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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - 1 year!

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Bruce doesn't listen to Alfred in TDKR either. He actively defies him in pretty much every scene, from refusing his advice to live a life again to refusing his advice not to take on Bane to firing him.

Yeah but he listens at the end tho when he brings Catwoman to their fancy men's club
Bruce doesn't listen to Alfred in TDKR either. He actively defies him in pretty much every scene, from refusing his advice to live a life again to refusing his advice not to take on Bane to firing him.

Right. But I got the feeling that his words still weighed in his mind. Especially since he does go to that cafe at the end haha
that visual spectacle tho


Probably the only thing I'm hyped for in Justice League. Snyder is gonna bring some glorious fight scenes.


You know, I disliked this movie when I saw it in theaters... but only about as much as I expected to. I legit liked wonder woman (even if Diana out of costume was fairly pointless) , I recall thinking the premise almost worked... at least the opening bit.

Really though , it just kind of blended into the bland tropey superhero nonsense by the end and I really REALLY disliked Jessie Eisenburg as Alex Luthor. The blistering power of hindsight allows me to say that it was just kind of a dumb waste of a time and disappointment considering what it could have been if they'd spent more then 10 minutes on the script.

Thankfully for BvS , I ended up seeing Independence Day Resurgence much later ... and that my friends , THAT was a truly awful movie. BvS at least tried to do something , it just failed is all. Nothing wrong with a failure so long as they can fix the mistakes later on right ? I mean... Suicide Squad was sadly written and filmed by the time this came out so there wasn't a chance for it but Wonder Woman and Justice League ? mmmaybe ?

If nothing else there has been a ton of entertaining discussion about this movie afterwards.
Thankfully for BvS , I ended up seeing Independence Day Resurgence much later ... and that my friends , THAT was a truly awful movie. BvS at least tried to do something , it just failed is all. Nothing wrong with a failure so long as they can fix the mistakes later on right ? I mean... Suicide Squad was sadly written and filmed by the time this came out so there wasn't a chance for it but Wonder Woman and Justice League ? mmmaybe ?

Lol so true. I have a hard time deciding whether or not that or Suicide Squad is worse but ultimately I think it's like comparing rotten apples to infested oranges.


Actually quite liked it. Flawed but really good movie with ultimate cut. Still don't understand where the hate comes from so much. Yeah luthor casting and direction was bad and jl cameaos were shoehorned but besides that it was good. Mos was better tough.

SS on the other hand is garbage but people liked it more here which I never understood
Flawed movie but I'll always put respect on it's name for what it was trying. A lot of its components are so good and compelling, it's just a shame it didn't really come together completely.

I'm kinda annoyed that the overblown reception it got will probably scare WB into being lames, but at the same time fuck em, UC is what should have ended up in theaters.

that visual spectacle tho


Out. I really dig Snyder's action typically but I actually thought a lot of the Doomsday fight was a letdown. At a certain point it's just Superman and WW ping-ponging off of DD as Bats looks on and my eyes kinda just glazed over.
I still cannot fathom that I waited almost 3 years after seeing the OK at best Man of Steel, though I did slightly enjoy it more than MoS (emphasis on slightly). But at least it wasn't worse than Suicide Squad, IMO.


Story was crap, especially when jumbling in not just introductions of Wonder Woman, the Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg, but also adding in established stories like Death of Superman and the Dark Knight Returns.

Didn't feel like the characters were worth rooting for.

Eisenberg still a miscast (Bryan Cranston was robbed of a role he would have potentially nailed).

Action scenes and choreography were topnotch.

Affleck was a great live action Batman at least (Kevin Conroy still best Batman overall).

Jeremy Irons made a great Alfred.

I loved Wonder Woman as well (though I got a feeling that might change given the trailers of her upcoming film. *shudders* o_O).

Never watched the Ultimate Edition, but don't really have the desire of paying for a "fixed" version, after the theatrical film got me down in the dumps.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
"Its going to rake in $1billion easily in the global box office! Its Batman and superman appearing in the same film! DC trinity! "


Pretty much.

That global drop when the public realized it sucks was truly amazing to witness

That was amazing, and deserved because holy shit.

I can't decide if BvS or Suicide Squad is worse tbh. BvS is Amazing Spider-Man 2-tier in how it utterly fails to make us care about any of these characters or this cinematic "universe" WB desperately wants to make work. Poor script, poor dialogue, dull action, absolute wrong choice of director.

Then there's Suicide Squad which......just......jesus christ. Nonsensical editing, an ensemble movie where 75% of the ensemble does nothing, horrendous lines, laughable villain, laughable Joker attempt from Leto, ugly cinematography.

I mean damn, I didn't think it could get worse from Man of Steel but I guess WB was like "Oh yeah? Well fuck you Bronx, we accept that challenge".

Pretty much.

that visual spectacle tho


I think the problem is that the visual spectacle is empty because Supermans actual fighting ability is shit-tier and Batman is non existent...Which is probably why they shouldn't have done Doomsday in the same movie where they fight each other. Metallo/Braniac +
Scarecrow/Black Mask or a different combination that would've allowed them to show both fighting at the same time. Instead it was eye-lasers and the same flying brick move.

Flawed movie but I'll always put respect on it's name for what it was trying. A lot of its components are so good and compelling, it's just a shame it didn't really come together completely.

I'm kinda annoyed that the overblown reception it got will probably scare WB into being lames, but at the same time fuck em, UC is what should have ended up in theaters.

Out. I really dig Snyder's action typically but I actually thought a lot of the Doomsday fight was a letdown. At a certain point it's just Superman and WW ping-ponging off of DD as Bats looks on and my eyes kinda just glazed over.

They tried to go dark without actually justifying why nor showing the reasons why. It didn't get an overblown reaction--it got exactly what it deserved.


You know, I disliked this movie when I saw it in theaters... but only about as much as I expected to. I legit liked wonder woman (even if Diana out of costume was fairly pointless) , I recall thinking the premise almost worked... at least the opening bit.

Really though , it just kind of blended into the bland tropey superhero nonsense by the end and I really REALLY disliked Jessie Eisenburg as Alex Luthor. The blistering power of hindsight allows me to say that it was just kind of a dumb waste of a time and disappointment considering what it could have been if they'd spent more then 10 minutes on the script.

Thankfully for BvS , I ended up seeing Independence Day Resurgence much later ... and that my friends , THAT was a truly awful movie. BvS at least tried to do something , it just failed is all. Nothing wrong with a failure so long as they can fix the mistakes later on right ? I mean... Suicide Squad was sadly written and filmed by the time this came out so there wasn't a chance for it but Wonder Woman and Justice League ? mmmaybe ?

If nothing else there has been a ton of entertaining discussion about this movie afterwards.

The Independence Day sequel was just bad in the worst kinds of way. Cliched, tropey, boring. Undeveloped characters played by actors phoning it in. I think Suicide Squad was a worse movie (BvS was definitely better than both, IMO), but it was at least interestingly bad at certain parts.
"Its going to rake in $1billion easily in the global box office! Its Batman and superman appearing in the same film! DC trinity! "


I honestly thought that BvS would have managed $1 billion given that (the last 2 Transformers films also kind of come to mind, since those suck too), but I think it would have had that film been saved for a later time and WB would have taken their time in establishing the DCEU better (as in building things up more) before jumping into crossovers.

Not to mention the "This will put Marvel out of business" comments and then it couldn't even manage to outgross 5 Disney releases (4 of which grossed a $1 billion) and the Secret Life of Pets.

Man I remember that review thread, the RT score just kept on tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down...

Probably the most entertaining thread I watched for awhile.

And then it made like $100m less worldwide than Star Wars did domestically. OOPS.

I STILL cannot believe how low BvS's numbers were, especially domestically, ESPECIALLY after that opening weekend. That sub-2x multiplier man.

I thought I was being extremely cynical when I said it might be just a hair under a billion.


I don't know about you but i remember my brain only registering like half of the fight. The other half the scenes were so goddamn dark i couldn't see shit.

Maybe i need better glasses.

Yeah, it was a lot of stuff moving around. But I was really unconcentrated and bored at this point back then.
OP you reminded me how friggin' cool the very first BVS teaser was - Superman hovering in the air and glaring at Batman. Sad how badly it turned out.


For the film to have imploded as quickly as it did after opening weekend (with ZERO competition to boot), the word-of-mouth must have been something else.

Makes me wonder what happens to Justice League if WoM is the same...

Without characters I care about this shit means nothing to me. Its just a video game that I can't play.
May God have mercy on GAF should JL review poorly and not make $1 billion


It's cute people in here think DCEU is gonna be around after Justice League. WB clearly can't do this share universe thing, so they might as well cut their losses, cancel their entire slate, and start from scratch. I wouldn't mind a new Batman or Superman trilogy honestly. I still want my Man of Steel 2 by Matthew Vaughn.
My god...

They didn't know how right they may be



In all honesty, a movie with Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman should have no problem breaking 1.5 billion. Especially when it's released without​ any competition. But you know, the movie had to be at least decent in order to do that.
I doubt there will be any meltdowns. People seem to be either at the Depression or Acceptance stage by now.

Well if WW reviews well, that could drive hype up for the JL movie.

That Martha scene always cracks me up. Like Superman got a frog in his throat or something or tried to do a golum voice but failed miserably. Like did they only have one take to do that part? No one thought to do a reshoot of that scene? Like it completely takes you out of the movie with how badly that was acted.


The most disappointing movie of 2016 for me. As a Superman fan who cares more about the character/Clark rather than the powerset or mythos or whatnot, the movie was just flat-out terrible.
In all honesty, a movie with Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman should have no problem breaking 1.5 billion. Especially when it's released without​ any competition. But you know, the movie had to be at least decent in order to do that.

That's fact. Batman alone has the potential to do over a billion, and in fact the last two Batman movies did, one of which did it without China and with much, much smaller Latin American and Asian markets. Adding in Superman and Wonder Woman for the first time in live action film history should have catapulted it to Avengers territory with ease. In the end it couldn't even crack $350m domestically, which is just plain pathetic.

I mean really though. It amazes me that Marvel managed to do $1.5b on the back of former C-tier characters like Iron Man and Thor, and DC barely made half of it with three of the most famous heroes of all time. Like, what in the fuck? Go back to 2008 when TDK nearly doubled Iron Man in gross and tell folks that and you'd get your face laughed off.



Why?!?! You're a lunatic at this point..

I stand by my points. Zemo's plan was predicated on lkuck that would make Longshot jealous and Omniscience that would make Dr Manhattan go that's ridiculous. Despite how convoluted Lex's plan was which was very complex there is a logical path as to how he gets where got to.

Zemo on the other hand claimed to have planned everything when throughout half the movie he is on a scavenger hunt for info about the events of the Stark murders, the other half is him being lucky that Cap and Tony would disagree so strongly about the Sokovia accords that they'd foughgt. I know some people are gonna say I have a sick urge to go "but Marvel" every chance i get but the bullshit people throw about as an answer to DC's decisions is baffling when if you think of the events that happen in the CW they make literally no sense. Of the top of my head:

People say why didn't they talk about things in BVS before fighting? Which is a reasonable point if you ignore the banquet scene, the car chase and the start of the rooftop fight. Also at the giant big fat playfight at the end of CW, which is exactly what it is, a playfight. It was justified as not lethal hence why Tony Stark recruited a 15 year old boy who most likely didn't sign the Sokovia accord he spent half the movie debating, because he legally wouldn't be allowed to and even if Aunt May knew which she didn't. i doubt she'd approve he went out to fight against shield assassins, witches, giants and super soldiers.

Also despite the fight being supposed to be non lethal, cars were literally thrown at people. Oh and as much as the Martha scene gets shit, how does The Vision blasting The Falcon missing and hitting War Machine make any sense? If he hit Falcon, Falcon is dead. If he only hits the jetpack he will not be able to catch him when he falls since he was incapable of catching War Machine who was higher above the ground. But it's OK, there are quips which disguise how this shit makes no sense.

*family dies cause of superhero shit*

*gets evidence of superhero murder drama between superbros*

*frames dude using political situation at hand to get everyone freaking out*

*reveals truth and superbros try to kill each other*

*job done, tries to kill himself*

Finds out Superhero identities

Shits on reputation of one by causing a false flag attack, sends letters to other highlighting violence of the other.

Kidnaps one heroes mother and causes attack that forces other to snap leading them to fight

Tries to kill last hero standing with monster.

I can give an abridged version too.


Oh and as much as the Martha scene gets shit, how does The Vision blasting The Falcon missing and hitting War Machine make any sense? If he hit Falcon, Falcon is dead. If he only hits the jetpack he will not be able to catch him when he falls since he was incapable of catching War Machine who was higher above the ground. But it's OK, there are quips which disguise how this shit makes no sense.

Because early in the movie, Vision was established as not aware of his powers and that he is not aware of humanitys nature and limits yet. He doesnt know shit about humans, he dont even think that it may be a bit creepy to randomly fly into the room of a woman. He literaly says it in the kitchen scene where he wants to cook with Wanda.

Edit: And yeah, that poor 15 year old guy that can throw cars around without catching a break.


The Independence Day sequel was just bad in the worst kinds of way. Cliched, tropey, boring. Undeveloped characters played by actors phoning it in. I think Suicide Squad was a worse movie (BvS was definitely better than both, IMO), but it was at least interestingly bad at certain parts.
I honestly mind ID:R less than BvS and SS. ID was a bad movie and dumb as fuck, but the DC movies were aggressively bad experiences, and their horribleness stayed with you.


Still can't get over the jolly rancher scene. Eisenberg came off as super manic and creepy. Bout' walked when he did the voodoo blood sacrifice. Oh yeah Doomsday looked like big headed goomba from that horrible Mario Bros. movie



I stand by my points. Zemo's plan was predicated on lkuck that would make Longshot jealous and Omniscience that would make Dr Manhattan go that's ridiculous. Despite how convoluted Lex's plan was which was very complex there is a logical path as to how he gets where got to.

Zemo on the other hand claimed to have planned everything when throughout half the movie he is on a scavenger hunt for info about the events of the Stark murders, the other half is him being lucky that Cap and Tony would disagree so strongly about the Sokovia accords that they'd foughgt. I know some people are gonna say I have a sick urge to go "but Marvel" every chance i get but the bullshit people throw about as an answer to DC's decisions is baffling when if you think of the events that happen in the CW they make literally no sense. Of the top of my head:

People say why didn't they talk about things in BVS before fighting? Which is a reasonable point if you ignore the banquet scene, the car chase and the start of the rooftop fight. Also at the giant big fat playfight at the end of CW, which is exactly what it is, a playfight. It was justified as not lethal hence why Tony Stark recruited a 15 year old boy who most likely didn't sign the Sokovia accord he spent half the movie debating, because he legally wouldn't be allowed to and even if Aunt May knew which she didn't. i doubt she'd approve he went out to fight against shield assassins, witches, giants and super soldiers.

Also despite the fight being supposed to be non lethal, cars were literally thrown at people. Oh and as much as the Martha scene gets shit, how does The Vision blasting The Falcon missing and hitting War Machine make any sense? If he hit Falcon, Falcon is dead. If he only hits the jetpack he will not be able to catch him when he falls since he was incapable of catching War Machine who was higher above the ground. But it's OK, there are quips which disguise how this shit makes no sense.

Finds out Superhero identities

Shits on reputation of one by causing a false flag attack, sends letters to other highlighting violence of the other.

Kidnaps one heroes mother and causes attack that forces other to snap leading them to fight

Tries to kill last hero standing with monster.

I can give an abridged version too.

Bleepey, man...


Yeah. I'm not reading one word of that. This flowchart/Marvel stuff is like a sickness..not joining you on your quest to prove the audience stupid, people not admitting Snyder's genius, people giving passes to Marvel, and the rest of your greatest hits. Why can't you just like what you like and move on? Geezuz..
An incredible mess of a movie with so many problems but honestly, the more I watch it (the Ultimate Edition, at least) the more I sort of like it.

It aimed for the stars, missed them completely, and blew up Krypton.

The Advent Children of comic book movies.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I still haven't seen this. Man Of Steel traumatized me.
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