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5 must see movies through-out history

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Kung Fu Jedi said:
Some people need to learn to distinguish between movies they love and films that are great. There really is a big difference.
Is Goonies not a critically acclaimed masterpiece in the parlance of our times?


MetatronM said:
You know, I like all 5 movies on that list and all, but :lol .

I mean, really? OK, MAYBE if this list was to highlight some of the major advancements in effects in the last 20 years, then it would be a pretty decent list, but as "the 5 must-see movies throughout history?" Really? Did history start in 1985?

Bolded for the accurate reflection of how inaccurate thread title is in comparison to the actual suggestions in the thread itself.

false edit: Cheebs post is the fucking truth right there.

A few more:

Star Wars IV (if you're gonna list a movie for its impressive special effects, just pick this one. Stop listing all the rest from the past 20 years.)

Twelve Angry Men

The French Connection

Seven Samurai


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Defcon said:
You would recommend Rosemary's Baby to someone? I wouldn't want to put them to sleep.
You put fucking 300 in your list. Opinion voided.




Everyone's saying OMG DID HISTORY START IN 1985??!?!?!!1111

What about did history END in 1985? Apparently a movie can't be a must see if it's less then 20 years old.

NOTE: The original topic says must-see movies, not movie classics.
The people picking 'great movies' based on their special effects or cinematic virtue over enjoyability should stop being such eliteists and respect other people's opinions.

Everyone kept talking about how Seven Samurai was one of the best movies of all time. I am a huge fan of independent films and I have a fond appreciation of the classics. However... that movie was one of the most boring movies I've seen since Apocalypse Now.

Great, those films did a lot in terms of advancing the film industry through their techniques and whatnot but most of them are still boring. Movies are a form of entertainment. I'm not entertained by scene transitions or clever flimography. I'm entertained by riveting stories and believable acting or good solid humor.

For the record: I hate almost every Star Wars movie, George Lucas is a terrible director. I think Stanley Kubrik was batshit crazy and most of his movies are dreadfully boring (with the exception of the first 45 minutes of Full Metal Jacket, which he didn't even write.) And I think Supertroopers is one of the funniest movies ever made.


Junior Member
dear guy who keeps on quoting himself and posting cliche movies that everybody likes. stop. you are annoying. and keep it to 5 for fucks sake.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Drychtnath said:
The people picking 'great movies' based on their special effects or cinematic virtue over enjoyability should stop being such eliteists and respect other people's opinions.
I don't think it's the "eliteists" choosing special effects extravaganzas for their lists...

Movies are a form of entertainment.
They're also an art form...


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
I'm kinda torn here, cause everybody is just placing obvious and boring crap -- whether it be modern or older classics. It's so predictable.


ItsInMyVeins said:
I'm kinda torn here, cause everybody is just placing obvious and boring crap -- whether it be modern or older classics. It's so predictable.

Or... they're just posting their favorites, which you're welcome to do.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
quick everybody post your five favorite 80s/90s movies!


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
JayDubya said:
Or... they're just posting their favorites, which you're welcome to do.

Alright. Boooring and predictable favourites.

But then again, you gotta aknowledge the difference between a favourite movie and one you consider the best movies. I mean, I love some flicks to death but I just don't think they cut it as a top 5 for example.

I don't know.

I'm just pissed no one mentioned Office Space yet.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Alright, while being scared of a blowback I'll post some decent movies. I could never do only a top five.

office space
seven samurai (yes, honestly)
patlabor 2
infernal affairs

These are my favourites. Borderlining are Fight Club, Dr. Strangelove, Hero, Laputa, One Hour Photo, There's something about Mary and a bunch of others who almost as easily could be in that list. Oh yeah, Blue Velvet too. And About a boy. And Magnolia.

EDIT: One flew over the cuckoo's nest should obviously be in there too.


Since this is supposed to be throughout history I'm going to post my favourite movie(s) from every decade.

30s - The Blood of a Poet
40s - The Bicycle Thief
50s - Rear Window
60s - 8 1/2
70s - A Clockwork Orange
80s - Princess Bride
90s - Pulp Fiction / Fight Club / Office Space
00s - The Royal Tenenbaums

EDIT: My god, some of these lists are atrocious......


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Brak said:
Since this is supposed to be throughout history I'm going to post my favourite movie(s) from every decade.

30s - The Blood of a Poet
40s - The Bicycle Thief
50s - Rear Window
60s - 8 1/2
70s - A Clockwork Orange
80s - Princess Bride
90s - Pulp Fiction / Fight Club / Office Space
00s - The Royal Tenenbaums


* Counting three in total -- Office Space will be known as the best motion picture ever soon! *


Going by decade:
40's - Citizen Kane
50's - Rear Window
60's - To Kill a Mockingbird/The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
70's - Taxi Driver/Jaws
80's - Raging Bull/Brazil
90's - JFK/Pulp Fiction
00's - Memento


Cheebs said:
Going by decade:
40's - Citizen Kane
50's - Rear Window
60's - To Kill a Mockingbird/The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
70's - Taxi Driver/Jaws
80's - Raging Bull/Brazil
90's - JFK/Pulp Fiction
00's - Memento
This is a killer list. /Thumbs Up


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
This thread fails hard considering a movie that contains these actors is not listed:



Ill Saint said:
Aguirre: The Wrath of God
Nosferatu (Murnau)
Andrey Rublyov
Brilliant list.
Although I find it hard to take it seriously without ZOMG HUGE BROWSER BREAKING MOVIE POSTERS IMAGES to support it.


Jealous Bastard
personal five i think every new director should see, with my reasoning:


[1] glengarry glen ross, so they can learn to write good dialogue and create interesting characters, even in the most mundane setting. also, to understand how to utilize a baldwin to his maximum potential


[2] the royal tenenbaums, so they will understand that emotions can be conveyed through moments of quietude punctuated by understated honesty


[3] the shawshank redemption, to grasp the concepts of pacing and narrative scope. there's a reason this is replayed on tnt once every six hours: for a film so frequently ranked in the top ten greatest of all time, it is extremely casually watchable, yet retains the feeling that a great deal of time passes. beware the lessons you learn from the narration, though: the lesson to take away is that great narration is based on great writing, not on just getting morgan freeman


[4] predator, to learn how to save a shitty movie. predator itself is not a shitty movie, but follows an interesting formula: movie that doesn't seem like an alien-centric movie suddenly becomes one after first third of the film. if your movie isn't going well and appears to be on a downward spiral, make predator appear and let at least one character proclaim that they are too advanced in age for that feces


[5] before sunset, to understand that interesting characters and dialogue are of primary importance. you can brainstorm the most interesting scenario in the world, but if the characters aren't interesting and the dialogue falls flat you fail. this movie doesn't rely on anything but two people talking, and they make it one of the most interesting films out there. bonus points for sticking with an ending that is tastefully irresolute

i, of course, left off a lot of classic films. apologies to black and white enthusiasts.
I'm glad there's been some overhaul of the original poster's completely ludicrous proposition. Those 5 movies were pretty recent, and well, pretty ordinary.

I'm finding that the more I watch movies (and I watch a hell of a lot of them), the less I can do a top 5, or 10, or 100 list. It's really starting to become hard as hell.

I'll just propose the original Solaris, Rififi, Tokyo Story or Late Spring or any Ozu film I've seen, Ran.. and.. let's say.. The Seventh Seal.

It's in no way a top 5 of my favorite movies, just 5 movies that should be seen by anybody, I guess, and that are coming to mind right now. I guess a recent one should be in the list, so let's put... uh.. The Royal Tenenbaums? Boogie Nights (or any PTA film)? Are those still recent? :lol


Gold Member
Futureman said:
Everyone's saying OMG DID HISTORY START IN 1985??!?!?!!1111

What about did history END in 1985? Apparently a movie can't be a must see if it's less then 20 years old.

NOTE: The original topic says must-see movies, not movie classics.

exactly. Oh no, there is a movie with explosives and special effects, it cannot be considered a must see.

A true foreign jackass said:
I'm glad there's been some overhaul of the original poster's completely ludicrous proposition. Those 5 movies were pretty recent, and well, pretty ordinary.

what the fuck has recent to do with it? Do you consider 23 years ago recent btw?
I'm glad to see people posting Princess Bride. I'm going to make it a tradition that all of my kids will see Princess Bride by the time they turn 10 (I want them to be old enough to understand)

I'm still working out the exact time line in which I'll show my kids different movies.

I know for sure any male kids I have will see Deliverance before they turn 14. They need to be aware of the danger of camping.
SantaC said:
exactly. Oh no, there is a movie with explosives and special effects, it cannot be considered a must see.

what the fuck has recent to do with it? Do you consider 23 years ago recent btw?

You completely shot yourself in the foot by calling me "the true foreign jackass". As soon as I read this, I knew you were dumb, cause you seem to believe I didn't choose this name on purpose.

But to answer your stupid aggressive question, a top 5 list that is made of movies from the 80s up scream of an uneducated opinion. Why? Because the probabilities that all the best movies are from the 80s up are pretty slim, since movies have been made for the past 100 years or so.

Anyway... I'm sorry I angered you.

Edit: Weren't we talking about must see movies? What defines a must see movie? To me it should be something that has the ability to change the way you see life. Tokyo Story is one, to me. I doubt that Terminator 2 is one. But that's just me.

P.S. A movie that revolves around explosions generally (not all, but most of them) does it at the expense of character development. Anyway.. you're probably hopeless.


Gold Member
Foreign Jackass said:
You completely shot yourself in the foot by calling me "the true foreign jackass". As soon as I read this, I knew you were dumb, cause you seem to believe I didn't choose this name on purpose.

But to answer your stupid aggressive question, a top 5 list that is made of movies from the 80s up scream of an uneducated opinion. Why? Because the probabilities that all the best movies are from the 80s up are pretty slim, since movies have been made for the past 100 years or so.

Anyway... I'm sorry I angered you.

Edit: Weren't we talking about must see movies? What defines a must see movie? To me it should be something that has the ability to change the way you see life. Tokyo Story is one, to me. I doubt that Terminator 2 is one. But that's just me.

P.S. A movie that revolves around explosions generally (not all, but most of them) does it at the expense of character development. Anyway.. you're probably hopeless.

Reading comprehension ftw? I called you "a true" foreign jackass, not "the true".

So what does not make T2 a must see movie? Please I'd love to hear your explanation on that. I am sure you're one of those who prefer a black and white movie from the 30s more must see just because it's old.


Dan said:
You put fucking 300 in your list. Opinion voided.

That's because 300 is one the more entertaining movies in a long time. It's not going to win any awards or make a film elitists list, but it's one I can easily recommend to anyone for a good time, which is what movies should be about.


Gold Member
Defcon said:
That's because 300 is one the more entertaining movies in a long time. It's not going to win any awards or make a film elitists list, but it's one I can easily recommend to anyone for a good time, which is what movies should be about.

Bingo. Not that I agree with 300 as choice, but a must see movie should give you a good time or can as well do something else.


To you people complaining about the older, classic movies, have you actually sat down and watched them?

The great thing about movies like The Godfather, Casablanca, Citizen Kane, etc. is not just their enjoyability, but also their quality. The acting, the directing, the cinematography, the script, the editing, etc. combined is excellent and very high quality.

That's not to say there aren't some modern classics that compete with them. Braveheart, Forrest Gump and Unforgiven could be called modern classics. There's a reason these movies are praised.

I love 300, one of my favorite movies of the year, but it's not that great of a movie. Sure, it's great for just enjoyablity, but that's it. Enjoyability =/= greatness.
1. Planes, Trains & Automobiles - Classic comedy with heart and a lesson to be learned.

2. 2001: A Space Odyssey - A visual feast served on an interpretive science fiction platter with Strauss to boot.

3. Casablanca - No justification needed (I fucking hopes.)

4. A Night At The Opera - This movie hasn't been seen by enough of today's youth. Learn some goddamn fucking film history you cheese eating morons.

5. Schindler's List - Can't be bothered to write a witty justification for this one. It's teh serious.
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