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New super hot Final Fantasy XV CG character renders (Cidney, Iris, etc.)


I still like Assassin's Creed ravus better :(

And yeah, i love cindy's voice, attitude and she has an awesome hairstyle, the fact that her clothes could be not so hard to fix(from a tecnical standpoint at least) is just depressing :|

Assassin's Creed Ravus was the best, for sure. Just because it hides his face, honestly. Everything else could very well be identical.

He looks so weird, so out of place.

And it would be cool if they released some free DLC with different costumes for NPCs too, like Witcher 3 did. It would be nice to have a better looking Cidney :p

Really, not even the dragon lady is looking that tacky :|

Right? And she flirts with Noctis and shit, so it would actually make more sense for her.

Glad it's not the case, though, I quite like her design as it is, and her japanese voice is awesome. :p


It is axiomatic how antediluvian the habitués of this neoteric Cidney are. These chauvinistic zeolots are a parlous obliquy (and, dare I say it, rather invidius). Alas, their pusillanimous, jejune manqué shall cease one day, hencewherest we, the keepers of progress, will overcome all eleemosynary.

Forget Cindy, this is something I can really fap to.

(even though it seems mostly gibberish)


People who like the Cidney design need to accompany their arguments with gifs of pretty women doing over-the-top reactions. They're currently outgunned by just using the written word.
You guys REALLY like using gifs to emphasize your arguments about what Cindy wears huh? I'm sure it does wonders to convince the crowd who like her outfit to change sides.
You act as if there is an argument to be had.

Look, either you care about female representation being believable and respectful... or you do not. There is no debate to be had here. If you don't care about these things - if you just want more of your easy fap-bait and otherwise don't give a toss about how female characters are treated - there is no argument that will ever convince you otherwise. It simply means that your priorities lean in that direction and I am not particularly inclined to try to convince people who think like that to want to treat fictional women with the same kind of respect I want to see them treated with.

That kind of deeply rooted sexism, veiled as it is underneath the free-wheeling "but it's just fiction!" excuse as it is, would require something far more profound than any words I could muster to change. Really, I'm just here to vent and spew polemic, as the entire thing has utterly exhausted me and rendered me incapable of tolerance. Between Cidney and most of Street Fighter V's female cast and, well, Japanese fiction output in general, I've lost any hope of progress on this front and now just want to make sure people know that I am so disappointed because that's about all I can do at this point.

I thought we were moving forward. But now I believe we will still be seeing Cidney-level designs in 2045, and that's bloody depressing. We'll live in a post-singularity, post-aging, post-morphological freedom world and there will still be crappy, poorly thought-out female character designs in mainstream video games just so straight guys can pop a boner over them, and I'll be despairing all the damn way.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Surely Cindy's design doesn't outweigh all of the positive female character representation the series has been responsible for over the years. This game seems to get an disproportionate amount of hate on this issue.
Probably because the fanbase is too afraid to call this a regression, so far we have a token damsel ion distress who "has a strong will," a character who looks way too young, and a character dressed like a porn star, really great female representation in this day and age. Things should get better, not regress.

You act as if there is an argument to be had.

Look, either you care about female representation being believable and respectful... or you do not. There is no debate to be had here. If you don't care about these things - if you just want more of your easy fap-bait and otherwise don't give a toss about how female characters are treated - there is no argument that will ever convince you otherwise. It simply means that your priorities lean in that direction and I am not particularly inclined to try to convince people who think like that to want to treat fictional women with the same kind of respect I want to see them treated with.

That kind of deeply rooted sexism, veiled as it is underneath the free-wheeling "but it's just fiction!" excuse as it is, would require something far more profound than any words I could muster to change. Really, I'm just here to vent and spew polemic, as the entire thing has utterly exhausted me and rendered me incapable of tolerance. Between Cidney and most of Street Fighter V's female cast and, well, Japanese fiction output in general, I've lost any hope of progress on this front and now just want to make sure people know that I am so disappointed because that's about all I can do at this point.

I thought we were moving forward. But now I believe we will still be seeing Cidney-level designs in 2045, and that's bloody depressing. We'll live in a post-singularity, post-aging, post-morphological freedom world and there will still be crappy, poorly thought-out female character designs in mainstream video games just so straight guys can pop a boner over them, and I'll be despairing all the damn way.
Yea things never get better with the community voicing their dissent.


Assassin's Creed Ravus was the best, for sure. Just because it hides his face, honestly. Everything else could very well be identical.

He looks so weird, so out of place.

And it would be cool if they released some free DLC with different costumes for NPCs too, like Witcher 3 did. It would be nice to have a better looking Cidney :p

Right? And she flirts with Noctis and shit, so it would actually make more sense for her.

Glad it's not the case, though, I quite like her design as it is, and her japanese voice is awesome. :p
It's his hair, his hair is awful.

That free dlc idea is awesome, but i don't really think tabata would make a less revealing/ridiculous outfit considering the ATRs... that thong sticking out of the short... the tan lines, that forced boob window... you can only use so much elements to make something "sexy" and not trying too hard :| she, in normal clothes, would be already the perfect waifu bait, there's no reason to do all that corny 15 year old oc mess :|

Dragon lady works because she's not so different from what we've seen in games before...its not good or practical, but at least is not yunalesca :/


The hair really ruin this for me. I appreciate the more realistic faces in Kingsglaive, but that's basically a mullet. And I loathe mullets.
FFXV is not for you then :p Nyx has one too and also Gladio in the game^^




I have the oh-so-controversial opinion that Cindy's design looks pretty stupid. Try and stifle your shock and amusement at this no-doubt unique viewpoint.

It is funny just how often the actual main cast of characters - from Noctis to Luna to Regis - got redesigned, but Cindy is the one sacred design that they weren't about to touch.


It's gonna be Cindy in the English European version for sure though. They aren't gonna bother reverting that back

Hate that name change :L
We all wonder why. It's really strange. It's Cidney in the European version(or at least in the German one, not sure about the others, right now), though. So only Cindy in NA.

I really hope the French localization kept her as Cidney.

Such a stupid change.
Given the current climate for better female representation in video games, one thing you gotta admit about Square Enix is that they did not give any fucks at all in designing Cindy. LOL
I guess I'm in a weird position where I find Cidney's design 'attractive' in a sort of gaudy, fetishistic sense, but also don't think it's fitting of the whole 'fantasy based on reality' aesthetic that the game is going for and sort of smacks of a dictatorial masculine fiat by Tabata, that he wanted an example of Western sexualization because it was 'exotic' to him. I don't think me finding the design sexy changes the fact that it doesn't fit the context of what this game is going for, and while I think it is technically Tabata/SE's 'right' to keep the design as is, it's disappointing that Tabata never seemed to seriously consider what the actual problems people had with the character.


Yea things never get better with the community voicing their dissent.
Sorry, I'm not sure if this is sarcasm or not. Poe's law, and all that.

Given the current climate for better female representation in video games, one thing you gotta admit about Square Enix is that they did not give any fucks at all in designing Cindy. LOL
At this point it's pretty much a Japan thing. Between this, Street Fighter V, PSO2 (pretty much all the recent outfits, with a few exceptions, are crappy straight male fan service), among a bunch of other JP games I shall not name, all the otaku pandering in manga and anime, and on and on and on... I feel like Japan may just end up being decades behind the Western world when it comes to decent female representation.

This despite the fact that they have, by far, the most variety when it comes to female characters in general. It's just a shame that so much of it is purely for attracting straight male players and viewers and not so much for a general audience. I consume a lot of Japanese media in general, too, so this sort of thing just suffuses my waking existence.


Given the current climate for better female representation in video games, one thing you gotta admit about Square Enix is that they did not give any fucks at all in designing Cindy. LOL

Square's gotten much worse with their women over the last few years. "He asked that we make Lightning's boobs bigger and make 'em jiggle!" "What's wrong with Cindy's design? What car mechanic DOESN'T wear short shorts and an open chest-blaring top when handling hot car oil?"

The 3rd Birthday's treatment of Aya Brea alone should have warranted more outcry.

And yet the moment fans complained that the male hero of Mobius was showing too much skin, of course they'll fix that ASAP.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Sorry, I'm not sure if this is sarcasm or not. Poe's law, and all that.
It's not sarcasm, things genuinely never get better unless people voice their criticisms. In terms of female representation, Japan is regressing more and more as this gen goes on where it seems every major game from them has a fanservice character that looks ridiculous.
At this point it's pretty much a Japan thing. Between this, Street Fighter V, PSO2 (pretty much all the recent outfits, with a few exceptions, are crappy straight male fan service), among a bunch of other JP games I shall not name, all the otaku pandering in manga and anime, and on and on and on... I feel like Japan may just end up being decades behind the Western world when it comes to decent female representation.

This despite the fact that they have, by far, the most variety when it comes to female characters in general. It's just a shame that so much of it is purely for attracting straight male players and viewers and not so much for a general audience. I consume a lot of Japanese media in general, too, so this sort of thing just suffuses my waking existence.

Personally I think it's a matter of context; if a part of a piece of media's stated appeal is cheesecake and/or beefcake then it's not necessarily problematic. The problem is when you have blatant male fanservice in media that ostensibly is supposed to be inclusive, like FFXV claims to be. And stuff like Gladio being shirtless doesn't somehow negate how obviously objectified Cidney is.

And really to me, more than the outfit, it's how Cidney is objectified that is most problematic; how stuff like her body language and animations makes it clear she's a hunk of flesh to be ogled rather than an actual character.
One thing I've always appreciated about Final Fantasy is that no matter how outlandish the character designs are, they tend to fit their environments and overall art aesthetic very well.

If you isolate Tidus or Wakka and just concentrate on their costume designs, sure, they can be painful to the eye. Place them in their world and they flow much better. Disliking the overall art aesthetic is one thing (for example, I really dislike IX's overall aesthetic), but I feel the series has done a consistently good job for almost 30 years having the characters work with their respective game's aesthetic time and time again.

FFXV is no different to me - and that's comforting. :)


We all wonder why. It's really strange. It's Cidney in the European version(or at least in the German one, not sure about the others, right now), though. So only Cindy in NA.

Spanish version is, sadly, Cindy. Atleast in Episode Duscae demo.


Personally I think it's a matter of context; if a part of a piece of media's stated appeal is cheesecake and/or beefcake then it's not necessarily problematic. The problem is when you have blatant male fanservice in media that ostensibly is supposed to be inclusive, like FFXV claims to be. And stuff like Gladio being shirtless doesn't somehow negate how obviously objectified Cidney is.

And really to me, more than the outfit, it's how Cidney is objectified that is most problematic; how stuff like her body language and animations makes it clear she's a hunk of flesh to be ogled rather than an actual character.

Basically a hood ornament. Let me know when the Gladio-mobile DLC comes out where we can drive him butt-first through the landscape.
One thing I've always appreciated about Final Fantasy is that no matter how outlandish the character designs are, they tend to fit their environments and overall art aesthetic very well.

If you isolate Tidus or Wakka and just concentrate on their costume designs, sure, they can be painful to the eye. Place them in their world and they flow much better. Disliking the overall art aesthetic is one thing (for example, I really dislike IX's overall aesthetic), but I feel the series has done a consistently good job for almost 30 years having the characters work with their respective game's aesthetic time and time again.

FFXV is no different to me - and that's comforting. :)

Eh, I dunno how well Cidney fits in her environment. She neither looks natural nor does she look like traditional (read: silly) JRPG cheesecake like Dragoon Lady. She looks like a Playboy centerfold.

Basically a hood ornament. Let me know when the Gladio-mobile DLC comes out where we can drive him butt-first through the landscape.

Heh yeah, I wouldn't have a problem with that. I do think people need to be more accepting of Beefcake too.

Though what the fuck is happening to Cidney's legs on that decal. Is she an amputee?
Eh, I dunno how well Cidney fits in her environment. She neither looks natural nor does she look like traditional (read: silly) JRPG cheesecake like Dragoon Lady. She looks like a Playboy centerfold.

We can definitely agree to disagree then- and most Playboy centerfolds I've seen are naked. (rimshots!) ;)


Yeah, stop with that. Whining about others having an opinion is pretty sad.

There are many answers in many threads - especially this one. When she's been sexualised as an object for the player to ogle over that's a problem. Here's a direct Tabata quote

That's the problem. You can have a woman in your party (or game) without forcing her to be eye candy.

I see. Thx for the answer.

So it's just Cidney character that some people has the problem with. As it seems other female characters are created to serve its purpose well. It doesn't look like the creator try to objectify every woman in the game or something. I mean sexy character is sexy character, same for guy, I'm not sure how could people don't see that in other character such as Gladio. Even though guy don't usually pay attention to guy, but you know what I mean, it is obvious there too, there is no point he should wear that open chest shirt.

I don't personally have the problem with Cidney. It obvious what they try to do. But that character might only show up for 5 mins in the game, for a side story quest and such. Think about some stupid funny character that has to show up in every japanese game, they always want to add something into the mix. Every DMC game will have sexy female boss in some form. There is nothing new here thus I'm not sure why it upset so many people. They must have heart attack trying to play DOX Valleyball or DOA.


We all wonder why. It's really strange. It's Cidney in the European version(or at least in the German one, not sure about the others, right now), though. So only Cindy in NA.

This has always been so weird to me since Cidney is an English name. I don't know why companies are doing things like this so much lately. Persona 5 changed the character Anne's name to Ann (which I would still pronounce like Anne) but it's pronounced Ah-N so weird.
This has always been so weird to me since Cidney is an English name. I don't know why companies are doing things like this so much lately. Persona 5 changed the character Anne's name to Ann (which I would still pronounce like Anne) but it's pronounced Ah-N so weird.

I don't understand the reason for thing like this either. It just seems like an unnecessary change.

At the end of the day it's not really a big deal but it just makes you scratch your head like "but WHY?"
I see. Thx for the answer.

So it's just Cidney character that some people has the problem with. As it seems other female characters are created to serve its purpose well. It doesn't look like the creator try to objectify every woman in the game or something. I mean sexy character is sexy character, same for guy, I'm not sure how could people don't see that in other character such as Gladio. Even though guy don't usually pay attention to guy, but you know what I mean, it is obvious there too, there is no point he should wear that open chest shirt.

I don't personally have the problem with Cidney. It obvious what they try to do. But that character might only show up for 5 mins in the game, for a side story quest and such. Think about some stupid funny character that has to show up in every japanese game, they always want to add something into the mix. Every DMC game will have sexy female boss in some form. There is nothing new here thus I'm not sure why it upset so many people. They must have heart attack trying to play DOX Valleyball or DOA.

I think the issue is this game wants to be taken seriously in so many ways, and yet is willing to ignore all that to have a generic 'hawt' side character as eye candy. I think it'd only been mildly irritating to most people except that the PR for the game, for a while at least, constantly kept bringing her up (especially that ridiculous car decal DLC). It just comes across as flesh mongering in a game that otherwise doesn't seem like a standard otaku product.


Not really a fitting design for a mechanic but imo she looks fine. The obvious boobs dont distract me nowadays but I would like an alternativ outfit that got posted in here which imo looks sexier in context of her being a mechanic.

But guys, have you seen the cosplays? Lol
Not really a fitting design for a mechanic but imo she looks fine. The obvious boobs dont distract me nowadays but I would like an alternativ outfit that got posted in here which imo looks sexier in context of her being a mechanic.

But guys, have you seen the cosplays? Lol

Eh, I mean, if I'm being honest I'm fine with the design remaining in the game, but just because I'm okay with it doesn't mean others need to be; I'm not gonna demand that people shut up just because I'm an anti-social deviant. I guess ultimately I don't think having cheesecake and having better represented female characters has to be a zero-sum game. That's my hope at least.


That kind of fanservice at least has appropriate context with regards to what the girls would naturally wear as they play at the beach, or hotspring. It makes sense that they are scantily clad at those locations, as people would in real life. Cidney? She dresses like a trashy stripper. In broad daylight. At work as a car mechanic. Like, really?

So you are saying objectification is OK as long as it has context? Because we all know those beach and hotspring scenes don't serve any particular purpose aside from fanservice.


I really hate how we can't have characters showing the slightest bit of skin or being even slightly sexy, without people complaining bitterly about it.


So you are saying objectification is OK as long as it has context? Because we all know those beach and hotspring scenes don't serve any particular purpose aside from fanservice.

It's still the context of a SCENE. A girl in a bikini on the beach is, well, normal. A girl in a bikini at work as a car mechanic? Er... that's not so sensible.

While a beach scene might be fanservice, it's also something normal people do. Normal people do go to the beach, in Japan we did go to hotsprings, etc. But it might raise a few eyebrows if you ran into battle in thong armor.

It is a bit of an industry-wide problem though and not unique to just Square Enix.

I really hate how we can't have characters showing the slightest bit of skin or being even slightly sexy, without people complaining bitterly about it.
Yes. That's precisely it. You've nailed it. We hate skin and sex and sexy things.

Missing the point a bit, I'm afraid.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I really hate how we can't have characters showing the slightest bit of skin or being even slightly sexy, without people complaining bitterly about it.
It's almost like there's an industry wide sexism problem and we're trying to move forward or something coupled with a healthy dose of being fed up with childish pandering.


It's still the context of a SCENE. A girl in a bikini on the beach is, well, normal. A girl in a bikini at work as a car mechanic? Er... that's not so sensible.

While a beach scene might be fanservice, it's also something normal people do. Normal people do go to the beach, in Japan we did go to hotsprings, etc. But it might raise a few eyebrows if you ran into battle in thong armor.

So again it comes beck to what normal people would do in a fantasy world? If people can fight monsters half naked, I don't see why they can't fix cars in bikini. But anyway, I don't think context is the biggest problem here. The design philosophy of "we have to show our girls in bikini somehow" is what baffles me. And I don't get why people give a pass to so any other games (some of them involving underaged girls).
I really hate how we can't have characters showing the slightest bit of skin or being even slightly sexy, without people complaining bitterly about it.

Complaining about the complaining is worse imo, because the original complaints have merit to them whereas your complaint amounts to a fundamental misunderstanding of their complaint, mischaracterizing it to be simply about "sexy" or "skin" rather than people's actual criticism of her character design in full, and wanting them to silence themselves due to you being annoyed by it.
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