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NYT: Russian Government Sought to Aid Trump’s Candidacy, According to Email


Clothed, sober, cooperative

Establishment GOP could be implicated. At the time Priebus was trying his hardest to smooth things out between wary GOP leadership and Trump's campaign. Surely Priebus being briefed on the leaked emails would result in him going to GOP establishment figures, donors, etc and telling them to calm down, something is about to happen.

Nah. If that were true id expect Priebus to act even more squirrelly than usu...HEY WAIT A MINUTE

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
The problem is, the party involved are also the ones in control of everything right now. That to me is even more terrifying.

One the one hand, yes, as a majority it is largely at their feet on how to proceed. Many of its members are just as corrupt or damaging to the country as Trump.

On the other hand, they don't love this man. Many of them are stuck with him by nature of his celebrity. Don't see them taking a career bullet for him if push comes to shove. Though some may be forced to if it meant not entirely sinking the GOP, but that is a ways off.


Reince Priebus was there for a fundraiser. Most Republicans aren't stupid enough to engage in this stuff so if you are having wet dreams of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell being active in any of this you're going to get a reality check.

There is literally a tape where Paul Ryan says that he thinks Donald Trump is being paid by Russia


He actually checked into Facebook during the meeting.


Oh my god.

Just when you think you've seen everything....


Who cares about the administration? In a way Trump got to where he is thanks to Bannon. What the administration thinks of Bannon is meaningless; what happens next is what matters. He can blame Kushner, the GOP, Soros, the Democrats, the IC, and has all the "proofs" he needs to make his case. When Trump is no longer present because he steps down or is impeached, where do his supporters go? Have you paid attention to who a significant number of his supporters are? What they believe? They are not Republicans or Democrats, they are people who want fundamental change, not policies or bills or procedural wastes of time; radical anti-constitutional unlawful change.

After Trump, the typical political solutions are finished for them. They are not going to look at the next Republican to elect, and they won't fo pout in the corner and stay quiet. They have nothing else to do, it's their passion and they have found each other over the past two years, across the whole country.

They're not going away after Trump, their solidifying their connections with one another through these "trials". It's typical, it's playing out exactly as it has before the world over in such circumstances, but a la American.

Okay, but this is all vague. Where do you see Bannon doing this, who are these groups, and how do you feel they are going to win elections when these supporters just barely managed to get Trump elected against a equally unpopular opponent and did so through co-oping the GOP? Or are you saying that they are going to violently take over the government through force? Do you think the military of America is going to allow that, or do you think the military is a arm of this? Are you talking a grand conspiracy? Who is going to fund this? Bannon? The Koch Brothers? Russia?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
If true, this immediately cements this as the biggest political scandal in American history. An entire major party involved in an attempt by a hostile foreign power to disrupt elections. The implications are apocalyptic.

Let's take that to its logical conclusion. The party would split in three.

Republicans allied behind people being prosecuted and investigated,

The "Good Ones" party of old school people who failed to stop it but weren't implicated (McCain, Graham etc) and

the Freedom Party - fuckwit tea partiers who screwed the healthcare bill and weren't even invited to the corruption or the country club because they were from shitty states and true believers who put their awful principles before party.

Sadly I think the latter would be dominant. We might see elements of that take shape this year.


Let's take that to its logical conclusion. The party would split in three.

Republicans allied behind people being prosecuted and investigated, the "Good Ones" party of old school people who failed to stop it but weren't implicated (McCain, Graham etc) and the Freedom Party - fuckwit tea partiers who screwed the healthcare bill and weren't even invited to the corruption or the country club because they were from shitty states and true believers who put their awful principles before party.

Sadly I think the latter would be dominant. We might see elements of that take shape this year.

They already are, really. It's a large part of why they aren't able to get much of anything done outside rolling back older stuff.


Okay, but this is all vague. Where do you see Bannon doing this, who are these groups, and how do you feel they are going to win elections when these supporters just barely managed to get Trump elected against a equally unpopular opponent and did so through co-oping the GOP? Or are you saying that they are going to violently take over the government through force? Do you think the military of America is going to allow that, or do you think the military is a arm of this? Are you talking a grand conspiracy? Who is going to fund this? Bannon? The Koch Brothers? Russia?

Who said anything about winning elections? Why would that matter?

My original point was that Bannon has an interest in at least getting Kushner out, who is involved in this meeting, in response to someone asking why would WH advisors leak this. And secondly, that Bannon is in a losing position at the moment since he can't push his vision forward in this administration. The GOP was what he saw as the main obstacle for years now. His real future is after Trump, he knows that full well now that he has seen Trump fumbled his chance.

This guy is a whistleblower in the literal sense, and he'll get more attention after Trump than before; he won't be trying to play along with the GOP, and Trump's core support will be looking for where to go next.

Bannon's potential relevancy is after Trump, especially if Trump steps down or is impeached, not behind, and not after a political loss in 2020 which would publicly silence his movement.



This is honestly the most logical explanation as to why Mueller has been pulling together his "Justice League" of all-star prosecutors and investigators. One would think he would only do that if he'd found damning information on a number of people. I think this whole thing goes way deeper than any of us know right now.


Who said anything about winning elections? Why would that matter?

What kind of question is that?

My original point was that Bannon has an interest in at least getting Kushner out, who is involved in this meeting, in response to someone asking why would WH advisors leak this. And secondly, that Bannon is in a losing position at the moment since he can't push his vision forward in this administration. The GOP was what he saw as the main obstacle for years now. His real future is after Trump, he knows that full well now that he has seen Trump fumbled his chance.

This guy is a whistleblower in the literal sense, and he'll get more attention after Trump than before; he won't be trying to play along with the GOP, and Trump's core support will be looking for where to go next.

Okay, but this dodges all of what I asked you.


Gotcha, misread the subtext, all good!

Yeah I can see why, I realized shortly after I typed it that it wasn't perfectly clear and could be misread but thought it might be ok enough.

Anyway, I was listening to the radio today and the news was all about this story. It was refreshing, it seems like it's been a while since a big Russia/Trump news that got talked about this way.
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