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PlayStation All-Stars Island announced for iOS / Android / Coke Zero [Free / Summer]


Junior Member
PlayStation All Stars - It's Only On Everything*

(this message is sponsored by Coke Zero)

* except Vita
Of course it's advertising, but this thing can't be too hard to put on Vita, like throwing a little bone on their way.
To be fair can you imagine the reaction here if it was for Vita? Might be wise to keep it out from their dedicated handheld when it comes to image.

People who own a Vita are the last ones Sony is targetting with this.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Sony just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about system loyalty culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is on the App Store where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over with a Vita, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the Vita owners, after hearing about this, are not going to want to purchase Uncharted, LBP, Infamous, etc. for either system, nor will they purchase any of Sony's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Sony has alienated an entire market with this move.

Sony, publicly apologize and cancel PlayStation All-Stars Island or you can kiss your business goodbye.
I was waiting for this.

Was the original message serious or was it trolling too?


Curious to see how this works out

Indeed - I wonder a bit on why this was put into motion at SCE: cross platform promotion, raising brand awareness for important IP's? The whole concept has the sense of a very early trial for things to come if their plan pans out.


You think there wouldn't be a 50 page thread if Nintendo did something like this? The response here is really tame compared to the outrage that something like that would cause.

Oh I have no doubt, thats why I think its hilarious. If mario was pimping Pocari Sweat it would be silly. Its silly what Sony is doing. I can understand why they are doing it though.


At least Sony is in it for the gamers, and not to generate advertising revenue like some other game companies. Right?
Is that coke bottle seriously on screen all the time?

You see, Coke Zero™ is integral to the PlayStation® All-Stars Island™ canon.

It's the Real Coca-Cola® Taste and Zero Calories of Coca-Cola®'s Coke Zero™ that gives the characters their momentum.
I can't imagine the backlash if Microsoft tried pulling this stunt. This is a pretty poor way to lose all respect people had built up for some of Sony's most memorable franchises this gen. Oh well, they'll go out this gen the way they started, with a series of bad decisions. At least there is a new start around the corner.

Hoping against hope there aren't you, if this is the caliber of "bad news" that sony is going to have, I'm fine with that.


As a PSASBR fan this literally makes me sick.

Superbot should sue.

If they called it Playstation Island, I wouldn't have cared, I would have been curious to see if people were drawn to it and stayed to play but this feels like it's dragging the name further through the mud.
And when they've dropped support for the real game? -__-

Oh my god. OH MY GOD. Ahahahaha I just looked at the always on coke bottle again and burst out laughing again.
Hoping against hope there aren't you, if this is the caliber of "bad news" that sony is going to have, I'm fine with that.

I don't know what that part means, but it's not "bad news", it's just that while Sony should be developing for their own handheld platform they are releasing free-to-play junk food sponsored games on other platforms instead. It doesn't look good is all.


I don't know what that part means, but it's not "bad news", it's just that while Sony should be developing for their own handheld platform they are releasing free-to-play junk food sponsored games on other platforms instead. It doesn't look good is all.

Sony didn't develop this.


Sony, supporting iOS / Android as their handheld platform since 2013.

Err, for those who don't know, Sony's had mobile games way earlier than this. Ratchet & Clank had like two mobile titles, and God of War had at least one. This isn't anything new.

Still hilarious though.


Junior Member

Oh my god. OH MY GOD. Ahahahaha I just looked at the always on coke bottle again and burst out laughing again.

That's not the half of it man.

Drake parachutes down and it's a Coke Zero branded parachute then you are running and collecting Coke Zero droplets to fill your Coke Zero bottle and when it's full Ratchet and Clank come down and pick you up and totally drop you down into pools of Cole Zero then you start running again to collect more and more Coke Zero.


Now that I think about it this is actually quite an amazing marketing campaign for Sony.

Marketing for what?

As far as we know, none of those games have anything coming out for the rest of the year.

It's too late for most, and too early for the rest.
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