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Off-site Community Discussion (Reset, etc.) -- READ OP. Stay civil. Don't make it personal. Keep it in here.

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Haha the Andy Signore thread got locked again because "This thread has turned into meta commentary"

Also user banned for "Attacking the community"

Then the whole "Youtube is an alt right cesspool" has this Cheebo being crazy post:

"Any channel where the hosts are all white men is alt-right" LOL

"For movie reviews stick to female critics like Lindsay Ellis, but unfortunately there are alt-right Nazis like Grace Randolph"

Like Problem Solver Politics, a channel that has just two white guys dedicated to supporting a Democratic candidate?

And in the same thread....someone says "I'm not saying cancel Chris Stuckmann yet but he is suspect after showing a picture of him with black people to prove he isn't racist" lol

He is referring to this:

So just mentioning you grew up in a diverse place and had many friends of color is racist? LOL

"Can you please not do that? She's not a female. She's a woman" in response to someone asking "Why does the alt right hate Captain Marvel? Is it just because she is a female?"

So female can't be a noun....but male is a noun? idiots

LOL this thread is the gift that keeps giving. So person gets warned for simply asking someone else to be more diplomatic in tone...apparently he is being "condescending" and "sexist"

"Naw, a neutral reply would have been along the lines of "You shouldn't do that. 'A female' is a derogatory remark; you should say woman." Explaining it would be continuing to give the reason why, such as the alt-right context. It's clear you have a frustration about it, but tell me, if a six year old who doesn't know any better came to you and said female instead of woman, do you think your response would be appropriate?

I'm not saying you were being mean, but it was definitely passive aggressive, which is definitely not something that goes in hand with educating someone. Furthermore, you're continuing to be aggressive with me, by saying my perspective is skewed; you're completely disregarding that anyone could interpret it differently when a few people have said exactly that already. "

"User Warned: Inappropriate Tone Policing, Condescending Sexism "

Then Alice, who probably is the one who reported the poster, says this:

"I'd rather you not overstep your bounds to police my "tone". Thanks. I could put a name to what you're doing right now, it ends with "splaining". "

LOL Mike Stolkasa is shocked that Supergirl reached a season 6 and that Black Lightning is an odd title, it's not racist you dumbfucks.
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What ever happened to the "Jordan Peterson the intellectual we deserve" thread?

Did it get locked?

Hilarious how conflicted they were and divided - but now they are full on calling him a Nazi

EDIT: Thread still up but people aren't talking much in it because they want him to be irrelevant. They have been deluding themselves into thinking Peterson "is not a thing" or "will never become a thing" or "is done" since over a year ago. Nope, sorry he still has 2.1 million subscribers and videos that reach 200k to nearly a million views despite being over an hour long. Yes, he's a thing and his book still sells. Only reason he isn't on the news as much these days is that he isn't as controversial as he was last year and it seems most normal people have embraced him - so the far left MSM realized it was a losing battle to try to smear him on their shows.

I find it amusing how ERA members first thing to say about Jordan Peterson is that he is not intelligent. They to the same to Ben Shapiro claiming he only talks fast to look smart but isn't smart. It just shows how insecure they are that the first thing that comes to their mind is to insult their IQ. They obviously know they are both smart and are in denial of it.

They also delude themselves into thinking only beta white males like him. I have met plenty of women who think he's a very reasonable and intelligent man who seems to lean center politically. Usually young women from France, Switzerland, Sandinavia, and even...gasp....CANADA!!

Women in countries with the most equality of opportunity like Switzerland know very well the huge biological differences between men and women - and therefore to them Jordan Peterson just talks common sense. They also hold more traditional views on gender issues - for example many of them think women don't belong in male dominated occupations like the military.
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What ever happened to the "Jordan Peterson the intellectual we deserve" thread?

Did it get locked?

Hilarious how conflicted they were and divided - but now they are full on calling him a Nazi

EDIT: Thread still up but people aren't talking much in it because they want him to be irrelevant. They have been deluding themselves into thinking Peterson "is not a thing" or "will never become a thing" or "is done" since over a year ago. Nope, sorry he still has 2.1 million subscribers and videos that reach 200k to nearly a million views despite being over an hour long. Yes, he's a thing and his book still sells. Only reason he isn't on the news as much these days is that he isn't as controversial as he was last year and it seems most normal people have embraced him - so the far left MSM realized it was a losing battle to try to smear him on their shows.

I find it amusing how ERA members first thing to say about Jordan Peterson is that he is not intelligent. They to the same to Ben Shapiro claiming he only talks fast to look smart but isn't smart. It just shows how insecure they are that the first thing that comes to their mind is to insult their IQ. They obviously know they are both smart and are in denial of it.

They also delude themselves into thinking only beta white males like him. I have met plenty of women who think he's a very reasonable and intelligent man who seems to lean center politically. Usually young women from France, Switzerland, Sandinavia, and even...gasp....CANADA!!

Women in countries with the most equality of opportunity like Switzerland know very well the huge biological differences between men and women - and therefore to them Jordan Peterson just talks common sense. They also hold more traditional views on gender issues - for example many of them think women don't belong in male dominated occupations like the military.
Yeah.. but they are WHITE women, so... do they count?


Yeah.. but they are WHITE women, so... do they count?
If their name is Brie Larson

Cheebo is like head of SJW gestapo

Usually I just laugh at these ERA members....but Cheebo is legit annoying AF and I feel that most of ERA don't like him/her. It's like he/she is just some attention seeking loser that the members are too afraid to call out.

I'd love to see what Cheebo is like in person. And "mansplain" him/her. Judging by Cheebo's posts....he/she only knows about the news on a surface level - like for popculture and movies only looking at rottentomatoes and IMDB. "Oh look at that 91% for TLJ!"

and then "Many other women accused Andy Signore of sexual assault too!"....no you idiot many women accused him of creepy flirting....only one person accused him of assault, ya dummy.
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Overwatch is still not diverse enough. The problem? The newest character is a fucking white male.


Does anyone care about gameplay anymore? Since when did "diversity" become the focus of Overwatch?

After 3 fucking years, people are still only talking about the cast of character's skin color. Holy shit.

Maybe, just maybe, we see the problem with multiculturalism again. It's never enough. Even if you added every color under the sun, someone will still bitch and claim they're being left out.

Here's some advice for you game industry:
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Overwatch is still not diverse enough. The problem? The newest character is a fucking white male.


Does anyone care about gameplay anymore? Since when did "diversity" become the focus of Overwatch?

After 3 fucking years, people are still only talking about the cast of character's skin color. Holy shit.

Maybe, just maybe, we see the problem with multiculturalism again. It's never enough. Even if you added every color under the sun, someone will still bitch and claim they're being left out.

Here's some advice for you game industry:
Most of those people do not play games anymore. They sit on youtube and twitter watching approved personalities telling them what to think


another #metoomisfire and the topic

and REE ignore it. still think he's a "creep" anyway, and ony gets about 10 replies.


another #metoomisfire and the topic

and REE ignore it. still think he's a "creep" anyway, and ony gets about 10 replies.
If people did reply it would be on the front page. They can't have that, as news of this nature would debunk every ideal they have ever spread and indoctrinated others to think. In simpler words, since it isn't outrage news it's not important.


Jelly Belly

This is a forum that want to ban discussion.
They think if you ban discussion, ban persons and ban certain sites it will make the problems dissapear. Funny thing is the more they ban away the more toxic the forum seems to get.
Everything that doesnt follow their logic is racist or homophobic.
I am racist and homophobic in their eyes, probably sexist too. Yet if you ask my social surroundings I can bet a million euros people tell you the exact opposit.
People there are so disconnected from the real world that lost any sense of it as well.


Cant find the post anymore but yesterday there was a thread and there was a guy/girl who said he/she couldn’t get into to street fighter because TOO MANY CARACTERS DONT WEAR SHOES!!! They were grossed out by feet.
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Then the whole "Youtube is an alt right cesspool" has this Cheebo being crazy post:

"Any channel where the hosts are all white men is alt-right" LOL

"For movie reviews stick to female critics like Lindsay Ellis, but unfortunately there are alt-right Nazis like Grace Randolph"

Like Problem Solver Politics, a channel that has just two white guys dedicated to supporting a Democratic candidate?

And in the same thread....someone says "I'm not saying cancel Chris Stuckmann yet but he is suspect after showing a picture of him with black people to prove he isn't racist" lol

He is referring to this:

So just mentioning you grew up in a diverse place and had many friends of color is racist? LOL

"Can you please not do that? She's not a female. She's a woman" in response to someone asking "Why does the alt right hate Captain Marvel? Is it just because she is a female?"

So female can't be a noun....but male is a noun? idiots

LOL this thread is the gift that keeps giving. So person gets warned for simply asking someone else to be more diplomatic in tone...apparently he is being "condescending" and "sexist"

"Naw, a neutral reply would have been along the lines of "You shouldn't do that. 'A female' is a derogatory remark; you should say woman." Explaining it would be continuing to give the reason why, such as the alt-right context. It's clear you have a frustration about it, but tell me, if a six year old who doesn't know any better came to you and said female instead of woman, do you think your response would be appropriate?

I'm not saying you were being mean, but it was definitely passive aggressive, which is definitely not something that goes in hand with educating someone. Furthermore, you're continuing to be aggressive with me, by saying my perspective is skewed; you're completely disregarding that anyone could interpret it differently when a few people have said exactly that already. "

"User Warned: Inappropriate Tone Policing, Condescending Sexism "

Then Alice, who probably is the one who reported the poster, says this:

"I'd rather you not overstep your bounds to police my "tone". Thanks. I could put a name to what you're doing right now, it ends with "splaining". "

LOL Mike Stolkasa is shocked that Supergirl reached a season 6 and that Black Lightning is an odd title, it's not racist you dumbfucks.



And this thread sums up ERA pretty good:

A reply from that thread:


It's a pretty sad state of affairs when engagement with a community you are part of gives you anxiety due to it being so negative. Perhaps the saddest thing is that this poster could be still having that nice experience on GAF, but has probably been brainwashed into believing that we're all Nazis or alt-right or something.


imagine making friends with your enemies and being hated for it to such an extent that no community will have you

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Xaero Gravity

This is a forum that want to ban discussion.
They think if you ban discussion, ban persons and ban certain sites it will make the problems dissapear. Funny thing is the more they ban away the more toxic the forum seems to get.
Everything that doesnt follow their logic is racist or homophobic.
I am racist and homophobic in their eyes, probably sexist too. Yet if you ask my social surroundings I can bet a million euros people tell you the exact opposit.
People there are so disconnected from the real world that lost any sense of it as well.


Cant find the post anymore but yesterday there was a thread and there was a guy/girl who said he/she couldn’t get into to street fighter because TOO MANY CARACTERS DONT WEAR SHOES!!! They were grossed out by feet.
Feet are gross, man. If I ever become Prime Minister, I'm making socks mandatory 24/7.
Oh my God....this is from the Quentin Tarantino feet thread. I'm dying

thecouncil said:
I watched this movie last night and when this scene came on, I closed my eyes. I refuse to disrespect someone's wishes like that.

There was a scene of Margot Robbie's feet too which caught me by surprise and made me physically ill knowing that Tarantino likely thought about threatening her career if she didn't allow it.

Is her feet black but she is hispanic?

I think we need to set up a mass funeral for these N censoring feet triggering load of white brown stains from their fathers matress.

Can't say white as they are oppressed. 😐😐🤣🤣💩💩


It's a pretty sad state of affairs when engagement with a community you are part of gives you anxiety due to it being so negative.

It's such a weird environment. People only reply to each other to-

1) Share lame, trigger-safe humour
2) Congratulate each other on ridiculous, batshit-insane right-think
3) ARGUE over EVERYTHING until keyboards run blood red, threads are inevitably locked, and suspected wrong-thinkers are duly 'assessed'

Naturally, 3 tends to vastly outnumber 1 and 2 in volume when it comes to quoted posts. I'd become increasingly tired of it and decided it was high time to leave when they used a colour chart to decide whether a piece of clearly well-intended, non-malicious fan art was racist or not (this really happened, I'm not kidding). The significant post count I've invested there has quite simply been a huge waste of time.

Davey Cakes

It's a pretty sad state of affairs when engagement with a community you are part of gives you anxiety due to it being so negative. Perhaps the saddest thing is that this poster could be still having that nice experience on GAF, but has probably been brainwashed into believing that we're all Nazis or alt-right or something.
That's why it's important to keep an open mind and not "cancel" everything all the time and forever. Revisiting NeoGAF is an eye-opener. Yes, the opinions/viewpoints are more varied. Some sensitive types might even find some of the folks around here abrasive just for the fact that they don't share the exact same ideologies.

At the end of the day, it's a discussion forum and the whole point is for representation of all different sides of a discussion, even if it means letting some of the more provocative members through the cracks. Staying in an echo chamber is only destructive to developing nuanced views and perceptions.

Besides, anyone who doesn't like politics can stay out of the Politics Community. At least GAF is brave enough to separate that section out for those that actually want to engage with it. Some good ol' casual gaming and general discussions have their place as well and it's fine as long as you can accept a dissenting opinion every now and then.

Things are civil around here because everyone knows what this place is about and is fine with it. The more you can accept, the more you can relax.
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That's why it's important to keep an open mind and not "cancel" everything all the time and forever. Revisiting NeoGAF is an eye-opener. Yes, the opinions/viewpoints are more varied. Some sensitive types might even find some of the folks around here abrasive just for the fact that they don't share the exact same ideologies.

At the end of the day, it's a discussion forum and the whole point is for representation of all different sides of a discussion, even if it means letting some of the more provocative members through the cracks. Staying in an echo chamber is only destructive to developing nuanced views and perceptions.

Besides, anyone who doesn't like politics can stay out of the Politics Community. At least GAF is brave enough to separate that section out for those that actually want to engage with it. Some good ol' casual gaming and general discussions have their place as well and it's fine as long as you can accept a dissenting opinion every now and then.

Things are civil around here because everyone knows what this place is about and is fine with it. The more you can accept, the more you can relax.

That's the thing, most people seem to be level headed around here and we can accept all different povs. Yeah, there can be massive disagreement on politics, but I'm willing to bet most of the people here would not let politics interfere with having a beer with you and chatting things up. I know I wouldn't, as that's really freaking stupid to let something like that get in the way. If you're a nice/cool person, you're a nice/cool person.

Discussion boards should be about agreeing/disagreeing. What good is a board if you can't do those things. Agreeing/disagreeing can make for some really good conversations and it's also how the real world works.


That's the thing, most people seem to be level headed around here and we can accept all different povs. Yeah, there can be massive disagreement on politics, but I'm willing to bet most of the people here would not let politics interfere with having a beer with you and chatting things up. I know I wouldn't, as that's really freaking stupid to let something like that get in the way. If you're a nice/cool person, you're a nice/cool person.

Discussion boards should be about agreeing/disagreeing. What good is a board if you can't do those things. Agreeing/disagreeing can make for some really good conversations and it's also how the real world works.
I will now begin to disagree with everything you say, regardless of your validity.



The spin(luck) continues. "They didn't believe her becuse she was black" but NDT is also black so...




Locked once again as they hide the uncomfortable truth.

But damn if it didn't drop some delusional gold in it's short life!

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Locked once again as they hide the uncomfortable truth.

But damn if it didn't drop some delusional gold in it's short life!


its sort of the moment where the penny is starting to drop for many users.......you cant stop judgement day
they still have plenty of discord servers to lurk in if it be hitsquads/antifa appreciation club or loli porn

Here is a special segment i call..What would Reee do?
If i am a white male that has multiple personality disorder and one of them is a transexual black lesbian named Tina who likes to use purple coloured fruit and vegetables as love toys .....but the other is a trump loving redneck named Jim that likes to have sex with letterboxes....what does ree revert to in the outrage scale?



There's a new forum made by tarderans that are unhappy with the ridiculous moderation there. It is called metacouncil https://metacouncil.com/forums/rules/1/

Maybe it is also taking a bit of steam out of REEE.


Here is a special segment i call..What would Reee do?
If i am a white male that has multiple personality disorder and one of them is a transexual black lesbian named Tina who likes to use purple coloured fruit and vegetables as love toys .....but the other is a trump loving redneck named Jim that likes to have sex with letterboxes....what does ree revert to in the outrage scale?


If it does not fit into the pre-defined good guy, bad guy or victim box then they ignore it.
If it does not fit into the pre-defined good guy, bad guy or victim box then they ignore it.
so What if my other personality did things to my body the other personality didn’t like and they wanted to Speak out #metoo

Remember we can’t define a person by their looks or physical attributes...only what’s on the inside and mental health is also not an excuse anymore

I have another reeee conundrum I’m putting together but I think it’s a fun topic





But I still have to watch 900 movies first.



Remember, it's the Conservatives who are called "anti-science". Yet the SJW left have all this time to fuck around and do nothing.

Maybe Conservatives are the real heroes for fighting climate change. Without our tax dollars, thousands of people would starve. Society would stop running if we let SJW's dictate our infrastructure.
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This thread of childless adult babies upset there are kids at the family theme park is peak Era clueless privileged hyper consumer
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