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Destiny: Rise of Iron Review Thread

I really do hope Destiny 2 is a complete rethink from scratch.

The game has all of the ingredients to make for some legendary long term gameplay, but the preponderance of virtual currencies and restrictive level and activity gating mean there's no quality reuse of those missions, save in a paltry drip feed of dailies, which leaves players starving for new content in the form of DLC that is very rapidly consumed.

Bungie needs to learn the lessons of Diablo 3 and Warframe, and make everything replayable and every activity rewarding on its own. The core gameplay loop is solid, but leveling up only to find finding less and less there to do, with no benefit to going back to previous missions and raids, and low level level patrols is the game's Achilles heel.

Once you complete the story, the world should scale to you, and you should be able to run any mission or strike or raid and continue your progression.


Started at 8pm and finished the campaign at 10:45 pm.

I'm sure there's plenty more in terms of quests and objectives, but that was quick, and I usually average twice as long to get through games as the usual estimates go.

I hope Bungie has plans to sustain interest.

There's a shitload of stuff to do after the final mission, including two exotic quests.
There's a shitload of stuff to do after the final mission, including two exotic quests.
Good to hear. TTK was pretty good in that regard too.

Will definitely try to eek out what I can from the latest expansion. But once I'm left with just patrols and raid stuff I'll bounce again.


Content wise I don't mind it but the low production value of the story is staggering. By the time you reach the end and become an Iron Lord there's so little fanfare you could blink and miss it. Not that the ending of the main game wasn't a steaming pile but still. Hopefully Bungie tries way harder with the sequel. This shit is ass for something that kind of masquerades as an RPG

I second this. As much as I love destiny, I was hoping that the conclusion of the ROI story arc, I'd have an emotional response (I think the devs did mention something similar, which made me really pumped for the campaign).

The conclusion had me feeling nothing, which was disappointing. Apart from that, ROI is more of Destiny really. No problems there.


"if you've sworn off, you don't need to come back"


Perhaps in the new year if we hear something like, stuff will transfer over to Destiny 2, maybe I'll see what catching up is like from a 100% TTK save ~ but otherwise I feel like I should just watch a couple of Raid streams and be done with it.

I missed Year 2 Moments of Triumph because I wasn't bothered playing bucket loads of Crucible for that silly quest. I feel like I shouldn't return.

1. because I think missing moments of triump is a big deal...
2. that sort of thinking shows my completionist mentality, which is not healthy


You can tell by how many of the existing assets were reworked that this was a quick fill in the spot for what was potentially meant to be Destiny 2.

It looks like what happens when you leave a dozen people to put something together to pad the accounts during the Destiny 2 delay. It's definitely fun for what it is, but I was borderline cringing at times. Sepiks Perfected? Wow. So incredibly lazy I don't even know where to begin. The story is also back to Destiny 1 levels. Siva is just a mcguffin and the iron lords are some dudes who like wolf sweaters.

I'm not the type to run the raid a thousand times so I'm guessing I'll be done with this entirely by the time Gears and Mafia drop. I'm going to get 30 bucks of fun out of it, but the formula is astoundingly dry at this point. An hour-long campaign, a dozen grindy quests rehashing that content, and a raid isn't going to cut it for Destiny 2.
I played the original destiny's demo the other day and liked it but then I watched Angry Joe's review and decided it was not worth the trouble.

Do these expansions make the game worth getting into at this point for a complete newcomer? It shoukd I better jump in when destiny's sequel comes?


I played the original destiny's demo the other day and liked it but then I watched Angry Joe's review and decided it was not worth the trouble.

Do these expansions make the game worth getting into at this point for a complete newcomer? It shoukd I better jump in when destiny's sequel comes?

If you liked the core loop of Destiny as it is in the demo, which is shooting dudes and making some forward progress, yes. TTK is where they refined the loop so that forward progress was easier to get, and, just as important, easier to track when the endgame comes. The April update gave it a final tweak, which made the climb to maximum light totally straightforward. It is, for my money, a pretty dang fine loot-based mmorpg-ish first person shooter that you can play from level one and have a great time with.

Rise of Iron is just more of that, stretching the endgame to 385 light (400 when the hard mode raid drops), with a nice little story, and new systems making the endgame even easier to grasp. Considering you're getting everything with your sixty bucks, I'd say you're safe.
The writing has taken a massive step backwards from TTK and the level design of the plaguelands has taken a massive step backwards from the dreadnaught... I'm enjoying it though, the combat is just too good.


Didn't expect anything mindblowing or game-changing, and that's what I got. Initial campaign was super short, and really only the first and last missions really stood out.

Story was a bit intruiging, especially since it explores what happens in the past. But not nearly as in depth, well written, or well presented as it could have been.

I'm going to enjoy collecting new loot and doing the strike and raid, but I wish it all felt like a whole comprehensive package with a great story.

I do like that they tied the strike with the story missions more. I would like to see each mission be longer, with cinematics before and after, and more creative scenarios that don't just involve defending a point. This is the company that created the level Covenant in Halo 3, after all.

Would love more different environments. I loved the fight up to fellwinter peak, but that's only for one level. Plaguelands are sort of cool, but essentially just feel like the cosmodrome.

Really hoping Destiny 2 is a complete overhaul of the story and the structure of the game. A better told story (more context, etc.) and a less predictable format (story missions that are less than inspiring, followed by quests, then the raid and strike) would be great.


It looks like what happens when you leave a dozen people to put something together to pad the accounts during the Destiny 2 delay. It's definitely fun for what it is, but I was borderline cringing at times. Sepiks Perfected? Wow. So incredibly lazy I don't even know where to begin. The story is also back to Destiny 1 levels. Siva is just a mcguffin and the iron lords are some dudes who like wolf sweaters.

I'm not the type to run the raid a thousand times so I'm guessing I'll be done with this entirely by the time Gears and Mafia drop. I'm going to get 30 bucks of fun out of it, but the formula is astoundingly dry at this point. An hour-long campaign, a dozen grindy quests rehashing that content, and a raid isn't going to cut it for Destiny 2.

They kinda made the story sound like it was gonna be pretty epic and gotta say this is probably the worst so far when it comes to story additions. I was over in 2 hours tops if you did them back to back and theres no momentum or motivation to really push you forward. Just a bunch of monotone dudes talking about bad stuff and how you need to fix it cause they are too lazy to help. Extremely lazy writing and design, really a shame since the premise sounds like a cool idea.


They kinda made the story sound like it was gonna be pretty epic and gotta say this is probably the worst so far when it comes to story additions. I was over in 2 hours tops if you did them back to back and theres no momentum or motivation to really push you forward. Just a bunch of monotone dudes talking about bad stuff and how you need to fix it cause they are too lazy to help. Extremely lazy writing and design, really a shame since the premise sounds like a cool idea.

Yeah, the campaign is pretty terrible. The first mission and last missions are cool enough. They open with a really great new area and some impressive viastas, but immediately just hop back on recycling old content as fast as possible. The story is the lowest tier of video game story. It's there because the game is supposed to have a story. A middle schooler could have written it during one English class. Just no effort at all. You can tell they're working with the dregs or a skeleton crew.
If you liked the core loop of Destiny as it is in the demo, which is shooting dudes and making some forward progress, yes. TTK is where they refined the loop so that forward progress was easier to get, and, just as important, easier to track when the endgame comes. The April update gave it a final tweak, which made the climb to maximum light totally straightforward. It is, for my money, a pretty dang fine loot-based mmorpg-ish first person shooter that you can play from level one and have a great time with.

Rise of Iron is just more of that, stretching the endgame to 385 light (400 when the hard mode raid drops), with a nice little story, and new systems making the endgame even easier to grasp. Considering you're getting everything with your sixty bucks, I'd say you're safe.

Cool, sounds good, thanks a lot!


The dialog for the entire "story" honestly could have been written in a day. Its really really lame.

I find it weird that the in-game lore / dialogue is just run of the mill basic sci-fi pulp, while the Grimoire's are actually pretty well written and contain a lot of interesting ideas that transcends the game's "My first space opera" storyline. I kinda understand why things are as they are now, but I would love to see a bit more of that Grimoire-level-stuff in Destiny 2.


Yeah, the campaign is pretty terrible. The first mission and last missions are cool enough. They open with a really great new area and some impressive viastas, but immediately just hop back on recycling old content as fast as possible. The story is the lowest tier of video game story. It's there because the game is supposed to have a story. A middle schooler could have written it during one English class. Just no effort at all. You can tell they're working with the dregs or a skeleton crew.

I mean I kinda hit a point with this game where I know what to expect but still enjoy the gameplay loop enough to play every now and then. Problem is I want to love the game and I feel it really does have the potential to be truly amazing. I am hopeful that when Destiny 2 comes out along with a beefier staff and no longer having to include previous consoles than we might just get what we all originally thought Destiny was going to be. That also extends to the developers, I truly hope they can put their real vision into action instead of these bite sized samplings of fractured potential.
The story was short and light af, my predominant thought through the whole thing was "the main protagonist is a bloody floating orb?!". Nearly all the quests had an unsatisfactory ending, no real bosses, anti climatic etc.

Still though, played it last night with a friend and had a good time even if most of that was just down to the banter. Will try the strike playlist tonight and hopefully get a raid in over the weekend, see how it stacks up then.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Upon sleeping on it I really enjoyed the intro.

If you missed my post I'm a totally new player.

How much better will things be for me starting now vs earlier considering I'm only level 2? Does the expansion even do anything for me or is the early stuff pretty much unchanged from OG Destiny pre Taken King?


I don't see how anyone could review it until the main part comes out

Ha, no different than people ripping on movies and tearing them apart when just a trailer comes out. It's common practice.

The outcry over the Jumanji first movie set pics is laughable.


I really do hope Destiny 2 is a complete rethink from scratch.

The game has all of the ingredients to make for some legendary long term gameplay, but the preponderance of virtual currencies and restrictive level and activity gating mean there's no quality reuse of those missions, save in a paltry drip feed of dailies, which leaves players starving for new content in the form of DLC that is very rapidly consumed.

Bungie needs to learn the lessons of Diablo 3 and Warframe, and make everything replayable and every activity rewarding on its own. The core gameplay loop is solid, but leveling up only to find finding less and less there to do, with no benefit to going back to previous missions and raids, and low level level patrols is the game's Achilles heel.

Once you complete the story, the world should scale to you, and you should be able to run any mission or strike or raid and continue your progression.

lol do you still play the game.... thats what everyone is already doing why do you think that there are thousands of people playing everyday still. I feel like ppl who dont play with other people or take advantage of the multiplayer, they get bored of Destiny, hence its called a "online multiplayer game" than you probably should not buy Destiny 2, because it just going to be a bigger game and have more multiplayer things to do. Destiny isnt just a online shooter, its a multi playing, loot driving, repayable game. Playing solo in Destiny is not fun.
How much better will things be for me starting now vs earlier considering I'm only level 2? Does the expansion even do anything for me or is the early stuff pretty much unchanged from OG Destiny pre Taken King?

i think they shuffled some missions around in vanilla destiny when TTK hit to make the story a bit more coherrent but content wise it's pretty much the same. What they did do (and that is major) they removed a ton of idiotic material grinding for upgrading your gear, now you can just buy them with currency you earn naturally. it's a much smoother experience.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Am I stupid if I just want to play at my leisure and level up on my own vs using the spark of light to hit 40 and jump into the new grind?

I think I'd rather just experience the full game vs jumping to 40.


I went in with low expectations... And it pretty much met them so far. Story wasn't as substantial as taken king and was very short. New strike is decent but actually not as good as the ones we got from taken king. Haven't tried the new PvP maps yet or new mode yet.

At the end of the day how I judge this expansion comes down to the raid since that's the reason I play this game more than anything. It works well as an excuse to come back to a game that gameplay-wise has no equal in the shooter space.


Man, somebody semi important must have recently used the term "gameplay loop" I guess this is the new pile on buzz term?

Oh well, it's better than, "epic" "visceral" and "trope" at least. :)
Okay, so, I felt really, SERIOUSLY burned by Destiny at launch, but... with all the positive buzz around first TTK and now this, I'm kind of tempted. Is there any way to get the expansions I've missed for super cheap? I'm already 90 bucks in the hole here (deluxe edition at launch, so I've got House of Wolves and Dark Below) and really not particularly inclined to spend a bunch more money.


The story itself had potential, the thing that blows about it is that it is over before it begins. We're hyped up about SIVA and it having these dire consequences and you never really see it do anything and it doesn't matter because it's only a few missions even pertaining to it. What's there is good it just wasn't fleshed out, it's literally just beginning then end, there is no middle.

Also all of the armor exotics were from TTK, some were even shown in the trailers, which is really not okay.

The crucible maps are good except for the Garden map, fuck that one's design. The Plaguelands is a cool zone and I like how it connects with Cosmo but it is lame that we don't get the full Cosmodrome.

The new armor sets are great, SIVA is a cool concept that unfortunately was barely explored, so much potential but they don't take it seriously at all. The missions themselves were good, a step up from Vanilla for sure, but they can also do better and we know it.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Okay, so, I felt really, SERIOUSLY burned by Destiny at launch, but... with all the positive buzz around first TTK and now this, I'm kind of tempted. Is there any way to get the expansions I've missed for super cheap? I'm already 90 bucks in the hole here (deluxe edition at launch, so I've got House of Wolves and Dark Below) and really not particularly inclined to spend a bunch more money.

How much can you sell your current shit for?

It might be cheaper to flip your current shit then just buy the collection vs trying to buy piecemeal.


My 2-minute review on the story:

The primary reason the story is lame is because once again Bungie has decided 5 missions is plenty for a $30 expansion. There's simply not enough time to become emotionally invested in any of the characters or the ending during the max 2 hours it takes you to go through the missions. If there were more missions with more gun play, I think people would be more willing to forgive the story. But when you have a short story coupled with 1) some of the blandest characters Bungie has ever given us (Cayde-6, how me miss you), 2) bland environments (the snow gets tiring in about 5 minutes, and then just washes out all the colors), and 3) terrible writing (a Bungie staple, but they did outdid themselves this time), the results are not very good on the Tomatometer.

Still, my friends and I enjoyed playing yesterday. Bungie is one of those rare social games where multiplayer co-op gun play makes you forgive just about anything. But it's become like watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 (look it up, trust me). We had great fun yesterday while laughing AT Destiny and its cheesy story and rehash of old environments (Oh look, it's the new and improved Septik's Prime--which is just the old Septiks with some red crap coded on him). I'm not sure that's what Bungie ever intended with all the dramatic cinematics and music of RoI, but that's what's happening. The expansions are becoming parodies of the Destiny itself rather than adding to the lore in any meaningful way. And that's too bad. The gun play is so good and the potential so great that with some decent writing, pacing, voice-acting and most of all time dedicated to it, this game could really be one of the best games of all time.

I suspect (hope?) these things are being remediated in Destiny 2, and that Bungie has their "Miyakazi" team working hard on it. But until then, more Destiny cheese for us.
Story's worse than TTK.

I'm not as big a fan of the new patrol area as I was the Dreadnaught. It looks nice and all, but there's just not much going on. I have to really go out of my way to find enemies to kill, and the new version of an arena you can use consumables to summon mobs into for extra loot and whatnot is shit compared to what we got with TTK. Locks all other players out. Only gives you one shot. And it really feels like it does those things simply because the devs couldn't think of a better way to prevent players from camping in the room you approach the arena from. Also, you're given purple-rarity keys that unlock hidden areas filled with enemies essentially so you can open two chests which give you basic materials... Thanks.

So far a lot of recycled content. I really wish they'd come up with an original enemy design. Instead they just keep re-skinning old ones. The Taken were better than the current Splicers.

Main quest was like less than an hour long, which is crazy, because just to get a single one of these new exotics takes substantially more time than that. Hard to believe they couldn't come up with any more content for the main story.

Would be fine with it if the past two "expansions" weren't priced the same as most games' entire season passes, and on top of that throwing in an entire microtransaction system, but here we are.

All of that's for the lone wolf buying it for singleplayer content though. Will wait to see how the raid is.

Upon sleeping on it I really enjoyed the intro.

If you missed my post I'm a totally new player.

How much better will things be for me starting now vs earlier considering I'm only level 2? Does the expansion even do anything for me or is the early stuff pretty much unchanged from OG Destiny pre Taken King?
I think The Taken King made quite a few quality of life changes. Other than that, you won't be experiencing any Rise of Iron content until level 40, and light level 280.

I'm actually finding myself a little frustrated with the way Bungie is doing some things in Destiny now. Everything is a "quest" but sometimes I'd rather just play a few actual missions that finish a "quest" to do every asinine patrol in the new patrol area or find damn medallions or anything.

Still enjoy the game, but I'm getting tired of this way of doing things.
My gripe is that they didn't design the game around the shit loading times.

We've gotta go to the Tower so we can go to the planet so we can do something so we can go back to the Tower and then go back to the area we just came from and do another thing.

The Tower shouldn't exist. In most games, The Tower is just a menu. In Destiny, The Tower is a physical location we need to travel through two loading screens to reach.


Man, somebody semi important must have recently used the term "gameplay loop" I guess this is the new pile on buzz term?

Oh well, it's better than, "epic" "visceral" and "trope" at least. :)

It's a pretty reasonable and useful term. Almost all games have some cycle of doing stuff and getting rewarded for it on a mechanical level.
I'm actually finding myself a little frustrated with the way Bungie is doing some things in Destiny now. Everything is a "quest" but sometimes I'd rather just play a few actual missions that finish a "quest" to do every asinine patrol in the new patrol area or find damn medallions or anything.

Still enjoy the game, but I'm getting tired of this way of doing things.


"if you've sworn off, you don't need to come back"


Perhaps in the new year if we hear something like, stuff will transfer over to Destiny 2, maybe I'll see what catching up is like from a 100% TTK save ~ but otherwise I feel like I should just watch a couple of Raid streams and be done with it.

I missed Year 2 Moments of Triumph because I wasn't bothered playing bucket loads of Crucible for that silly quest. I feel like I shouldn't return.

1. because I think missing moments of triump is a big deal...
2. that sort of thinking shows my completionist mentality, which is not healthy

I missed the year 2 moments of triumph cuz I didn't get 5 calcified fragments. All from the oryx raid. 2 I only needed to grab them while traversing and the other 3 by doing the bosses's challenges, I only did Oryx's challenge.

Really disliked that raid, totally out of touch with the majority of the player base.


I'm actually finding myself a little frustrated with the way Bungie is doing some things in Destiny now. Everything is a "quest" but sometimes I'd rather just play a few actual missions that finish a "quest" to do every asinine patrol in the new patrol area or find damn medallions or anything.

Still enjoy the game, but I'm getting tired of this way of doing things.

I'm sure it's for a lot of reasons. I think the biggest potential boon for Destiny 2 will be the ability to throw off all of the bad design choices dragging down 1. A lot of the quest structure stuff is a huge improvement from launch but still kind of bad. I'd guess the surplus of patrol quests are just to cut down on work for Bungie. Most of the DLC so far screams shortcut and what's easier than just dumping an enemy or two in a pre-made area players wander around?
My gripe is that they didn't design the game around the shit loading times.

We've gotta go to the Tower so we can go to the planet so we can do something so we can go back to the Tower and then go back to the area we just came from and do another thing.

The Tower shouldn't exist. In most games, The Tower is just a menu. In Destiny, The Tower is a physical location we need to travel through two loading screens to reach.

Yes! Everything loads and loads and loads...


I missed the year 2 moments of triumph cuz I didn't get 5 calcified fragments. All from the oryx raid. 2 I only needed to grab them while traversing and the other 3 by doing the bosses's challenges, I only did Oryx's challenge.

Really disliked that raid, totally out of touch with the majority of the player base.
The majority of the playerbase wouldn't play the raid anyway but the raid was pretty good. it had a lot of positives.
I went digital :/

I thought I'd be playing it for ages! It was Bungie!


Assuming you're in the US:

It'll be $50 on PSN to get all the way to ROI. TTK is $20 right now (and includes TDB and HOW from year 1) and ROI is $30.

By comparison, The Collection (physical is just the vanilla disc with DLC vouchers) is $60, so... I guess if you ordered that on Amazon with Prime and got the 20% off it would be $48? But then you pay taxes anyway so it kind of washes out any savings over just getting TTK and ROI on PSN.
Has there been any mention on how many missions are in this expansion? I really loved my time with Taken King but I played it as a single player game for the most part except for matchmaking for Strikes. Is it worth it for that? Or should I wait for a possible sale?


Has there been any mention on how many missions are in this expansion? I really loved my time with Taken King but I played it as a single player game for the most part except for matchmaking for Strikes. Is it worth it for that? Or should I wait for a possible sale?

There are 5 campaign missions, we've known that since the reveal.


The majority of the playerbase wouldn't play the raid anyway but the raid was pretty good. it had a lot of positives.

I really didn't like it, from the platforming to the boss mechanics. It all felt off to me.

Playing as a hunter, before getting the exotic boots that give another jump, was really frustrating at the part where we had to jump from ship to ship.
Has there been any mention on how many missions are in this expansion? I really loved my time with Taken King but I played it as a single player game for the most part except for matchmaking for Strikes. Is it worth it for that? Or should I wait for a possible sale?

Five story missions, it's super short. Don't buy it for story
People are praising that campaign? The missions were not that great, it had a few good moments and bosses but that's it. Most of it is so recycled it's almost insulting. Hey now the same level you did has snow! It's new! Now the enemies are red! It's new!

It's still destiny so it's fun to play but judging this by its design it's not that good, it's the same exact thing you have been doing for two years. TKK at least changed a bunch of gameplay systems to make the game feel better and the dreadnaught felt vastly different to other areas due to all its cool secrets. Plague lands feels like any mother planet location from year 1 with some elements from TKK pasted on. There is almost no originality on display here.

Maybe some post quest stuff is good. Maybe there are cool hidden quests popping up. Maybe the raid is awesome. But the main quest is just average at best.
So me and my friend finished the Gjhallahorn quest, and since we pre-ordered the game we now own TWO of these (The Year 3 and the Iron one). You don't even get to use the pre-order one until you beat the quest which we found was pretty dumb.

Game did last a bit longer than I anticipated, I still have the new Sepiks strike and a mission I have yet to beat. Hoping the raid is not a mechanic clustercluck as Kings Fall was. I'd rather do VoG over KF.

Want to do the new Supremacy mode tonight after work, practice for Iron Banner.
Your probably SOL unless you wait for PSN/XBL sales.

Assuming you're in the US:

It'll be $50 on PSN to get all the way to ROI. TTK is $20 right now (and includes TDB and HOW from year 1) and ROI is $30.

By comparison, The Collection (physical is just the vanilla disc with DLC vouchers) is $60, so... I guess if you ordered that on Amazon with Prime and got the 20% off it would be $48? But then you pay taxes anyway so it kind of washes out any savings over just getting TTK and ROI on PSN.

Yeah, I'm out until sales. I already feel like I paid way too much for what I got, I'm not shelling out 50 bucks to get the rest (not to mention repurchasing HoW and TDB).

Plus now apparently the story missions are garbo so there's that. Maybe the next collected version.


People are praising that campaign? The missions were not that great, it had a few good moments and bosses but that's it. Most of it is so recycled it's almost insulting. Hey now the same level you did has snow! It's new! Now the enemies are red! It's new!

It's still destiny so it's fun to play but judging this by its design it's not that good, it's the same exact thing you have been doing for two years. TKK at least changed a bunch of gameplay systems to make the game feel better and the dreadnaught felt vastly different to other areas due to all its cool secrets. Plague lands feels like any mother planet location from year 1 with some elements from TKK pasted on. There is almost no originality on display here.

Maybe some post quest stuff is good. Maybe there are cool hidden quests popping up. Maybe the raid is awesome. But the main quest is just average at best.

No, the quests are pretty lame too. The Gally exotic quest involves wandering around an empty multiplayer map and examining walls. It's the maximum amount of asset reuse. I'm curious how much copy/paste stuff is in the raid. Is it just a green Sepiks Prime and an even more edgelord song playing?
Man, somebody semi important must have recently used the term "gameplay loop" I guess this is the new pile on buzz term?

Oh well, it's better than, "epic" "visceral" and "trope" at least. :)

The thread won't be complete without uses of "hyperbole" and "mental gymnastics". Or are those reserved for OT?

On topic, though...I just finished the story missions last night and while fun, were amazingly easy and very short. I'm hoping the extra quests keep things going for a while, as I presume they will since I'm still under light level 350. I think my biggest disappointment is that the new enemies added absolutely nothing to the experience.
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