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Things you think only you do/experience.

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In case the title weren't self-sufficient: what are some things you do or experience that, as far as you know, are unique to you?

I'll start:
  • Sit on top of my left ankle. I do this, too. I also sit on my right ankle. I teach and I have to catch myself when I do it because I kind of consider it as "sitting inappropriately" when in front of my class *shrugs*
  • Tap my teeth to music.
  • Experience an intense tickling feeling after a limb falls asleep. I think this happens to quite a few people. Definitely happens to me.
  • Scream instead of sneeze. LOL.

    When I was in HS, I knew a girl that makes a sound as if she is crying....right before she sneezes. I remember she did it in front of the class, and everyone got instantly silent because they thought the was sobbing.

    It was the damndest thing. lol
  • Attempt to find a YouTube video the same length as a timer I set for the oven or microwave
  • Shit with laptop on my lap and stay on the toilet for hours. I usually take my iPod into the bathroom. More often than my laptop/tablet.
  • Gallop down stairs. I do this, too.*plop-plop, plop-plop, plop-plop....*
  • Fold toilet paper as perfectly as possible. I just ball it up

As for me, sometimes I cover my mouth and nose with the neck of my shirt whenever I'm browsing online. It may LOOK like I'm trying to shield my nose from a foul smell, but that's never the case. It's just something I do.....ALL the time, for whatever reason.

(IIRC, I posted this in the past and someone else said to engage in the same behavior)
Are there different kinds of numbness? I distinctly remember two different kinds of numbness, and they usually occur in my leg. I'm sure the reason is always related to blood circulation, but I either experience a very uncomfortable/almost painful pins-and-needles sensation or another one entirely. When I experience the second kind of numbness, I don't feel pins and needles. In fact, when it happens, I try not to move my leg at all. If I do, I feel a really weird shock jolting through my leg. But only if I move it or step on that leg. I could never explain it properly to my friends or family.
Are there different kinds of numbness? I distinctly remember two different kinds of numbness, and they usually occur in my leg. I'm sure the reason is always related to blood circulation, but I either experience a very uncomfortable/almost painful pins-and-needles sensation or another one entirely. When I experience the second kind of numbness, I don't feel pins and needles. In fact, when it happens, I try not to move my leg at all. If I do, I feel a really weird shock jolting through my leg. But only if I move it or step on that leg. I could never explain it properly to my friends or family.

THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I FEEL. It's like.. a weird kind of unbearable tickling feeling. It's deep within the limb it's happening to. Moving it is the worst thing ever.

Oh my god, thank you.


Are there different kinds of numbness? I distinctly remember two different kinds of numbness, and they usually occur in my leg. I'm sure the reason is always related to blood circulation, but I either experience a very uncomfortable/almost painful pins-and-needles sensation or another one entirely. When I experience the second kind of numbness, I don't feel pins and needles. In fact, when it happens, I try not to move my leg at all. If I do, I feel a really weird shock jolting through my leg. But only if I move it or step on that leg. I could never explain it properly to my friends or family.

THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I FEEL. It's like.. a weird kind of unbearable tickling feeling. It's deep within the limb it's happening to. Moving it is the worst thing ever.

Oh my god, thank you.
Yeah I get exactly this as well. For example lets say my legs will start to get numb. I'll stand up and more blood will start to circulate back into the leg. I can walk and everything is good. Then in about 10-15 seconds, the super intense "pins and needles" comes to my legs, and I can't move my limps at all. I wouldn't describe it as pain, but it's very uncomfortable. So I don't move at all. But even the slightest movement will bring the feeling back. After a minute at most, all is good.

Also, I'm sitting on my left leg at this very moment.


THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I FEEL. It's like.. a weird kind of unbearable tickling feeling. It's deep within the limb it's happening to. Moving it is the worst thing ever.

Oh my god, thank you.

This is just your leg falling asleep, advanced. I get it when sitting on hard ass fucking wood or marble chairs. And oh god, moving it....it's like a real torture you have to put yourself through.
Yeah I get exactly this as well. For example lets say my legs will start to get numb. I'll stand up and more blood will start to circulate back into the leg. I can walk and everything is good. Then in about 10-15 seconds, the super intense "pins and needles" comes to my legs, and I can't move my limps at all. I wouldn't describe it as pain, but it's very uncomfortable. So I don't move at all. But even the slightest movement will bring the feeling back. After a minute at most, all is good.

Also, I'm sitting on my left leg at this very moment.

Me too.

I've also realized that I get the numbness and then subsequent "pins and needles" sensation after sitting on the toilet with my laptop for too long. Probably because I'm pressing on a nerve. I once stood up from the toilet too quickly and fell into my shower since my leg was asleep, barely keeping a hold of my laptop. I need to stop doing that.
Gallop down stairs?

Like a horse?

Run up the stairs on all fours, like a dog?

Sometimes I'll do that while I'm over at a friends house and worry that I look nuts.

Also, I tend to sit in a position reminiscent of a monkey or a frog. I'm not very ladylike.
Run up the stairs on all fours, like a dog?

Sometimes I'll do that while I'm over at a friends house and worry that I look nuts.

Also, I tend to sit in a position reminiscent of a monkey or a frog. I'm not very ladylike.

Neither am I. Currently I am sitting in a very weird lotus position in my computer chair.


Rub my ears. I've done it all my life, going back to when I was a baby according to my mother. Anyone who is around me notices it and has mentioned it to me. Not sure how I developed the habit. But I like to do it. I like the feel of the cartilage, I guess. And it does relax me.


I have one.

If I'm in the passenger seat of a car, I tap my foot to the road lines as the pass below my car as if they were arrows in DDR. Makes sense since I used to play a lot of DDR. I do this almost all the time. I also will sometimes add parked cars on the side of the road to the mix as we pass them.

I basically do this exact same thing, except with my fingers or just in my head. I also play a shit ton of DJMAX.
I'm pretty superstitious.

When I watch my football team play for example, there is a hundred little minute details I must do in order to not jinx my team. So lets say Romo huts the ball, I can't stare at him or he makes a mistake. Instead I have to watch the Oline/Dline.

I also never cheer in advance/right after a play or a penalty flag will be thrown negating the play. A lot of people probably do that.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
i go to garage or estate sales and pick up old home movies on VHS. At home i proceed to random part of the movie. The point i pick depends on lots of things. Sometimes its based around an object in my room (for example, a bottle of mustard would be 16m40s. 16 min from the color of the bottle.. 80 seconds for a cone but since its not perfect i divide by two. How much i divide is depended upon how pure the shape is). When i get to that part of the home movie i then choose which part im going to be playing, dress as closely as possible to that person (no system to who i pick.. just whatever im feeling like at the time), and then act out their part for the duration.

Let me take the time to ask this. Can people hear when a tv is on in another room? I can always hear that a tv is on before I enter a room and whenever I mention this to someone else they look at me like I'm crazy. I tend to hear this really low tinselly sound. That's the only way to really describe it.

I don't think I have particularly good hearing otherwise, but being able to hear electronics is maddening. Battery chargers are especially "loud" to me.

Here's a weird one, though I don't do it all that much anymore. When I am in the grocery store, as I pass by people, I wonder what would happen if I suddenly punched them as hard as I could. How would they react? What would bystanders do? Would it kill that old woman? I also wonder what I would do if the person suddenly lashed out at me instead.

When I am driving in traffic, if I notice someone driving aggressively or being impatient, I will designate them my "nemesis" and see if I can beat them in an imaginary race by driving normally.
I don't think I have particularly good hearing otherwise, but being able to hear electronics is maddening. Battery chargers are especially "loud" to me.

Here's a weird one, though I don't do it all that much anymore. When I am in the grocery store, as I pass by people, I wonder what would happen if I suddenly punched them as hard as I could. How would they react? What would bystanders do? Would it kill that old woman? I also wonder what I would do if the person suddenly lashed out at me instead.

When I am driving in traffic, if I notice someone driving aggressively or being impatient, I will designate them my "nemesis" and see if I can beat them in an imaginary race by driving normally.

No way, I do this. I also sometimes do it so I can get a good look at the douche driving like a moron. But yeah. Imaginary races, too.


Gold Member
Shit with laptop on my lap and stay on the toilet for hours

Tall people cant do this :(. I always try, but your legs go numb
Shit with laptop on my lap and stay on the toilet for hours

Tall people cant do this :(. I always try, but your legs go numb

Mine go numb, too. Always. I've had some pretty dangerous experiences because of this, too. Someone told me I'll get hemmorhoids from doing it, though, so screw doing that anymore.
I don't think I have particularly good hearing otherwise, but being able to hear electronics is maddening. Battery chargers are especially "loud" to me.

Here's a weird one, though I don't do it all that much anymore. When I am in the grocery store, as I pass by people, I wonder what would happen if I suddenly punched them as hard as I could. How would they react? What would bystanders do? Would it kill that old woman? I also wonder what I would do if the person suddenly lashed out at me instead.

When I am driving in traffic, if I notice someone driving aggressively or being impatient, I will designate them my "nemesis" and see if I can beat them in an imaginary race by driving normally.

Nah son, the trick is that you want to inconvenience the shit out of them. In rush hour, for example, you'll want to maneuver yourself in front of them and slow down, but do it in such a way that you're keeping pace with a car so that it's somewhat in your blind spot. They then can't just change lanes, they have to slow down and change lanes.

Continue to do this to them. If you're on a long stretch of road, you'll make a nemesis quick. But that's just you doing your part to give aggressive drivers the opportunity to breath and count to 10.
Two kitchen related things...

I shake milk...every time I grab the carton, I give it a shake or two before opening it. Helpful with orange juice, pointless with milk.
My wife asked me why I do this just the other day.

I do it because I actually like bubbles on the top of my milk thought.


I like to poke/peck(?) the skin on the side of my thumb, right next to the nail. It is kinda painful, buy I really enjoy it. I use my own nails, or any other sharp objects.

Sometimes I poke so hard that it bleeds. Very rare, but it has happened.



In case the title weren't self-sufficient: what are some things you do or experience that, as far as you know, are unique to you?

I'll start:
  • Sit on top of my left ankle
  • Tap my teeth to music
  • Experience an intense tickling feeling after a limb falls asleep
  • Scream instead of sneeze
  • Attempt to find a YouTube video the same length as a timer I set for the oven or microwave
  • Shit with laptop on my lap and stay on the toilet for hours
  • Gallop down stairs
  • Fold toilet paper as perfectly as possible

I do all of these, and can hear electronics too.

I seriously don't get taking electronics with you to take a shit, how long does it take to drop a turd?

I normally bring my phone with me to browse the net with. It's not that I'll likely be in there a long time, but that I have some kind of bathroom anxiety that makes it hard to use the restroom if I'm thinking about it or can hear others in adjacent rooms. The phone gives me something to distract my mind so that I can do my business and get out.


  • Sit on top of my left ankle

I do the same, but the right ankle. And the more I think of it, the less sense it makes.

I ALWAYS down a full 33 cl glass of water, refill it and take it to my bedside before I go to bed. I never drink that refilled glass though. I guess it's good to have, just in case that my apartment should levitate off the ground and fly into a desert.

I always open the microwave before a second before it beeps. I hate beeps.


Whenever I'm nervous or uncomfortable I kind of, I'm not really sure what a good word for it would be, wriggle my fingers around
I do something like the teeth tapping thing. I unconsciously bounce my leg(s)(left, right, left, right) to the syllables in a word, phrase, sentence, whatever, and I cant stop doing it for a particular thing until the last tap is on my right leg.
I scratch my throat
I pop my toes when I'm eating something really good
I get instantly sleepy whenever a hair dryer or humidifier is running


I like to poke/peck(?) the skin on the side of my thumb, right next to the nail. It is kinda painful, buy I really enjoy it. I use my own nails, or any other sharp objects.

Sometimes I poke so hard that it bleeds. Very rare, but it has happened.

My sister and boyfriend both love doing this. The sound it makes drives me crazy. That and dude you're gonna get your fingers infected! Don't do this. :( I had to drive my sister to the ER once because her hands got all swollen from doing this.


Skip the last step when walking down steps (hop down from the second-to-last)

EDIT: when home, I insist on sitting around with a pillow on my lap/stomach.


My sister and boyfriend both love doing this. The sound it makes drives me crazy. That and dude you're gonna get your fingers infected! Don't do this. :( I had to drive my sister to the ER once because her hands got all swollen from doing this.

I really don't make any noises because I only do it to my skin and not the nail. But, yeah... I guess it could get infected, specially when I use things like paper clips and stuff.

But I have been doing it since... I don't know... 25 years ago and never got any infection!


Gold Member
Mine go numb, too. Always. I've had some pretty dangerous experiences because of this, too. Someone told me I'll get hemmorhoids from doing it, though, so screw doing that anymore.

Kevin smith talks about it on joe rogans podcast. He got hemmrhoids from doing it. It was a hilarious story, Might be on youtube


In case the title weren't self-sufficient: what are some things you do or experience that, as far as you know, are unique to you?

I'll start:
  • Sit on top of my left ankle
  • Tap my teeth to music
  • Experience an intense tickling feeling after a limb falls asleep
  • Scream instead of sneeze
  • Attempt to find a YouTube video the same length as a timer I set for the oven or microwave
  • Shit with laptop on my lap and stay on the toilet for hours
  • Gallop down stairs
  • Fold toilet paper as perfectly as possible

I sit on top of my right ankle pretty often.
I grind my teeth to music.
I experience prickling after a limb falls asleep.
I have galloped down stairs, but usually only when I'm excited or in a rush.
I roll toilet paper around my hand. Easier than folding, and doesn't fall apart as easily.


I feel sick to my stomach if I don't eat every 3 hours. Though I've trained my body to eat something significant over the years in that time span. It seriously sucks when I don't really have an appetite though, because it compounds and I often think I'm gonna puke.

When I sneeze it's always incredibly loud and powerful, and I often scare everyone or wake everyone up.
When I was a kid, during long trips I used to picture Sonic running beside the car/bus/train, jumping over obstacles and trying to catch up with me. I still do it sometimes.

Haha, I've read a lot of these kind of threads but haven't seen this one before. I did it with link using the hook shot on stuff.

In between sips of my drink I breath out of my nose onto my hand, people are able to notice it because I move my head as I do it. It's really weird, I hope it's not some kind of OCD thing.


I feel sick to my stomach if I don't eat every 3 hours. Though I've trained my body to eat something significant over the years in that time span. It seriously sucks when I don't really have an appetite though, because it compounds and I often think I'm gonna puke.

When I sneeze it's always incredibly loud and powerful, and I often scare everyone or wake everyone up.

Has this affected your weight?

Mr. Sam

I'm pretty superstitious.

When I watch my football team play for example, there is a hundred little minute details I must do in order to not jinx my team. So lets say Romo huts the ball, I can't stare at him or he makes a mistake. Instead I have to watch the Oline/Dline.

I also never cheer in advance/right after a play or a penalty flag will be thrown negating the play. A lot of people probably do that.

Whenever my team's defending, I always yell out the name of the player I think should be challenging for the ball, or the keeper's name if I think he should claim the ball. It must wind up the people around me.

I also imagine a force field around my team's goal and a magnet in the opposing team's goal. You know, 'cos I'm mental.

I've also got a very specific variation of that "man running beside the train thing" where I imagine I have a laser which cuts clean through everything beside the train, Metal Gear Rising style.
When I step on a crack on the sidewalk with one foot I try to position my other foot so that it hits the next crack symmetrically. I also do this with any walkway with different colored tiles. My feet feel different if I don't balance them out. Please tell me other people do this.


When I step on a crack on the sidewalk with one foot I try to position my other foot so that it hits the next crack symmetrically. I also do this with any walkway with different colored tiles. My feet feel different if I don't balance them out. Please tell me other people do this.

I think that is pretty common.

Another similar is... for example, if I'm walking and I accidentaly bump my left arm/shoulder with something, I have to bump the same part of my body but on the right side.


I like to poke/peck(?) the skin on the side of my thumb, right next to the nail. It is kinda painful, buy I really enjoy it. I use my own nails, or any other sharp objects.

Sometimes I poke so hard that it bleeds. Very rare, but it has happened.


I chew on those parts, right to the point where I start bleeding profusely from all the torn flesh. I know I shouldn't because people keep on saying I have beautiful hands otherwise.

I can't ever stop. :(


I like to read magazines starting at the back and flipping pages towards the front. Probably not too unique, but it's how I've always done it for some reason.


Whenever a train is passing by (subway or above ground) I yell random stuff as loud as I can to see if anyone heard what I said...most of the time no one is around...most of the time....
I often invent these cut scenes in my head of something very awkward or painful happening though it never does. I am just accident prone and I will imagine my rolling chair flying out from beneath me as I lean forward and smashing my face into the desk, or while walking down the stairs, miscalculating my stride and slipping on the edge of a step and tumbling. I imagine scenarios like this frequently.


I like to read magazines starting at the back and flipping pages towards the front. Probably not too unique, but it's how I've always done it for some reason.
I do this too I also do it on gaf threads. Read the last/latest posts and work my way back, unless I get bored then I'll skip back to the beginning.
Not sure if it counts, but I like to think my recurring day dreams is unique to me. I like to day dream about this tournament, where players fought each other to become the last man standing, and each player can morph into a set of anime/video game characters. Sorta like animorphs, but with fictional characters.

When I was younger and first started doing this, my morphs were just people like Sora and the kid from Fullmetal Alchemist, but now it's people like Sasuke and Staark. I bought music that matched a battle that could happen (I pretty much listen to bands like Breaking Benjamin and Florence exclusively to daydream to), and for about 10 years, I've been imagining that I lived that life. The Dead Fantasy YouTube videos didn't help, either.

I've thought of some weird combos, and the typical ones like Dante fighting Bayonetta, Sasuke fighting Cloud, Pein (from naruro) and his summons vs Fang and Bahumut, a crap load of 3v3's and all of that, and every person have crazy new moves. And once I see a cool new character, I just add in another person to the story, and implement the new characters in somehow.

I'm sure that other people day dream a lot, but I'm not 100% sure if my day dream is normal or not (I'm not kidding about the 10 year thing at all, either). I've never told anyone that, either. And sorry for the long post: I'm on my phone


I used to close one of my eyes for a few seconds, then open it and close the other one for a while, to test if they saw things differently. Stopped doing it completely one day when a guy thought I was winking at him.
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