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35 Minutes of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


So definitely PC version? The MS stream xbox gameplay (which is crap video quality) holds up well to this (for now). I have to admit, I will be surprised if they couldn't get the quality of this video at 30 fps on the xbone, with perhaps worse AA, DoF etc. the usuals
Ubisoft also packs their PC offerings with better-than-current-gen graphical settings.

Watch Dogs at ultra settings has over the PS4 sku :
-Better LOD
-Better shadows
-Better AO
-Higher quality water (more tessellation)
-Better reflections
-1080p resolution and above
-Higher framerate possible.

Ubisoft did fucking horrible with Watch Dogs. Sure, they had the option to have extra graphical settings, but my goodness even my friends time machine of a PC couldn't get them all running at a decent framerate.


Yeah I think this must be the Xbox One version. The graphics are great but not THAT great. Unless they used a garbage PC to demo this on.

All of the ultra settings have not been implemented yet.
This is PC version :
Unoptimized build explains the framerate drops and pop-in.

Ubisoft did fucking horrible with Watch Dogs. Sure, they had the option to have extra graphical settings, but my goodness even my friends time machine of a PC couldn't get them all running at a decent framerate.
I had no issues doing just that. All it takes is tweaking.
Reminds of AC4 in a way. Plenty of people claimed the game was unplayable without looking at options like D3DOverrider which introduces triple-buffering in lieu of the native double buffering.
It made my game really smooth at near maximum settings.
Watch Dogs ran well for me, nothing to complain about.


Yeah I think this must be the Xbox One version. The graphics are great but not THAT great.

I wouldnt bet on it... Novigrad was shown in E3 and framerate/stuttering/pop in was still there along with a huge amount of screen tearing which is now gone thankfully.

And yes it was confirmed to be running on PC.

XBOX version, whenver shown was running pretty good i would say. Sure framerate dipped but not like this.


The game will be legendary, no doubt about that, I was completely engrossed by the narrative at the end of the video, but compared to the VGX trailer the graphics are remarkably worse.


All of the ultra settings have not been implemented yet.

To me, this seems pretty good for the consoles then, if it's close to the quality of 37 min demo without the extra ultra features, which I think it will be. I'll be playing this on PC, but if I were forced to play on Xbone I wouldn't be too upset.


To me, this seems pretty good for the consoles then, if it's close to the quality of 37 min demo without the extra ultra features, which I think it will be. I'll be playing this on PC, but if I were forced to play on Xbone I wouldn't be too upset.
I think the consoles can handle the level of fidelity on display, aside from some heavy hitters (fur, hair, Physx and some others).
This game will be amazing. The whole witcher world and lore is great and the only thing missing from the previous titles was a sense of scale. Seems like this one will be ticking all the boxes in that regard.



No one has a problem with you basically being a little errand boy throughout the whole video (I don't mind it but I hear people complain about this sort of thing all the time)?

Game looks great, but I've never played a Witcher game before and I know nothing of the books. Also, it seems to be coming out around the same time as two other huge open world games, Batman AK and Bloodborne. I get burned out if I play too many in too short a time.
No one has a problem with you basically being a little errand boy throughout the whole video (I don't mind it but I hear people complain about this sort of thing all the time)?

Game looks great, but I've never played a Witcher game before and I know nothing of the books. Also, it seems to be coming out around the same time as two other huge open world games, Batman AK and Bloodborne. I get burned out if I play too many in too short a time.

The story incentives haven been so intriguing that it has balanced the errand boy aspect of the series since the first game. Or at least that's the way I see it. You know you are doing stuff for others all the time, but you still are dying to see what is that they send you to kill/collect.


Close up detail looks excellent, but I see even the mighty CDPR have failed to hide/address the horrid middle distance LOD issues that plagued last gen as well (Skyrim I am looking at you).


No one has a problem with you basically being a little errand boy throughout the whole video (I don't mind it but I hear people complain about this sort of thing all the time)?

Game looks great, but I've never played a Witcher game before and I know nothing of the books. Also, it seems to be coming out around the same time as two other huge open world games, Batman AK and Bloodborne. I get burned out if I play too many in too short a time.

The story incentives haven been so intriguing that it has balanced the errand boy aspect of the series since the first game. Or at least that's the way I see it. You know you are doing stuff for others all the time, but you still are dying to see what is that they send you to kill/collect.

I see it as it is standard for this kind of genre. And I'd be curious how else you'd give extra stuff to do besides the main quest? Which, I do want side quests because sometimes it is nice to take a break and do something different from the main story. This is a big reason I like open world games/RPGs because it allows you to vary your gameplay so you're not stuck doing one thing all the time.


No one has a problem with you basically being a little errand boy throughout the whole video (I don't mind it but I hear people complain about this sort of thing all the time)?

Game looks great, but I've never played a Witcher game before and I know nothing of the books. Also, it seems to be coming out around the same time as two other huge open world games, Batman AK and Bloodborne. I get burned out if I play too many in too short a time.

Eh, its a typical videogame quest. I hope that there is more variety (CDPR has said there def is) but its also not something I'll get up in arms about.


Since Microsoft is co-marketing the game, I assume it's XB1 footage. Looks pretty damn good to me, but I haven't played the first 2 so I'll likely pass.
I wonder how close to this it will look on PS4. I have a 780 Ti, but it's downstairs in my room, while my PS4 is upstairs in my greatroom hooked up to an 80" TV with surround sound. I can't not play this on the 80".

Pay someone to run hdmi cable through your walls.


Pay someone to run hdmi cable through your walls.

Or get a decent wireless hdmi sender. I have a gigaview 821, cost me £250. It works. Crystal clear 1080p, no lag, no dropouts. Goes from my pc upstairs to my lounge downstairs where my Projector is hooked up.


Is Novigrad the only city in the game other than villages and castles? Don't get me wrong it looks phenomenal but i hope there are also a couple of smaller cities as well.


Unconfirmed Member
No one has a problem with you basically being a little errand boy throughout the whole video (I don't mind it but I hear people complain about this sort of thing all the time)?

When people say this, what they really are voicing is a desire for a strategy game or a game that has no identifiable plot or abstract goals like Minecraft. Now, if you're talking about criticism pertaining to how well a game disguises the errands, that is a different conversation.

Another way to answer your question is that Witchers are mercenaries for hire.


Is Novigrad the only city in the game other than villages and castles? Don't get me wrong it looks phenomenal but i hope there are also a couple of smaller cities as well.

They've said that it is the "biggest city", which would suggest that there are smaller cities.
How does CD Project Red manages this level of quality? Most interesting stuff in the horizon so far.

In the place of a big publisher or manufacturer would buy them or guarantee exclusivity in some way.


Is Novigrad the only city in the game other than villages and castles? Don't get me wrong it looks phenomenal but i hope there are also a couple of smaller cities as well.

I actually wish RPGs could stop going for "multiple cities" sincea single detailed one is already more than they can chew usually.
You inevitably will end with a lot of places that have 5-6 relevant NPCs at most and barely any intricacy or interaction.
I mean, Gothic 2 had just a relatively small town, Khorinos, and I have a hard time remembering any other RPG who topped the amount of content they packed into that one in cities that were supposed to be far bigger.
Maybe just Ultima VII 10 years before, but it was an entirely different level of complexity, technology-wise.

Aaanyway, the game looks incredible. Literally: it's hard to believe what they are trying to accomplish here.
We are used to RPGs that focus on doing well one thing ignoring others. Some have a big world, some a detailed one; some let you roam and give you freedom, some offer you a strong narrative and spectacular presentation...
This game is trying to do EVERYTHING. And gods, I hope it will succeed.
The part of the video where he dives to find an alternate path under the water almost made me scream of satisfaction. It was just a small segment, but that's how always imagined my perfect "adventure and exploration game".
No one has a problem with you basically being a little errand boy throughout the whole video (I don't mind it but I hear people complain about this sort of thing all the time)?
Ahhhhhh... but you see this is exacctly the right way to make a fetch quest. Just look at how well desguised it was, how it advanced the plot and how well interweaved with the themes and world of the Witcher universe.

Not to mention how much feedback, flavor and texture of the game world the player is getting.

Now compare that to the Tad Tone fetch quest, the counter example of how not to do a quest of this type.


Unconfirmed Member
How does CD Project Red manages this level of quality? Most interesting stuff in the horizon so far.

In the place of a big publisher or manufacturer would buy them or guarantee exclusivity in some way.

CD Projekt Red are eastern european developers, so costs are lower. Secondly, they were founded as an in-house development team for cdp.pl (nee CDProjekt) which operates a physical game publishing business and gog.com.


How does CD Project Red manages this level of quality? Most interesting stuff in the horizon so far.

In the place of a big publisher or manufacturer would buy them or guarantee exclusivity in some way.

Their market capitalisation currently stands at $500 million, so you can get control stock for a meter $251 million
Looks pretty amazing. I stopped watching after the first 15 minutes because I felt like it was spoiling a little more than I wanted, but I saw enough of the exploration and combat to be hella excited for both aspects of it
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