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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - 1 year!

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One of the worst big budget movies I've ever seen.
Seriously, this film was a true embarrassment to cinema.

I watched the ultimate cut hoping for a bit of redemption but all it did was leave an even more bitter taste in my mouth.

To me DC, are on life support.

Man of Steel=grey sludge mediocre garbage
BvS=incoherent spectacle garbage
SS=jumbled music video garbage.

Good luck to them, I'm never watching a movie of theirs in cinema again.

Zen Aku


This is the correct answer of Best Batman.

Somehow I've never seen this.


Fafracer forever
Boombloxer said:
I think the problem is that the visual spectacle is empty
Empty would have been an improvement over what we've got - the last fight was very much like MoS mess against the tentacle monster machine where I had no idea what was going on until it was over.
It's perhaps fitting that both movies end on a similar lowest-point (And devote so much of the fx budget to it) but really, that entire section could have been cut and the movie would have been better off for it (even if we just cut to the funeral with no explanation).


Will drop pants for Sony.
Even a year later this movie was terrible and in 10 years I still will think Bateman v super man was a terrible movie with a terrible title with a terrible director with terrible storytelling skills with terrible characters.


Production should have stopped the minute images of a gagged Martha Kent, crying with damaged 'Witch' scrawled on her forehead, appeared on set.

"What the fuck are we doing?" they should have said, before all getting in their cars and going home, leaving only Zack Snyder mumbling to himself "I don't know I thought... like... it was pretty cool because, y'know, she would be seen as a witch if...".
this isn't the best Batman. the Batman in this movie is a complete idiot. he is The World's Greatest Detective and obsessed with Superman yet never finds out that Supes has human parents or that Superman wouldn't shoot people with bullets.

Lex Luthor's plot is fucking stupid stupid stupid at every turn. the bullets framing Superman is beyond dumb. a senator having full access to the spaceship is dumb. the trailer-ready Are You Ready to Rumble And Mention God To Sound Profound got old, fast. Luthor made me nostalgic for Jim Carrey's Riddler, at least he was fun.

this movie wants a world where people are taking this international alien thing very very seriously, to the point of having congress yell at Superman, yet a random senator has the clearance to turn over the most dangerous technology which was just used to nearly DESTROY THE WORLD to a rando.

the movie is constantly doing this, putting on airs as if it is so serious, yet being the dumbest, silliest thing since Batman and Robin.

what a stupid, ugly movie. after this an SS i've no interest in seeing any more DC films.


Yeah. I'm not reading one word of that. This flowchart/Marvel stuff is like a sickness..not joining you on your quest to prove the audience stupid, people not admitting Snyder's genius, people giving passes to Marvel, and the rest of your greatest hits. Why can't you just like what you like and move on? Geezuz..

Bleepey, man...

Like I've said before, shit's a sickness

Gotta prove what I like is objectively the best and all that jazz


Because early in the movie, Vision was established as not aware of his powers and that he is not aware of humanitys nature and limits yet. He doesnt know shit about humans, he dont even think that it may be a bit creepy to randomly fly into the room of a woman. He literaly says it in the kitchen scene where he wants to cook with Wanda.

Edit: And yeah, that poor 15 year old guy that can throw cars around without catching a break.

So what his giant laser beam that penetrated the damn near invulnerable Iron Man suit was set to tickle? Let's just assume that was the case, cars were dropped on people and god damn tankers thrown at others. The fact a black eye and War Machine being immobilised being the worst that happened is shocking.


So what his giant laser beam that penetrated the damn near invulnerable Iron Man suit was set to tickle?

No. It was set on full force since like I said Vision has still no idea of humans and his full potential like established in multiple earlier scenes in the movie.

Give me some time, I will make you a flowchart if you want, just need to instal Visio.


So what his giant laser beam that penetrated the damn near invulnerable Iron Man suit was set to tickle? Let's just assume that was the case, cars were dropped on people and god damn tankers thrown at others. The fact a black eye and War Machine being immobilised being the worst that happened is shocking.

In superhero universes...hell, even just generic action universes, people are often more invulnerable than they would be in real life. In the first Iron Man movie, tony got hit with a tank cannon. Even if his armor was strong enough not to be even dented by that, that wouldn't have stopped the kinetic energy from liquifying Tony inside. Regular, human Tony, however, is fine. Just like regular human Hawkeye can fire arrows with what can only be described as supernatural accuracy. Just like Black Widow has acrobatic ability that no human can realistically have. It's a superhero universe, things are heightened here.

And not that you actually care, but Visions beam was meant to damage Falcon's jet. "Turn it into a glider" is what Rhodey said. His task was to hit it partially that would take out the thrusters but leave the wings intact. Falcon was meant to be disabled, not killed. And the trajectory of the shot was actually accurate. What vision didn't count on was Falcon anticipating it and that it happened to coincidentally have War Machines power source in it's line of fire.


In superhero universes...hell, even just generic action universes, people are often more invulnerable than they would be in real life. In the first Iron Man movie, tony got hit with a tank cannon. Even if his armor was strong enough not to be even dented by that, that wouldn't have stopped the kinetic energy from liquifying Tony inside. Regular, human Tony, however, is fine. Just like regular human Hawkeye can fire arrows with what can only be described as supernatural accuracy. Just like Black Widow has acrobatic ability that no human can realistically have. It's a superhero universe, things are heightened here.

And not that you actually care, but Visions beam was meant to damage Falcon's jet. "Turn it into a glider" is what Rhodey said. His task was to hit it partially that would take out the thrusters but leave the wings intact. Falcon was meant to be disabled, not killed. And the trajectory of the shot was actually accurate. What vision didn't count on was Falcon anticipating it and that it happened to coincidentally have War Machines power source in it's line of fire

Yeah that's bullshit. Things are heightened so much he felt the need to recruit a 15 year to make sure they played with kid gloves. But yeah he felt that attacking the jetpack that controls the wings will allow him to gently glide down. rolleyes.gif.


One of the things that still gets me about this movie is that Snyder chose to name it Batman v Superman, and not Batman vs. Superman, because he thought there was a clear distinction between the two that somehow reflected what the movie was really about. Huh?
Yeah that's bullshit. Things are heightened so much he felt the need to recruit a 15 year to make sure they played with kid gloves. But yeah he felt that attacking the jetpack that controls the wings will allow him to gently glide down. rolleyes.gif.

I bet you have a bunch of excuses lined up for Joker's plan in TDK


Iconic movie. The most expensive indie film ever made, and an early reflection for Trump's America (Trump = Luthor).

Still sad about the theatrical cut, but the UC will be remembered for ages.
Production should have stopped the minute images of a gagged Martha Kent, crying with damaged 'Witch' scrawled on her forehead, appeared on set. ".
That was the best part. Really striking imagery.
Joker does crazy shit and his plan succeeds or he survives due to him being the Joker. It's what he does.

So your excuse for Joker is he's a comic book villain set in a realistic world who's plan works because he's the joker, but any other comic book villain's plan that takes place in clearly fantastical world is illogical because he/she is not the Joker?


So your excuse for Joker is he's a comic book villain set in a realistic world who's plan works because he's the joker, but any other comic book villain's plan that takes place in clearly fantastical world is illogical because he/she is not the Joker?

If there's not a flow chart, then yes.


Yeah that's bullshit. Things are heightened so much he felt the need to recruit a 15 year to make sure they played with kid gloves.

WTF are you talking about? Spiderman wasn't there to 'make sure they played with kid gloves'. None of them really knew Spidey's age other than Tony and, as far as I can tell, none of them really cared except Rhodey casually asking curiously. Not to mention that this implies that Stark was thinking "Shit, Cap is going to try to kill me unless I put a kid on the battlefield." This is straight up asinine.

The reason they play with kid gloves is because none of them want to see anyone seriously injured. Tony recruited Spidey because he was badass and useful and heroic and he seems a bit of himself in him. His webbing abilities in particular would help disable the other avengers without killing them and his durability meant he was unlikely to get seriously hurt himself. He wanted to end the fight with the avengers as cleanly as possible with no casualties or injuries, so he called in everyone he could on his side.

But yeah he felt that attacking the jetpack that controls the wings will allow him to gently glide down. rolleyes.gif.

Eh...preposition confusion here. You seem to be talking about Tony, but it was Rhodey who ordered Vision to take out the thrusters of Falcon's Jet. And there's no real reason to believe it wouldn't work. Rhodey would probably be briefed on the abilities his other Avengers have, so he could ask for help appropriately in other combat scenerios and targeting the thrusters doesn't mean the wings will be useless. So, yeah.


Well, T'Challa does, but even he doesn't want to kill people just to get to Bucky.

Well, yeah, excepting T'Challa. But other than him, they're all mostly friends who just happen to be in a bad spot right now, or atleast recognize that the people they are fighting aren't evil, just on the other side and don't wish any kind of extreme harm on them.
Well, yeah, excepting T'Challa. But other than him, they're all mostly friends who just happen to be in a bad spot right now, or atleast recognize that the people they are fighting aren't evil, just on the other side and don't wish any kind of extreme harm on them.

Come on you know watching a hero torturing someone to death is far better of an idea than friends play fighting with each other.


Iconic movie. The most expensive indie film ever made, and an early reflection for Trump's America (Trump = Luthor).

I'm not sure how BvS qualifies as an indie film, nor why being the most expensive indie film ever is some kind of badge of honor...


Really, as much as we compare BvS to Civil War for their similar premises of superheroes going against each other, if you want to talk to see a superhero movie that dispenses with the jokey-joke tone and tries to answer existential questions about morality, you should see Logan. If you want to defend BvS on the basis that it was atleast trying something different, then you owe it to yourself to see a movie that tries something different and succeeds at it.
Really, as much as we compare BvS to Civil War for their similar premises of superheroes going against each other, if you want to talk to see a superhero movie that dispenses with the jokey-joke tone and tries to answer existential questions about morality, you should see Logan.

Civil War is as forgettable as it gets, BvS is dire as hell, but still discussed. Logan is better than both movies combined, easily.


I'm not sure how BvS qualifies as an indie film, nor why being the most expensive indie film ever is some kind of badge of honor...
Because it's pure auteur stuff. It's closer to Chronicle than the Avengers.
Really, as much as we compare BvS to Civil War for their similar premises of superheroes going against each other, if you want to talk to see a superhero movie that dispenses with the jokey-joke tone and tries to answer existential questions about morality, you should see Logan. If you want to defend BvS on the basis that it was atleast trying something different, then you owe it to yourself to see a movie that tries something different and succeeds at it.
Logan was hella depressive. I loved it, but I'm never watching it again. Shit drained me.

This thread got koolaid as fuck.
Who needs fun? There's some colorful live actions cartoons out there for that. or Suicide Squad. ugh.
Civil War is as forgettable as it gets, BvS is dire as hell, but still discussed. Logan is better than both movies combined, easily.

I can rewatch Civil War, I can rewatch BvS, Logan is in my top 3 but I ain't ever watching it again so no point in owning the blu ray but I will still get it cuz its Wolverine movie. So who cares if a movie is memorable or not when you dread thinking about it.
I really enjoyed it in the cinema. Enjoyed the Ultimate cut even more.

Also enjoyed civil war but, as with a lot of Marvel movies barring winter soldier and the first avengers, never felt the need to rewatch the movie.


I find the polarising nature of Snyder's comic book movies kinda weird. The dude's likes marmite. You either love him or hate him. He is the type to guy that can be on the best of all time comic book movie list and the worst comic book movie lists for the same film! MOS/BVS/Watchmen and I'd 300 to the list but that one is less hated than the other movies. Say what you will about the guy his films make an impression. 300 influenced Spartacus and computer backgrounds in films. MOS influenced how comic book films handle collateral damage for better or worst. BvS I wouldn't know where to begin. Watchmen was either ahead of its time or worst than cancer that misses the point.
Here's a Justice League prediction: the movie will make many overt attempts at being lighthearted and funny, they'll fall flat for most people, and then people who like the movie will take that as proof of a double standard against DC.

Bruce doesn't listen to Alfred in TDKR either. He actively defies him in pretty much every scene, from refusing his advice to live a life again to refusing his advice not to take on Bane to firing him.

The Lego Batman movie really makes this point well.


I find the polarising nature of Snyder's comic book movies kinda weird. The dude's likes marmite. You either love him or hate him. He is the type to guy that can be on the best of all time comic book movie list and the worst comic book movie lists for the same film! MOS/BVS/Watchmen and I'd 300 to the list but that one is less hated than the other movies. Say what you will about the guy his films make an impression. 300 influenced Spartacus and computer backgrounds in films. MOS influenced how comic book films handle collateral damage for better or worst. BvS I wouldn't know where to begin. Watchmen was either ahead of its time or worst than cancer that misses the point.

There's nothing weird about it. His movies are, by and large, not that good.
I stand by my points. Zemo's plan was predicated on lkuck that would make Longshot jealous and Omniscience that would make Dr Manhattan go that's ridiculous. Despite how convoluted Lex's plan was which was very complex there is a logical path as to how he gets where got to.

Zemo on the other hand claimed to have planned everything when throughout half the movie he is on a scavenger hunt for info about the events of the Stark murders, the other half is him being lucky that Cap and Tony would disagree so strongly about the Sokovia accords that they'd foughgt. I know some people are gonna say I have a sick urge to go "but Marvel" every chance i get but the bullshit people throw about as an answer to DC's decisions is baffling when if you think of the events that happen in the CW they make literally no sense. Of the top of my head:

People say why didn't they talk about things in BVS before fighting? Which is a reasonable point if you ignore the banquet scene, the car chase and the start of the rooftop fight. Also at the giant big fat playfight at the end of CW, which is exactly what it is, a playfight. It was justified as not lethal hence why Tony Stark recruited a 15 year old boy who most likely didn't sign the Sokovia accord he spent half the movie debating, because he legally wouldn't be allowed to and even if Aunt May knew which she didn't. i doubt she'd approve he went out to fight against shield assassins, witches, giants and super soldiers.

Also despite the fight being supposed to be non lethal, cars were literally thrown at people. Oh and as much as the Martha scene gets shit, how does The Vision blasting The Falcon missing and hitting War Machine make any sense? If he hit Falcon, Falcon is dead. If he only hits the jetpack he will not be able to catch him when he falls since he was incapable of catching War Machine who was higher above the ground. But it's OK, there are quips which disguise how this shit makes no sense.

I agree with a lot of this post.

CW is a better movie than BvS, but there is a lot less daylight between them than most people claim, and there is a huge amount of shit which happens just to get to a scene.

And I also think Cap was acting ridiculous and putting innocent people at risk left and right.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
omg please don't bring up Sucker Punch I hate that shit

That's because Cap's a lil bitch and Tony was right

Yeah but we hate you too, don't see us complaining now do you?!

Also, fuck no. Tony can fuck off.
I find the polarising nature of Snyder's comic book movies kinda weird. The dude's likes marmite. You either love him or hate him.

I don't feel this way at all. Dude has some good ideas, some terrible ideas, some annoying visual tics and nobody reining him in. My feelings are decidedly mixed.
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