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Bravely Default censored for western release

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I really can't understand how people think looking at literal minors, dressed in ridiculously over-sexualised "clothing" using sexual innuendo and suggestion is in any way acceptable in video gaming today. For every game like Journey or The Last of Us, which are trying to bring the gaming medium out of the manbaby stone-age and present it as a mature, artistic genre for gameplay and storytelling, we have games like this, which still treat women (or in this case, young girls) as nothing more than dolls to dress up and objectify. Changing their age still doesn't hide the fact that what you see on the screen look like children in thongs. Just plain creepy on every level possible. I'm honestly shocked that many of you can defend this. I don't give a shit if you consider it censorship or differences in culture; it's just plain disgusting.

Since we do video games have a set of rules to follow? Just because you are extremely offended by the artstyle doesnt mean this is any less of a game than Journey or The Last of us, hell its probably closer to what i want out of a video game than either of those two.
If you dont like it, dont buy the game. As for me, i dont understand the outrage and why this thread is on the 33rd page.
Since we do video games have a set of rules to follow? Just because you are extremely offended by the artstyle doesnt mean this is any less of a game than Journey or The Last of us, hell its probably closer to what i want out of a video game than either of those two.
If you dont like it, dont buy the game. As for me, i dont understand the outrage and why this thread is on the 33rd page.

If the Bravely Default guys hadn't hired Jimmy Savile to design their characters, there wouldn't be a problem.
Oh you want to know how much deeper the rabbit hole goes down for Yoshida? Check this out straight from the Bravely Default Artbook.

:D :D :D

I don't find this bad. It is clearly not a toddler. Even if there was no other more "realistic" art, I could tell this is not a toddler. It is meant to represent a person with mature proportions and shows that in its own lumpy way. As to the imaginary number attached to the character that we call age... it's an arbitrary number. Call it 16, call it 20.

My issue with this is I don't appreciate being told that I can't handle what other markets can. Whatever age those pixels may be, I'm not a toddler and I'm certainly not going to pay Square Enix or Nintendo to treat me like one. No buy.


I really can't understand how people think looking at literal minors, dressed in ridiculously over-sexualised "clothing" using sexual innuendo and suggestion is in any way acceptable in video gaming today. For every game like Journey or The Last of Us, which are trying to bring the gaming medium out of the manbaby stone-age and present it as a mature, artistic genre for gameplay and storytelling, we have games like this, which still treat women (or in this case, young girls) as nothing more than dolls to dress up and objectify. Changing their age still doesn't hide the fact that what you see on the screen look like children in thongs. Just plain creepy on every level possible. I'm honestly shocked that many of you can defend this. I don't give a shit if you consider it censorship or differences in culture; it's just plain disgusting.

I have no idea how this game treats women because I haven't played it. I've also not seen anything that suggests it's "just plain disgusting" with it's treatment of them, but perhaps time will tell.

Chibi models in relatively skimpy clothing seems like a far reach for demeaning all womankind though. From the context of where the game was developed it seems pretty damn tame to me.


I understand the term and the study behind it.

However, I can see the differences. I don't see "baby" in that SD art. Or of Ryu's or Chun Li's or in Bravely Default's. I don't. I just see a cute, deformed version of them. I don't see children there because I grasp the connection between the original character and the deformed version.

To be quite honest, the fact people here go straight to "it looks like a child" freaks me the hell out. o_O

I guess I'm the weird one.

The two fifteen year old sexual deviants sure do.

Should I mention that Five keeps a 14 year old boy on call for sex too?

I don't really care about this art style to much, i don't like it but i can understand people liking it.

But, some have to know what they are into, and that is not a "deformed" version of some character, it's a plain and simple "child/baby" version of them.

Whoever came up with calling it a "deformed" art style imo really just lacks the balls to say that they like the childish / cute looking versions of some anime folks.

And there is nothing wrong with that, children are something beautiful (in a non sexual way !!) etc. but thats how it is. Dressing them up like that is strange, ether way :D


I like how some people are treating this game as a demeaning female dress up game now. That's the job system you guys are talking about there, and works somewhat equally for both genders.

If the Bravely Default guys hadn't hired Jimmy Savile to design their characters, there wouldn't be a problem.

Ahaha, oh man. Apparently making chibi characters makes you equivalent to a child molester now.

Also for the record, I have no problems with the altered outfits. I actually think they look better. Hopefully the script changes aren't too bad.


I My issue with this is I don't appreciate being told that I can't handle what other markets can. Whatever age those pixels may be, I'm not a toddler and I'm certainly not going to pay Square Enix or Nintendo to treat me like one. No buy.

Good. Maybe everyone else will refuse to buy this game, and they stop bringing this crud over here. Corrected art or not, it's still putting money in the pockets of guys who profit off Japan's pedo obsession.


I really can't understand how people think looking at literal minors, dressed in ridiculously over-sexualised "clothing" using sexual innuendo and suggestion is in any way acceptable in video gaming today. For every game like Journey or The Last of Us, which are trying to bring the gaming medium out of the manbaby stone-age and present it as a mature, artistic genre for gameplay and storytelling, we have games like this, which still treat women (or in this case, young girls) as nothing more than dolls to dress up and objectify. Changing their age still doesn't hide the fact that what you see on the screen look like children in thongs. Just plain creepy on every level possible. I'm honestly shocked that many of you can defend this. I don't give a shit if you consider it censorship or differences in culture; it's just plain disgusting.

QFT. As well as that excellent post, I'd add that to sell the game in the EU they probably had to make these changes, as in the UK at least loli etc is considered the same as child pornography, so 15-year old fictional video game characters in sexually objectifying clothing in a game filled with sexual innuendo as well as a pervy old man really isn't too far away in the eyes of the law. It's clearly not actual pornography per se, but the ratings agencies would definitely have a problem with it. With papers like the Daily Mail as well, it could cause a shitstorm in the press that Square Enix really don't want right now. I think the same law is in place in Germany at least as well.

And no, man-children of this thread, 15 year olds in thongs is not "artistic vision."
Yoshida is a child molester. Amazing.

lol. I love Yoshida's art so much but I can't stand here with a straight face and defend shit like this:



Good. Maybe everyone else will refuse to buy this game, and they stop bringing this crud over here. Corrected art or not, it's still putting money in the pockets of guys who profit off Japan's pedo obsession.

They profit off of it because they made a great game and not because they targeted all the pedos. Those who dont buy it because some lines and outfits were changed do themselves a disservice imo.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
I really can't understand how people think looking at literal minors, dressed in ridiculously over-sexualised "clothing" using sexual innuendo and suggestion is in any way acceptable in video gaming today.
I really can't understand how people cannot see past the genre/arstyle cliches and judge a game for, you know, its merits, that might actually set it apart from the rest..


No there is a line separating the skirt from the panties and in C both are even different colors.

Well think like this, i have seen swimsuits like that (with a line and a different color) and all other designs are swimsuits. Why would C and F not be swimsuits?


I really can't understand how people cannot see past the genre/arstyle cliches and judge a game for, you know, its merits, that might actually set it apart from the rest..

It's a problem because it panders to a mindset that is pretty far from healthy.

I have a 7 year old daughter, and I wouldn't leave her alone with anyone who would play a game featuring these characters. Straight talk.


I could see Police or something mistaking this for child porn.

Probably because if you saw any real life female with a body like that in those clothes it would actually be child porn. I don't really give a shit being a drawing but if I was playing that game I'd much prefer her to be clothed.


It's a problem because it panders to a mindset that is pretty far from healthy.

I have a 7 year old daughter, and I wouldn't leave her alone with anyone who would play a game featuring these characters. Straight talk.

Children are much more likely to be molested by a relative than a stranger.

Straight talk.


Probably because if you saw any real life female with a body like that in those clothes it would actually be child porn. I don't really give a shit being a drawing but if I was playing that game I'd much prefer her to be clothed.
Short and petite women exist. Not everyone is built like a model. Besides, it's just SD art.


Rolling Girl
Probably because if you saw any real life female with a body like that in those clothes it would actually be child porn.

I'd go with someone with dwarfism going by proportions but I'm just being reasonable here considering where looking at Super Deformed art.


Short and petite women exist. Not everyone is built like a model. Besides, it's just SD art.

5 foot is short and petite. Not 3 foot. She's not short and petite. She's been designed to look more like a little girl.

Built like an adult(or at least teen and much better looking from a character perspective):

Compared to...

She's clearly meant to be older that she looks in-game but they kiddied her up in weird ways which isn't a bad thing, until you put her in a thong and bra.


Since we do video games have a set of rules to follow? Just because you are extremely offended by the artstyle doesnt mean this is any less of a game than Journey or The Last of us, hell its probably closer to what i want out of a video game than either of those two.
If you dont like it, dont buy the game. As for me, i dont understand the outrage and why this thread is on the 33rd page.

Except we do have rules to follow, otherwise games get banned. Nintendo have already been hit with one game for their system banned from sale due to child pornography concerns. The industry as a whole does not need any more of this shit.

Also, stop trying to defend it all by proclaiming it as "just an artstyle". It's 15 year old minors, dressed in thongs, being sexually suggestive. Nintendo absolutely did the right thing by self-censoring. This just isn't acceptable in the west and quite honestly, I'm shocked when (apparently) grown men in this thread think otherwise.


They're drawings/3D models/fictional things.

This argument never made any sense to me.

You can not like it, but don't be silly.

AFAIK, even depictions of children in sexually suggestive rolls is a criminal offence, at least here in the UK. Again, please stop defending this shit. Just because an "artist" took the time to create a computer render of a child in a thong and a belt covering her breasts, it doesn't make it any less disturbing in my eyes.

I won't even mention how utterly retarded it is simply from the practical perspective of being an armor set. It's purely there to titillate the manbaby loli fans. Christ, I need a shower just thinking about it.


5 foot is short and petite. Not 3 foot. She's not short and petite. She's been designed to look more like a little girl.

Built like an adult(or at least teen and much better looking from a character perspective):

Compared to...

She's clearly meant to be older that she looks in-game but they kiddied her up in weird ways which isn't a bad thing, until you put her in a thong and bra.

Every single character in this game, I'm pretty sure, has been just as "kiddied" up. I'm pretty sure there are bound to be some old dudes in it that are "kiddied" up. The only reason to assume they're trying to make sexy kids is because people are projecting their own idea of them being kids onto the chibi characters, which in the context of the game, is probably pretty unlikely (again, I have not played the game, but I imagine their rough age should be apparent before the skimpy clothes strike).


AFAIK, even depictions of children in sexually suggestive rolls is a criminal offence, at least here in the UK. Again, please stop defending this shit. Just because an "artist" took the time to create a computer render of a child in a thong and a belt covering her breasts, it doesn't make it any less disturbing in my eyes.

I won't even mention how utterly retarded it is simply from the practical perspective of being an armor set. It's purely there to titillate the manbaby loli fans. Christ, I need a shower just thinking about it.

You are right with our laws here in the UK, but keep in mind that we have recently taken a very heavy stance on a lot of things. Many other countries do not have the same laws as us, even the likes of America.

Also, our laws include any character with "childlike characteristics", regardless of actual quoted age. That could actually be part of the reason why the outfit changes were made.

EDIT: Similarly, this.

Except we do have rules to follow, otherwise games get banned. Nintendo have already been hit with one game for their system banned from sale due to child pornography concerns. The industry as a whole does not need any more of this shit.

I consider it mostly really stupid, but I can't blame them for wanting to protect themselves against this shit.
Can't believe people are still whining about this. This has nothing to do with altering the game's original "vision", it is covering up scantily clad children. If you're pissed because a game has been altered so children are wearing less revealing clothing, you have huge issues.


Never knew that happened with DOA. Considering that you can't really blame them for covering their asses.

It happened with Fatal Frame 2 as well and both games were also published by Nintendo. If Nintendo is struggling to get families interested now can you imagine the shitstorm if they got a reputation as the child porn game publisher?


Maturity, bitches.
Also, stop trying to defend it all by proclaiming it as "just an artstyle". It's 15 year old minors, dressed in thongs, being sexually suggestive. Nintendo absolutely did the right thing by self-censoring. This just isn't acceptable in the west and quite honestly, I'm shocked when (apparently) grown men in this thread think otherwise.
People are more defending accusation like the art designers of the game being on the same level as [post=95819146]Jimmy Savile[/post], which seriously undermines the terrible things he did.

As has been pointed out in the thread, Japanese culture obviously just sees this stuff as cute which is why they don't have a problem with it. In order to make this game more suitable for Western tastes they upped the ages to 18+ so now the characters are not minors. People have thus rightfully pointed out that it's odd that they didn't just leave it at that but also felt they needed to changed some outfits (including scrapping a male one) seeing as the characters are now adults. Basically change the ages or the outfits but doing both is overkill. It doesn't help that Nintendo was infamous for small graphical edits like this back in the 90s and people felt in the year 2014 those days were behind us so obviously with games like this and FE people are afraid Nintendo (of the West) is going ultra conservative again.
I've already poured nearly 160h+ into the PAL version and nothing came off as blatantly censored so whatever. I wouldn't have known any of this shit if I hadn't found this thread.
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