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The Last of Us Part II Review Embargo lifts June 12th, 12:01 AM Pacific Standard Time (NO SPOILERS PLS)


Imagine if people really think that Reviews are useless an noone cares. Just imagine if you really think a Game getting 10s across the board will not be marketed accordingly because Neogaf decided that every Journalist is a SWJ warrior. Just imagine.

Just for you. Normal people see the 10s and 9s all over the place and see that it's a well reviewd probably amazing game.


Same footage we've seen from the trailers and other gameplay demos besides whatever interviews they have.
Back when UC3 came out, people complained because ND showed nearly everything before hand in gameplay & trailers. I mean practically every set piece and location bar 1 or 2 from the game was shown officially before it even came out. So for TLOU, UC4 & this they've taken the approach to show as little as possible. That's why the "Inside" videos nearly only show old footage and we shouldn't be surprised we're only getting 8mins of new content during a whole 20min dedicated show.

"Go in blind" is pretty much ND's mantra, at this point.

Yeah, I remember back in the day after UC3 release many people ware like "why the hell did I even played this game for??". That's why I'm not a fan of games that too heavily rely on scripts ever since, because once seen there's nothing new that you will get to experience when personally playing the game, the "WOW effect" is already gone. They can of course hide/don't show the scripted sequences, but what would be the selling point then? People need to see the gameplay to decide whether they like the game or not. Well, as you mentioned, you can always hope people will go in blindly, but I personally learned to respect my money over the past decade, I can go in blindly into a demo/open beta, but not into a 60$ game which I have almost zero clue about.

Same rule kind of applies to games that are heavily story-driven, because once spoiled it kills the entire purpose of playing the game by your own, like back in the day before Heavy Rain was released the ending leaked and it completely killed all the thrill of experiencing the game for whoever got to read who the origami killer is. Or recent Death Stranding for example, they couldn't properly market the game, what the world/story is about without spoiling it too much, hence many people just couldn't get into it based on the released materials.

Best bet is to promote the gameplay, but the games need to be build primarily with it as a main focus, so you can show whatever bits of the game you want and people will go "damn, I wanna play this game!".

That being said, I don't expect Sony/ND to show the same gameplay bits for the 3rd and more times, they have still 2 dev diaries to release and the upcoming State of Play episode, there is no way we won't see anything new.

As for the reviews, it will easily get 9-10, it's build on the same formula and universe as the fist game after all, with new gameplay additions, so why shouldn't it? The leaked plot twist won't have much impact on the scores, some people who will go in blindly will be disappointed, but other than that, I don't really expect different outcome than the first game got. There will also be one or two reviewers who will try to get as many click/views as possible but giving it 6 or something, as usuall.

The Shepard

The MP will probably be it's own separate game.
It's all up in the air and it sucks. My fear is that they cancel it and gives us the finger. Ideally it would be free for those that purchased TLOU2 on PS5, or at least throw in a discount for TLOU2 owners if the expansion size and scope merits $$.

Hopefully the state of play clarifys it on Wednesday. The multiplayer was pretty damn good and there's alot of people still playing it, there's alot they can do with it. Horde mode would be my number one thing to add to it, like gears 4.
And so it begins, just give me. I won't ask nicely anymore


I’m more interested to hear about the gameplay to cut-scene ratio, because that’s ultimately going to decide whether or bother at all. Hopefully the first impressions can talk about it.

Trying to play TLOU a second time was like pulling teeth. Every few minutes a cut scene, forced walking segment, or linear corridor to walk through. The unknown narrative makes it variable the first time around, but the wheels really do come off and then some when you try to play it as a pure video game the second time around. I’m hoping ND have addressed this issue and made a video game first, long-ass-movie-that-badly needed-an-editor second.


The main screen looks nice. It kind of reminds me of silent hill 2 intro. It is going to be a long wait for me. I usually do not care for what reviewers think of the game i always look for descriptions of the gameplay and for emotions that the game made the reviewer feel while they were playing, production values, acting, ost, animation. I do not care for their political views and skip all that, i read reviews on my native language and international outlets To get a feel of the game by different people.

It is really funny how people that have said in the past that they are not going to buy the gane and have no interest always come back to every thread related to this game to re state the same reasons why they are not going to buy it.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Objectively, why shouldn't we expect the game to score highly?

Based on released footage the game looks visually stunning, the animation in particular is head and shoulders better than its contemporaries.

ND has earned a rep for technical excellence over the years, so it'd be surprising if TLOU2 wasn't top-of-class in that regard.

Whether you think its important or not. ND also have a rep for having the best written, acted, and directed cinematics in the AAA space; again publicly shown and leaked footage backs up that TLOU2 is of the same standard as its predecessor.

Gameplay seems to be an iterative improvement on that found in the original title, the main difference being improved traversal (jump, prone position, etc.) thanks to a changed player character.

Most people seemed to really like the way the original TLOU played, so it seems probable to me that the major issue is going to be how viscerally violent everything is this time around.

This is the key thing.

From the disembowellings, hammer arm-breaks, shivs to the necks etc. we've seen in the trailers, this is an uncommonly brutal and graphic title. And that's going to be controversial, far more so than any identitarian hogwash the SJW and Anti-SJW contingent can drum up.

What's more. Everything Druckmann and co have said in the lead up stresses that the violence in the game is intended to be upsetting. NPC's react to their buddies being killed, their dogs dying. The tone of the story seems extremely bleak and nihilistic, its being promoted as real "heart of darkness" type of deal. Its not gleeful gore for its own sake, this seems intended seriously.

Point being, the game is pretty much certain to be divisive. The violence is going to trigger the hell out of the more sensitive souls in the review community, and that's going to get in the way of them appreciating anything else the game has to offer.

Bottom line I can see the game being praised universally for its technical and artistic merits, but plenty of people on both sides of the political aisle are going to fucking hate the game.


Dreams in Digital
It will be praised into oblivion anyway even if it sucks...

Reviews have become such a joke these days
90+ for sure, nobody wants to piss off sjw or feminists.

Whilst I think it's fair to assume things like this, I would advise against taking that view into reading reviews and taking advice from Gaffers. I realise it's going to be difficult to differentiate from those who are pro SJWs, those who would die before admitting something is off and those who literally see the inclusion of any other 'gender' as SJW. It's going to be the hardest game we've ever had to evaluate without actually spoiling it for ourselves. All I personally can do with any certainty is watch the gameplay and judge it that way.

I'll be buying this regardless and then making a judgement. You'll know if the story is messed up because of politics if I start ranting and using capitals ... LOL
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Dreams in Digital
Objectively, why shouldn't we expect the game to score highly?

Based on released footage the game looks visually stunning, the animation in particular is head and shoulders better than its contemporaries.

ND has earned a rep for technical excellence over the years, so it'd be surprising if TLOU2 wasn't top-of-class in that regard.

Whether you think its important or not. ND also have a rep for having the best written, acted, and directed cinematics in the AAA space; again publicly shown and leaked footage backs up that TLOU2 is of the same standard as its predecessor.

Gameplay seems to be an iterative improvement on that found in the original title, the main difference being improved traversal (jump, prone position, etc.) thanks to a changed player character.

Most people seemed to really like the way the original TLOU played, so it seems probable to me that the major issue is going to be how viscerally violent everything is this time around.

This is the key thing.

From the disembowellings, hammer arm-breaks, shivs to the necks etc. we've seen in the trailers, this is an uncommonly brutal and graphic title. And that's going to be controversial, far more so than any identitarian hogwash the SJW and Anti-SJW contingent can drum up.

What's more. Everything Druckmann and co have said in the lead up stresses that the violence in the game is intended to be upsetting. NPC's react to their buddies being killed, their dogs dying. The tone of the story seems extremely bleak and nihilistic, its being promoted as real "heart of darkness" type of deal. Its not gleeful gore for its own sake, this seems intended seriously.

Point being, the game is pretty much certain to be divisive. The violence is going to trigger the hell out of the more sensitive souls in the review community, and that's going to get in the way of them appreciating anything else the game has to offer.

Bottom line I can see the game being praised universally for its technical and artistic merits, but plenty of people on both sides of the political aisle are going to fucking hate the game.

!00% this.


If the game really is good people already shitting on the game will defend to the end of the earth that it's still shit anyway and the reviews are corrupt because Sony, Exclusive, SJW etc.

Have never played the game but somehow know everything about it! SMH
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It will be praised into oblivion anyway even if it sucks...

Reviews have become such a joke these days
This reads to me like: "All the work we did pushing the anti-sjw angle, that buff women in games are bad, that they're pushing these lesbians on us, didn't you see the leak, the story sucks. Naughty is imploding on itself, the giant is falling, it's what you get when you have crunch in your games, that's why many devs and designers have left, I hate Druckmann I hate his guts, hell at this point I'll take Denis Dyack to be lead of ND, Did I say I hate Druckmann? He is evil and responsible for the mess that is TLOU2 and ND at this present moment".

That was rhetoric and noise, now the real part comes, reviews of the real game, not reviews of a leak out of context. Some people are already uneasy, that the persons tasked with reviewing the 30-40 hour game will actually love it as they did the first and who knows, maybe love this one even more than the first. Seems to me, that the anti-ND campaign to crush TLOU2's reception has the FUD campaigners a bit uneasy, they're fearful, perhaps even doubtful that their fling campaign was actually successful and got through to the reviewers...…I guess judgment day is on the 12th of June, where the greatness or awfulness of LOU 2 will be revealed. One thing's for sure, the people saying or anticipating that TLOU 2 will be awful have been very vocal, even moreso after the leak, the people who will actually play the game to give a proper verdict are still in tow, they've said nothing yet, which makes sense, because you cant judge what you have not played. I guess we will see who tells the real tale on LOU 2 come June.


Gold Member
Well, this should be interesting. It'll make for a lot of internet drama, I'm sure.

I'm already signed off on the game, based on what I've heard about themes and plot. I'll be curious to see how the reviews fall, though, simply because it's such an important game for Sony and ND. I'd expect something in the area of 9/10 as an average, with a pretty wide spread.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
10s and 9s across the board. Not quite the highest metacritic score of the gen (Zelda and Rockstar have some kind of deal cut with the media or some shit) but easily the most praised, discussed, and debated game of the gen. It will ooze quality like nothing else. Also the consensus GOTY and the overall GOTG.

If you think cyberpunk is fucking with this game think again lol
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Journalism is biased towards two elements

- different for the sake of different, subverting expectations as substitute for actual writing, with the purpose of dismantling an older better series, or just piss on the original audience
- liberalism

Your headcanon is that it's only liberal politics but doesn't have to have both, as long as it ruins the original it can be anything, even complete nonsense, they will love it.
This has a twist that fits both and is blatantly written to please both, it can't receive anything but praise.
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has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Easiest 90+ metacritic score in gaming history. I will be genuinely shocked if it doesn't get 10s across the board from mainstream reviewers. They are nothing more than hype merchants for this type of game. Look at them, starting it already.

"I have the game you guys! I HAVE IT!! READ MY REVIEWYOUGUYYYYSSS!!!!"

Sure, there are absolute clowns on YouTube who are equally guaranteed to drum up negativity. I'll be shocked if they don't do their thing. They are nothing more than drama merchants. But that doesn't make the mainstream media any less of a joke.

Is there someone, anyone, with a even hint of integrity who will analyse a piece of work with a professionally critical eye & evaluate it in an honest way. I used to enjoy Edge, but even they're slipping these days.

Maybe the game is fantastic, as good as part 1. That would actually be great, for me, because I Ioved part 1 so much. But there's no chance I'm looking to either review scores or YouTubers for an honest analysis. There's really nowhere to go these days outside of your own personal opinion & that's pretty sad.
In my experience, reviews tend to align with my own thoughts

The few times where I thought reviews got it wrong were for Ryse, The Order 1886 and Days Gone. They weren't perfect games but they were good

hemo memo

Gold Member
It will be praised into oblivion anyway even if it sucks...

Reviews have become such a joke these days

It is so predictable. Mostly 10s then few 9s then a 7 from one of the usual suspects then probably 8.5 from a major website.

Then of course GAF is gonna lash out on that 7 so hard.


10s and 9s across the board. Not quite the highest metacritic score of the gen (Zelda and Rockstar have some kind of deal cut with the media or some shit) but easily the most praised, discussed, and debated game of the gen. It will ooze quality like nothing else. Also the consensus GOTY and the overall GOTG.

If you think cyberpunk is fucking with this game think again lol
Why don’t u think cyberpunk has a chance? It does seem more ambitious after all?
But if god of war beat red dead 2, I’m sure part 2 can beat cyberpunk. Even considering they beat GTA V.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Woa what a great discussion... fuck off with fanboy war shit

Me? You go into Sony threads with this fanboy war sh**.

From another thread.
II_JumPeR_I said:
Its a matter of taste, thats the fact and not one of the current playstation exclusives interests me. They all share the same 3rd person over the shoulder gameplay, they all share the same serious/depressing storytelling style, etc...
Doesnt get that boring after so many years?

You're here to troll.
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it will be an interesting time for reviews if they give the game a good review the internet is going to explode on them.... on the other hand if they give it a crap review I can see Sony not playing nice about it.

oh well cant wait to see what happens, it will be a fun time to watch from the side lines
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