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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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Yeah, but in North America this word has a strong history behind it, not in europe though. In Germany we have "Neger", but it has a totally different history behind it, starting with the fact, that no black german rapper calls himself "Neger". It doesn't help, that the word is used by every black rapper in the business.

Just to be clear. I'm talking explicit about the word "nigger", if for instance PDP did a german video and would call someone "Neger" there would have been a major outcry in
It doesn't help, that the word is used by every black rapper in the business.

Lol what the fuck does rap have to do with this? Is he a rapper? Do white rappers use the word neger, nigger, or nigga? If not, why do you think that is?

The guy just said he's disturbed when he hears the word used. And here you are, arguing that it isn't loaded in Europe, where he's from? Not to mention he knows he has a following in the U.S. and world wide.


Hello !
I'm French and i don't understand why people are so angry about this word, because in French we have a n-word for black people, a b-word for white people and a b-word for arabic people and sometimes people use it but there's no problem with this ?

Is racism a foreign concept in France? Or rather, is it the mentality of some people who choose to remain ignorant, bigoted and racist?

You decide.


Junior Member
But that's a cop-out. Yes, some people will never forgive PDP regardless of the sincerity or quality of his apology. That does not absolve him of his responsibility to help his audience of children understand his wrong doing.

Absolutely, but I don't see the middle ground stance as a cop-out at all. I personally don't feel like 'taking a side' in matters like this benefits anyone. The 'fuck you' approach helps nobody, nor does the 'we forgive you Felix' crowd. My personal approach is to try and take a balanced approach and see what comes of situations like this - I'm not willing to accept what he says at face value without seeing if/how he changes as a result nor am I willing to throw a bunch of shade his way and hate on him for screwing up just yet.


Wanna make it clear I'm not defending (or hating PDP).

I think what he did was shitty but it's not a clear "he is a racist". The same thing happened to Maximilian earlier this year and people really shat on him for that.

You can't really hate Boogie but he often adds nothing to the discussion. The way people are addressing Boogie even on here is pretty disgusting.

This is from earlier but I wanted to ask who is being disgusting towards Boogie exactly? I've read through most of the thread and I haven't seen that. the things he has been saying people should absolutely have a problem with. "political differences, oh wait I didn't mean that" and that whole "White people had to tolerate Black people moving into their neighborhoods" oh boy.

There is nothing wrong with pointing out Boogie's hypocrisy either. He is strongly against fat shaming and he should be, but it's only because it effects him (me too by the way). Somebody says "fat" and they are a horrible horrible person end of the discussion for Boogie. Somebody says the N word and he's going to go out of his way to try and absolve it away with two sides bs. It's as clear as day. I liked Boogie just as I liked PDP at one point, but enough is enough.


To his "apology video"(Which I haven't watched and wouldn't be)

As shown he has showed his true thoughts later on in that stream. He had his chance there and and didn't take it actually he even said it again in said stream.

Words are Words for once.


The Birthday Skeleton
Can anyone here honestly say they've never said anything in a moment of anger that they immediately regretted and didn't truly mean?

I can honestly say that I never said anything racist in a moment of anger. Because I have no reason to direct my anger at other races.
I said that in France when we use the word it's a friendly-way not a bad way, but if someone use it in a bad way, ok that's racist, but i said in french that Pewdiepie say it to nobody, so it can't be offended because he say that to a game


Hard to understand huh? Go to the banlieus of France and call someone a N-word.

See how that works out for ya bud.
Have you seen the responses to his tweet?


Most people don't care. Apology accepted, and will forget about it next week.

oh my god some of those people are so fucking stupid.

i'm not sure if they're even cognizant of the irony + hypocrisy of them claiming others are sheep and getting outraged for someone else's sake when they're saying "We'll always be here for you pewds".

yeah. so will his Dad being the CEO of a company...sheesh
yes, I watched that. He said "nigga" in a comedic context. Not even close to the same thing. I say nigga with my black friends. I guess I just have some chill friends. I'm willing to bet the most outraged people here are white.

Having some black friends that Let you say it doesn't give you carte blanche to use the word in any context. They don't speak for all people of color. Also, I bet you they're not cool with it. They're probably uncomfortable with speaking up.

Also, as a person of color; if I heard you say it I'd slap the shit outta you.
I probably think he's got a financial adviser or some sort of accountant. Dude isn't stupid, he'll have management or someone around him making sure he doesnt do anything silly with his money because he's known for this controversies and probably won't be around forever.

Again, that doesn't mean he's prepared for a significant drop in income, I'm not going over this with you again

There's literally no indicator he's been good with money, and if he had good management, this would never have happened.
I can honestly say that I never said anything racist in a moment of anger. Because I have no reason to direct my anger at other races.

I dont even get how you would use a racist slur when you are angry.

My wife is Chinese and when I am angry I dont call her a "chink". I dont call my Polish friend racist slurs.
I dont even know why those slurs would enter my mind before "fucker" or "asshole" or "cunt".


Absolutely, but I don't see the middle ground stance as a cop-out at all. I personally don't feel like 'taking a side' in matters like this benefits anyone. The 'fuck you' approach helps nobody, nor does the 'we forgive you Felix' crowd. My personal approach is to try and take a balanced approach and see what comes of situations like this - I'm not willing to accept what he says at face value without seeing if/how he changes as a result nor am I willing to throw a bunch of shade his way and hate on him for screwing up just yet.

There is no middle. He said a racial slur on stream. Repeated it and then said "no one watching this will care."

This isn't his first time and I highly doubt it will be his last.

There is no middle ground here. You denounce what he said. And until he proves otherwise. This is who he is.

Fuck this middle ground bullshit when it comes to racism and racial slurs.
This is from earlier but I wanted to ask who is being disgusting towards Boogie exactly? I've read through most of the thread and I haven't seen that. the things he has been saying people should absolutely have a problem with. "political differences, oh wait I didn't mean that" and that whole "White people had to tolerate Black people moving into their neighborhoods" oh boy.

There is nothing wrong with pointing out Boogie's hypocrisy either. He is strongly against fat shaming and he should be, but it's only because it effects him (me too by the way). Somebody says "fat" and they are a horrible horrible person end of the discussion for Boogie. Somebody says the N word and he's going to go out of his way to try and absolve it away with two sides bs. It's as clear as day. I liked Boogie just as I liked PDP at one point, but enough is enough.

Boogie is trash. Just total both sides human garbage down playing racism for money. He isn't garbage because of things he can't control or because of physical traits that shouldn't change how we treat people. Dude is garbage because he's peddling racist ideals and defending racsim.

I have no issue saying this. If that is mean hey, w/e atleast it's based on things he can actually control.


Absolutely, but I don't see the middle ground stance as a cop-out at all. I personally don't feel like 'taking a side' in matters like this benefits anyone. The 'fuck you' approach helps nobody, nor does the 'we forgive you Felix' crowd. My personal approach is to try and take a balanced approach and see what comes of situations like this - I'm not willing to accept what he says at face value without seeing if/how he changes as a result nor am I willing to throw a bunch of shade his way and hate on him for screwing up just yet.

how are you typing these posts if you're sitting on your hands?


That doesnt change the fact that most german people also know what "nigger" means, especially in a culture where so many people consume American media.

So? where did i say noone here knows what that word means? I'm just saying it has a DIFFERENT history.

It's racist, it's bad and he should fuckin apologize and never say it again, i'm just saying that i doubt he would use the word "neger" ( swedish version ). That's all i wanted to say.


Truth is he could have given a sincere apology right after he said it if he was genuinely apologetic, but nope he continued to make light of it. This is more of a hey dont fuck with my money plea.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Just saw the apology vid. All i have to say...


Gotta love the off the bat deflection of "I hear so many other people use this language when i play...."
That part is definitely fuck off worthy. As he's basically is saying that racism is incredibly normalized in the gaming community and that he, the guy with the largest audience of children is part of the problem.


Je suis dans le 78 et y a pas de problème avec mes potes, après si tu vas voir des gens que tu connais pas et que tu leurs dis "Hey négro !", là ouais ça passe pas, sauf que Pewdiepie, il dit ça à personne, c'est comme quand avec mon frère métisse ou mes potes renois on s'appelle Négro entre nous, y a aucun problème, c'est pas "méchant"

déjà y a pas beaucoup de diversité dans les Yvelines, et il y aura toujours des gens qui n'as pas de problème avec ses mots. le faite que tes potes sont ok avec veut pas dire que c'est ok en générale. Il l'avait utilisé pour insulté un autre joueur. C'est pas sa place d'utiliser ce mot comme un insulte, et c’était pas du tout comme entre tes frères/potes. En plus, n****r c'est bcp plus grave que "nègre" ou bien "reubeu".


This has to be a wet dream for alt-right and white nationalists- They are seeing an extreme amount of support on social media for normalizing the term because it became from such a huge YT personality who has such reach.

And all these people talking about "intent" to find an non-racist underlying context just confuses me. If one isn't racist then why would one use such language? Would it be to create a greater shock value and/or hurt the person the slur is being hurled toward? If so then one knows EXACTLY all too well the weight the word carries. And that makes the user just as much of an asshole if not more so an open racist because someone like PDP is knowingly sowing the seeds of discrimination and racism in the minds of so many impressionable people whilst utterly normalizing it.


Is racism in France a foreign conecpt? Or rather, is it the mentality of some people who choose to remain ignorant, bigoted and racist?

You decide.

It's really easy for a foreign country as homogeneous in skin color as france to critisize about racism for some reason...

Which is really fucking ironic comming from a country that voted 34% for a dipshit racist.
And the minorities literatly have no representation AT ALL in politics.

Drives me insane.


Again, that doesn't mean he's prepared for a significant drop in income, I'm not going over this with you again

There's literally no indicator he's been good with money, and if he had good management, this would never have happened.

Management wont control a random outburst of his normal behaviour behind the scenes. Unmanageable.


Lol what the fuck does rap have to do with this? Is he a rapper? Do white rappers use the word neger, nigger, or nigga? If not, why do you think that is?

The guy just said he's disturbed when he hears the word used. And here you are, arguing that it isn't loaded in Europe, where he's from? Not to mention he knows he has a following in the U.S. and world wide.

wow, how about taking my words out of context.
Read my last reply, perhaps you will understand then.
I said that in France when we use the word it's a friendly-way not a bad way, but if someone use it in a bad way, ok that's racist, but i said in french that Pewdiepie say it to nobody, so it can't be offended because he say that to a game

That's not how it works and you know that


It was the most barebones "mea culpa" imaginable, and at the end, he undermines it by saying "if he offended anyone" continuing to show how little of a fuck he actually gives.


"Sorry if I offended anyone. I was just thinking of the worst thing I could call my enemy... so I called them a black person (aka n-word). But I'm not racist, Google. Thx."


I dont even get how you would use a racist slur when you are angry.

My wife is Chinese and when I am angry I dont call her a "chink". I dont call my Polish friend racist slurs.
I dont even know why those slurs would enter my mind before "fucker" or "asshole" or "cunt".

It's not just racist slurs,, homophobic slurs are used as well, using the term "gay" to describe something as not very good is, sadly, very common.


Unconfirmed Member
I dont even get how you would use a racist slur when you are angry.

My wife is Chinese and when I am angry I dont call her a "chink". I dont call my Polish friend racist slurs.
I dont even know why those slurs would enter my mind before "fucker" or "asshole" or "cunt".
So you're telling me you never rage quitted a game and then starting posting KKK photos on your Facebook wall in frustration?

Me neither. Only a racist would do that. Same with screaming the N word.


yes, I watched that. He said "nigga" in a comedic context. Not even close to the same thing. I say nigga with my black friends. I guess I just have some chill friends. I'm willing to bet the most outraged people here are white.

Try again. Outrage black person here.
I said that in France when we use the word it's a friendly-way not a bad way, but if someone use it in a bad way, ok that's racist, but i said in french that Pewdiepie say it to nobody, so it can't be offended because he say that to a game

The ol' "I say this to my friends or I say this in a video game so of course it's tolerable" excuse.

You're not original. About a handful of accounts in this thread has already said that.


I do believe people can get better and improve, but the idea that we shouldn't strongly condemn present events on the basis that "people can eventually improve and we should assume the best of them" is ridiculous. Calling things what they are is what triggers the betterment of people / situations / anything. I could make a billion stupid analogies for this but I'll refrain. In any case, good on pewdiepie for apologizing, but it won't mean anything until he does get better. Hope he does get better, especially given his large following, but it's more than a little unfortunate that this crap keeps happening without any strong repercussions from platform holders and advertisers. I'll be accused of being on a witch hunt and being bloodthirsty by the usual suspects, but yes, someone who's job is to hold a megaphone and entertain people of all ages should face pretty strong consequences for doing what he did. I'll reiterate that if he worked on TV, he'd be fired. Maybe he'd apologize via the media, truly get better, show he became a better person, and be allowed back on the air later, but there would certainly be strong consequences. I just don't like how we now live in a world where this behavior can lead to 0 real consequences, and can even lead to benefits for people like this.


Mods need to do more work I see. They will need some time off after this shit.

yes, I watched that. He said "nigga" in a comedic context. Not even close to the same thing. I say nigga with my black friends. I guess I just have some chill friends. I'm willing to bet the most outraged people here are white.

Why are you making up shit?


Hello !
I'm French and i don't understand why people are so angry about this word, because in French we have a n-word for black people, a b-word for white people and a b-word for arabic people and sometimes people use it but there's no problem with this ?

You need to realize that this word is rooted in hatred. It's not a simple insult or a term of indearment. The hatred rooted in this word involved slavery, lynching, and all kinds of violence. Even today it continues to be used by hate groups that would like nothing more than to blame all of our social problems on minority groups.

Casual usage of racial slurs condones this and fails to acknowledge the heinous history behind such words.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
I said that in France when we use the word it's a friendly-way not a bad way, but if someone use it in a bad way, ok that's racist, but i said in french that Pewdiepie say it to nobody, so it can't be offended because he say that to a game

The "I do it and none of my (racist) friends mind, therefore it's OK" defense.

Bold strategy Cotton.


Français ici aussi.
Allez vous faire voir dans un putain de bordel de bar à putes avec vos conneries.
Si vous êtes racistes dans votre petit groupe de copains et que vous trouvez ça mignon de vous lancez des insultes raciste, c'est cool pour vous mais venez pas faire croire que vous paraissez racistes pour tous les gens en dehors de votre groupe.

WTF it is with French people not even being able to understand that it's not ok to be racist?
We can be friends dating 20 years, if you throw that shit at my face you're in the Marine LePen shitlist as far as I'm concerned.
You even think of throwing that shit casually, I'll be legit wondering when you're gonna shave your head and throw Algerians off bridges.
Do I need to say there probably won't be a next time I'm gonna hang with you jokers?
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