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Kotaku UK thinks "More Like Persona 5/10, Amirite" is a good headline


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I really enjoy the game and mechanics, probably the best among the Persona games. The story is pretty cool but it feels like the story has been lengthened and padded way too long. Game could have easily been a 40-60 hour game rather than a 90-100 hour game.

Plus I thought the cast was dry compared to P4.


the holder of the trombone
Morgana freaking sucks. Freaking bad game mechanic. Just let me do what I want. I feel so restrained all the time.

I mean the other persona games just have your character thinking that you're too tired lol.

Persona 3 actually has the most freedom in this aspect.


No, 4 did the same thing. It's just a step down character and dungeon wise

Anyone who says its a step down when it comes to dungeons has got some memory problems because the previous Persona games had terrible dungeons. They were easily the worst part of the games. Sure the battles were good but the dungeons were ugly corridors while in P5 they had a lot more style and you actually had to solve puzzles/use stealth etc.
Meh. My GOTY so far. Only major complaints I can really agree with are the shallow confidants, the final stretch of the game (just shit), and the lack of variety in the music.

Still, I spent 80% of my time with Persona 5 thinking "this is the best game I've ever played," so while I have my complaints, I can't think of a game I've enjoyed as much as the first 80 or so hours of Persona 5.


Definitely enjoyed the game, but it never reached the caliber that was persona 4 golden which set the bar way too high.


It has some pacing problems for sure, but P5 beats 99% of the competition anyway. The quality of the game is out of this world.


Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age just came out, so Persona 5 has been topped.

Unless it's completely changed from the original XII (as in combat completely changed and some of the story changed), god no. XII was an ok game but put me to sleep a lot (I hear they put a fast forward button in combat to fix the fact the combat gets boring when it's on autopilot. When you have to put a fast forward button in your combat, the combat has issues). I mean there was some stuff I liked but I have to say I think it is very highly overrated. Persona 5 caught my interest a lot more than XII (I had a hard time putting it down and if it weren't for Horizon would be my GOTY and even then, have a hard time deciding but I'm biased towards wanting Horizon to be).

I just don't get people's love for XII at all. And I definitely could not agree at all that it was anywhere near as good as Persona 5 (for me). I was sad when Persona 5 was done. I was relieved when I finally finished XII.

And honestly, I think I might have liked 5 a little more than 4 (and I didn't want to, I loved 4 so 5 had that whole hurdle of me at first constantly comparing it to 4... eventually I got over that and I think then I realized I liked it more than 4). I definitely enjoyed the combat/dungeons more than 4 honestly (and I liked 4's dungeons so it isn't that i had issue with 4's dungeons or combat but I loved the puzzles and such in 5 and aesthetically I think they were better. 4 in general probably due to not being on as good a graphical machine just felt like corridors with some skins put on the walls to make each seem different. Each of 5's dungeons seemed to have a lot more personality).


the holder of the trombone
Anyone who says its a step down when it comes to dungeons has got some memory problems because the previous Persona games had terrible dungeons. They were easily the worst part of the games. Sure the battles were good but the dungeons were ugly corridors while in P5 they had a lot more style and you actually had to solve puzzles/use stealth etc.

But the puzzles are bad and the forced stealth just slows the pace down as it's just a way to get the advantage.

But I don't come to persona for stellar JRPG combat so whatever. It was an improvement but not as much as I have hoped.


A step down dungeon wise from persona 4? I'm not sure I can even class that an opinion, it's just not true
I'll take the ugly randomly generated dungeons that you can finish in a few hours than a 5-6+ hour dungeon where you're stopped multiple times, but looks nicer and has some basic easy puzzles . And it's not like P5 was portable, nor is its battle system great. It's just a weaker version of pokemon's.


A step down dungeon wise from persona 4? I'm not sure I can even class that an opinion, it's just not true

The dungeons are undeniably more unique and varied than Persona 3 and 4, but while those two games were inoffensive at worst due to their similar structure, most of the dungeons in 5 are straight up bad. I'll go through the floor-based structure of Persona 3 and 4 a million times over before dealing with the bullshit of the
Space Port
Cruise Ship


Ironically, this is the Persona game where it's possible to max out all your social links without a guide.

Not to mention a certain Confidant that practically makes you a god with what you're able to do. The previous games were actually a lot more restrictive overall. Part of that is because Persona 5 is the longest though. Morgana was only really a problem for the first 10% of the game and even then it was just a cat instead of your own character blocking you.


Persona stories have been super weak since 3 so im not sure why p5 is getting called out on it all of a sudden. Were people just not paying attention?


Me and my wife pushed through and after about a hundred hours, the game has finally become quite enjoyable...

... Yeah.
I'll take the ugly randomly generated dungeons that you can finish in a few hours than a 5-6+ hour dungeon where you're stopped multiple times, but looks nicer and has some basic easy puzzles . And it's not like P5 was portable, nor is its battle system great. It's just a weaker version of pokemon's.

Could not disagree more, but opinions are all over the place about this lol.

I love Persona 4 to death, maybe as much as Persona 5. But during every P4, dungeon I thought 'I can't wait to get the fuck out of here!' I only felt that 2 or 3 times with P5.
Persona 5 suffers from a lot of the flaws of the other Persona games. They're very easy to bounce off for a multitude of reasons.

However it is still an excellent JRPG, I will be nibbling away at it for quite a while to come but I find that it's a lot like eating an enormous, luxurious and sugary cake. You sicken yourself on it fairly easily.


Persona stories have been super weak since 3 so im not sure why p5 is getting called out on it all of a sudden. Were people just not paying attention?

I think part of it is the reviews and general hype around the game at launch attracted a lot of people who wouldn't usually go near an anime styled jrpg, and then there's the 4 superfans


Currently stopped after the first dungeon. I love the game, but it goes out of its way to waste your time. It takes 5.5 hours before the game takes off the training wheels, and the plot at that point is basically: You have a criminal record(for defending a woman from a rich rapist) and everyone hates you for it, one of your teachers is a scumbag, go into the shadow world and steal the macguffin to make him good. Again, it takes 5.5 hours for the game to explain that, a solid 2 hours of it being nothing but hem-hawing from the characters.

Also, even early on, ryuji is my least favorite persona male friend. Hes a huge abrasive asshole who doesn't think, and It causes trouble right away. I see that as a massive liability in the rest of the game, seeing as we are cat burglars.
Kind of forcing myself to play it too.

The gameplay and concept is amazing...like I need a turn based RPG like this in my life.

But the story and characters are just so meh. the ideas are good but the execution is just so BORING. It's just dry and lacks any kind of conviction.

Was weird playing after NIER which I felt did the story so well.
I think part of it is the reviews and general hype around the game at launch attracted a lot of people who wouldn't usually go near an anime styled jrpg, and then there's the 4 superfans

Bingo. This is the most attention a Persona game has received. It was insane seeing so many of my FB friends post about trying the game out.
Do not understand this either. Dungeons are far better than 4.
Yeah I don't understand this complaint either. Like, this article even states that the dungeons are a step down from 4. But the dungeons in 4 are fucking nothing. Like, literally they are corridors with different wallpapers and enemies roaming around. Persona 5, meanwhile, has actual dungeons with unique layouts, added mechanics and puzzles, and a much better implemented first strike system which actually uses the level design of the dungeons rather than running in a circle trying to get behind a shadow. Are all of the mechanics introduced in each dungeon good 100% of the time? No, but most of them break up the combat nicely and work well enough. At least they tried something to make dungeons more engaging, and I think they succeeded for the most part.


I think we should focus on how bad the title of the article actually is, and how the tone completely undermines any professionalism or seriousness the content might have. :)
I stopped playing after Shido's palace, I loved the game to death in the first 50 hours, but the plot really goes down hill after that.

My favorite part of Persona 5 is still the first (Kamoshida) chapter, meeting new people and getting into the school drama really makes it feels unique and memorable. The bond between the characters seems a lot more meaningful and interesting as well. Most new party members in the late game just feels distant and uninteresting at times, Futaba is the only new part member that developed some intereting bond to MC, almost like she is his little sister.

I really would have liked to see a Persona 5 game with just MC, Ryuji, Ann, Futaba and Morgana in the party, instead of adding new memebers we get to see how their bonds strengthen.

Like seriously, did Haru even know Yusuke? did Ann even know Haru??? Seriously these new party members don't even feel like our friends! They showed up so suddenly and then that's really it, they barely get to know and make friends with each other.

What's really disappointing is the story kinda distance itself from the school stuff and start getting into political and business territory after mid game. Which is really not all that interesting and charming.

In my opinion Persona 5 is at its best when it feels personal, warm and small, It's a lot more interesting when it's about school, teachers, students and the relationship between them.
P5 feels like wasted potential. Haru can be cut and nothing of substance would be lost. The entire game just felt underwhelming. It did have some good story moments, but never really wanted to step outside of its comfort zone. Like that finale is 11/10, I loved it, but the game didn't deserve an ending that good.
Also Rivers in the Desert is great and then isn't topped when you're fighting this manifested GOD
Ryuji dying would've been nice, Ryuji anything would've been nice. What's character development for a shitty teenager? Yosuke got more character development than you did.
Akechi is just Adachi 2.0, but with less development. Instead of bitches it's daddy issues. Haru doesn't need to be there. Makoto is actually interesting as a character, so is Futaba.Yusuke is a blessed boy. Morgana is just Teddie again, except they actually explain his origin.

I really hope the next mainline Persona is shorter, or at least different. I don't think I could do 80-120 hours of the same game again.
I'd like to think my perception of P5 is skewered because I played Nier Automata before it and I will never experience a game like that again. Like game is a solid good game. Q1 2017 being so damn good really didn't help how underwhelming the game felt.
Yeah I don't understand this complaint either. Like, this article even states that the dungeons are a step down from 4. But the dungeons in 4 are fucking nothing. Like, literally they are corridors with different wallpapers and enemies roaming around. Persona 5, meanwhile, has actual dungeons with unique layouts, added mechanics and puzzles, and a much better implemented first strike system which actually uses the level design of the dungeons rather than running in a circle trying to get behind a shadow. Are all of the mechanics introduced in each dungeon good 100% of the time? No, but most of them break up the combat nicely and work well enough. At least they tried something to make dungeons more engaging, and I think they succeeded for the most part.

YEah the dungeons in this one are amazing compared to the snooze fest that was P4 or P3 dungeons (and in P3 I swear it was randomly generated dungeons for some of it...my memory might be hazy and I did only play the PSP version though)
80 hours in still havent finished it. its a slog after the first dozen or so hours.
the story , characters are such a huge downgrade over the last game.
im surprised people hardly bring it up.
dungeons and combat is excellent though the pacing of the former is kinda awful


the holder of the trombone
I'm on the third palace and the game still hasn't grabbed me yet. When does it "get good" so to speak.

The story does get more interesting but the dungeons kinda goes downhill after 4.

So it depends on what's not grabbing you and what you're looking to get out of the game.


Persona 3's story and characters are ho-hum at best by Persona standards and its pacing is godawful.

Yeah, I feel similarly. Looking back on P3, I never cared much about its cast while I was playing it, and I still don't feel strongly about them after all these years. I think they're fine, I like some of them better than others, and the only one I dislike is Ken, but to me it's the weakest cast out of the Hashino games. And despite having a very strong third act, the story isn't anything to write home about until then and I always felt like P4 had the better, more consistent plot, even if it didn't reach the same heights. So far I feel the same way about P5, its characters and story have resonated with me far more than P3 did at the same point. I also didn't like P3's pacing either.
Despite me always being harsh on the game whenever these conversations come up, I do still hold it in high regard, it just doesn't measure up to the other 2. I guess that just speaks to the franchise's strenght.

As for the article, I skipped some paragraphs since I haven't gotten to the end of the game yet (though I did already know of the traitor's identity, which was so obvious I predicted it in a joke post before the game's release), but I don't think I agree with much of it. There are some good points hidden amongst some hyperbolic statements, but even those aren't addressed as well as they should. The article seems more concerned about getting a reaction out of its audience than offering an indepth analysis of its subject matter, which is something I find disappointing in a lot of videogame discourse.


They're 100% right. After the initial kamoshida arc the game becomes a boring repetitive slog. Badly needed editing. The story holds nowhere near the same level of intrigue as p4's murder mystery nor is there the same sense of place as inaba had. It's at least 40-50 hours too long and the ending is a disaster, as are the antagonists.

So yeah, totally agreed.


I've been cooking up my own Persona 5 thread in secret for a while now... almost done with the thread... almost.


Animu fans are upset , I think he's done what he set out to achieve.

Thread title change is weird, it's pretty obvious that the article is in no way meant to be a serious or professional one.


It's always sad to me when someone writes something that has some sort of validity and then completely blows their credibility on a huge overreach statement like this author did.
Move past it. It's really doesn't matter one bit.
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