he introduces himself to people? Did the guy have a swastika tattoo or something? He should get punched more often.


Guy got away with murdering a teen - why is he not trying to live the quietest of lives away from the public? You'd think he'd want to be as incognito as possible. But he goes around not only announcing his full name but then boasts about how he got away with murder as if he's reading off his business card. 'Hey, nice to meet you, name's George Zimmerman, killer of Trayvon Martin.' Like seriously get rekt dude. He goes around doing this and you shouldn't charge the people who punch him, you should charge him with inciting violence.
Proceed, governor

Oh, that's inhumane. Feel free to piss up the highest of ropes, friend.
I don't agree with his point of view, I'm all for the worst kind of violence towards that piece of garbage but it was his opinion and he wasn't being disruptive or trolling. We can't have a mature conversation in here without everyone needing to have the same opinion?


Aftershock LA
One day, somebody is going to flim flam the Zimm zamm, and I want to be around to see it.

Ideally holding my cell phone and shouting "Worldstar!"
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