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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - 1 year!

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Fuck this movie.


It was pretty cool getting to see the advance fan screening before the embargo lifted. Staying up til maybe 3am talking to other gaffers who saw it was an interesting experience, if only because everyone's reaction was pretty much "Did that really just happen?"
It was actually pretty cool seeing the movie in a packed theatre and afterwards hanging out chatting to everyone about it. Sure it was super polarising but I enjoyed chatting to the 50 odd people who got to see the movie before anyone else in the world thanks to being in Australia.
Love the UE, my only complaint is the extra scenes ruin the pacing, but without the extra scenes it's incoherent for a lot of people apparently.

Beautifully shot and seeing the trinity fight doomsday together was special for me.

Can't wait for JL.


The movie blew me away when I saw it in theaters and the UC cemented its masterpiece status for me.

Going in, I thought I was in for some CW-esque stuff but just at a higher budget. I'm familiar with JL and some of the stories so I was expecting just to see an action-movie. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect a philosophical, quasi-political deconstruction of superheroes come from a Batman vs Superman movie. It's a dense picture with information packed in every scene. You can get lost in its plot, I admit. But the world building is first class. I could've stayed in the theater ten more hours if such a film existed. I like everything about it.

I'm excited for JL but I already know it's not going to be anything like BvS. That's a once in awhile kind of movie. JL won't be that.
I actually enjoy watching the Ultimate Cut of this film.

Yeah, it has some really dumb parts. I think Lex is terrible (though I did like his confrontation with Superman where he reveals he has Martha). I get what they were going for, and I don't really blame Eisenberg; the writing was simply really weak.

I think Cavill and Affleck are great. Ben Affleck in particular puts in a fantastic performance as a burned-out Bruce Wayne who no longer cares about collateral damage and is desperate to find purpose in his life. Batman killing in this film is not something that honestly bugs me that much. I mean, there's precedent enough for it in previous live-action incarnations in the character. Honestly, I think Ben Affleck is the best live action depiction of Bruce Wayne.

I mean, I want to see a Batman solo film that has the same vibe as the Batman intro and early scenes. That shit is like a reverse-horror film. I want epic Fincher Batman, written by Scott Snyder and directed by Zack Snyder.

BVS had great concepts. And honestly, I think Zack Snyder is the perfect director for this kind of film. The action, the cinematography, the vibe; it's all a perfect fit for this kind of story.

He just shouldn't be allowed to write it, lol. There's lots of dumb things, mostly around Lex's cockamamie plan and absurd actions. It's like watching a way less compelling version of the Joker get away with shit.

And it's head and shoulders better than Suicide Squad,Jesus Christ. Now that's a bad movie.

BVS Ultimate Cut is actually a decent movie with some great performances, great action, great setup, mediocre writing, and a weak ending. The ideas they wanted to tackle are fantastic. And I appreciate that they tried, but couldn't quite nail it on the writing front, but I give them props for trying to deconstruct these heroes before putting them back together.
Affleck played a great Batman. He was the best part of the movie despite the fact he killed people. The rest of the movie was a complete mess
Eisenberg would've made a great Riddler

Eisenberg would have been a fine Lex if he wasn't written as a stereotypical nut with daddy issues.

There's no pathos to the character. He comes off as a brat having a tantrum when this would be far more interesting:

Eisenberg pulling off this kind of Lex would have been way more compelling, because, in his own mind, is the hero of this story. He doesn't need grandma's peach tea or to rave like the Joker or stick jolly ranchers in people's mouths. He's doing what he thinks is the right thing to do, and he's willing to accept the collateral damage cause he doesn't realize that he is in fact the bad guy here. He should be a man in deep existential crisis trying to save humanity and it's potential.
I feel like Bruce Wayne is the most fully realized character in this film too. They should have had a solo Batman film before uniting the two characters, because this version of Batman is incredibly compelling and not something witnessed in any film.

This is the Batman we would have gotten if TDKR didn't open with him having retired immediately after TDK. This is the Batman who kept fighting and the world just kept beating him and beating him and beating him until he was nothing but rage and raw nerves. I liked that a lot.
Just wondering did anyone ever do a flowchart for Zemo? I'd love to see logic behind actions compared to Lex?

*family dies cause of superhero shit*

*gets evidence of superhero murder drama between superbros*

*frames dude using political situation at hand to get everyone freaking out*

*reveals truth and superbros try to kill each other*

*job done, tries to kill himself*


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
They could've made it Batman lost his way
After so long the lunatics got to him, he broke his vow

Superman on the other hand rather than has been labeled a God to most and Risk to Authority

You could intertwine these stories way better than what we got
Shit it should've been each Hero coming from their lowest points and rising up
Sometimes even a "Super" man needs allies to depend on
Even a Vigilante needs someone to keep him in check

I never watched theatrical but Extended/Directors just felt obtuse
As much as by the numbers most think Marvel does with its movie formula, at least those movies don't feel like shit was thrown on the wall and used whatever stuck

BvS felt tiring to me
Like come on, move along, some parts even in Extended should have been removed
Movie felt like 4 different movies jammed in to make 1 cohesive point, which they failed miserably at

Batman story, Wonder Woman story, Superman story, Justice League sneak peek
Throw in Death of Superman + Doomsday and The Dark Knight brawl
So staff with Krypton thrown away by Bruce, Lois chases, Supes to rescue, "Martha!"
I mean the fuck was the whole point of that shit

Justice Leafue gives me no confidence they've learned from their mistakes
Pace, cohesiveness, plot points, set pieces that feel attached to the movie I think will show up again
Get ready for Rated R Double Extended Cut Edition with sneak peek @ Cyborg solo film teaser at end credits

By the way whatever happened to the DCEU dude from YouTube saying DC coming, Marvel shook
As I see it now, Marvel is on cruise control while DC auto-pilot is malfunctioning and a mountain lies in from it
Still not a fan. The ultimate edition helps fix some of my problems, like Superman getting more scenes, but the film is still a mess.
The best part of the movie was that it ended.

This movie was insultingly stupid at times and annoyingly pretentious at other times

I wanted sooo much to like this film, hell Im one of those people that actually liked MoS to watch with my nephews 2-3 times since it came out. Imho, the fight scenes remain epic to this day.

But the incredible boredom I felt when watching the extended version was a feeling I only have for a select few films. A mopey un heroic superman, a full blown psychotic murderous batman and a fucking god awful lex Luther that was as threatening as a wet napkin killed all enthusiasm I had for the film. Not to add a meh worthy final boos fight.

Op asks a question, was it that shit? Sadly I'm one of those who believe it does and judging by the critical and commercial performance( the movie could've easily make a shitton more money it did at the B.O) many others did as well.

Here's hoping justice league leans from the mistakes the film made.


I can't decide if BvS or Suicide Squad is worse tbh. BvS is Amazing Spider-Man 2-tier in how it utterly fails to make us care about any of these characters or this cinematic "universe" WB desperately wants to make work. Poor script, poor dialogue, dull action, absolute wrong choice of director.

Then there's Suicide Squad which......just......jesus christ. Nonsensical editing, an ensemble movie where 75% of the ensemble does nothing, horrendous lines, laughable villain, laughable Joker attempt from Leto, ugly cinematography.

I mean damn, I didn't think it could get worse from Man of Steel but I guess WB was like "Oh yeah? Well fuck you Bronx, we accept that challenge".
*family dies cause of superhero shit*

*gets evidence of superhero murder drama between superbros*

*frames dude using political situation at hand to get everyone freaking out*

*reveals truth and superbros try to kill each other*

*job done, tries to kill himself*

Pretty much. Basically it was just him trying to get a hold of the tape of the assassination. The registration act was simply a happy coincidence that worked in his favor.

Mobius 1

It's a bad movie, but I end up watching it anyway. Affleck is a fantastic Batman, and I like the cinematography and general polish.

Like it was said before, I appreciate that it tried for a homerun and ended up with a ball to its face, but it did try.


I can't decide if BvS or Suicide Squad is worse tbh. BvS is Amazing Spider-Man 2-tier in how it utterly fails to make us care about any of these characters or this cinematic "universe" WB desperately wants to make work. Poor script, poor dialogue, dull action, absolute wrong choice of director.

Then there's Suicide Squad which......just......jesus christ. Nonsensical editing, an ensemble movie where 75% of the ensemble does nothing, horrendous lines, laughable villain, laughable Joker attempt from Leto, ugly cinematography.

I mean damn, I didn't think it could get worse from Man of Steel but I guess WB was like "Oh yeah? Well fuck you Bronx, we accept that challenge".

No, Suicide Squad is definitely worse, couldn't even finish that shit. It didn't even make sense from the jump because why the fuck is the team, where only like 1-2 of them have actual powers, sent to fight a supernatural threat? Not to mention said supernatural threat was originally on their team to begin with; their one big mission is them fixing Waller's mistakes. Just awful.

And didn't it take like 30 minutes or so before we finally got introduced to everyone?


Anyone have the list of thread titles that the review thread had? Those were great. I remember when the whole thread became Space Chimps - themed.
This is the Batman we would have gotten if TDKR didn't open with him having retired immediately after TDK.

Maybe. If Alfred died or stayed away from Bruce

He was always there to check his hubris and keep him moral in the Nolan trilogy. Whereas in BvS you can see he tries with Wayne but the man is having none of it. Dude has gone completely nihilistic about his batman legacy too. I really like that talk he has with Alfred at the burnt out mansion before he leaves to fight superman.

It's not the batman I like but it's an interesting look at the character if he ever lost all hope.


I'm not interested in getting into yet another back and forth about this movie so I will just say this: Batman v Superman (yes, even the Ultimate Cut) is deeply flawed. I believe that the combined efforts of Chris Terrio, Larry Fong and even Zack Snyder elevated material that was just broken from the outset. There are individual parts of this movie that would have been fantastic as their own projects but together are given little room to breathe and the movie suffers for it. So the lows of BvS hit pretty damn low but the highs of BvS in my opinion outshine anything the rest of the modern CBM's have offered. Scenes like the The Superman Question. It's just a shame they weren't part of a movie that deserved it.

All that said I still greatly enjoy BvS (at least the Ultimate Cut) despite its failings. I also thought Eisenberg did a fantastic job in the role. He was by far the best part of the movie as far as I'm concerned. The rooftop scene between Lex and Superman is just so good.
Nowhere near as bad as some of the reviews made it out to be.

Theatrical Cut was shit compared to the Extended Ultimate Brotastic Edition.

Cavill > Reeves (in reality though I'd probably put it as Reeves > Cavill >>>>> Routh)

Affleck > All Batmen before (come on, don't kid yourself GAF)

Irons = Caine

Eisenberg was shit though. Fingers crossed Lex Sr replaces him, aka Brian Cranston.

Superman > Batman

Come at me GAF. I aint afraid of you!

you haven't answer the ultimate question..

which martha?
I lost my goddamn Monday night to a screening of this

It inexplicably started at 10 PM, I got out at like 1 something and then promptly got hit in the face by DC-GAF


Here's a Justice League prediction: the movie will make many overt attempts at being lighthearted and funny, they'll fall flat for most people, and then people who like the movie will take that as proof of a double standard against DC.

Maybe. If Alfred died or stayed away from Bruce

He was always there to check his hubris and keep him moral in the Nolan trilogy. Whereas in BvS you can see he tries with Wayne but the man is having none of it. Dude has gone completely nihilistic about his batman legacy too. I really like that talk he has with Alfred at the burnt out mansion before he leaves to fight superman.

It's not the batman I like but it's an interesting look at the character if he ever lost all hope.

Bruce doesn't listen to Alfred in TDKR either. He actively defies him in pretty much every scene, from refusing his advice to live a life again to refusing his advice not to take on Bane to firing him.
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