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‘Go back to CA’: Couple’s car, house vandalized (Portland, OR)

I am asking a place that is not full of assholes, cause every thread is about shitty people all over the US.

The Midwest is notoriously known for being incredibly nice. Minnesota in particular. Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, and the Dakota's to a lesser extent. Unfortunately only cities worth a damn are Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Madison, and Des Moines (maybe Iowa City?) and they are all cold as fuck for ~6 months of the year.

The South to some degree as well, but you should probably be White for best results.


A lot of people being priced out in California have moved to nearby Nevada or Oregon. Some people in Orgeon have been upset with this as houses are being bought by non-locals and jobs are being taken by non-locals, etc. When I went to visit a few years ago I saw a lot of these signs :



Well. Fuck those people.


Which is odd... downtown Vancouver is like a stone throw away from everything of Portland and it's actually not that bad of an area. Definitely more quiet and seems to cater to families but I didn't mind it the few times I was over there.

There's quite a bit of poverty, homelessness, and drug use, it just gets pushed to the north and west by the developers and the rich people. It's also rather conservative politically

Generally it's still got remnants of the "forest hick" stigma that's prevalent in areas of inner rural Washington and Oregon.
I actually relocated from California to Portland somewhat recently myself.

The completely silly hate that "them Californians" get that moved to Oregon is hilariously obsurd. I've only experienced it myself a few times. Though I am black and think people are just happy to see someone black living in their neighborhood.

The funniest thing about it? Portland preaches tolerance, love, acceptance and togetherness - there are literally signs saying as much EVERYWHERE - yet some native Portlanders act and speak like straight up racists when it comes to people moving from another state. You hear things like: "they need to go back where they came from" & "I fucking hate them! Why are they here!?"

They sound just like the Trump supporters they are always protesting against. A lot of the people spewing about how they hate Californians and keeping them out are transplants themselves, by the way. I caught a Lyft from the Airport last week and the guy said "we should build a wall around California to keep them out." He was from Las Vegas and had moved to Portland 3 years ago.

All that being said, I really like Portland and it's a fantastic place to live. But some of the people here to need to get a grip.


Only reason I wish folks would stop moving here is because my damn commute on I-5 is getting to be an hour plus, both ways.

Fuck I-5.


The Midwest is notoriously known for being incredibly nice. Minnesota in particular. Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, and the Dakota's to a lesser extent. Unfortunately only cities worth a damn are Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Madison, and Des Moines (maybe Iowa City?) and they are all cold as fuck for ~6 months of the year.

The South to some degree as well, but you should probably be White for best results.

Midwest is racist to ya know


Lmao I just realized my sister and her bf are examples of "hated transplants from Cali". They just bought a house there and everything. I'm going to ask her about this.
Only reason I wish folks would stop moving here is because my damn commute on I-5 is getting to be an hour plus, both ways.

Fuck I-5.

As somebody who moved from LA, I can't help but laugh every time a Portlander complains about traffic. It's road paradise up here in comparison. All perspective, I guess.


As somebody who moved from LA, I can't help but laugh every time a Portlander complains about traffic. It's road paradise up here in comparison. All perspective, I guess.

When you're used to a 30min commute and then it slowly devolves into an hour plus drive, and then you're paying more for gas, and getting less time to be at home to watch your favorite animes, it really starts to get annoying, y'know?
When you're used to a 30min commute and then it slowly devolves into an hour plus drive, and then you're paying more for gas, and getting less time to be at home to watch your favorite animes, it really starts to get annoying, y'know?

No, I totally get it. Well, except the anime part.

A big reason why I like it up here is the lighter traffic as my LA commutes kept getting longer and longer, so I can empathize with a hatred for longer commutes.


Yeah, Texas especially doesn't like Californians. Seems like a lot of them are coming over here. I think it is because people are afraid they're going to raise price, taxes, etc. here in Texas.


I grew up in a small rural town in southern Oregon and this has definitely been a thing even there since I was a kid. Really unfortunate the attitudes of some people :(


Lots of anti California sentiment in Colorado too. It's dumb shit. Colorado people hate Texans too.

It's because Texas tried to invade the Colorado territory and seize it for the Confederacy during the Civil War. However, it was so poorly executed, that they were routed in New Mexico.

Texas's revenge was to send dangerous skiers and their tourist dollars to our slopes every winter. You used to be able to spot them back in my day, as the idiots who were trying to ski/snowboards in jeans.

As far as anti-California sentiment, that really started in 1990, as Denver was exiting is bust oil/mineral period and transitioning to its boom (and eventually bust) telecommunications industry. Colorado property prices were ridiculously low at the time, and Californians came in droves. Like it or not, it elevated the City of Denver in many ways, by making Denver grow population/economy wise and really helped out city mature and develop.


I've heard anecdotally that Oregonians like to hire their own so anyone from outside the state is perceived differently. That's just something I've heard though.

Further anecdote: when my wife and I moved to the area (Hillsboro, not far from Portland) 13 years ago, we got a VERY chilly reception from our neighbors, and from basically anyone who found out we moved in from Iowa. They were mad someone from Oregon wasn't hired in my place. I was told this to my face many times.


Yeah, Texas especially doesn't like Californians. Seems like a lot of them are coming over here. I think it is because people are afraid they're going to raise price, taxes, etc. here in Texas.

Texans are just afraid that the Californians will treat gay folks like equals. They know that once enough Californians move to the state, things like trying to use the courts to deny equal rights won't fly. :p


The Midwest is notoriously known for being incredibly nice. Minnesota in particular. Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, and the Dakota's to a lesser extent. Unfortunately only cities worth a damn are Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Madison, and Des Moines (maybe Iowa City?) and they are all cold as fuck for ~6 months of the year.

The South to some degree as well, but you should probably be White for best results.
yes but racism and phobias are as thick as fog
Further anecdote: when my wife and I moved to the area (Hillsboro, not far from Portland) 13 years ago, we got a VERY chilly reception from our neighbors, and from basically anyone who found out we moved in from Iowa. They were mad someone from Oregon wasn't hired in my place. I was told this to my face many times.

Man, that's exclusionary of them. Sorry to hear that.
As a Jersey native who now lives a bit outside Portland, I can tell you a similar age-old sentiment exists between Central/South Jerseyans and North Jerseyans/New Yorkers.

In the infamous slogan "B.E.N.NY. go home!", B stands for Bayonne, E stands for Elizabeth, N stands for Newark, and NY obiously stands for New York (City).


The Midwest is notoriously known for being incredibly nice. Minnesota in particular. Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, and the Dakota's to a lesser extent. Unfortunately only cities worth a damn are Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Madison, and Des Moines (maybe Iowa City?) and they are all cold as fuck for ~6 months of the year.

The South to some degree as well, but you should probably be White for best results.
Can vouch for Iowa City, where I lived from ages 12-25. Not sure how it is these days but it was a great town to grow up and go to school in.

Man, that's exclusionary of them. Sorry to hear that.
It was particularly striking since my wife and I were born and raised in Iowa. We're like, "howdy neighbor" and they're like, "where are you from....?"


The Midwest is notoriously known for being incredibly nice. Minnesota in particular. Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, and the Dakota's to a lesser extent. Unfortunately only cities worth a damn are Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Madison, and Des Moines (maybe Iowa City?) and they are all cold as fuck for ~6 months of the year.

The South to some degree as well, but you should probably be White for best results.



The funniest thing about it? Portland preaches tolerance, love, acceptance and togetherness - there are literally signs saying as much EVERYWHERE - yet some native Portlanders act and speak like straight up racists when it comes to people moving from another state. You hear things like: "they need to go back where they came from" & "I fucking hate them! Why are they here!?"

They sound just like the Trump supporters they are always protesting against. A lot of the people spewing about how they hate Californians and keeping them out are transplants themselves, by the way. I caught a Lyft from the Airport last week and the guy said "we should build a wall around California to keep them out." He was from Las Vegas and had moved to Portland 3 years ago.

Tribalism is a helluva drug


Junior Member
A lot of areas in Oregon, particularly Portland and small coastal towns have a distaste for Californians.

It's pretty weird, and California is generally much cooler about it specially considering the fact that most of Northern California's reports on auto wrecks seem to begin with '______ of ______ Oregon rolled their vehicle four times on an empty straight stretch of highway'

Oregonian's really seem to struggle with the 65mph speed limit.


I would say the Dakotas are horrible. But maybe because I was travelling with friends to the Rosebud Sioux Nation.

They were not very nice in NoDak, but better in SoDak


Can vouch for Iowa City, where I lived from ages 12-25. Not sure how it is these days but it was a great town to grow up and go to school in.

Can confirm it's still quite nice since we moved here a couple months ago. My wife was startled at how nice people at Hy Vee were and it's not like Cincinnati is diet Philadelphia or something.


Can confirm it's still quite nice since we moved here a couple months ago. My wife was startled at how nice people at Hy Vee were and it's not like Cincinnati is diet Philadelphia or something.

Huh, Cincinnati is diet more openly racist city I've been to not named Boston.

Dead Man

25 years ago my grandparents were bitching about Californians buying up all the property where they lived on the Oregon coast and making it unaffordable for locals. Tribalism and xenophobia are not new, sadly.


Huh, Cincinnati is diet more openly racist city I've been to not named Boston.

I was speaking more to "friendly" in the general sense, as compared to the east coast's reputation. Cincinnati definitely has its issues with race.


They don't like rich people? Is this a Trump state by any chance?

Bernie won the primary and Clinton easily beat Trump in November. Oregon has been solidly blue for a while and has pretty progressive politics (legal weed, all elections conducted by mail, automatic voter registration when you do business at the DMV, one of the highest minimum wages in the country, etc.) The anti-California sentiment is mostly in places where Californians actually want to move to, i.e. namely Portland.


Liberals are the biggest hypocrites when it comes to housing affordability. Liberal strongholds have some of the most regressive real estate development regulations and laws. This is done very intentionally.

I know the South gets a lot of flack, but at least housing is relatively affordable in many there.
Liberals are the biggest hypocrites when it comes to housing affordability. Liberal strongholds have some of the most regressive real estate development regulations and laws. This is done very intentionally.

I know the South gets a lot of flack, but at least housing is relatively affordable in many there.

LOL so true. Amazing how most of the most progressive places socially are the worst when it comes to housing.

Makes me glad I live in Tucson. Housing is affordable here and we are a largely blue area with a population that is half Hispanic/Latino.


good credit (by proxy)
Salt & Straw isn't even good ice cream

It's not at all. It's just weird flavors. I really, really, really don't get it. But I also don't get Blue Star, so whatevs.

Liberals are the biggest hypocrites when it comes to housing affordability. Liberal strongholds have some of the most regressive real estate development regulations and laws. This is done very intentionally.

I know the South gets a lot of flack, but at least housing is relatively affordable in many there.

If people actually wanted to live there, and space was at a premium, it would be expensive. It's not liberals fault that nobody wants to move to mississippi...quite the contrary actually.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Sad thing is it could be some slightly unhinged Whole Foods type who just flipped from organic dishsoap to full lunatic based on property tax.


I'm sure these vandals have family roots in Oregon dating back centuries, maybe even millennia.

Fuck nativism.


Liberals are the biggest hypocrites when it comes to housing affordability. Liberal strongholds have some of the most regressive real estate development regulations and laws. This is done very intentionally.

I know the South gets a lot of flack, but at least housing is relatively affordable in many there.

Uh because nobody wants to live in the shitastic South? Its like this everywhere in the world, in every damn country in existence.
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