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‘Go back to CA’: Couple’s car, house vandalized (Portland, OR)


Liberals are the biggest hypocrites when it comes to housing affordability. Liberal strongholds have some of the most regressive real estate development regulations and laws. This is done very intentionally.

I know the South gets a lot of flack, but at least housing is relatively affordable in many there.

Perhaps instead of allowing your politicians to give the rich constant blowjobs, they could actually spend a bit of money on infrastructure to make the shittastic south actually liveable.

Too bad not much can be done about the people...


This incident is terrible, no excuses, but I understand why people are pissed, and I live in California. People like me who have lived here our whole lives and now are trying to make it on our own, are struggling because of how insanely expensive it is here. So people leave in droves and go to places like Oregon and unfortunately make it hard for people who already live there. All this comes down to the foreign investors who bought/ buying up all the real estate here, using it as banks to stash their money and it fucks over everyone trying to live here. California really needs to be like Canada and start taxing these investors. Then, maybe young people could afford to live here and not have to leave to other states.

Yeah, this. This is all a chain reaction to foreign investors pushing out Californians. The next step will be people in Idaho getting upset over transplanted Oregonians.


The South is pretty livable. Y'all went to one Chik Fil A off of the highway and came away with "shittastic" LOL

In 20 years when all your buds have moved down there with their families we'll see how shitty it is


good credit (by proxy)
Lol the cheek of it. If I had the choice between Cali and Oregon, Cali every day of the week
Most of Cali is a shithole, as is most of Oregon. The battle is between *Portland* vs *specific California city*.

Sad thing is it could be some slightly unhinged Whole Foods type who just flipped from organic dishsoap to full lunatic based on property tax.

The anti-California sentiment is mostly in places where Californians actually want to move to, i.e. namely Portland.

This isn't really true.

We had a governor push "Visit but don't stay" as a more or less a State motto for 10 straight years through the 60s/70s.

Xtian was basically quoting it earlier in the thread.

The anti-California sentiment is a statewide thing, and has been since I've been alive and living in this state (which is my entire life)


The South is pretty livable. Y'all went to one Chik Fil A off of the highway and came away with "shittastic" LOL

In 20 years when all your buds have moved down there with their families we'll see how shitty it is



The South is pretty livable. Y'all went to one Chik Fil A off of the highway and came away with "shittastic" LOL

In 20 years when all your buds have moved down there with their families we'll see how shitty it is

No, but I think its pretty easy to educate yourself on some basic info outside of the US. You act like the coastal cities being blue has something to do with the housing price? You might want to look up major cities in the world and where they are located in respect to their country. The housing prices are expensive because they are good cities people actually want to live in or near.


good credit (by proxy)
The South is pretty livable. Y'all went to one Chik Fil A off of the highway and came away with "shittastic" LOL

In 20 years when all your buds have moved down there with their families we'll see how shitty it is

Any state in the US is "pretty liveable", especially the urban, more liberal areas. Those liberal areas are probably very liveable. Not a lot of people are trying desperately to get to Bumfuck, Alabama. Sorry to hurt your southern pride.


The South is pretty livable. Y'all went to one Chik Fil A off of the highway and came away with "shittastic" LOL

In 20 years when all your buds have moved down there with their families we'll see how shitty it is

Too hot
I'd be hella mad.

I was told a few times from local Portlanders in the late 1990s when I was there for college about how Californians were ruining it by moving in. But there were also tons of people from other states, and they didn't seem upset about us.


This isn't a sentiment shared only by Oregon either, though the California/Portland beef is well documented.

I spent a summer in California interning and brought my car from my home state of Nebraska and that alone caught me some flak from people I didn't know. Though I wasn't in San Francisco (I was in Santa Barbara) there exists a contingent of people who really don't like Midwesterners, especially those who work in tech., transplanting to the state. I never experienced anything like this guy though.
This isn't a sentiment shared only by Oregon either, though the California/Portland beef is well documented.

I spent a summer in California interning and brought my car from my home state of Nebraska and that alone caught me some flak from people I didn't know. Though I wasn't in San Francisco (I was in Santa Barbara) there exists a contingent of people who really don't like Midwesterners, especially those who work in tech., transplanting to the state. I never experienced anything like this guy though.

Wow, really? People from the Midwest tend to be the most genuinely nice people I've met, in my experience.

Also, being from Arizona/Southern California is really weird because many people in Phoenix hate Southern California, it's weird. Tucson, of course, is very close minded against almost anyone else.


Wow, really? People from the Midwest tend to be the most genuinely nice people I've met, in my experience.

Also, being from Arizona/Southern California is really weird because many people in Phoenix hate Southern California, it's weird. Tucson, of course, is very close minded against almost anyone else.

Weren't you saying earlier how much better Tucson was?


This incident is terrible, no excuses, but I understand why people are pissed, and I live in California. People like me who have lived here our whole lives and now are trying to make it on our own, are struggling because of how insanely expensive it is here. So people leave in droves and go to places like Oregon and unfortunately make it hard for people who already live there. All this comes down to the foreign investors who bought/ buying up all the real estate here, using it as banks to stash their money and it fucks over everyone trying to live here. California really needs to be like Canada and start taxing these investors. Then, maybe young people could afford to live here and not have to leave to other states.
Taxing foreign investors will cause just a one-time drop in prices. Nothing's really going to happen until and unless Prop 13 is significantly cut down or repealed and zoning is liberalized.
This isn't a sentiment shared only by Oregon either, though the California/Portland beef is well documented.

I spent a summer in California interning and brought my car from my home state of Nebraska and that alone caught me some flak from people I didn't know. Though I wasn't in San Francisco (I was in Santa Barbara) there exists a contingent of people who really don't like Midwesterners, especially those who work in tech., transplanting to the state. I never experienced anything like this guy though.
That's shitty but the "wash your car once a week" made me lol.


Trucker Sexologist
Wow, really? People from the Midwest tend to be the most genuinely nice people I've met, in my experience.

Also, being from Arizona/Southern California is really weird because many people in Phoenix hate Southern California, it's weird. Tucson, of course, is very close minded against almost anyone else.
Tucson is probably just as liberal as California.

Will F

These sentiments have been around for awhile. A couple family members volunteered to go to Oregon to canvas for in the 2008 election. The way they described it is that they were going door to door telling their story and as soon as they got to the part where said they were from California they would get a ton of animosity, which at least would largely disappear if they stressed that they were only up there because they were there temporarily, were passionate about Obama, and not planning on moving to Oregon.


Liberals are the biggest hypocrites when it comes to housing affordability. Liberal strongholds have some of the most regressive real estate development regulations and laws. This is done very intentionally.

I know the South gets a lot of flack, but at least housing is relatively affordable in many there.

Housing is affordable in the South because most of it is worse off than a lot of third world countries, especially Alabama and Mississippi. They're not places that most people in states like California or New York would ever want to move to.
Liberals are the biggest hypocrites when it comes to housing affordability. Liberal strongholds have some of the most regressive real estate development regulations and laws. This is done very intentionally.

I know the South gets a lot of flack, but at least housing is relatively affordable in many there.
What happened in the OP has been happening in Florida since the 80s.

Locals can't compete with northerners who have no problem buying real estate with straight cash.

IIRC, 2/3 of Floridians are transplants.
Wow, really? People from the Midwest tend to be the most genuinely nice people I've met, in my experience.

Also, being from Arizona/Southern California is really weird because many people in Phoenix hate Southern California, it's weird. Tucson, of course, is very close minded against almost anyone else.

Yes. I grew up in AZ. The valley not Tucson. I've been gone for 17 years but when I was there I remember people fucking hated CA people, meanwhile the valley was doing everything it could to be socal jr. what a joke.

I live in Utah now and I've never once heard anyone complain about people from CA or any state for that matter. Granted its Utah so I hear some weird shit but I haven't ran into state hate.


Uh because nobody wants to live in the shitastic South? Its like this everywhere in the world, in every damn country in existence.
Tokyo is an example where this is not the case.

There are many livable and attractive areas not dependent on ridiculous real estate pricing.


You now belong to FMT.
Had a business meeting out in Bend Oregon a couple of month ago and while I was there, I had a chance to mingle with some of the locals and I could see the difference between the CA folks and the original Oregonians. The people from california that lived in Bend, flew back and forth to San Francisco for work. That was cheaper than actually living in San Fran.
This is the same Portland where Republicans want militia as security -
Multnomah Republicans had resolved in a meeting on Monday to “utilize volunteers from the Oregon Three Percenters, Oath Keepers, and other security groups” to protect their events. It was previously reported that the party was asking for donations to combat “threats of leftist violence
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jul/01/portland-far-right-rally-republicans-militia-security Yep, sounds like a shithole alright.


I don't get this mindset of "I was born here and you weren't so you are bad." If the person is bad, or they're actively causing trouble, then that's one thing. But if they just moved in and they're not bothering you, why care about it? More people need to get hobbies than worry about stuff like this.

Wow, really? People from the Midwest tend to be the most genuinely nice people I've met, in my experience.

Also, being from Arizona/Southern California is really weird because many people in Phoenix hate Southern California, it's weird. Tucson, of course, is very close minded against almost anyone else.

I never wanted to die more in my life than the three hours I spent in Phoenix. They can have it.


Tucson is probably just as liberal as California.

Tucson is about as liberal as Orange County and San Diego, CA.

I'm from Southern California and I've spent some extended time in the Southern part of the United States due to work and I think it is really nice. I would live in Mobile, AL, Jacksonville/St. Augustine, FL area, Savannah, GA or Charleston , SC.

Most states seem to hate California. Many long time Californians seem to hate California as well...lol


I don't get this mindset of "I was born here and you weren't so you are bad." If the person is bad, or they're actively causing trouble, then that's one thing. But if they just moved in and they're not bothering you, why care about it? More people need to get hobbies than worry about stuff like this.

One issue is that Californians don't learn this state's driving rules. Here in Oregon, u-turns at traffic lights are illegal (ORS 811.365) unless 1) posted that it is okay to do a u-turn, or 2) basically in a rural area. In California, it is the opposite; it is legal to do u-turns at traffic lights unless posted not to. I've almost been in two separate traffic accidents resulting from a vehicle with California license plates that made an illegal u-turn from a left-hand turn lane. I've seen several other potential situations with vehicles turning right at an intersection and a California car doing a left-lane u-turn into the right-turning car. Situations like this just further embed the dislike for Californians who don't read up on the state's laws and regulations. In general, Californians are indeed causing trouble.

The Oregonian has a better explanation of the events. Basically, the CA guy stopped in front of his house to drop off his spouse, sat in the narrow road for longer than necessary, and the guy behind him got annoyed because CA was blocking traffic.


Page and Faraday believe they know what sparked the property destruction. On Saturday, Page, who works for Adidas, pulled up in front of the house to drop Faraday off. Northeast 59th Avenue is a narrow street, and the vehicle coming along behind them couldn't get past. The driver wasn't willing to wait 30 seconds, Page said. He barked at Page, and Page responded. The man, working his car around Page and Faraday's Prius, ended the exchange with these parting words: "Go back to f---ing California!" He had spotted the Golden State license plate on the vehicle.

900+ comments from other readers that basically confirm annoyance of the CA driver. The driver should of moved out of the way from the traffic flow, but he didn't.

One of my coworker is a CA transplant and was still driving around with CA plates on his car. One afternoon the other employees were joking about their annoyance of CA residents moving to the state (only a few of us knew he was originally from CA). He got Oregon plates on his car soon afterwards.


Trucker Sexologist
Tucson is about as liberal as Orange County and San Diego, CA.

I'm from Southern California and I've spent some extended time in the Southern part of the United States due to work and I think it is really nice. I would live in Mobile, AL, Jacksonville/St. Augustine, FL area, Savannah, GA or Charleston , SC.

Most states seem to hate California. Many long time Californians seem to hate California as well...lol
The OC hasn't voted Democrat in like 100 years.
Tokyo is an example where this is not the case.

There are many livable and attractive areas not dependent on ridiculous real estate pricing.

I was amazed when I visited Tokyo this year and looked at rent for 1 bedrooms in Shibuya. You literally live in the epicenter of one of the coolest cities in the world for less than half the price of a place in SF, LA, or NYC.
Portlanders have always hated Vancouver WA people the most because they won't help pay for a new I-5 bridge or light-rail even though they'd benefit most. It can be infuriating to see I-5 clogged with nothing but WA license plates every afternoon. Try to pass a light-rail and these contradictory folk up there say they don't want criminals coming from Portland to Vancouver. The ONLY reason to hang out in Vancouver is if you have family up there. Instead we have a light-rail that just stops at the Columbia river.

Californians are definitely resented and it's stupidly easy to start blaming them for everything regardless of if they're the real problem or not. It's just a shoot the messenger type of thing. Day to day youll see new Californian neighbors not pick up after their dog for some reason, buy up houses, wear golden state jerseys to blazers games even if the warriors aren't even playing, cut you off on the freeway, review restaurants on Yelp as authorities on everything authentic because they're from "the bay", etc.

It's easy just to blame Californians for everything going on rather than solve the problem. Fact is, people are gonna keep moving here and I'd rather it be Californians than almost any other place since it's been this way my whole life. Most my friends these days are coming from Cali. And tbh lot of people complaining are Californians complaining about other Californians! We all laugh about how stupid it all is but kinda partake in it if we drink enough lol.


Anecdotally, California drivers really are terrible here in Oregon.
For one, they think they can legitimately use bike lanes when driving a car. Does California not have bike lanes. Do they not know what they are used for? They aren't your personal turn lane.
Oregon, in particular Portland and Eugene, have really amazing roadways for bicycling. In fact they are rated one of the top in the country for it.
This concept seems completely lost on California drivers.
Anecdotally, California drivers really are terrible here in Oregon.
For one, they think they can legitimately use bike lanes when driving a car. Does California not have bike lanes. Do they not know what they are used for? They aren't your personal turn lane.
Oregon, in particular Portland and Eugene, have really amazing roadways for bicycling. In fact they are rated one of the top in the country for it.
This concept seems completely lost on California drivers.

Yeah in Cali you turn right from the bike lane. As a bike rider I'd be ok with either way but having two larger segments of drivers doing different things sucks.

Also the other week I was driving and needed to take a right and was waiting at a signal. The light goes green and I look over to my right to make sure there's no bicyclist and instead there's 3 fuckin cars coming up the bike lane to turn right and they cut me off from getting on the Hawthorne bridge!


True story: I grew up in Eugene and graduated from the UofO. I was in the dorms and around a lot of CA kids. My sentiment was always 'these fucking California drivers!' . I had a lot of CA qualities because my Dad, who was born/raised in Westwood taught me how to drive.

I then moved to Southern California 8 years ago and now when I go back my sentiment is always 'these fucking Oregon drivers!'

WORST part about Oregon drivers is that they don't enter the intersection to take a left turn. Waiting an entire light trying to take a left behind someone who doesn't go themselves... ugh.


A lot of Western states hate California, I even saw some of the hate in Arizona. Californians have a certain air about them and some local slang (especially if they come from LA) and people have an instant reaction of "otherness". It's kinda like when someone is found out to be Texan outside of Texas.
True story: I grew up in Eugene and graduated from the UofO. I was in the dorms and around a lot of CA kids. My sentiment was always 'these fucking California drivers!' . I had a lot of CA qualities because my Dad, who was born/raised in Westwood taught me how to drive.

I then moved to Southern California 8 years ago and now when I go back my sentiment is always 'these fucking Oregon drivers!'

WORST part about Oregon drivers is that they don't enter the intersection to take a left turn. Waiting an entire light trying to take a left behind someone who doesn't go themselves... ugh.

As someone who has lived in both... Oregon and California drivers are all terrible. California are too aggressive and Oregon are too passive. There is a middle ground that exists that most of the rest of the civilized world operates on.

Also your last point on the lights.. that's basically exclusive so SoCal. In any city that normally can result in a violation and ticket.


As someone who has lived in both... Oregon and California drivers are all terrible. California are too aggressive and Oregon are too passive. There is a middle ground that exists that most of the rest of the civilized world operates on.

Also your last point on the lights.. that's basically exclusive so SoCal. In any city that normally can result in a violation and ticket.

I like the way CA drives. It's aggressive but works for me. Oregon not so much but I get why and I understand the 'left turn intersection' issue (still hate it though). I was raised doing the 'creep in' and never once had an issue.

Will say that I was home last year I was home and my Dad was driving 17mph. I said 'Dad, I can literally run this fast'.


How does the Pacific Northwest feel about south Floridians? Does our inherent weirdness and propensity for shenanigans mean we're somewhat more welcome?


How does the Pacific Northwest feel about south Floridians? Does our inherent weirdness and propensity for shenanigans mean we're somewhat more welcome?
I would imagine they think you are too brown.

Either Hispanic or tanned leather.


Oregonian here, born and raised. There has been a stigma and fear about Californians moving up here for some time related to housing demand, but I was raised thinking of it as a half-hearted joke. Everyone I know loves everyone on the West Coast and it hasn't been that hard (at least for me) to find a decent place at a decent price for years.

I think the people who did this act are just stupid and wasting their time vandalizing property. Real Oregonians embrace anyone who are willing to live in this beautiful state and help make it a better and better place.
We've had them for all my 30+ years on this planet. Won't stop either. You can visit, but don't stay.

Again, we don't visitors.. but we hate people moving in jacking up prices and pricing out locals.

Californians and others are what drove the gentrification on NE and North Portland, and outsiders are behind most of the skyrocketing prices of housing in my town. Along with that they brought more traffic.

Our city wasn't set-up for it, and our lawmakers can do fuck all to stop it at this point.

I don't condone the vandalism, but still.. I don't like outsiders moving in and buying our properties.

..but come visit for sure.

Man this is so embarrassing. Your properties? I really Really hope this is satire.

I'll put myself as a California transplant living in Portland and while not as bad as this thread makes it sound, it's been an extremely uncomfortable experience.

I don't understand the tribalism not just in Portland but the northwest in general. 1 in 8 Americans are in California. Los Angeles metro area alone has 4 times the population of Oregon. If you hate California, you hate America.


I would live in Mobile, AL, Jacksonville/St. Augustine, FL area, Savannah, GA or Charleston , SC.

I agree. The south has plenty of developed cities with booming / emerging economies and very affordable real estate. The cities tend to be more diverse and liberal than the rural areas.

We get a lot of hate from people who have never been here. Some of it is justified, but some of it is based on decades old stereotypes that just don't hold true anymore. I live in a city of around 200k people. It's ethnically diverse, tends to vote blue, and has supported issues like gay marriage (we lit up a prominent pedestrian bridge with a rainbow to celebrate that). I was able to purchase a new construction 3 bed/2 bath house when I was 22 and in college due to the low cost of housing. Speaking of college, my undergraduate tuition was ~$1400/semester. Plenty of jobs in healthcare, the trades, manufacturing, and clean energy.

Sure, it's not a paradise. I lived elsewhere for several years and preferred that location, but overall I'm happy here. It may not be a dream location or a destination city, but it's a place where your average person can live a comfortable and happy life.

Whew, didn't mean to go on a rant like that. Also.. I'm the first to admit that we only have maybe two or three cities I would even consider living in. The rest of the state is still rural and backwards.


I agree. The south has plenty of developed cities with booming / emerging economies and very affordable real estate. The cities tend to be more diverse and liberal than the rural areas.

We get a lot of hate from people who have never been here. Some of it is justified, but some of it is based on decades old stereotypes that just don't hold true anymore. I live in a city of around 200k people. It's ethnically diverse, tends to vote blue, and has supported issues like gay marriage (we lit up a prominent pedestrian bridge with a rainbow to celebrate that). I was able to purchase a new construction 3 bed/2 bath house when I was 22 and in college due to the low cost of housing. Speaking of college, my undergraduate tuition was ~$1400/semester. Plenty of jobs in healthcare, the trades, manufacturing, and clean energy.

Sure, it's not a paradise. I lived elsewhere for several years and preferred that location, but overall I'm happy here. It may not be a dream location or a destination city, but it's a place where your average person can live a comfortable and happy life.

Whew, didn't mean to go on a rant like that. Also.. I'm the first to admit that we only have maybe two or three cities I would even consider living in. The rest of the state is still rural and backwards.
That all sounds lovely but its still too hot down there
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