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25 minutes of Monster Hunter World footage


What's the reaction from Japanese gamers for a console MH game?
Are they yay or nay?

Much more positive than the initial reaction of the average western MH fan. Some complaints about it being PS4 exclusive in Japan. Some port begging (mainly Switch and Vita). This game is gonna be huge for the series, hopefully bringing new players and veterans together.

Nice. I hope the game is a hit worldwide. The series truly deserves it, and the fanbase does too. We've been asking for an evolution from PS2 era graphics forever and we finally got it. Really hope Capcom don't region lock the servers again!

Region free, already confirmed.


They are quite positive so far.

There's plenty of "No Switch no sale" "do not want to pay for PS+" "No local play no sale" as well. I wouldn't really call it all that positive, but that's to be expected when the sales ceiling for this game is 1/4 of the average MH release.
There's plenty of "No Switch no sale" "do not want to pay for PS+" "No local play no sale" as well. I wouldn't really call it all that positive, but that's to be expected when the sales ceiling for this game is 1/4 of the average MH release.

I've only been reading youtube comments, but I haven't seen any of this.

In fact I read several comments today saying how happy they are that it's only PS+ and not a separate sub.

Are the negative reactions on like, 2chan?
well scout flies sounds like an improvement over paint balls. in terms of mechanics and world lore/flavor.
The One and Done™;241401033 said:
So is this a new series? Never heard of it before.

Monster Hunter {word/words} has been a series for a long time.


Niconico comments are mostly positive. With "time to buy a PS4", or "Finally", "can't wait"

They've been waiting for a console MH for so long too. I remember one japanese comment from Horizon zero dawn reveal trailer that says "Capcom, are you watching?" the thirst for console MH is pretty much real.


The One and Done™;241401033 said:
So is this a new series? Never heard of it before.
4 main series excluding world and 6 portable series. The most popular franchise in Japan beating out Dragon Quest.
Niconico comments are mostly positive. With "time to buy a PS4", or "Finally", "can't wait"

They've been waiting for a console MH for so long too. I remember one japanese comment from Horizon zero dawn reveal trailer that says "Capcom, are you watching?" the thirst for console MH is pretty much real.

Ah, I don't know why I didn't think to check niconico. Good to hear.


This looks much more in line with MH than that initial reveal hinted at, which I'm glad of. That said, still annoyed at the lack of local co-op for this title. Also not sure how I feel about the series being couch bound again.

As much as I adore MH, this is still not a day one buy for me (at least not yet).

Still the weapons I saw looked fun and they are all returning which is good. Greatsword and Bow look pretty fun from the footage and there was enough familiar stuff there too.

While I was trying to hold off judgement until we saw more, I was also completely ready to write this off. I'm still not happy, but I'm not as ready to dismiss it either.


that's the same MH game we've been playing.

I doubt it will attract a lot of new players in the western world. Fans will love this game. but new players? game sales? and this will sell less in Japan (handheld > console)

what is Capcom thinking?
that's the same MH game we've been playing.

I doubt it will attract a lot of new players in the western world. Fans will love this game. but new players? game sales? and this will sell less in Japan (handheld > console)

what is Capcom thinking?

I think it may attract new players in the western world. It is on widely popular hardware in West (PS4/PC/XB1), it features nice visuals, online coop, dinosaurs and dragons, it has a gameplay that can remind some people of Dark Souls: Timing based, Big monsters with lot of HP, etc...
Its almost impossible to discuss mh world here with the constant stealth switch portbegging shitting up the threads.
Can we not get a separate thread for switch related monhun discussion where people can discuss how much they hate capcom or how badly its going to bomb without the switch to their heart's content ?


I think it may attract new players in the western world. It is on widely popular hardware in West (PS4/PC/XB1), it features nice visuals, online coop, dinosaurs and dragons, it has a gameplay that can remind some people of Dark Souls: Timing based, Big monsters with lot of HP, etc...

There are always some fans loving MH in western world, but hardly compete with other games (Overwatch, LOL, COD, GTA, etc). It's just hard to imagine Capcom choosing MHW and giving up the numbered series. (of cause they can always go back to portable if MHW doesn't sell as they expected)


I think it may attract new players in the western world. It is on widely popular hardware in West (PS4/PC/XB1), it features nice visuals, online coop, dinosaurs and dragons, it has a gameplay that can remind some people of Dark Souls: Timing based, Big monsters with lot of HP, etc...

Yeah, I also think there's quite a lot of new people that could be attracted by it.
The 3DS isn't a niche console, but my impression is that Monster Hunter on it is (at least here in the west) a bit of a niche.
It's a console aimed at everybody, but mainly kids and Monster Hunter is a pretty hardcore game with a very specific audience.

I think this new one could garner a lot of attention.
Are the Arts/Styles in this game?

I mean, I saw the hammer player do that flip combo but that may be weapon specific. I never played Generations (i'm still going through MH4U) but I was looking forward to trying the new Gunlance styles.

I think it may attract new players in the western world. It is on widely popular hardware in West (PS4/PC/XB1), it features nice visuals, online coop, dinosaurs and dragons, it has a gameplay that can remind some people of Dark Souls: Timing based, Big monsters with lot of HP, etc...

It had all these things before. The only real draw here is the fantastic visuals, everything else is pretty much the same. I think this will be a HD Monster Hunter fans' dream, and not much more. Which is okay.


Are the Arts/Styles in this game?

I mean, I saw the hammer player do that flip combo but that may be weapon specific. I never played Generations (i'm still going through MH4U) but I was looking forward to trying the new Gunlance styles.

No Styles/Arts but they did add new attacks and motions.
Yeah, I also think there's quite a lot of new people that could be attracted by it.
The 3DS isn't a niche console, but my impression is that Monster Hunter on it is (at least here in the west) a bit of a niche.
It's a console aimed at everybody, but mainly kids and Monster Hunter is a pretty hardcore game with a very specific audience.

I think this new one could garner a lot of attention.[/QUOTE]

I think it being on PC will help it more then it being on XB1 it seems like a platform that would take to this game.


I don't understand the multiplayer

You can't just start a mission with other players you have to 'summon' them with a flare?

Do you go back to a port town thing?

Is there a normal quest list system?


I don't understand the multiplayer

You can't just start a mission with other players you have to 'summon' them with a flare?

Do you go back to a port town thing?

Is there a normal quest list system?

No, there's still the normal quest system, this is just another method to get other players into your game at any time during the hunt. Multiplayer is drop in/drop out now.


Junior Member
I wish I was more into Monster Hunter but I watched a few minutes and it looks SOOOOOOOOOOOO slow. I can't deal with a lack of HP indicators, lock-on, and battles that take 30+ minutes... Guess the series isn't for me, even though I love the aesthetic :(


I promise I'm only going to say this once, but I hope eventually down the line this ends up having cross-play across all platforms. Would be great to go hunting with all of friends.

I think the only hope for cross-play is between Xbox One family and Windows PC.

Sony doesn't care to play.


I wish I was more into Monster Hunter but I watched a few minutes and it looks SOOOOOOOOOOOO slow. I can't deal with a lack of HP indicators, lock-on, and battles that take 30+ minutes... Guess the series isn't for me, even though I love the aesthetic :(

Hunts take 10-15 minutes tops unless the party has weak gear and tools. You don't need lock-on when monsters are several times larger than your own hitbox.
Hunts take 10-15 minutes tops unless the party has weak gear and tools. You don't need lock-on when monsters are several times larger than your own hitbox.

All parties will have weak armor and tools starting out though.

This is what I was saying in the last thread. There are roots in Monster Hunter that just won't mesh with Western players no matter what cosmetic changes are made. Capcom can't strip away those elements and still call the game Monster Hunter.


I am not going to watch a second if this stream. Hype as already reached the blackout stage.

The mere thought of even more advanced monster AI leaves me very excited.

Game of E3..


The party will have weak armor and tools starting out though.

This is what I was saying in the last threads. There are roots in Monster Hunter that just won't mesh with Western players. Capcom can't strip away those elements and still call it Monster Hunter.

Monsters are weak starting out too. That Anjanath would have taken 10 minutes at most if they didn't take a tour of all the features the game has.


All parties will have weak armor and tools starting out though.

This is what I was saying in the last thread. There are roots in Monster Hunter that just won't mesh with Western players no matter what cosmetic changes are made. Capcom can't strip away those elements and still call the game Monster Hunter.

3U was bigger than previous MHs in the west, MH4U, was bigger than that again- the series has been on the up and up here, partly because of Nintendo helping in on marketing, but clearly there's been a growing number of people that respond to a new MH and made those games top some European charts, do well in the US, etc. I don't think it's a much harder sell than something like Dark Souls. The question is if the fans are a big enough group, and still expanding enough, to justify a more expensive console game production. We'll see.


Hunts take 10-15 minutes tops unless the party has weak gear and tools. You don't need lock-on when monsters are several times larger than your own hitbox.

The games always start slow, even for more experienced players. That's where the major hurdle will really be for new players. I know I have failed to keep friends in the loop on the series on that specific pitfall.

And when a Dark Souls (for the common but I think poor comparison people try to draw) boss takes *minutes* at most outside of the extreme end game, win or lose, you know there are major hurdles here that may simply be unsolvable without major core changes. Hell, the intro Gundyr takes all of like two minutes even if you have no idea how to play DS, and he'll kill you in 30s if that on the reverse. Quick returns.

3U was bigger than previous MHs in the west, MH4U, was bigger than that again- the series has been on the up and up here, partly because of Nintendo helping in on marketing, but clearly there's been a growing number of people that respond to a new MH and made those games top some European charts, do well in the US, etc. I don't think it's a much harder sell than something like Dark Souls. The question is if the fans are a big enough group, and still expanding enough, to justify a more expensive console game production. We'll see.

Dropped with X in the west despite surging unexpectedly in Japan, 4U skewed things north on N3DS launch and strong marketing from Nintendo with the system and the marquee launch title. X really hit it off with the audience in Japan, it was fresh and had good word of mouth.

The audience in the west remains small.
It had all these things before. The only real draw here is the fantastic visuals, everything else is pretty much the same. I think this will be a HD Monster Hunter fans' dream, and not much more. Which is okay.

I think you're underestimating how many people were put off by the series' dated graphics and playing what's seen as a hard core game on a handheld with substandard controls. While I'm not convinced MHW is a sure hit, I do believe that the sheer fact that its MH on a console already makes the series much more appealing to the general consumer in the West.
Seems like a lot of chasing...kinda boring. What's the magic green dust all about anyways? Is that some sort of guide/waypoint marker?
Monsters are weak starting out too. That Anjanath would have taken 10 minutes at most if they didn't take a tour of all the features the game has.

When I started with MH I got my ass handed to me by the Great Jaggi about 20 times before I figured out how the Great Sword worked. I have an extraordinary amount of patience. Most western gamers don't.

The act of even learning a weapon in Monster Hunter is a time consuming exercise. Nevermind mastering how to use it situationally against a monster. After that comes the tedium of the initial "pick shit" and "kill tiny monsters" that force you to learn the systems. I may have been way behind the curve with the Great Jaggi, but I wager most people will encounter that massive difficulty spike with the first boss and get completely overwhelmed. I fnd most seasoned Monster Hunter players are the ones who bear down and work though the adversity. Most people though will drop the game like a hot powderstone.

I think you're underestimating how many people were put off by the series' dated graphics and playing what's seen as a hard core game on a handheld with substandard controls. While I'm not convinced MHW is a sure hit, I do believe that the sheer fact that its MH on a console already makes the series much more appealing to the general consumer in the West.

I think that whole line of thinking is way overrated. Sure, there are going to be a number of people who were always interested but not enough to pick up a handheld or a Nintendo console if they didn't already have one, but the biggest barrier to entry for the series is and has always been the steep learning curve and the punishing item system.

Western gamers are not gonna want to sift through and combo specific items for specific missions, or read a wiki to see what bullet does what damage to what monster for their gun. They are gonna want a few options to choose from handed to them so they can go. There are so many tenets of MH that are offputting to western play styles, graphics fidelity is low on the totem pole.


The games always start slow, even for more experienced players. That's where the major hurdle will really be for new players. I know I have failed to keep friends in the loop on the series on that specific pitfall.

And when a Dark Souls (for the common but I think poor comparison people try to draw) boss takes *minutes* at most outside of the extreme end game, win or lose, you know there are major hurdles here that may simply be unsolvable without major core changes. Hell, the intro Gundyr takes all of like two minutes even if you have no idea how to play DS, and he'll kill you in 30s if that on the reverse. Quick returns.

Souls is more than just a boss fight though. You have to crawl through an entire map to find the boss arena, whereas Monster Hunter throws you straight into that boss arena.

It's true that it starts off slower at the start, but nothing that takes 30 minutes or even 25 minutes which was the time limit in that demo. If they didn't spend all that time showing everything they've added to this iteration of MH then it would have been a swift victory.


The games always start slow, even for more experienced players. That's where the major hurdle will really be for new players. I know I have failed to keep friends in the loop on the series on that specific pitfall.

And when a Dark Souls (for the common but I think poor comparison people try to draw) boss takes *minutes* at most outside of the extreme end game, win or lose, you know there are major hurdles here that may simply be unsolvable without major core changes. Hell, the intro Gundyr takes all of like two minutes even if you have no idea how to play DS, and he'll kill you in 30s if that on the reverse. Quick returns.

This is honestly something that happened with a few of my friends when i tried to get them into it. They just didn't like the beginning slow section and just didnt stick with it. Course that's just my experince. I'm going to try hard to try to get them over that hurdle this time.


Souls is more than just a boss fight though. You have to crawl through an entire map to find the boss arena, whereas Monster Hunter throws you straight into that boss arena.

Dark Souls has a lore and world to get lost in.

Monster Hunter has grind.


Dark Souls has a lore and world to get lost in.

Monster Hunter has grind.

Well yeah, different goals in different games but let's not overstate the amount of time it takes to clear a hunt, especially now that you just pop a flare into the sky and bam, multiplayer activated.


Seems like a lot of chasing...kinda boring. What's the magic green dust all about anyways? Is that some sort of guide/waypoint marker?

I'm pretty sure the amount of chasing is for demonstration purposes. We are watching a tutorial here, those have always made you travel around the whole map in MH games.


Well yeah, different goals in different games but let's not overstate the amount of time it takes to clear a hunt, especially now that you just pop a flare into the sky and bam, multiplayer activated.

Sure. But now the whole idea that "this can sell to the DS audience" has basically been thrown out the window which was my point.

It's a dumb comparison made only by people who have no idea what MH is and somehow appropriating core audiences like some mindless blob that spreads over everything.

If MH succeeds in the west it will do so for very different reasons and face very different difficulties than DS.


Now im curious how gathering quests will go. I wonder if you will just have a quest list kinda like an mmo and you can just handle simple gathering quests while your out and about. They said you can keep roaming around after you take a monster out right?


Sure. But now the whole idea that "this can sell to the DS audience" has basically been thrown out the window which was my point.

It's a dumb comparison made only by people who have no idea what MH is and somehow appropriating core audiences like some mindless blob that spreads over everything.

If MH succeeds in the west it will do so for very different reasons and face very different difficulties than DS.

I don't think it's dumb at all. I don't play Souls for the lore, I play it for the action combat and its (shit-tier) co-op. I'm definitely not alone on that.

Both series are built around methodical combat, after all.
Now im curious how gathering quests will go. I wonder if you will just have a quest list kinda like an mmo and you can just handle simple gathering quests while your out and about. They said you can keep roaming around after you take a monster out right?
Hopefully they get rid of crap like gathering quests with a more streamlined farm/mine.


Dropped with X in the west despite surging unexpectedly in Japan, 4U skewed things north on N3DS launch and strong marketing from Nintendo with the system and the marquee launch title. X really hit it off with the audience in Japan, it was fresh and had good word of mouth.

The audience in the west remains small.

Despite its success in Japan, even I as a fan of MH and 3DS felt a little burned out by the time GEnerations arrived. As well as MH worked on 3DS, by that time the whole thing felt a little long in the tooth. A Switch version I think it would've generated more enthusiasm again in the West. People need to see HD visuals and realize the series is moving forward. Hopefully this does too.
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