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Lollipop Chainsaw |OT| Nothing makes you forget about a bad E3 like a lollipop!

The 1up review by Bob Mackey is almost as absurd as this game. It's bizarre that someone could so wildly misread something so tongue-in-cheek as pure shock value, but I guess that's what you get when you've conditioned yourself to be offended by everything.


I'll try asking again since I didn't get any reply last time I asked:

I'm thinking of getting Lollipop Chainsaw, and I can get it new off Amazon UK for about half the price of what it'd cost here in Norway. But the Amazon UK version only comes with two costumes, while buying locally would net me all bonus costumes. Will the bonus costumes be put up on PSN for sale so that I can eventually just get them later, and if I import the UK version of the game, it should still be compatible with DLC/costumes bought off the non-UK EU store, right?

Hello there fellow Norwegian, I'm actually also considering getting a UK copy.
Do you know which costumes that comes with the UK edition?


Hello there fellow Norwegian, I'm actually also considering getting a UK copy.
Do you know which costumes that comes with the UK edition?

Would be nice to know indeed. Local versions over here (GER) only come with one of the preorder costumes (the Ash one which is one of those I defo want anyways ... would not mind to have the Goth one and Katy Perry lookalike either though).


Would be nice to know indeed. Local versions over here (GER) only come with one of the preorder costumes (the Ash one which is one of those I defo want anyways ... would not mind to have the Goth one and Katy Perry lookalike either though).

Well, you'll be pleased to know that they are exactly the two costumes that come with the UK edition (from Amazon).

The 1up review by Bob Mackey is almost as absurd as this game. It's bizarre that someone could so wildly misread something so tongue-in-cheek as pure shock value, but I guess that's what you get when you've conditioned yourself to be offended by everything.

I don't find it absurd at all. Clearly I like the game but I don't think it handles its own satire particularly well. However, what I do find annoying about that review is this,

1up said:
Let's tackle one thing immediately: Lollipop Chainsaw is not a game you want to play in front of your girlfriend. Or any woman. Or anyone who's ever enjoyed the presence of womankind.

Automatically assuming your entire reader base is composed only of straight guys is just as marginalizing as the rest of the industry. It's a horrible way to start off a denouncement of sexism.
Help! I'm fighting Josey and I'm in the first 'stage.' I've got his health down to like 10% and nothing I do damages him anymore. There's a gun icon above him but when I shoot him nothing happens. Is this a glitch or am I supposed to do something else?

Edit: never mind I got past it somehow
I don't find it absurd at all. Clearly I like the game but I don't think it handles its own satire particularly well. However, what I do find annoying about that review is this,

Automatically assuming your entire reader base is composed only of straight guys is just as marginalizing as the rest of the industry. It's a horrible way to start off a denouncement of sexism.
It also assumes that your wife/girlfriend is a humorless prude. I guess my wife is really cool or something since she tolerates games like this and Saints Row the Third extremely well. In fact she thinks LC is funny and she says she likes watching me play it. Glad I'm not in some horrible Crecente/Mackey relationship where I have to hide what I play.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
The 1up review by Bob Mackey is almost as absurd as this game. It's bizarre that someone could so wildly misread something so tongue-in-cheek as pure shock value, but I guess that's what you get when you've conditioned yourself to be offended by everything.

The Polygon and Gamespot reviews also seemed to play up the "OMG this is so immature you guys" angle more than they should have.

Frankly, I just want to know if the game is good, not how you feel about marginalizing women. Save that for your blog I won't read.


Frankly, I just want to know if the game is good, not how you feel about marginalizing women. Save that for your blog I won't read.

You took the words right out of my mouth.....What happened to objective game reviews where you just tell me how the game looks and plays? Why does every review have to show how the game complies or fails to comply with the reviewers personal moral code? As far as I'm concerned reviewers who constantly write like that aren't even doing their job, their job isn't to soapbox it's to review the damn game.


Well, mentioning that it is immature and uses absurd amounts of sexually-charged humour is worth saying, and whether or not it's successful at that is also worth evaluating... but determining who the audience is for it might be a bridge too far.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Well, mentioning that it is immature and uses absurd amounts of sexually-charged humour is worth saying, and whether or not it's successful at that is also worth evaluating... but determining who the audience is for it might be a bridge too far.

I think Arthur Gies' review for Polygon, where he spent the entirety of the final paragraph ranting about how crass the game is, took it too far, though. A mention of "yeah, the game went a bit overboard with the potty-mouthed dialog" or "the game panders to the 12-year-old audience a bit too frequently" would be appropriate, but when you waste your conclusion on complaining that the game is crass and ignore the actual qualities of the product altogether... well, that invalidates the review, as far as I'm concerned. Because then, I don't know if the 6.5 is telling me the game's content is mediocre, or if you're trying to appease your plain-jane girlfriend by decrying a game that's actually good just so you look like a progressive man who will fight for great justice. What I do know it's telling me is that I won't be reading any more of your reviews.
The game being crass is an actual quality of the product. Particularly one that negatively affected his enjoyment of the game. I don't see how that's not worth writing about in a review.


They're called fact sheets. A review, by definition, is a subjective opinion.

Ok, so all reviews have to be soapboxing the reviewers personal morals and standards now instead of focusing on the gameplay. Gotcha. It's little wonder I don't read them anymore. When every game personally offends someone (and let's face it these days they do) reviews are totally and utterly useless.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
The game being crass is an actual quality of the product. Particularly one that negatively affected his enjoyment of the game. I don't see how that's not worth writing about in a review.

I'm not saying you can't discuss it to some extent or that you can't let it affect the review score at all, but when he spends literally half the review complaining about how insensitive the game is, my bullshit detector goes off. At that point, it becomes more about the reviewer's hypersensitivity than the product. There are more important things to talk in a review, easily, and it felt like he was just getting the mechanics out of the way so he could go on his tirade. It was like "Yeah, there's a combo system and there are some cool songs but WAIT A MINUTE, ITS TIME FOR SOME PLATITUDES UP IN THIS BITC... I MEAN HIZZOUZE."

And this sentence is classic language that indicates "yep, this guy's getting on his soapbox":

But there's a very rough thread that's also tightly woven into Lollipop Chainsaw, evident right away and impossible to ignore.

It's a descent into uselessness from there.
I think Arthur Gies' review for Polygon, where he spent the entirety of the final paragraph ranting about how crass the game is, took it too far, though...

Say no more. Arthur Gies has been on some kind of morality lecture tour for some time now. His reviews and opinions have more to do with his personal philosophies and reactions to current events and the culture he sees games projecting than on the games themselves and whether they're fun or not.


Automatically assuming your entire reader base is composed only of straight guys is just as marginalizing as the rest of the industry. It's a horrible way to start off a denouncement of sexism.

My 28 year old new mother of a wife liked what she saw and she normally dislikes watching sexualized stuff. We both thought the writing was pretty funny/good, better than the game itself most of the time.


Say no more. Arthur Gies has been on some kind of morality lecture tour for some time now. His reviews and opinions have more to do with his personal philosophies and reactions to current events and the culture he sees games projecting than on the games themselves and whether they're fun or not.

And as such you can't even tell if his reviews will be a good guide for you unless you share his moral compass. If you don't there's little point reading them, you're likely to come away with a completely different impression than he did which will result in you missing out on some quality games should you take his advice.


I'm enjoying this and it is one of the ugliest damn games I have ever played. Is the PS3 version supposed to inferior or is it just a busted ass looking game? Also, Is it not possible to change outfits while playing?

So far, Not enjoying this as much as Grasshoppers other games this gen. Yamaoka is absolutely killing it with the soundtrack!
I'm enjoying this and it is one of the ugliest damn games I have ever played. Is the PS3 version supposed to inferior or is it just a busted ass looking game? Also, Is it not possible to change outfits while playing?

So far, Not enjoying this as much as Grasshoppers other games this gen. Yamaoka is absolutely killing it with the soundtrack!
You have to go to Juliets house between stages to change outfits.
Finally got the game today, played through the first two stages. I like it a lot so far but I can see how it isn't for everyone. It feels like Buffy the Vampire Slayer + a Troma movie + No More Heroes with a Tales from the Crypt comic book style presentation to the menus and UI. Those are all things I really, really like so it works out well for me. I also dig the music. I <3 Joan Jett. And I think it's great when, in the middle of the metal soundtrack of the second stage, you activate the power up mode and Hey Mickey starts playing.

The jokes sometimes fall flat, and other times I find them pretty funny, so it's a bit of a mixed bag there. I see what they're doing with Juliet, trying to make her super girly but also a badass zombie hunter, but the way they communicate the girliness with super stereotypical lines like "I love shopping!" and "Does this make me look fat?" kind of stuff just feels lazy and makes her feel less like a character, but she also has personality and plenty of good lines to make up for those kinda cringe-worthy moments.


The jokes sometimes fall flat, and other times I find them pretty funny, so it's a bit of a mixed bag there. I see what they're doing with Juliet, trying to make her super girly but also a badass zombie hunter, but the way they communicate the girliness with super stereotypical lines like "I love shopping!" and "Does this make me look fat?" kind of stuff just feels lazy and makes her feel less like a character, but she also has personality and plenty of good lines to make up for those kinda cringe-worthy moments.

I just took all of that as Juliet being an idiot. She's a more than capable zombie hunter, there's nothing wrong with being an airhead as well. We can't all have the looks and the smarts.
Finally got to play it today. I'm normally terrible at games that require fighting combos so I'm playing through on easy and it's so damn fun. I've clocked in about 5 hours now and I'm heading to the mall stage next, but I have redone the first stage like a billion times now to grind more coins to unlock costumes and moves.

Took me a while to really "get" sparkle hunting, but when I did, oh man, that farm level was madness with that field full of barrels.

Which brings me to a question: What the the maximum number of zombies you can slay at once? My max so far, I think, is 5, but I typically only get 3 or 4. Perhaps I just don't have the requisite combos yet to really rack 'em up? (Or I do and just suck ass at pulling them off)
I just took all of that as Juliet being an idiot. She's a more than capable zombie hunter, there's nothing wrong with being an airhead as well. We can't all have the looks and the smarts.
Yeah, I just think you can show someone is an airhead in more clever ways without resorting to tired, cliche lines. I've heard those lines 1000 times before. Like I said, it isn't the whole game, just some lines have felt really lazy, while others have been pretty smart/funny/weird. When it comes to Grasshopper games, I'm expecting characters to say the unexpected so maybe I notice it more when they start rehashing stereotypical stuff.


Which brings me to a question: What the the maximum number of zombies you can slay at once? My max so far, I think, is 5, but I typically only get 3 or 4. Perhaps I just don't have the requisite combos yet to really rack 'em up? (Or I do and just suck ass at pulling them off)

I got 9 really early on in the
level in the section right before the boss. Haven't been able to replicate it since though


bought yesterday. Started on Hard as most games these days are too easy on normal.

What the fuck. Restarting on normal. Damage-sponge enemies and literally 0 interupt on enemy attacks when fighting = having to spam jump and ignore most attacks. No fun at all.


bought yesterday. Started on Hard as most games these days are too easy on normal.

What the fuck. Restarting on normal. Damage-sponge enemies and literally 0 interupt on enemy attacks when fighting = having to spam jump and ignore most attacks. No fun at all.

Please please PLEASE play a little bit past it. It's not as bad as you think especially once you unlock more moves, and it lengthens the game a bit too.

I'm up to the third level (well, fourth) and been playing on Hard and it progressively gets more and more awesome.


Santa May Claus
bought yesterday. Started on Hard as most games these days are too easy on normal.

What the fuck. Restarting on normal. Damage-sponge enemies and literally 0 interupt on enemy attacks when fighting = having to spam jump and ignore most attacks. No fun at all.

You started on Hard and are upset that the game is... Hard?


Please please PLEASE play a little bit past it. It's not as bad as you think especially once you unlock more moves, and it lengthens the game a bit too.

I'm up to the third level (well, fourth) and been playing on Hard and it progressively gets more and more awesome.

Safe, will do.

@guardian: shhhh.


I also believe that on Hard, many different kinds of zombies attack you so there's a little bit more variety.

On top of that, more lollipops appear for collection. A good idea for achievement/trophy whores but also something nice for the completionists.

I think playing on Hard really gets you to understand and learn the combat system (sure, it's no DMC or Bayonetta) in that you really have to try to coordinate certain moves to put certain zombies out of commission by removing their legs or drop kicking them further away from the pack.



But yeah the game is quite hard on Hard and I mean this in an old-school action / beat em up kind of way.

MC Safety

Does the game allow you to create a soundtrack with the "popular" songs in it?

I beat the game and revisited a bunch of stages, but still can't unlock all the music.


I also believe that on Hard, many different kinds of zombies attack you so there's a little bit more variety.

On top of that, more lollipops appear for collection. A good idea for achievement/trophy whores but also something nice for the completionists.

I think playing on Hard really gets you to understand and learn the combat system (sure, it's no DMC or Bayonetta) in that you really have to try to coordinate certain moves to put certain zombies out of commission by removing their legs or drop kicking them further away from the pack.



But yeah the game is quite hard on Hard and I mean this in an old-school action / beat em up kind of way.

Yeh was getting annoyed at the 26 zombie gangbang followed by breakdancing OAP zombies wrecking me straight after :D


Does the game allow you to create a soundtrack with the "popular" songs in it?

I beat the game and revisited a bunch of stages, but still can't unlock all the music.

i'm just going the stupid route here:

most of the music is unlocked while playing the game, but some songs you have to buy in the chop2shop.zom (i just had to write that out!)

in juliettes room (or stash?) you can set your own BGM list by selecting the shizzle out of them.


oh is there any reliable list of the location of ALL named zombies and lollipop wrappers? gamefaqs has one but it's still pretty incomplete.


His complaints are valid but they're remedied by playing the game on Normal and once you have the combos unlocked, then doing Hard.

yeah "hard" doesn't really work out when you start the game. now that i unlocked all combos the game got signifiantly more fluid and easier.... one would say....better.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
His complaints are valid but they're remedied by playing the game on Normal and once you have the combos unlocked, then doing Hard.

So if I'm reading this right, I can start the game on easy and play through it to unlock combos, then play it again on normal with the unlocked combos, and then do it on hard with eventual other combos I've unlocked on normal?
So if I'm reading this right, I can start the game on easy and play through it to unlock combos, then play it again on normal with the unlocked combos, and then do it on hard with eventual other combos I've unlocked on normal?

Yep. New enemies are also added on Hard and Very Hard, I believe, that are not included on easy/normal.
Am I the only one really excited about Sleigh Bells being in this game?

I guess looking at my avatar I would be haha

nope. it was the moment i decided that someone had crawled inside my brain to take note of my tastes when putting the game together.

the 1up review kills me because my wife has asked that i only play the game when she can watch because she thinks it's hilarious. way to presume all your readers are male, and that all women would hate the game.
Nope! I was pretty psyched when I realized it. Although it's definitely not my favorite Sleigh Bells track.

Suda and I are so absolutely on the same wavelength. I think it's why i love his games despite them often being a big clunky. Whether it's the TRON footstep sounds in the arcade games, or the G'NG overworld map in Shadows of the Damned, or whatever... his games are always stuffed full of things that seem like they were put in there just for me.

i have no idea how he keeps funding his games given that they never sell great... i'm happy not to know though as he keeps making them and i keep really enjoying them.


So if I'm reading this right, I can start the game on easy and play through it to unlock combos, then play it again on normal with the unlocked combos, and then do it on hard with eventual other combos I've unlocked on normal?

mostly right, but start on "normal" for more crazy coinz! but serious. normal is pretty menagable even with that standard combos and you gain more medals to buy stuff. easy is....well easy.
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