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Blade Runner 2049 |OT| Do Androids Dream of Electric Boogaloo? [Unmarked Spoilers]

lol, don't tell me it wasn't official??

I mean it did look too good to be true. Does Zimmer own the rights to the soundtracks he composes? I would be surprised. Isn't it standard practice for movie studios to own the music composed for their films?
Initially I thought that Mackenzie Davis (Mariette) was the real-life daughter of Daryl Hannah but that's not the case.
Thought they had a certain resemblance. Maybe it's her role in Black Mirror (San Junipero) with its 80's sci-fi which made me subconsciously connect them or something.

Joi overlaid on top of Mariette looks so similar to Pris it's creepy



Must be a market for everything type deal, because that article is extremely dumb.

He doesn't seem so much passionate about Blade Runner as he is about the cool things he can do inside the confines of Blade Runner. On this point, the film also falls short where It, a lesser film by a lesser filmmaker, succeeds. You can't fake passion for source material.

Get the fuck out.
Picked up the one remaining copy of the artbook they had at the local Barnes and Noble. Nice and heavy. Waiting for a good chance to sit back and dig in before breaking the shrink wrap.


semen stains the mountaintops
Must be a market for everything type deal, because that article is extremely dumb.

Get the fuck out.
Shit like this is just insulting, don't like the movie? Fine, whatever but don't say that it's not up to snuff because the director didn't really give a shit.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Don't know about you guys, but I loved Dave Bautista in this movie. Did a great job with that character and I kinda wish his part was bigger. At least he got that short. He's definitely starting to prove he has some range.
Don't know about you guys, but I loved Dave Bautista in this movie. Did a great job with that character and I kinda wish his part was bigger. At least he got that short. He's definitely starting to prove he has some range.

yeah I was like oh, its the guy from guardians. loved his look and the glasses.


It's impressive how far they must have had to reach up their own ass in order to pull that gem out.


Neo Member
I was surprised when Avon Barksdale showed up and he seemed out of place.

Haha that was so funny. I was like hey it's Julius!!! (Remember the Titans) And then he's gone. Good to see he's still getting work.

Don't know about you guys, but I loved Dave Bautista in this movie. Did a great job with that character and I kinda wish his part was bigger. At least he got that short. He's definitely starting to prove he has some range.

Yea Bautista was good. I was hoping he would have a larger role after that short, but he was great for the 10 mins he was in it. He's in kind of a tough spot though. He wants to be a character actor, but the dude is just so damn big it is kinda hard to fit him in movies that don't involve typecasting him as a fighter or whatever.

I actually went into the movie believing Gosling was human but after he survived getting smashed into the wall, I was like "Oh, well there it is".
Don't know about you guys, but I loved Dave Bautista in this movie. Did a great job with that character and I kinda wish his part was bigger. At least he got that short. He's definitely starting to prove he has some range.
It kind of struck me today how well he delivered a key thematic line.


Neo Member
hmmm I do have questions:

1) Is K aware, conscious like a human being?

2) If he is, he do need to keep his emotions in check or else he get captured by the police, right?

3) If model 8 like K are aware, isn't Joi just like a Replicant but without a body form?

Maybe those questions are stupid...

No those are great questions and basically what the movie is about!

The main question of both Bladerunners, is what makes a human? When you viewed Joi and K, did you think they were human? If yes, does it really matter that they aren't exactly like us? Like Deckard points out, does it matter if the dog is real or not? Why should we treat them differently, when they appear "real" to us anyway?

1) It appears like K is conscious. He reacts emotionally, makes his own decisions, etc.

2) They use that baseline test to ensure none of the replicants get out of hand and have mental breakdowns and possibly kill people. Basically, replicants are slaves, and have a conscious, and humans are treating them like shit. The humans just use them as tools with no thought to their humanity, and so they will revolt once their job gets too much for them. The test allows them to see this ahead of time.

3)Yes, Joi is a replicant but is purely holographic. Think about her like the famous "brain in a vat" theory. Does it matter if she has a body? I don't think so. She displays emotion and connection to K, and was shaped by her experiences with him. She may have the same base as the other Joi's, but none of the other Joi's have experienced what she has, and thus through that she is different and unique.


I do really, really want it. Is there a lot of detail like with that Gosling picture about the Baseline test or is it mostly Deakins photography and art?

It's so much more. Almost every scene from the movie has a story board, concept art, set photos, and still shots from the movie. All that with write ups on everything to how they got the rights, wrote the script, picked the actors/actresses's. This is a very well thought out book. The baseline test has 4 pages dedicated to it.

I was able to get it on Barns and Noble website using Honey. It applied some coupon for me and ended up getting it for 27$ shipped. Well worth if you're a fan or collect art books.


I liked this film enough that it's made me question my 1080p set a bit going forward. I'll live but man, a 4K bluray of this sucker with an upgraded atmos home theater would be damn nice.


Watched it again last night. Even better than the first time.

Re: She Had Green Eyes - Sean Young's eyes are brown a.f. irl and were brown in the first (and second) movie. So I wasn't sure what the point of the "she had green eyes" comment was. Then I remembered that there was a classic continuity error in the first BR where the image of "her" eye on the VK test monitor was green, not brown. So there could be several ways of reading Deckard's comment. Was he just being obstinate? Did he truly remember her as having green eyes? If so, was that actually his memory? If nothing else it was a cute way to retcon some meaning into what was otherwise just one continuity error among many on the first film.

Re: You Thought it was You - It was actually Joi who first suggests that K is "the one", not K himself. Several times repeating "I told you you were special". Telling him "everything he wants to hear", and giving him the call-to-action and setting him to believing it himself. It's also interesting that in the DNA library scene, Joi produces a perfect hologram replica of the horse sculpture despite - apparently - never having seen it. Was that just convenient movie exposition, or did she possibly have some deeper knowledge of it - being a Wallace product herself.


Watched it again last night. Even better than the first time.

Re: She Had Green Eyes - Sean Young's eyes are brown a.f. irl and were brown in the first (and second) movie. So I wasn't sure what the point of the "she had green eyes" comment was. Then I remembered that there was a classic continuity error in the first BR where the image of "her" eye on the VK test monitor was green, not brown. So there could be several ways of reading Deckard's comment. Was he just being obstinate? Did he truly remember her as having green eyes? If so, was that actually his memory? If nothing else it was a cute way to retcon some meaning into what was otherwise just one continuity error among many on the first film.

Re: You Thought it was You - It was actually Joi who first suggests that K is "the one", not K himself. Several times repeating "I told you you were special". Telling him "everything he wants to hear", and giving him the call-to-action and setting him to believing it himself. It's also interesting that in the DNA library scene, Joi produces a perfect hologram replica of the horse sculpture despite - apparently - never having seen it. Was that just convenient movie exposition, or did she possibly have some deeper knowledge of it - being a Wallace product herself.
He's described it to her at length prior to the telling of this story plus the actual hologram horse isn't shown closely enough to merit the scrutiny.

But yes, convenient movie exposition but it's not egregious at all.


was this movie uncomfortably LOUD for anybody else?

particularly the car in the water scene. it was so goddamn loud. it took me out of the movie. unfortunate, cuz it's a big scene. i looked over and my girlfriends hands were over her ears.


Subete no aware
Random observations:

1) For a police department that's dedicated to killing replicants, they have really shit security when the SAME replicant can walk in and kill two people.

2) I get why the Joi storyline existed, but it probably could have been cut and the movie would have been somewhat more efficient. Alternatively, they could have made Joi a human to reverse the Deckard/Rachel thing.

3) Which also leads to me thinking that it's weird they didn't outright answer the Deckard question. I guess why bother, but for the purposes of the sequel, it's much more of a miracle if a human can procreate with a replicant (literally more human than human) than if it's just two machines doing it. Particularly when we know machines can build other machines anyway.

4) I have no idea where the final fight took place or why it was suddenly flooding. I think this might be related to the fact that the titles that told the audience the setting were almost impossible to read because the red just bled into the frame.

5) The trailers really lied about this movie. I honestly thought they were making a shitty action film.

6) This is what they tried to do with Ghost in the Shell, basically having the Major and K/Joe go through the same arc. Blade Runner went the braver route by making K literally nothing.

7) Speaking of Ghost in the Shell, it's weird that the only Asians in this film are fake. Somehow it's a future where people read Korean and speak Japanese but no one is Asian.

8) The "tears in the rain" music cue at the end was a nice touch. I miss Vangelis.

9) In the end, I liked the movie, but I still think I like the original more. It really doesn't feel like anything that's necessarily "new".
LA in dystopian future has a giant ass sea wall that the waves slop up against and the car crashed there on the wrong side of it I guess, although water also came through slots to fall into a big drain on the other side.

I agree with the LAPD securiy. For a potential civilization ending disaster they sure didn't seem to throw any resources at saving the situation.
Just his desk boss back at the office? Who isn't even senior enough to protect him for more than 48 hours? Did she keep the baby thing secret from her superiors? Why? If not, why wasn't he given a partner or a whole damn task force?

Plot issues aside the mood of the city and world is incredibly well realized albeit super depressing, and if they weren't hemmed into making this sequel, there could be some amazing sci fi taking place there. Like imagine Snow Crash done in that world.
was this movie uncomfortably LOUD for anybody else?

particularly the car in the water scene. it was so goddamn loud. it took me out of the movie. unfortunate, cuz it's a big scene. i looked over and my girlfriends hands were over her ears.

Movie theaters seem to have completely fucked up their sound recently. There have been a few threads about theaters being way too loud—for me they’ve either been too loud or like they removed most of the speakers. My ears nearly bled watching Dunkirk and then IT felt like it was straining to reach past the front of the theater. Blade Runner was mostly OK but a little weak and dialogue was very occasionally muddled in louder scenes. Three different theaters.


Subete no aware
LA in dystopian future has a giant ass sea wall that the waves slop up against and the car crashed there on the wrong side of it I guess, although water also came through slots to fall into a big drain on the other side.
So were they on top of that wall, or at the bottom of that wall where the water splashes down?


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
So were they on top of that wall, or at the bottom of that wall where the water splashes down?

They were headed for the offshore spaceport then had to head back to LA where they crashed at the bottom of the wall. You can see the wall established both near the start of the movie and when they're heading to San Diego, but I can understand be hard to gauge the location at night.


The wall is such a perfect location for a final fight. It sums up so much of the conflict without even directly saying much. Way, way better realized than the first film.


Neo Member
Random observations:

2) I get why the Joi storyline existed, but it probably could have been cut and the movie would have been somewhat more efficient. Alternatively, they could have made Joi a human to reverse the Deckard/Rachel thing.
It's so integral to the message of the movie though.
3) Which also leads to me thinking that it's weird they didn't outright answer the Deckard question. I guess why bother, but for the purposes of the sequel, it's much more of a miracle if a human can procreate with a replicant (literally more human than human) than if it's just two machines doing it. Particularly when we know machines can build other machines anyway.
Ehh idk I think that would have ruined both of the movies. The whole point is that replicants are at a point where they are their own species, and that it doesn't matter whether the person in question is a replicant or a human. And it is pretty remarkable that a replicant can conceive a child, either way. Actually it would be more remarkable if Deckard is a replicant because then that means Tyrell worked out how to create random sperm gene combos and such, along with the womb and ovum gene combos....woah.
4) I have no idea where the final fight took place or why it was suddenly flooding. I think this might be related to the fact that the titles that told the audience the setting was almost impossible to read because the red just bleed into the frame.

It was beside that giant seawall that was shown when K was flying to the outskirts looking for records of the kid. Luv was taking Deckard across the water, but turned back and crash landed on the beach. The wave action was pulling the car back into the water.

6) This is what they tried to do with Ghost in the Shell, basically having the Major and K/Joe go through the same arc. Blade Runner went the braver route by making K literally nothing.

Well, not exactly. GITS has Major be a human brain inside a machine, whereas K is a constructed mind. A true AI.

Someone made this already, haha, kinda perfect.
Real Human Being
Why did they want or need to take deckard off-world? I honestly thought they were just going to keep killing clones in front of Harrison ford in increasingly horrible ways until he gave up what he knew.


So were they on top of that wall, or at the bottom of that wall where the water splashes down?
K screwed up the engine on the shuttle so they didn’t have enough altitude to clear the spaceport landing platform. They decided to turn around and couldn’t clear the seawall around LA and ended up crashing at the base of it. It took me a second viewing as the smoke from the main shuttle is somewhat subtle and hard to see at night.
Why did they want or need to take deckard off-world? I honestly thought they were just going to keep killing clones in front of Harrison ford in increasingly horrible ways until he gave up what he knew.
The assumption is that Wallace had more high tech torture devices offworld. It wouldn’t be a stretch in that universe to have mind reading mahines.
The wall is such a perfect location for a final fight. It sums up so much of the conflict without even directly saying much. Way, way better realized than the first film.
The final fight in the first film is conceptually really good but in reality it’s meh. Deckard is being chased down by a superhuman in an abandoned building and he knows he’s fucked. The problem is that Scott kind of fucked up directing it and it just comes off as Deckard being a shitty shot. If it was done nowadays it would be a thousand times better shot and directed.


Watched it again last night. Even better than the first time.

Re: She Had Green Eyes - Sean Young's eyes are brown a.f. irl and were brown in the first (and second) movie. So I wasn't sure what the point of the "she had green eyes" comment was. Then I remembered that there was a classic continuity error in the first BR where the image of "her" eye on the VK test monitor was green, not brown. So there could be several ways of reading Deckard's comment. Was he just being obstinate? Did he truly remember her as having green eyes? If so, was that actually his memory? If nothing else it was a cute way to retcon some meaning into what was otherwise just one continuity error among many on the first film.

Re: You Thought it was You - It was actually Joi who first suggests that K is "the one", not K himself. Several times repeating "I told you you were special". Telling him "everything he wants to hear", and giving him the call-to-action and setting him to believing it himself. It's also interesting that in the DNA library scene, Joi produces a perfect hologram replica of the horse sculpture despite - apparently - never having seen it. Was that just convenient movie exposition, or did she possibly have some deeper knowledge of it - being a Wallace product herself.

Convenient movie exposition like absolutely everything else about her. All she does is explain what K is feeling throughout.


Why did they want or need to take deckard off-world? I honestly thought they were just going to keep killing clones in front of Harrison ford in increasingly horrible ways until he gave up what he knew.

I think the corporations have much more unchecked power while also being away from prying eyes off world. It was a nice way of expanding the mythos about the colonies without actually showing them.

Convenient movie exposition like absolutely everything else about her. All she does is explain what K is feeling throughout.

He keeps the horse on his nightstand, and the prostitute notes it on her way out, so you can assume Joi noticed it as well.


Subete no aware
Why did they want or need to take deckard off-world? I honestly thought they were just going to keep killing clones in front of Harrison ford in increasingly horrible ways until he gave up what he knew.
For some reason he has better torture tools off world? lol

They were headed for the offshore spaceport then had to head back to LA where they crashed at the bottom of the wall. You can see the wall established both near the start of the movie and when they're heading to San Diego, but I can understand be hard to gauge the location at night.
Yeah, the geography is a bit weird, particularly when K's spinner isn't flooded when it's parked a few meters away.

It's so integral to the message of the movie though.
Ehh idk I think that would have ruined both of the movies. The whole point is that replicants are at a point where they are their own species, and that it doesn't matter whether the person in question is a replicant or a human. And it is pretty remarkable that a replicant can conceive a child, either way. Actually it would be more remarkable if Deckard is a replicant because then that means Tyrell worked out how to create random sperm gene combos and such, along with the womb and ovum gene combos....woah.
I guess that's true, but to me that's also the less interesting of the two options, since it just becomes your standard "us vs them" conflict instead of something more.

I'm all for Deckard being a Replicant in the first film and just seeing this film as a separate continuity. I don't think Nexus 8s were a thing in the original (at least I remember the entire conflict being about the replicants trying to get more life from Tyrell), so it just feels like something tacked on to make this movie work. I could be mis-remembering though.

Well, not exactly. GITS has Major be a human brain inside a machine, whereas K is a constructed mind. A true AI.
I was thinking along the lines of being the "chosen one" of the new transhumanist step in evolution. Of course, I'm still assuming Deckard is human for that to work I suppose. lol
Someone made this already, haha, kinda perfect.
Real Human Being


Oh speaking of the book, I guess I appreciated the Kipple being a thing in this movie.


was this movie uncomfortably LOUD for anybody else?

particularly the car in the water scene. it was so goddamn loud. it took me out of the movie. unfortunate, cuz it's a big scene. i looked over and my girlfriends hands were over her ears.
It was loud, yeah, but I was in the really big screen, so they tend to crank that one louder than the smaller screens. I didn't have any problems with the water scene that I can remember. Otherwise, the soundtrack is SOOO good, it was worth the volume. I'll be listening to it the same way at home.

I need this on blu Ray!!
Nah, fuck that.



Seems like things are a lot less regulated on the colonies. They have mass Replicant vs Replicant war games for example. It’s just getting to the colonies is a pain as you need to be both healthy and have money.


The wall is such a perfect location for a final fight. It sums up so much of the conflict without even directly saying much. Way, way better realized than the first film.


The fight with Batty in the original is so much better, plus it actually serves the plot as it unfolds rather than just being a fight.

Seems like things are a lot less regulated on the colonies. They have mass Replicant vs Replicant war games for example. It's just getting to the colonies is a pain as you need to be both healthy and have money.

Yeah regulations like "can't walk into the LAPD and kill people".

Movie kind of feels like it was supposed to be twice as a long, like a two-parter.

"We're going home!" foreshadowing going to a scary place off world.

Oops actually no, K shot us down on the way, The End.
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