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6 Months Later: How do you feel about The Phantom Pain's Story?


The only good thing about these MGSV threads is that they're a reunion for us posters that waited on hands and knees till we got our copies. And even afterwards, discussing the game with Brau, Ishida, Foxtrot, Screaming Meat... It's been bitter sweet.
I've been watching OHN (drk29) stream Ghost Babel, and I've noticed that GameboyColor Color game handles the themes of Revenge and Phantoms (Shadows in this case) better than TPP. GB has convinced me that Fukushima deserves more credit for his writing.
On to a smaller note. I've noticed a trend where MGSV had made people appreciate MGS4 more.

aw.... i miss the community thread.

I keep in touch with a lot of you guys. But i do miss the good days when hyping and speculating was all we had.

I made tons of awesome friendships through the production of MGSV.

Truly, i yet to find a thread with such a significant, friendly, crazy and passionate community as MGS. I've looked... i yet to find a new home.


im here for you bud.

Skull Face ending is terrible but I love the character so much, his motive, his looks, his voice, his psychologie are awesome, If I could change something, I wish it would have take control of the Sahelanthropus but have the same death at the end...
Skull face's death was one of my favorite parts tbh. After all that time he just dies and Kaz says"mission complete" hahaha. If that isn't phantom pain idk what is


Unconfirmed Member
No amount of time is ever going to make this "story" any better. Even by Metal Gear standards it's bad.


I remember the spoiler thread pre launch, it was a fucking bloodbath. Dem denials in the spoiler thread about Venom Snake not being BB. Some fans would grasp at every straw proving that the Mission 46 was a hoax. And I would fully understand, because as I knew it was legit back then (from people who had early copies), it sounded too ridiculous to be true even for Hideo standards.

So, you replayed some useless shit, we'll reward you with Mission 46! Get ready for the truth! Press X to Jason
I feel that the game was unfinished and I didn't like the direction they took the story even if it had been finished. This coming from someone who did like MGS2's story
The only good thing about these MGSV threads is that they're a reunion for us posters that waited on hands and knees till we got our copies. And even afterwards, discussing the game with Brau, Ishida, Foxtrot, Screaming Meat... It's been bitter sweet.
I've been watching OHN (drk29) stream Ghost Babel, and I've noticed that GameboyColor Color game handles the themes of Revenge and Phantoms (Shadows in this case) better than TPP. GB has convinced me that Fukushima deserves more credit for his writing.
On to a smaller note. I've noticed a trend where MGSV had made people appreciate MGS4 more.
Yeah the hype during pre-release was awesome. Good times. I enjoyed the game but I still can't say I wasn't disappointed. All those years of hype and trailers and speculation and all we got was a small-ass story that was all already shown and looked better in the trailers.
Man I wish I could re-live the pre-release hype.

tbh V makes me appreciate 4 more, but 4 also makes me appreciate V more. Polar opposites.
Missed opportunity is the main feeling I have for this game. Felt this game could have benefited the most if kojima played it straight and just did a big boss game. think it's a decent game but just lacks the mgs quality that the other games had.


That jeep ride made me so uncomfortable. It was like WtfPunished Snake, say something.

It was sooooo long too. Like dinner with your high school gf's family where the crazy one is ranting and you are trapped and have to internalize your thoughts while wondering how you ever got to that place.


Gold Member
It is so bad it makes me physically angry when I think about it.

I could write a 20-page essay on everything that's wrong with MGSV. Fuck that game. FUCK it and FUCK everyone responsible. I still have the arm from the collector's edition standing here, mocking me. "The arm of Big Boss", they said. "Big Boss transforming into a demon", they said. "The missing link", they said. "A story about decending into madness", they said. "You will be ashamed of your words and deeds", they said.


Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
I just finished this about a week ago, bought it on release day and it's taken me 400hrs to reach the end (I focused on Side Ops first) and by around level 25-30 or so I was getting a little disappointed. I didn't see this twist coming, didn't even think Eli was Liquid tbh and I was really disappointed that we didn't have fantastic scenes with Ocelot like in Snake Eater and GotP. I reckon we never quite got the game we deserved because it was taking too long and Konami pulled the plug hence bitterness between them and Kojima-san.

Story wise, TPP is the weakest in the series, and I hate the Sons of Liberty story with a passion so that's saying something.


It is so bad it makes me physically angry when I think about it.

I could write a 20-page essay on everything that's wrong with MGSV. Fuck that game. FUCK it and FUCK everyone responsible.

I still have the arm from the collector's edition standing here, mocking me.

I'm actually SUPER GLAD I didn't get the collector's edition.



This post should have closed the topic.

The game has been proven to be unfinished. So what can we really say about the story?

Had it been finished it had a chance at being one of the most cohesive MGS stories ever. But it's not.


aw.... i miss the community thread.

I keep in touch with a lot of you guys. But i do miss the good days when hyping and speculating was all we had.

I made tons of awesome friendships through the production of MGSV.
Brau, I've come to enjoy and respect your thoughts on these matters.
MGO GAF also brought me some new friends... Ryanardodavinci ( we're playing UC4 mp together), spiffy, RADIOHEADACHE (you helped me platinum Peacewalker, I owe you..big time)

I'm in a community for FOBs (Indirect Basterds), where we defend, spy, and set blockades up for each other. We even have our own Skullface that attacks us (DevilDog900, you mofo. Check him out on twitch). So in that regard, Metal Gear V has extended its story to my real life, with real drama, friends, and enemies. In that regard, it's succeeded.
The story wasn't enjoyable to play through, but I thought its themes were decently compelling.

I'm actually SUPER GLAD I didn't get the collector's edition.

I ordered it, but GameStop never sent me it. Glad I decided to just buy the standard edition.
This post should have closed the topic.

The game has been proven to be unfinished. So what can we really say about the story?

Had it been finished it had a chance at being one of the most cohesive MGS stories ever. But it's not.
It has?
Can't people just admit that Kojima wrote a bad story?


In short, I didn't really feel anything about the story. I didn't feel disappointed, I didn't feel betrayed I didn't even feel bored. Just nothing. The story seems like such an after thought and a desperate attempt to tie it in the MGS canon that it just feels like Star Wars EU grade stuff.

Yeah, this is a pretty good description.

It's canon with a distinctly non-canon flavor, and could probably be easily retconned by anyone who cared to. Of course, no one cares to now that Metal Gear's dead :p


Yeah the hype during pre-release was awesome. Good times. I enjoyed the game but I still can't say I wasn't disappointed. All those years of hype and trailers and speculation and all we got was a small-ass story that was all already shown and looked better in the trailers.
Man I wish I could re-live the pre-release hype.

tbh V makes me appreciate 4 more, but 4 also makes me appreciate V more. Polar opposites.
Remember the "Joy Division" theory? Paz and Holly were clones of the Boss? Or, anytime someone was streaming the game before street date, we would scurry over to peek at the game. Back up Back down looked soooo intimidating.
Even when we were shitting/loving on story/Kojima, we did it as brothers. We still have the memories, haha!

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
It has?
Can't people just admit that Kojima wrote a bad story?

Mission 51 proves there was more to the story (youtube it if you haven't seen it) and all those repeat missions really felt like padding to replace what was originally planned just to fill some gaps.


My feelings towards the story has not changed in 6 months and it won't change in 6 years. The passage of time does not make things look rosier, unless you have a forgetful memory.


What I really like about it is the fact that people can interpret it as they want, for example:

- Venom could be the double of BB has hinted in mission 46.
- Both ishmael and Ahab could be double from the real Big Boss who never have been in Cyprus.
- ishmael could be in Venom mind and never have existed like Paz or other situation he invented...
- Venom could be the real Big Boss that refused the truth and created a double to soothes himself like he did with Paz and other situations...
- We aren't even sure that's the story is really happening in 1984 and I don't think the mission 46 is the truth at all, especially the suppose real Big Boss that doesn't look to be BB at all...

For everything else, Phantom Pain is a story who deals with disillusion and loss, of the void and revenge, citing Mark Twain isn't free, it's voluntary, I can understand why people hate the fractured narration but the game itself is a masterpiece to me, even unfinished.
I think someone else on here said this, but it fits how i feel about the game, and by extension, the story.

MGS 5 is the most polished, unfinished game I've ever played.


The story was shit but the real crime was how bad Ocelot was in that game. Proper character assassination, awful stuff.
Felt like it was building towards something, then ended abruptly. Skull Face seemed like a placerholder for Zero, who I assumed would have been the final boss. Nope. You get a pretty satisfying boss battle followed by a non-cohesive final act.

I'm not complaining, I got 60 hours of fun out of the game and the gameplay was smooth as all hell, but it just felt incompletely narrative wise. Also the twist at the end just felt out of place and thrown in.


Best game ever and the first game in ages that has kept me playing into the small hours

edit: misread the topic title! the story? dont think much of it but still the game was so good, like the reviews said the game hinted at lots of issues like race, child soldiers etc but nothing was really tied up


I wasn't nearly disgusted by it as so many others were. It was just so unfinished. The worst part was everything it could've been, should've been. I'm glad we got something. I mean, it could've been canned. The gameplay was the best in the series in my opinion, I'm glad we got to experience it. It all just felt so taped and bandaged together. :(


One of the best games that I ever played but has a tragic ending because of how abrupt and how unfinished it will stay forever.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Still really like it, and still feel its really misunderstood.

I most definitely feel that the elliptical approach worked better than MGS4's laborious and redundant attempt to tie up every loose end.
I think the story was fine with some great elements, especially when you consider Ground Zeroes as part of the overall package. I actually enjoyed the ending and the game had some really great high points. You really have to dig for the story, and while it's maybe not the way I initially wanted it to be presented, I'm fine with it in the end. MGSV is one of the overall best gaming experiences I've had in the last few years.

I think the game is a victim of some people setting some weird expectations in their heads and then heaping knee-jerk reactions out whenever given the opportunity. I honestly believe that most players are fine with the overall story, but there's a group of people out there who sit and wait, chomping at the bit, for their chance to complain and make hyperbolic statements such as PP being the worst story ever written in video games. Quite honestly, I think it's a real joke and I can't read people who state things like that without thinking they are or would have been the same ones who said MGS2 was terrible, but now praise it as some sort of new-age literary masterpiece.


Underrated. Yes, I know, not a popular opinion around here. But I thought the story, while clearly too thin to cover the length of the game, was actually pretty damn good and the twist at the end was memorable.

I also disagree with those calling Quiet a "Weak" character. Most only say so because of what she is (isn't?) wearing. That's a valid criticism of course, but the character herself is quite strong.


I will say I love the idea of Big Boss' "downfall" being that he betrays YOU, the player - but the execution sucks and the body double idea is terrible. Would have been better to just introduce a new character working under BB if they were going to go that route.
It is so bad it makes me physically angry when I think about it.

I could write a 20-page essay on everything that's wrong with MGSV. Fuck that game. FUCK it and FUCK everyone responsible. I still have the arm from the collector's edition standing here, mocking me. "The arm of Big Boss", they said. "Big Boss transforming into a demon", they said. "The missing link", they said. "A story about decending into madness", they said. "You will be ashamed of your words and deeds", they said.


So this, kind of. I think I'll probably bite if Kojima made another story-driven game, it'll probably be marketed like "Kojima's return", but if THAT game turns out to be garbage, then maybe, never again. Maybe.
I have kind of a love/hate relationship with this game.

I love how the game plays and feels. The gameplay is godly. Technically wise, while not the best looking PS4 game out there, it runs at a smooth framerate which really enhances the whole experience. Everything feels snappy and good. So good that you can play the same type of mission over and over again, gameplay and level design variety makes it fun.

On the other hand, I feel more reserved about the story. I always liked MGS stories, even with their batshit crazy twists and stupid developments. Here, the story was less proeminent. Which is fine by me content wise, as the core game is excellent. I didn't like how little of it there was, and how it felt disjointed. Plus, the twist for the sake of a twist. I don't feel like it serves a purpose here, contrary to MGS2.
Guess I'm just disappointed in the story, as Ground Zeroes set the bar high IMHO.

It's the only MGS game I didn't replay just after.
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