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Let's discuss coffee


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
It's been too long since we've had a coffee thread. Let's discuss:

Taste (hell, let's get into tasting notes like this is a wine or whiskey thread)
Cream or sugar?
How expensive the stuff can be
Its uncanny ability to bring you back to life when you feel dead


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I've been drinking a lot of coffee lately. Actually, for the last couple of years. The last two jobs I've had have had unlimited coffee for employees, and I have taken them up on it. I haven't had a coffee maker at home in years and years, but recently thought it might be nice to wake up to coffee in the morning. I bought a coffee maker and the two cheapest bags of coffee at Safeway.

The first one I opened was a Safeway brand Lintong Ratu Batak.
Damn is it good. It tastes like it has fresh dried chilies in it, it's sweet, fruity, and has just a hair of picance to it. The flavor was so strong I actually looked to see if it had ingredients besides coffee beans. The bag says no, and I wasn't able to find any evidence to the contrary online. I'm surprised that a $6, ¾lb bag of preground coffee tastes this good.
I fucking love coffee. Drink it black, 4-5 cups a day. I buy instant for the home and we have a fancy ass Starbucks machine in the office. I'm no snob as long as its caffeinated.

Kinda like shrooms, I don't care how bad it tastes if it makes me feel good. Cold, instant coffee still gets chugged down before letting a drop go to waste.


Tastes like crap
Smells like crap

I think maybe you're buying shitty coffee lol. I fucking love the way a fresh bag of coffee beans smells, almost the best part of it all for me. I'm always trying to make my coffee taste as good as the bag smells, I can never quite get there.

I use a pour-over method with paper filters and a gooseneck kettle. I buy higher quality light roast beans, and fuck it tastes great when the beans are fresh and you prepare it properly.

I drink it black, with a tiny bit of sugar because I'm weak. Stopped adding milk years ago because it wasn't offered at work with the free coffee I used to drink.
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I drink about 6 cups of coffee a day. I mostly drink instant cofee, Nescaffe.

One of my favorite instants!


We've been getting this at home lately:

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Lil’ Gobbie
Use a Jura Micro Ena 1 for my daily espresso

Extremely convenient, easy to clean, and a compact design. Fresh cup at press of a button, Love it.

Before that I used a Nespresso which gives you a great espresso for the price IMO but the capsules are too expensive in the states, is an ecological disaster, and the machines are designed to corrode over time.

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At work I will make a cafetiere of decent coffee for myself and a couple of colleagues first thing in the morning with whatever we've brought in (generally Cafe Direct level stuff which is cheap and tasty) and I'll supplement that with the free coffee work provides which is Nescafe Azera Americano, which I can drink all day tbh.

Homewise at the weekends I use an Aeropress and generally grind the beans myself or use preground if I've got company.

95% of the time I have coffee black, but once in a blue moon I'll have a latte

Never drink Coffee past 6 PM as a rule
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Oh yeah, that's the one. American style of brewing coffee isn't really popular in Europe. A lot of people I know mostly drink instant coffee or they brew their own turkish coffee at home.

I have had a couple cheap electric coffee brew machines in my life and they get really gross and are difficult to clean in my opinion. Instant isn't as bad as people act like it is and it gets the job done which is all I care about. Add in one of these:


and it is so quick and easy!


I think maybe you're buying shitty coffee lol. I fucking love the way a fresh bag of coffee beans smells, almost the best part of it all for me. I'm always trying to make my coffee taste as good as the bag smells, I can never quite get there.

I use a pour-over method with paper filters and a gooseneck kettle. I buy higher quality light roast beans, and fuck it tastes great when the beans are fresh and you prepare it properly.

I drink it black, with a tiny bit of sugar because I'm weak. Stopped adding milk years ago because it wasn't offered at work with the free coffee I used to drink.
The better quality the coffee the more it tastes like coffee!

And the earth is flat :messenger_beaming:

what is the sun, how big is it and how far away is it?

prove it.

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As for Coffee, I have a brewer, an espresso machine at home and also a French press.

I'm a total coffee junkie and I drink it every day. No sugar, only black. And from a lot of different countries.

I only drink the instant coffee at work because it's easy but it doesn't come close to an espresso. It's like coffee tofu.


I love coffee, drink it every day. I have this setup in my office;


Grind whole beans and straight into ninja, the thermos setting fills the cup perfectly.

In the summer I'll switch to cold brew which I'll steep myself at home.


I have one of these, not sure what they are called in English


Use it for my go-to morning coffee.
At work I have a nespresso machine with non original capsules because those are overpriced as hell.


Been noticing a bigger intolerance to coffee lately. I have a cup in the morning and ONE one when I get to work but anymore makes me feel irritable and a bit shitty.

Preferred option is a cafetiere as it's fairly easy and ground is nicer than instant.

Also, condensed milk a la Vietnamese is :messenger_smiling_hearts:
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I drink it black, no sugar. If I want to drink for the taste I'll have a monster.
Black is the only way to go (sometimes I put in a glob of butter). Coffee and water are the only things I drink.
My wife puts enough sweetener in hers to make the spoon stand on end.


Gold Member
I use to use Kitu (https://drinksupercoffee.com/collections/kitu-super-creamer) creamer in mine. Now its typically black. I worked with a guy who quit his job as a Sys Admin to build his coffee brand. He sells it to my work: https://www.rebootroasting.com/ He's in Whole Foods now. I use to buy it for myself, but I'm drinking the Dunkin Donuts. I liked the pumkin flavored coffee over at Trader Joe's. The coffee was a bit pricey. When he worked with me we got a discount, but now I just get it free from work. The Kitu creamer was expensive. Buy it in the 6 pack if you get it. The Hazelnut and Pumkin flavors are the best.


I guess I drink at least 2 cups a day, sometimes up to 4 or 6. And yeah, I used to do more fancy coffees or espresso but for years I’ve been doing Nescafé instant with sweet cream creamer. It’s funny, when I make a cup for a friend they’re always like this coffee is awesome. Now and then I’ll have Starbucks or a k-cup coffee it honestly isn’t as good as Nescafé to me lol.
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Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I get mine from a monastery, Abbey Roast. Their Brazilian is amazing. For store brands I think "365 Everyday Value Organic Pacific Rim" at Whole Foods is best and decent value, but if you want to nab something at just any grocery store, Peet's coffee is generally pretty good and the less common Boyd's is better but more expensive.

I use a french press and brew it really strong then mix it 1:1 with whole milk, usually 3 a day. I'm tempted to get an american press to see how it compares to a moka pot (which is best, but a pain in the ass) but $80 is kinda steep for an experiement.

Hari Seldon

I have been drinking a lot of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe off of Amazon lately. It is my new jam for fairly inexpensive coffee. Every once in a while I'll splurge for some Kona but the good shit and not the blend is just so damn expensive.


Gold Member
Best part of the morning and sometimes evening. Straight black. Bolder the better. The only acceptable additive it whiskey
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