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The Wii U Speculation Thread V: The Final Frontier

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I think if Vegeta were to check the Wii U's power-levels then he'd say that they were...."OVER the Xbox 360 and PS3's, considerably, placing them in a comfortable spot when the next consoles launch."


Death Prophet
Could you explain? If PS3, why not Wii U?

The first Destiny game will initially only be available on Microsoft's Xbox 360 consoles, as well as its potential successor, which the contract refers to as the "Xbox 720." Later games would be made for Xbox consoles as well as Sony Corp.'s expected successor to the PlayStation 3, and on personal computers.

It wouldn't be on PS3.


A few things I've been thinking about in regards to what will ship with the console:

1) It pretty much has to come with a Sensor Bar. There's no way they would make that a separate purchase, it would be confusing for a lot of people.

2) With a Sensor Bar in the box, it should also have something that can use that Sensor Bar.

3) Looking at the patents so far, the only things that use the Sensor Bar are the Wiimote and one of the two versions of the Zapper. The DRC uses its magnetometer instead of an IR camera to keep its bearings (again, according to the patents so far).

4) Based on all of that, I think the box will have either a Wiimote, that IR-based Zapper, or both included.

I think they'll include a Wii Remote in the box. Mostly b/c, if you want to play multiplayer and you need a classic controller but don't previously own one, the cost of entry is $50. Will they really expect consumers to buy a Wii Remote and a Classic Controller?

Now, if they release a stand alone Bluetooth WaveBird 2, then who cares.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Could you explain? If PS3, why not Wii U?

The first one seems to be exclusive to both/either the 360 or 720. I guess there could be hope for the next three (if they actually come out) because the contract seems to have those currently slated for 720, PS4, and PC. Contracts can always be renegotiated, right...
maybe retro can fill the blandly designed single-player campaign void that will surely be left by this heinous decision.

Since we are currently bashing Retro let me say : Fuck those rocket barrel levels in DKCR.

I'm nearly done with the game and I hope there are no more : X


But who will fill the good FPS combat void, since Retro clearly isn't all that adapt at it?*

*occasional clever boss fight aside

see i don't know what happens here.

i thought both halo and metroid prime had boring first-person stuff. metroid prime's was less boring because there were puzzles and stuff, but it was still overall boring.

halo's multiplayer is its saving grace, and apparently the only thing people really care about anyway.

thank god valve is there to give me what i want that one time eight years ago.


So does anyone here think that a year of NO INFO was a smart move by Nintendo? Or a dumb one?


I think.. the whole year of silence was stupid. Not necessarily from Nintendo.
But keeping a gag order on 3rd parties especially if its a multi-plat or a port. You can show/talk about the game without specifically showing the Wii U version.
Instead you get developers dancing around if the game is coming to the Wii U all the time, and it just doesn't really build the best image of your system.
Meh@Bungiesion "new" game. Being exclusive to MS really sucks. Not to mention its another sci-fi shooter. Hope they aren't stuck making sequel after sequel :/


So does anyone here think that a year of NO INFO was a smart move by Nintendo? Or a dumb one?
Tough time to answer such a question.

I'll state this in B.S. units (kinda like "how many 360s?"): I think Nintendo was 10-20% too secretive this time around. They could've given us a little bit more and still had plenty leftover for E3.

But I might answer that question differently once the event is over, in either direction, honestly. Just depends on how things go. Their secrecy may be vindicated, or we may be pissed as all hell..
Since we are currently bashing Retro let me say : Fuck those rocket barrel levels in DKCR.

I'm nearly done with the game and I hope there are no more : X

lmao, oh man, do I keep my mouth shut? But yeah, I've been playing through it slowly w/ my gf and those levels are damn near game ruining.

<sings> "Two at a time. Losing lives w/ Diddy. Two at a time."


Death Prophet
High Voltage.

lmao, oh man, do I keep my mouth shut? But yeah, I've been playing through it slowly w/ my gf and those levels are damn near game ruining.

<sings> "Two at a time. Losing lives w/ Diddy. Two at a time."

I really like them for variety and design.

I'm torn as to whether you should be allowed to take 1 hit or it be how it is.

It's frustrating as fuck but I'd miss them if they weren't there in a possible sequel.

Maybe have less of those levels but I'm glad they were in.

I feel exactly the same about Retro's minecart levels.


A few things I've been thinking about in regards to what will ship with the console:

1) It pretty much has to come with a Sensor Bar. There's no way they would make that a separate purchase, it would be confusing for a lot of people.

2) With a Sensor Bar in the box, it should also have something that can use that Sensor Bar.

3) Looking at the patents so far, the only things that use the Sensor Bar are the Wiimote and one of the two versions of the Zapper. The DRC uses its magnetometer instead of an IR camera to keep its bearings (again, according to the patents so far).

4) Based on all of that, I think the box will have either a Wiimote, that IR-based Zapper, or both included.

Off-Topic: Can we chill on all the IdeaMan complaining/defending for a bit so we don't end up closing this thread out before GamePlayWhore gets the new one ready?

DRC has a sensor bar built in. It wouldn't be particularly comfortable to use for BC but Wii U games can be designed with that in mind - that they have no sensor bar at the TV. For example, they won't need it if the IR function is not used, or they can use it as we've seen in that demo video (golf).

Still, I hope a Wiimote+ is included in the box.
lmao, oh man, do I keep my mouth shut? But yeah, I've been playing through it slowly w/ my gf and those levels are damn near game ruining.

<sings> "Two at a time. Losing lives w/ Diddy. Two at a time."

Even worse yet is I end up losing at least two lives at checkpoints because I'm so mad that I miss the jump into the barrel lol.
halo's multiplayer is its saving grace, and apparently the only thing people really care about anyway.

People care about the campaigns, we talk about them in the HaloGAF threads all the time. It's just that the multiplayer component is what brings people back day after day, month after month, year after year(although the sandbox nature of Halo's combat design makes it more replayable then most FPS' single player options). That's really where the longevity of the series is, so it's what gets the most discussion. Helps that 343 has been very silent on the campaign section and keeping it in secret, so most discussion is the multiplayer direction.
I think they'll include a Wii Remote in the box. Mostly b/c, if you want to play multiplayer and you need a classic controller but don't previously own one, the cost of entry is $50. Will they really expect consumers to buy a Wii Remote and a Classic Controller?

Now, if they release a stand alone Bluetooth WaveBird 2, then who cares.

I think there'll be a wii remote+ in the box but Nintendo will cheap out and not include a nunchuk
75%? You really think so?

Hmm. I've never really pondered that question.

The fastest moving threads on GAF are the "Nintendo is doomed" threads with, by far, the most absolute idiotic posts.

Sure, 75% is an estimation on my part, but on some days, it really feels this way!


I think they'll include a Wii Remote in the box. Mostly b/c, if you want to play multiplayer and you need a classic controller but don't previously own one, the cost of entry is $50. Will they really expect consumers to buy a Wii Remote and a Classic Controller?
They could put an extension connector in the DRC. So you could at least connect a Classic Controller to the DRC. Of course, the second player would be linked to the first player by a wire, but that's not a very big issue most of the time.

That being said, I sure hope they include a Wiimote in the box (there's a sensor bar inside the DRC, by the way... and I hope that the golf game they displayed with the DRC on the floor will be available soon or late).

I'm far from convinced we'll get a nunchuck in the box, though.

A shame but that will be the view of 80% of the PS360 'core gamers'.

For Nintendo to get the core in any significant numbers they should have made a standard game pad, which would have let them use more of the consoles power on the games and also let them spend that $50 on more powerful hardware or a lower launch player.

I can't wait for Wii U but if Nintendo actually think they are going to get the core market with a tablet pad and few third party launch games then they are in for a nasty shock.
75% dont hate Nintendo, in fact, Nintendo likely has the largest fan base here. It's just that to super hard core nintendo fanboys, any criticism is seen as hate.

If Nintendo announced the use of friend codes on the WiiU and someone made a thread about it. To these guys 90% of the thread would be "Nintendo haters".
I'm a huge Nintendo fanboy and I would shit a chicken at friend codes....


aka Cabbie
You do have a sweet-ass avatar though.

Unfortunately you don't. Wha happn' to JohnsonGAF? :p

So we're just going full random now, are we?

Getting ready for Community. It's the sole perk.

People care about the campaigns, we talk about them in the HaloGAF threads all the time. It's just that the multiplayer component is what brings people back day after day, month after month, year after year(although the sandbox nature of Halo's combat design makes it more replayable then most FPS' single player options). That's really where the longevity of the series is, so it's what gets the most discussion. Helps that 343 has been very silent on the campaign section and keeping it in secret, so most discussion is the multiplayer direction.

Dis. Halo is a solid game.

Not to mention HaloGAF raised me
Anyone else pretty confident that Wii U will require Motion + for the games with motion controls? I think it was hinted at with those internal NOE documents that stated 2 Wii Upads and 4 wiimote+ were compatible, but everyone was more excited about the 2 DRC thing.

It makes a ton of sense - first, it's simply more accurate. Second, it allows Nintendo to still make money selling controller peripherals without alienating the millions of current wii owners. It's not too bad to say your wiimotes work just need a 15$ add on rather than require a new 60$ controller. I also expect one to be bundled in, perhaps without the nunchuck.

of course, regular wiimotes will work for Wii BC.

EDIT: wow this thread moves fast - I see others already have similar ideas.


But who will fill the good FPS combat void, since Retro clearly isn't all that adapt at it?*

*occasional clever boss fight aside

The bigger question is if someone fills that void... will they design the game for pointer or tablet controls? A lot of companies seem to prefer one more than the other. We might get lucky with some devs offering both control options in a game though.
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