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5 must see movies through-out history

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SantaC said:
Reading comprehension ftw? I called you "a true" foreign jackass, not "the true".

So what does not make T2 a must see movie? Please I'd love to hear your explanation on that. I am sure you're one of those who prefer a black and white movie from the 30s more must see just because it's old.

a true, the true, the point is not there. You were making a point that I was a true foreign jackass. You're the umpteenth idiot on this website pointing people towards my NAME to insult me. I CHOSE that name. It was not chosen because I thought it meant anything else than what you're saying. So what's the point of calling me a true foreign jackass? You think it's clever or what?

I am not of those who prefer a black and white movie from the 30s because it's old. I prefer them when they are better. I do love the look of black and white, but most of my favorite movies are in color (that some of my top 5 is in B&W and some in color should have already told you that.) Most of my favorite movies are from the 60s and the 70s. Why T2 is not a must see movie? Because it didn't change my life in any way. I've seen it, enjoyed it for what it was, but I wouldn't watch it if it's on TV now. My definition of must see movies is not in sheer terms of entertainment, but in the probable impact on the viewer to whom I'd advise to see it. It is MY definition, and I don't force it on anyone.


Just gonna post things people have posted yet..


(This DVD only has a shitty English dub on it and a German track with no subtitles. Find the english subtitle track online and apply it over the German track for great justice!)






never heard about the cat, apparently
Star Wars: A New Hope
Indiana Jones: Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Back To The Future Part 1
The Princess Bride
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Gold Member
Foreign Jackass said:
It is MY definition, and I don't force it on anyone.

certainly, yet you're quick to criticize other picks because it does not agree with YOUR definition.


In no particular order:

Terminator 2
To Kill a Mockingbird
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Godfather
The Departed/Apocalypse Now - can't decide between these 2 =(


Won't stop picking the right nation
I have no idea what my top five movies are, but there is one movie I keep coming back to for its consistent greatness: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I adore that movie.

I admit that I gravitate to films that always have a bit of theatrics as a big payoff. I recognize that films like Citizen Kane and Lawrence of Arabia are great, and the Indiana Jones films of the world are fun, but they don't necessarily move me. I concede that I want my emotions to be manipulated a little bit, so I really love movies like Memento that resort to shock and awe at the end.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Defcon said:
That's because 300 is one the more entertaining movies in a long time. It's not going to win any awards or make a film elitists list, but it's one I can easily recommend to anyone for a good time, which is what movies should be about.
Don't you find it a little bit sad that one of the movies you think everyone should see is a mindless action film that in no way makes its audience think?


These aren't necessarily my top 5 favorite movies. But they're what's coming to mind right now.





(the entire trilogy)


edit:In all honesty I'd rather a guy recommend me something like terminator 2 (even though I hate it) because he loves it than recommend me something like Casablanca just because it fits a mass produced definition of good taste. Neither one of those movies will 'change my life', but whatever.


Jealous Bastard
do the right thing is great, but some of spike lee's more contemporary work--25th hour, specifically--is better. great choice, nonetheless
beelzebozo said:
do the right thing is great, but some of spike lee's more contemporary work--25th hour, specifically--is better. great choice, nonetheless

I'd say 25th hour and his other more recent films are more mature, and the style is more sophisticated, but I'd say Do the Right Thing is his best based on message alone. But that's just MHO.
Drunken master 2

Bullet in the Head


The Fog of War

Singin in the rain

Edit - Bullet in the Head can be replaced with any of the following A few Dollars more, The Great Escape, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, In the Mood For Love, Chungking Express, Royal Tenenbaums, Iron Monkey. There are far too many great movies to restrict anyone to 5.


beelzebozo said:
do the right thing is great, but some of spike lee's more contemporary work--25th hour, specifically--is better. great choice, nonetheless

huh. I think today's Spike Lee is a damn shame.


Jealous Bastard
inside man was shit, but 25th hour is top-notch. ed norton, barry pepper, philip seymour hoffman, brian cox. . . and again, it has the nuts to have an irresolute finale

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
To show someone who had never been introduced to film before:

Safety Last
A Matter of Life and Death
A Woman Under the Influence
Sans Soleil


beelzebozo said:
personal five i think every new director should see, with my reasoning:


[1] glengarry glen ross, so they can learn to write good dialogue and create interesting characters, even in the most mundane setting. also, to understand how to utilize a baldwin to his maximum potential

The entire list was great but this was dead on.


Having a picture of each movie is obnoxious and unecessary so here is my list:

The Godfather Part 1
Taxi Driver
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
Fifth Element
Spirited Away
Shaun of the Dead
Saving Private Ryan
Seven Samurai

I know that was more than 5.


Please help me with my bad english
I don't really have a top five but The Trial (Orson Welles) is the movie that amazed me the most.
It's a tough choice but here are my five:

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)

Visually stunning silent film with a great plot. It sticks with you.

Faces (1968)

No one is better at showcasing humans than Cassavetes.

Blade Runner (1982)

Science-Fiction like it should be, way out there.

Blue Velvet (1986)

Almost any Lynch film could be here, but Blue Velvet is his most well known and influential.

Pan's Labyrinth (2006)

A perfect fairytale.

I feel all of those films stick with you long after the credits role, and are better with additional viewings.
I'm surprise that there is no love for law movies... No 12 angry men nor and justice for all on anyone's list. Moreover, where are the disney movies?


Infernodash said:
I'm surprise that there is no love for law movies... No 12 angry men nor and justice for all on anyone's list. Moreover, where are the disney movies?

Naw man, it's ALL about Anatomy of a Murder.
Cosmic Bus said:
To show someone who had never been introduced to film before:
Sans Soleil

There's a 99% chance it would probably turn him off film forever. I love film, and I just can't bear this movie. Maybe I should see it again, but just the thought of watching it again makes me cringe.
aztrex said:
1. Planes, Trains & Automobiles - Classic comedy with heart and a lesson to be learned.
Man, whenever someone mentions John Candy movies it seriously makes me sad to think such an awesome actor had to go so soon. The Great Outdoors, Spaceballs, Uncle Buck, Harry Crumb, Nothing But Trouble, etc. etc. *sniffle sniffle*

Infernodash said:
I'm surprise that there is no love for law movies... No 12 angry men nor and justice for all on anyone's list.
JFK? Devil's Advocate?
Illuminati said:
Man, whenever someone mentions John Candy movies it seriously makes me sad to think such an awesome actor had to go so soon. The Great Outdoors, Spaceballs, Uncle Buck, Harry Crumb, Nothing But Trouble, etc. etc. *sniffle sniffle*

JFK? Devil's Advocate?

Never seen DA.
Infernodash said:
Never seen DA.
The movie is centered around a lawyer, but way out there, you can read the description on IMDB. It's definitely worth rent it if you are into law movies...very fictional law movies that is.

There was also a John Travolta law movie that I liked and I can't put my finger down on what the title is. It was about toxic waste being dumped into the water supply of a town or something like that. Definitely not a classic law movie for the ages like To Kill A Mockingbird, but it was pretty decent, I liked it.


Illuminati said:
The movie is centered around a lawyer, but way out there, you can read the description on IMDB. It's definitely worth rent it if you are into law movies.
It's hardly "about law", and are you really trying to avoid a spoiler there?
Chichikov said:
It's hardly "about law", and are you really trying to avoid a spoiler there?
Well he said he has never seen it before, but it may not be so obvious what the premise is about, even from the title. I don't see how it isn't a law movie though...


Has problems recognising girls
Too many incredible films to create a must see top 20 list, let alone 5. Not only are you boxed into the English area of films but the amount of great-to-excellent foreign films is too vast to even comprehend at times. Of course we have our favourites like Citizen Kane or Seven Samurai.. but the best way to create a must see movie list? Throw it in the garbage and invest hours upon hours relishing films for yourself.


1 - Shawshank Redemption
2 - Seven Samurai
3 - Seven
4 - Boogie Nights
5 - Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Extended)

These are the movies I just find myself just watching again and again. (I also watch Field of Dreams more than I should)

Fun fact: Yesterday I watched Shenmue the DVD in its entirety. Wife was not happy. Needless to say I did not get any ass last night...
speedpop said:
Too many incredible films to create a must see top 20 list, let alone 5. Not only are you boxed into the English area of films but the amount of great-to-excellent foreign films is too vast to even comprehend at times. Of course we have our favourites like Citizen Kane or Seven Samurai.. but the best way to create a must see movie list? Throw it in the garbage and invest hours upon hours relishing films for yourself.

The whole point of making a list of anything is to incite conversation and make you think very critically about the topic. This isn't serious stuff here, it's for fun. It's silly when people get bent out of shape over a list. Everyone makes a list knowing people will disagree.


Has problems recognising girls
I'm not getting uppity about this thread whatsoever. Heck I am enjoying seeing several films get listed that even I haven't seen and will most definitely track down now.

If you think I'm cranky or getting bent out of shape over this (c'mon, it's a list thread), then you might need to erase that because it wasn't the intent in my post whatsoever. Just giving a guideline like everyone else is, except I'm using words and not pasting images or lists :D

Ford Prefect

If you wanted to make a thread about people's top 5 movie lists, why not just call it that?

That only way I can think of the thread title making sense is if everyone listed their top 5 movies of each decade...
Ford Prefect said:
If you wanted to make a thread about people's top 5 movie lists, why not just call it that?

That only way I can think of the thread title making sense is if everyone listed their top 5 movies of each decade...

I think mine are must see movies, but they also happen to be some of my faves too.
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