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Ghost Recon Wildlands Closed Beta Discussion Thread


Why would they beta an old build? Doesn't make technical or marketing sense.

If so, all they're doing is poisoning the well.

No, the people in this thread who are whining about the quality of a technical beta test that's been in circulation for the last 4 months are poisoning the well. They're testing matchmaking, they don't care what state they present the game to you in at this point.

If you're having so many issues then give the developer feedback, that's what betas are for.


Played a little more and bumped the difficulty up

and removed the minimap

made the game a little more fun
will pickup in the future but definitely not at launch.

Also the female voice actress is lame
might as well be a robot


Not sure if this was already posted but to help improve PC performance, set the in game frame limit to 60fps and turn off vsync. Fixed my frame pacing and wild fluctuations.


This game is going to get killed in the reviews if this is representative of the final experience. Also reaffirms can't trust for shit in the YouTubers previews unless they played a very different version.

I don't get how it can be so bad in several departments where they were doing ok in their other games. Isn't this a multi studio effort once again?
The world is pretty but after playing 2-3 hours I feel I have seen all and the game will end becoming a chore with such a large map and number of missions/icons. Not my game at full price taking into account I will be playing solo most of the time.


The gulf between single-player and co-op is wide.

Single-player is okay. Co-op is my flippin' jam and I don't even really play multiplayer games that much.

Seriously, if you're not trying this co-op, you're missing out.

For sure.
As long as you have dedicated friends, of course, playing with stranger a game like this would be nothing but frustrating.


I played like 30 minutes and immediately uninstalled. Very jank and bland experience. Isn't the game out in like a month?
I played about 5 hours worth of the demo and came away satisfied for the most part as a veteran of the Ghost Recon series. As many have commented the handling of movement and driving is pretty floaty and tight or weighty enough but imo tolerable, and liked most everything else I played. The visuals look good to me on PS4, some frame rate drops here and there but those don't bother me much in any game. Ran into a couple minor bugs with bodies floating above the ground after dying, and some weird situations where players got stuck in and underneath vehicles but not much else.

I played on Ghost difficulty and found the enemy A.I. and difficulty to my liking. I was pretty worried from the impressions in this thread about enemy A.I. but I found it pretty competent. They move from cover to cover, flank in numbers and make you pay on Ghost difficulty when you do something without thinking it through much. I liked that the patrols around some of the compounds had some variety and I liked their behavior when they detect you or are unsure and try to investigate

My only real concern is whether the rest of game will only be comprised of the same mission types from the demo without much more variety. I'd also like for a future patch to add more HUD options, specifically a toggle to turn the red dots that appear above the enemies heads off completely and also an option to have the tagging from the drone or line of sight serve as the last known position after you return to your player view or lose sight of an enemy instead of being able to cheaply track enemies thru walls. It would also be nice to be able to climb over more stuff, like trucks and smaller non-barbed wire fences

I had a really good time playing with friends and then played a bit solo where i pretty much ignored my squadmates and was able to silently ghost one or two compounds which was satisfying using a variety of tactics. I also riled up the Unidad? military faction by causing havoc at the Armadillo FOB and got to see a full 4 bar response which was fun to try to survive. Im in day one and will try to convince more of my friends to join me.


Echoing some other people's concerns re: stability - there are some pretty obvious issues given that the game is coming out in effectively one month (one month and 3 days?). Now it could be an older build, but I'm not sure why - surely now the game is pretty much done. Let's face it, they call it a beta but it's really a public demo to drive hype / pre-orders.

However on PS4 pro the skipping in the audio in the first cutscene was *really* bad, and there are quite alot of weird glitches like characters just warping into cars and shimmering textures etc.

When it all comes together it's good fun - we've not had a good semi tactical modern military game in a while now and I'm not counting Rainbow 6 Siege in that because it's a totally different type of game. Things like SOCOM, Full Spectrum Warrior etc - basically games where you control a squad of soldiers doing real gruff soldier things. Call of Duty never had proper squad control and it's gone all Star Wars now anyway. R6: Siege is a competitive PvP game first and foremost. Obviously this is a hell of alot more "arcadey" than something like Full Spectrum Warrior but it evokes a similar feel of controling a squad of dudebros telling each other to "stay frosty".

I've played GRW entirely solo so far and, while fun, I think it might run into sales problems due to it's release date. If it launched in June, when there's really not much else coming out, I'd definitely buy it and probably sink plenty of hours into it. However it's coming out 5 days after Horizon Zero Dawn, 4 days after Switch and Zelda Breath of the Wild and just 14 days before Mass Effect Andromeda.

It's not going to win my attention / cash in March certainly. It might be something I pick up a few months later during a summer drought. Perhaps. Although with Zelda, Mass Effect and Horizon on the way I doubt I'm going to have much time over the summer anyway!
Noticed a lot of cool animations today. The roll when you jump out of a car is just the right amount of ridiculous, throwing down the motorcycles at high speed instead of jumping off like every other game is great, and hiding in a car trunk to pop out on fools is top notch comedy. Game's kind of a blast in co-op, especially when things go a little sideways and you have to go loud/improvise. It's not as polished as MGSV, but it makes me laugh, and the tacticool bro squads look amazing.


And shout out to ghillie suit model bae villa21 for returning the favor with this striking pose :3



Co-op is okay but for me I think Ghost Recon needs a little more structure, it just feels like a Just Cause game where it is run about and kill these guys with no meaningful engagements thus far. Just Cause is obviously a lot more fun when it comes to this due to explosions, destruction and decent controls. Also being open world in the encounters has kind of lost some of the tactics from what I've played as if you die, you just approach it from a complete different angle or the AI changes the way it reacts so there isn't much consistency when you are trying out a certain tactic or path.

From what I've played its just felt kinda meh, janky animations, stiff movement at times, dodgy collisions and the vehicles or netcode when driving or being a passenger is pretty bad. The camera just feels broken when you are using a mouse, not sure if it is the same with a controller but its like the polling rate isn't high enough so it can jerk back and form like your lagging. It's the same when you aim as a passenger, your gun stays dead centre yet you're hands are jerking about.

The gunplay and the amount of gun customisation is great but the whole having to clear out camps 4km away for a scope is a little too Ubi for me -.-
I played more on PC. Unfortunately I don't think this game is good. It doesn't feel like Ghost Recon and the controls and shooting feel loose and sloppy. The performance on PC is better at least but I found the game to be boring. Bargin bin or never for me.
No, the people in this thread who are whining about the quality of a technical beta test that's been in circulation for the last 4 months are poisoning the well. They're testing matchmaking, they don't care what state they present the game to you in at this point.

If you're having so many issues then give the developer feedback, that's what betas are for.

when was the last time a Ubisoft beta differed to the final product? they're mostly shit at launch and improves a year after its release.
Ok, is it weird that I got bored with it in 20 minutes?

Also, am I only one ending up aiming right into obstackle when hiding behind it? Like downright clipping my gun into it. Instead of aiming over it...
Finished running through the main missions with three other friends. It won't be a bad pick-up in the middle of summer when it's on sale, but it's just not compelling enough to compete with Horizon the week before and Mass Effect two weeks later, especially when I'm trying to be responsible abut my purchases.

Some of the "main missions" feel nonexistent if you eliminate the time needed to travel. There were times the mission would end and I wasn't even aware. There is something about the camera placement and the fluidity of the controls that bugs the shit out of me. I hate saying "why didn't they just take X from other franchise," but I feel they could have greatly benefited just lifting the control, character movement, and camera aspects straight from the Division. The increased zoom to wait level instead of mid-thigh drives me bonkers -- as a SOCOM fan it just brings back nightmares of the awkward camera perspective from the PS3 SOCOMs vs the PS2 SOCOMs.

I could see it becoming a slog after the halfway point. And I have no clue what the story is about in this game. Cutscenes are bad, dialogue is bad.. I just found myself skipping everything I could and I never do that in games.
I'm really intrigued to see how this goes. So much of the game is at odds with itself that people either see it as terrible, or incredibly funny.

There is the super serious, ghost recon, side. Wear your ghillie suit, spend 20 mins scouting each location and sniper the guards in perfect order to get in an out undetected.

Then there is the open world... let's eject from a helicopter, onto a motorbike, into a trunk and then pop out of there with a shotgun and blast some fools. Meanwhile someone is playing ride of the Valkyries over the headset, and someone else is in a ghillie suit in the local corner shop trying to buy milk...

In Vinny Caravella's genius hands this game will be amazing to watch.


While I'm not too impressed with the beta, there are some seriously cool things you can do.

One of those things is being able to hide in the trunk of a large sedan. You can drive your friend up to some enemies, slam the handbrake and spin the car around to face them and have your friend pop up from the trunk and start blasting with a machinegun. Tactical.


I can see some potential here. Played for few hours with my friend last night, we had fun. But it's difficult to make any definitive conclusions from this since it's still in beta. Though the release date isn't that far off. I'll propably play more today, but I'm not yet sold like I was after For Honor beta. The world seems great, it's fun to explore and it looks great. But most of all the game still lacks so much polish. I can see myself picking this up maybe when all the DLC is out and the game is discounted. I think if I bring 3 friends with me, we will have good time. Wouldn't even consider getting this for solo play though.
I think this is a bland-ass game. Mediocre AI, action/stealth gameplay that play exactly like a dozen of games out there, repetitive side tasks all over the map, same as collecting resources, it's a Ubisoft game through and through in that regard. Most missions are forgettable, and lots of them don't really use the fact you are playing a in big scenario, they feel like mini games placed on the map (exception, when the lieutenant run away in a car).

Notice that more than calling it 'bad', I'm calling it bland. It's the equivalent of comfort food, you can play it and obtain some entertainment, some distraction for one hour or two, even more with other people, but I wouldn't call it a good game.


Neo Member
I just finished the beta with a buddy of mine and the game was pretty fun but mediocre. The story is a snoozefest and the gameplay formula is ripped straight out MGSV.

Overall I give it loaf of bread/10.


I do think that, time to kill bullet sponge enemies aside, The division is a far better third person shooter. The animations are better and so are the controls. If they'd used Snowdrop for this I feel it would have been a better game.


I played it.

It's just...boring. Nothing about it is particularly bad, but it's not a ghost recon game. The combat, the movement, the world, everything is just bland.

I'm really disappointed.
No, the people in this thread who are whining about the quality of a technical beta test that's been in circulation for the last 4 months are poisoning the well. They're testing matchmaking, they don't care what state they present the game to you in at this point.

If you're having so many issues then give the developer feedback, that's what betas are for.
Who exactly is poisoning any well? We were given a build and we're reacting to what we played.
Ubisoft is in serious trouble if both For Honor and Wildlands doesn't meet sales expectations. Vivendi will load up on the cheap stock lol
Played it on the Xbox for a few hours with some pals and had an absolute blast. Being able to take on encounters in your own way is a lot of fun and I can only imagine how frantic it gets as you progress through the final game.

I also didn't experience any technical hiccups' and thought the game seemed pretty stable.

Think ill be getting it at launch.


Gonna play tonight with some friends, but I decided to try out the benchmark. Am I right in my assumption that I can't reach constant 1080p60 on High with the GTX 970?


No, the people in this thread who are whining about the quality of a technical beta test that's been in circulation for the last 4 months are poisoning the well. They're testing matchmaking, they don't care what state they present the game to you in at this point.

If you're having so many issues then give the developer feedback, that's what betas are for.

Betas are feature asset complete builds of the game. No changes are made to the game features, assets, or code. So this game for the most part is going to probably look nearly the same upon release, feel the same and overall be the same. That's what betas are for........hell this most likely another "Beta". They don't have beta testing weeks from the release of the game. Even though this test is to stress servers what we see, play and most of everything is what is going to be there 4 weeks from now at launch.


Gold Member
It's corny as hell sometimes, but I love the ingame chatter a lot of times.

When picking up a medal [for skill points]:

"Damn, this medal is a commendation. Looks like it came with a box of cereal. Or the airforce or something"

Gonna play tonight with some friends, but I decided to try out the benchmark. Am I right in my assumption that I can't reach constant 1080p60 on High with the GTX 970?

Well consider that the 970 is pretty comparable to the PS4 Pro with a 470 range card. If anything a little lower. The pro is doing 30 with some dips.

What resolution is the pro presumably running at btw? I don't know how to do the counting required to suss that out. Durante, where art though.



Uh, yeah, opinions?

I enjoyed WD2's driving but it feels very insubstantial.

Riding a bike down dirt roads in Wildlands is awesome. And actual vehicles feel way more substantial and heavy.

The physics are weird but i get the impression that was to help players get out of ruts. I've never got stuck in Wildlands unless my car gets flipped.


Well consider that the 970 is pretty comparable to the PS4 Pro with a 470 range card. If anything a little lower. The pro is doing 30 with some dips.

I remember when I thought I was on the top of the world with the 970. Now I must play some stuff on medium to get 60fps. I really need to upgrade this year.


The chatter between squaddies in singleplayer seriously sounds like placeholder voice over it's so bad. Legitimately baffled the developers were like "yeah, these guys sound genuine". No energy, character, or charisma, just reading the lines off the page.


With some refining they have a very good coop game on their hand.

Even coop my avatar calls out enemies which is great, feels good.

I see a lot of complaints, understandably so, but to me the positives and potential outweigh the obvious negatives I hope they fix.

as for those saying His and Her is bullet sponges? Fkn LUL😂 They took 2 bullets each...


The game is alright, reminds me of the old Socom game's) AI and all)

The dialogue is bland, no energy, fake "bro" sounding, ripped from an E3 stage demo.

Stealth feels broken. I usually had to go guns blazing after supposid Stealth kills.

The radio. Yeah, much like WD2 off is the only setting here.

The game has potential, it feels like it might become a checkboxathon later on.. I've learned my lesson with UbiSoft games, not getting this at luanch. Even if I wanted to its sandwiched between way to many other non-formuliric game's to consider purchasing in March.. Summer maybe, after discounts.


Gonna play tonight with some friends, but I decided to try out the benchmark. Am I right in my assumption that I can't reach constant 1080p60 on High with the GTX 970?

No way.

On a 970 i had to lock at 30 and even tone a lot of stuff down, and i still got tearing, because vsync creates immense amount of stuttering.


my hard graphic balls
This game has all the oversharpening, Jesus.

It's pretty fun, feels tactical and shit, I like how the world looks. Will definitely get, but not too sure if on Xbox due to the performance and tearing. I might wait until I upgrade my PC in a few months and get it there.


Gold Member
Clearing out the Unidad Armadillo FOB without getting any alerts was awesome.

I highly recommend hunting down the sniper rifle and put some skill points in aiming stability, synchronized sniping is super awesome.

I appreciate how alive the world feels. There's a lot going on at almost any given time. Even if you're in the middle of nowhere you have a chance of running into enemies. Just now I snuck up on two Santa Blanca thugs who were digging a hole to hide a body out in the sticks. There are patrols and stuff all over the place. I also like how enemy choppers sometimes come flying over.

Also holy shit at the massive border wall at the northern side of the map, Trump would love that.


Guess ill be picking up The Division on the PC for cheap (£12) rather than getting this then

I really don't get why anyone would consider these games equivalent at all.

Like seriously they have nothing in common except the third person perspective


This is the Beta :3

Game looks stunning tho



I appreciate how alive the world feels. There's a lot going on at almost any given time. Even if you're in the middle of nowhere you have a chance of running into enemies. Just now I snuck up on two Santa Blanca thugs who were digging a hole to hide a body out in the sticks. There are patrols and stuff all over the place. I also like how enemy choppers sometimes come flying over.

Also holy shit at the massive border wall at the northern side of the map, Trump would love that.

Speaking of activity, the Rebel vs. Unidad vs. Cartel thing the game has going on is hilarious. I had 2 sessions yesterday with 2 different groups, and both of em featured instances of AI vs AI activity completely muddling and changing the mission, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. One of em we were hitting an outpost, nearly finished with it, and the Rebels got into it one of the other factions right below us and escalated the encounters we were already engaged in. Really random stuff. Or that convoy mission where a small heliport next to it spill into our plans and screws everything up.

And yeah, the scale of the map and some of the natural and man made structures is really pretty insane. I see people criticizing the visuals and I just don't understand it. Totally wide open 4 player co-op, with this lighting system, with these draw distances, with a pretty solid and reliable ballistics model, with (in my case) minimal synchronization issues, with animation heavy characters, on a map this huge and varied.... Bruh, stop it with that "underwhelming visuals" stuff.


Speaking of activity, the Rebel vs. Unidad vs. Cartel thing the game has going on is hilarious. I had 2 sessions yesterday with 2 different groups, and both of em featured instances of AI vs AI activity completely muddling and changing the mission, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. One of em we were hitting an outpost, nearly finished with it, and the Rebels got into it one of the other factions right below us and escalated the encounters we were already engaged in. Really random stuff. Or that convoy mission where a small heliport next to it spill into our plans and screws everything up.

And yeah, the scale of the map and some of the natural and man made structures is really pretty insane. I see people criticizing the visuals and I just don't understand it. Totally wide open 4 player co-op, with this lighting system, with these draw distances, with a pretty solid and reliable ballistics model, with (in my case) minimal synchronization issues, with animation heavy characters, on a map this huge and varied.... Bruh, stop it with that "underwhelming visuals" stuff.

Yeah noticed this too, we went all stealthy and suddenly 2 rebel technical's roll up and starts moving down the cartel xD

Lucky for us the cartel started gathering to fire back and we could flank around and pick them off.
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