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343 Rescinds Job Offer to Halo Community Member Over Forum Post

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The post was just "no one at 343 deserves their job?" and they rescinded a job offer over that? It's certainly a bad thing to say, but I didn't think that would cost someone his job.

I went into this thread fully expecting that this dude wrote something on par with that sexist Google manifesto or said the N word, because something more egregious like that I could understand.

Yeah that was what I expected too.

I mean I kind of get it but still, that sucks and they could have talked to him.
I suppose it is pretty mild compared to what I would expect of internet posts from a long time.

But then again, someone stating that opinion while afterwards working at the company is bad. Shame considering the circumstances, but I can see why 343 would do this.
I wonder if that's the reason, or is there something else behind the scenes we aren't hearing about. Either way what he said was worthy of rescinding the offer.

I'm sure many of those working at Bungie posted stuff at least as shitty as that while on the internet. Fucking this guy's life over one stupid comment is waaaaaay worse than what he wrote.
Job offers get rescinded all the time for a multitude of reasons. It's not "fucking his life over" it's just life.


Junior Member
I guess it really comes down to what he actually said. That Reddit link removed the comment screen shot so I couldn't read it, unfortunately.

Still, I feel bad for the guy.

EDIT: Just saw the comment. Eh... yeah I could see how that would piss 343i off.


I kinda don't blame them. The guy posts way too much online about this stuff. Never mind the past, more like the present. I get it, this is how the world is now (people like to extrapolate on forums) and he was a community manager or whatever, so it kinda goes without saying that there was a precedent here. Anyway guy if you are reading this, maybe think twice before getting in deeper, if you do want to find a design job elsewhere..


The post was just "no one at 343 deserves their job?" and they rescinded a job offer over that? It's certainly a bad thing to say, but I didn't think that would cost someone his job.

I went into this thread fully expecting that this dude wrote something on par with that sexist Google manifesto or said the N word, because something more egregious like that I could understand.

Yeah given the current climate in the US I honestly expected said post to be a lot worse. Granted, I'm not trying to imply that what he did say wasn't bad
His post was shitty, but so was 343's reaction. So this amounts to a pile of... shit.
I mean, come on, I don't think he ever really meant that. Welcome to the internet, a lot of the stuff people say here is hyperbole. Withdrawing the job offer after the guy has made all the efforts to adapt to his new (soon to be ex) job is awful.
Couldn't they test the waters? At least give him a chance to prove he's worth it?
Maybe even ask him to apologize to his fellow co-workers, addressing that specific post? A simple company-wide e-mail would have sufficed.

This is really petty on 343's part.

How do you read reddit, what should I be looking at, can someone post the comment?



Did he state that 343 was paying for his expense or anything? Not that it would have a bearing on their decision either way, but I don't think they knew what he was doing in his personal life around their offer.

Anyway, this definitely sucks but boy did he make one interesting comment. It's one thing to criticize certain aspects of a game, but saying "no one at this company deserves their job" is pretty unreasonable. Can't say I'm surprised they rescinded the offer based on that.

It sounds like it was a contract position so the answer to that would whole heartily be a no.


So whoever made the anonymous account on r/halo and posted screenshots of old posts, well...congrats!

Reddit really is fucking poison. Whoever did this to the guy is a pathetic scumbag.

It's also kind of a seriously shitty move on 343's part as well. Unless there was something really bad in those criticisms of them (And lets face it, they have more than earned a ton of criticism from day one), then this comes off as a really petty reaction.
How do you read reddit, what should I be looking at, can someone post the comment?

Oh, it got removed a few seconds ago.

I'm not sure how mods think of linking it, but here it goes:


His post was shitty, but so was 343's reaction. So this amounts to a pile of... shit.
I mean, come on, I don't think he ever really meant that. Welcome to the internet, a lot of the stuff people say here is hyperbole. Withdrawing the job offer after the guy has made all the efforts to adapt to his new (soon to be ex) job is awful.
Couldn't they test the waters? At least give him a chance to prove he's worth it?
Maybe even ask him to apologize to his fellow co-workers, addressing that specific post? A simple company-wide e-mail would have sufficed.

This is really petty on 343's part.


That sounds like waaaaaay too much effort for a new employee. Hyperbole or not, it remains an insult. You can give him a month chance, but that costs a lot and is a lot of effort. If you apologize for a new employee that is going to work there or send out a company-wide email the employee really starts off on the wrong foot and it is probably better for the company morale to not having to deal with it.


His situation sucks, but does he know for a fact that that's what caused 343 to rescind their offer?

I feel bad for his situation, but can't help but feel that he's fishing for sympathy against 343. Of course, the response from the community is predictably vitriolic. So much for all the discussion about toxicity in gaming.


I saw a reputable GAF poster - not going to name names - that recently said this MultiLockon dude was known for making creepy personal attacks against other community forgers. If true then there's plenty more reasons for not getting the job and this dude is not talking about them.

Honestly, in this write-up he comes off as a pompous jackass that didn't need the job anyway but loooooooves Halo so much. Hey man, you act like an ass so you gotta deal with the consequences.
Nightmare fuel situation.

Ridiculous reaction to common internet hyperbole made as a fan rather than as a professional. Only people totally disconnected from standard internet discourse could believe he actually meant that. Criticism online often has a weightless, hyperbolic quality to it. You need to be able to parse that. On top of which, they really should have found that stuff before hiring him.

Petty in the extreme.
"just grow thicker skin" has never been a good argument
I'm sure many of those working at Bungie posted stuff at least as shitty as that while on the internet. Fucking this guy's life over one stupid comment is waaaaaay worse than what he wrote.

"they did it too" has never been a good argument


I guess it really comes down to what he actually said. That Reddit link removed the comment screen shot so I couldn't read it, unfortunately.

Still, I feel bad for the guy.


That would get you a job offer rescinded pretty much everywhere as far as legally possible
I found the post in question and it's from June 29th, 2017. So it's not even that long ago.

I think everyone is a bad actor in this scenario. Given that he was hired through the community, they should have done their due diligence in the beginning. At the same time, they just proved him right.

Adam Blue

Does this guy have a history of other similar posts? Something one-off like this could just be seen as an exaggeration, especially if this was his life outside of work to the point that they hire him. But if it was normal day-to-day, then yeah, that's not normal regular behavior.

Though, I couldn't find other information. Looks like the original reddit post was deleted.

EDIT: Welp, a bunch of new stuff came out. Hopefully this becomes a learning experience for him or anyone else who makes similar comments to others online.


His post was shitty, but so was 343's reaction. So this amounts to a pile of... shit.
I mean, come on, I don't think he ever really meant that. Welcome to the internet, a lot of the stuff people say here is hyperbole. Withdrawing the job offer after the guy has made all the efforts to adapt to his new (soon to be ex) job is awful.
Couldn't they test the waters? At least give him a chance to prove he's worth it?
Maybe even ask him to apologize to his fellow co-workers, addressing that specific post? A simple company-wide e-mail would have sufficed.

This is really petty on 343's part.

I understand why they wouldn't want someone who was so rude online about 343 however the dick that found this and posted it on Reddit and probably sent it to 343 as well is the true petty asshole.


Wow, the amount of people jumping on 343 is surprising (or maybe not). He made a disparaging comment about the employees currently at 343. That isn't a team player. I don't think any place would hire me if I said that, even if it's online.

Important Lesson: be aware of your digital footprint
I saw a reputable GAF poster - not going to name names - that recently said this MultiLockon dude was known for making creepy personal attacks against other community forgers. If true then there's plenty more reasons for not getting the job and this dude is not talking about them.

Honestly, in this write-up he comes off as a pompous jackass that didn't need the job anyway but loooooooves Halo so much. Hey man, you act like an ass so you gotta deal with the consequences.
Yeah I wouldn't be totally shocked if other things came up in his background check.


So, let me get this straight:

1) He gets a job offer
2) Quit his old job
3) Sells his apartment and starts moving his belongings to the new place
4) 343 retracts their job offer because of old online stuff?

My question is: Who quits his old job without having first inked the new contract?


Wow, the amount of people jumping on 343 is surprising (or maybe not). He made a disparaging comment about the employees currently at 343. That isn't a team player. I don't think any place would hire me if I said that, even if it's online.

Important Lesson: be aware of your digital footprint

Yep. If you ever plan to work for a company don't make negative/rude posts about them online in a way that can be traced back to you.

So, let me get this straight:

1) He gets a job offer
2) Quit his old job
3) Sells his apartment and starts moving his belongings to the new place
4) 343 retracts their job offer because of old online stuff?

My question is: Who quits his old job without having first inked the new contract?
He had accepted the offer and probably had everything scheduled. I assume he had to put in notice at his current job so there is a short limbo where you have the offer but nothing finalized. Not that it really matters even if he had already signed an employment contract he could have been let go regardless.


The game industry is a fickle mistress. If you plan to stay employed in it, you should probably not do what he did the way he did it. It's one thing to constructively criticize, it's something else to go on a tirade about how nobody at a company should have their job.

I hope he's able to figure everything out.
I saw a reputable GAF poster - not going to name names - that recently said this MultiLockon dude was known for making creepy personal attacks against other community forgers. If true then there's plenty more reasons for not getting the job and this dude is not talking about them.

Honestly, in this write-up he comes off as a pompous jackass that didn't need the job anyway but loooooooves Halo so much. Hey man, you act like an ass so you gotta deal with the consequences.
Really? That would give out more explanation about why he didn't get the job.
If this was something he said years ago I could see an argument for slack. But no, this guy was posting this hyperbolic crap back in June. 343 could have maybe handled this slightly better, but words have consequences, even on the internet.

Assuming this is actually the reason behind the offer getting rescinded, of course.
So it wasn't even really criticism of their games. Just him shitting on the people he wanted to work with. Seems like the last person you would want to work for you regardless of talent.


Yeah given the current climate in the US I honestly expected said post to be a lot worse. Granted, I'm not trying to imply that what he did say wasn't bad

Yeah, and to be clear I'm saying the same thing. It was unquestionably a bad thing to post, especially for a place you applied to a job to.
Absurd. This man's potential is through the roof. 343i is a special snowflake, who got their feelings hurt.

If you think this, then you very clearly haven't read any of his posts against them.

It's absurd, it's as if he was a protestor holding a sign outside a company building for years and then walks in asking for a job interview. Of course 343 has the right to decline him, and of course they would.
His post was shitty, but so was 343's reaction. So this amounts to a pile of... shit.
I mean, come on, I don't think he ever really meant that. Welcome to the internet, a lot of the stuff people say here is hyperbole. Withdrawing the job offer after the guy has made all the efforts to adapt to his new (soon to be ex) job is awful.

It's hard to tell if someone is being serious on the internet unless explicitly labeled, so jobs have no other choice but to take everything at face-value. 343 has every right to believe that this person would not be a good fit.


So someone that knew who he was alerted 343 of these old anonymous posts? That's pretty messed up.

I'm so paranoid of what I put online anymore. I applied for a job once working at a deal posting site. They asked for my screen name as part of the application. I was torn because while I don't think there was anything bad or improper in my post history I wasn't sure. I could have just said I didn't have an account but I also wanted to show that I was passionate about their product so I gave it to them. I don't think that is why they weren't interested in me but you never know.

My point is, even when you think your are anonymous you really never know what the future holds. People shouldn't say things online they wouldn't say in someone's face.


For you.
Oh no, someone said something mean about 343! Who cares about his talent and skill right?

And you guys wonder why Halo is in such a poor state. 343 only listens to positive comments and plug their ears for anything bad.

If you'd hire someone that publicly says that no one at your company deserves their job, you're a pretty terrible employer. Dude can try and go get a job where he hasn't shitted on everyone that works there preemptively.

Not the sort of people you want working in group projects, that's for sure.

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
Remember, when it comes to getting jobs, you don’t want to fail the layover test.


Neo Member
There are dimensions to his old forum post. Not only is he trashing the people he's working with, it also shows an incredible amount of short sightedness to assign responsibility to each and every employee for whatever he doesn't like. It makes him out (at the time) as some rank amateur petty asshole who doesn't understand anything about the way games are made.

The last person you want to work next to is some gamer forum troll. I dont know what the timeline is but if he made those comments while at Treyarch it's a damning look.

Edit: he made those comments in June? Lol no fuck that dude, guys a toxic child
Especially salient this close to the anniversary of Halo 3. Remember when practically everyone who plays games paid attention to Halo launches?


Unconfirmed Member
It's understandable. I think it may be more of a grey situation if the post had been made a few years ago and it was a one time thing, but that comment is pretty recent.
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