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Adam Sessler's: On Xbox One and PS4's Resolutiongate, and Day One Patches

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I already corrected myself, stepped into the midst discussion, sorry :)
Multiplatform is another story for sure.

What are you talking about. Its the same game. Okay do I have to spell it out:

Pretend you want to buy COD ghosts, would you rather have:

1) COD Ghosts with good graphics
2) COD ghosts with even better graphics

Option 1 costs $100 more.

If only graphics are your concern then sure.
What I get from this post is resolution resolution resolution. There's more to this conversation than resolution, but if you're not going to read the post that I linked two or three times on the last page, then there's no point trying to discuss it with you. You can read it here if you'll even bother: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=88688792&highlight=#post88688792

And if you yourself are saying you could see games drop to 720p and 30fps, then there is obviously a major problem. 30fps is considerably inferior for shooters because it effects your reaction time, which is crucial in twitch gameplay. Granted you said "at worst", but yeah I expect we're going to see that on XB1 and that's a bad thing, and yet it still ignores the other facets of gameplay that may potentially be affected (draw distance, AI, physics, level geometry, player count, npc count, etc etc etc).

Edit: In fairness you did mention the GPU compute capabilities gap. The thing is, resolution bottlenecks may adversely affect that TOO and make it even worse. They may affect a whole lot of aspects other than just resolution in and of itself, and this is something that is being completely ignored in favor of the canned response of "whiny fanboys whining about resolution".

I said I don't expect 720p 30fps to happen. I was just using it as a worst case example, but not something I seriously expect. Also, I don't have an issue with 30fps in a shooter. Halo 4 was 30fps and also my favorite shooter this entire generation. It was incredibly smooth and felt rather fast. I don't feel my reaction time or twitch gameplay capabilities suffered in the slightest in that game, and I feel it tests you on those very grounds on numerous occasions. I also loved Uncharted 2 and the first Gears of War, both of which were also 30fps titles. I also very much enjoyed all the Mass Effect titles. Shooting mechanics became far stronger in 2 and 3, but handled correctly 30fps can work, and work incredibly well at that, for a shooter.

Draw distance, AI, physics, level geometry, player count, npc count are areas where I expect the Xbox One to suffer the least, if at all, actually.
I already corrected myself, stepped into the midst discussion, sorry :)
Multiplatform is another story for sure.

If only graphics are your concern then sure.

So ignoring platform preferences, where your friends at etc. option 2 is better right?

Some journalists have a problem admitting it for some bizarre reason.


Another day, another apologetic xbone piece from a game journo. I have never seen something like this, it's ridiculous.
I said I don't expect 720p 30fps to happen. I was just using it as a worst case example, but not something I seriously expect. Also, I don't have an issue with 30fps in a shooter. Halo 4 was 30fps and also my favorite shooter this entire generation. It was incredibly smooth and felt rather fast. I don't feel my reaction time or twitch gameplay capabilities suffered in the slightest in that game, and I feel it tests you on those very grounds on numerous occasions. I also loved Uncharted 2 and the first Gears of War, both of which were also 30fps titles. I also very much enjoyed all the Mass Effect titles. Shooting mechanics became far stronger in 2 and 3, but handled correctly 30fps can work, and work incredibly well at that, for a shooter. This is largely (I believe) why KZ:SF focused on locking in 60fps for multiplayer but was fine dropping down to 30fps unlocked for SP. FPS is much more important in MP than SP.

Draw distance, AI, physics, level geometry, player count, npc count are areas where I expect the Xbox One to suffer the least, if at all, actually.

Yes you can play 30fps shooters, and quite well. But you can play 60fps shooters BETTER. Maybe it doesn't matter in the context of more 'casual' play (I use that term loosely, I hate the "casual vs hardcore" debate). But for someone that is serious about skill and performance, 60fps does actually make a discernible difference. The faster the action, the more players playing, and the more precise the controls, the more you're going to WANT 60fps if you've experienced it before.

The thing about draw distance, AI, physics, geometry, player count, and npc count is that all of these things have to occur simultaneously with the rendering. If the XB1 is bottlenecking bandwidth-dependent compute tasks through the eSRAM at the same time that it's trying to pass frame buffers through that same eSRAM, there's going to be a traffic jam somewhere. Something's got to give. So either 720p is going to be the norm for the entire generation, with a few 900p and 1080p flareups, or we're going to see other areas of games suffer so that devs can push out higher resolution/framerate. And worst case scenario is that we're going to see a combination of both on the most demanding mid-to-late gen 3rd party titles (i.e. 720p/30fps AND reduced AI/physics/etc).

I'm not a developer. Hell I couldn't code my way out of a wet paper sack, but these are concerns that a lot of gamers have, and they are concerns the media is completely ignoring and instead labeling us all as a bunch of whiny fanboys.

I will play DR3. I will play Halo 5 and 6. I will probably even play Spark. But there aren't too many other titles that I'll be playing on XB1.


Over the years I have always read Previews and the like as simple Information on said game/Console etc, like a PR piece with extra Info if you will.

Then came the Review which was usually honest/cutting and warts and all showing of the said game/hardware. Hark back to the Ye-old printing gaming press of CVG/Mean Machines even Edge, and there were some honest and cutting info with no PR fluff in the middle.

Fast Forward to the last 9 months and the X1 specificity, and we have the worst/weakest most apologetic and defending Journalism (I use the Term Loosely) that I have ever had the misfortune to witness. And it has gotten to a state now that I do not Trust ANY review or article on anything Game related when within each line or paragraph we are treated to a Justification on why this is weak/does not work/costs more as if we are standing in a shop buying the item from a Salesperson, when did this shift happen??

Anyone into tech and lets say TV's for example, would read a review on the Latest Series 8 Samsung Vs the Latest LG, now if the Samsung had better blacks/brighter screen/ less blur/higher or clearer refresh rate etc etc than the LG but cost more then this would be in the summary. The Review would state the difference and facts as they are and then leave the price there to say "Yes the Samsung is Better but is it £x's better than the LG?" for example.

Now if you had the same situation but the LG had all the better features etc and was £x'x cheaper then the summary would be "Well the LG is better on all areas than the Samsung (see Non-justified tech piece above) and is Cheaper, the decision is a no brainer".

And this is the EXACT situation we have here on these new consoles, The Cheapest one is the Most powerful, with the most options and is undeniably the best piece of hardware Bang for Buck or simply Bang in total this is undeniable. But there is no integrity or loyalty to the consumer now, with comments like (who can really see, and only fanboys care), it really saddens me that one of my favourite hobbies my entire life has been ruined and reduced to sad people in positions that should know better lying or deceiving the public in this way. Anyone not techy or just plain not interested will be given duff info from these mainstream sources that are looking to underplay and down value the clear discrepancy, and this is simply plain wrong.

I do not buy into the theory that MS have gone MoneyHat mad, I can only assume there is a dire fear within the industry that is petrified of the death of Consoles(lack of MS advertising Budget etc) and so they are vainly (and naively) trying to keep the X1 alive with false hope and cherry aid.

Stop all the Gumf and tell us the facts and let us decide, 12 months ago it was 1080/60 or bust. One console is giving us that (by and large) and one appears to miss the board by a fair margin. Shifting goal posts now is sad and desperate and only comes across as the desperate acts of Shills or lier's (Neither of which are good in a consumer driven environment).

I only hope that once both are out and we have games on each that are compelling and different we return to some genuine Journalistic intent.....although my hopes are very dashed!! /rant off

Great post.


He does seem to give 1080p 60fps a one off mention, but still focuses far more on things like interesting game design, or things he finds more exciting than a game simply looking pretty. I don't feel it's a contradiction of what he's saying. More of a gotcha than anything.

More of a Gotcha..?

He clearly says that the price of new consoles warants a rise in resolution..
but today, when it is known that the Xbox One is the one with the lower resolution in several multiplatform games, it´s suddenly OK to have a lower resolution..

how can you spin that..?
He does seem to give 1080p 60fps a one off mention, but still focuses far more on things like interesting game design, or things he finds more exciting than a game simply looking pretty. I don't feel it's a contradiction of what he's saying. More of a gotcha than anything.

Stop acting dense. He clearly acts and says that 180p 60fps should be a given, and then when XB1 suddenly can't meet this he backtracks saying it doesn't matter, I can't tell the difference.
We all make mistakes... I hate "white-knighting it" but let's give Adam a chance to explain himself further, he at least deserves the opportunity to do so based on his lengthy and respected career in the industry.


i wonder if sessler has his own personal xbox account paid for, and whether or not he receives gift copies outside of those intended for reviewing.


We all make mistakes... I hate "white-knighting it" but let's give Adam a chance to explain himself further, he at least deserves the opportunity to do so based on his lengthy and respected career in the industry.

Yeah, I mean we don't have all the details about these consoles his thoughprocess yet...
We all make mistakes... I hate "white-knighting it" but let's give Adam a chance to explain himself further, he at least deserves the opportunity to do so based on his lengthy and respected career in the industry.



lol, I remember a couple months ago Adam was saying.... and I paraphrase... "We need more info... we need to get closer to launch before we can call things. I have a feeling there's more to learn from both consoles, particularly Sony who I feel is hiding something"

And now at the end of this video he says we need to wait until the end of 2014 to see the game libraries. Which is currently and will always be, a completely subjective and arbitrary point of preference. Even if the PS4 has more games, it's still possible to prefer the ones on Xbox. But the time's up for facts, Adam and the gaming press. The consoles are here. This is reality.

I also think its hard for some to believe, even for normally objective people, that Microsoft screwed the pooch so much and conceded so much to PS4. But they did.


Sessler's implying that good games trump graphics - and they do - but he's answering a claim that no one is making. No one is claiming that they want shitty, yet pretty, games. They want good games that also look good.

EXACTLY!!! I expect that kind of rhetoric from the tea party and Arthur Gies, but I'm surprised to hear it from Adam. Then again maybe I should have seen this coming. He did a video a few months ago when the PS4's pre-orders were reportedly much higher than X1's asking people to not preorder and wait. He also said that the PS4 and the cost of PS Plus make it about the same cost as an X1 (Never mind the whole having to pay for Live).
Sessler is, quite rightly, catching a lot of flak for this. My opinion of him because of this apologetic stance he has taken with the Xbone has gone waaay down. He's biased and he's a hypocrite - shame on him.


Junior Member
Yeah I'm starting to think many of them done it, because they're enjoyed hating and it was an easy cash.

They know Playstation fans are very very strong vocabulary and powerful fan base, it should be easy to make money than other fan base.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I wasnt paying a lot of attention at the start of the current gen so can anyone tell me how wide the 360 - PS3 gap was?

If it was as large as the gulf currently between PS4 and XB1 I probably woulda remembered, as far as I recall it was mostly slight framerate dips and some sub 720P resolutions here and there at worst (Bayonetta aside). IMO this was partially forgiveable because of the superior PS3 exclusives. Also as a bit of a sound in games the 7.1 PCM of PS3 games wiped the floor with the Dolby Digital 5.1 360 versions, this was a big factor for me personally.
Yes, but not as good as the PS4 games. Better resolution of nearly identical games will always look better.
PC versions of a lot of my favorite games have looked better for years, and I didn't give a shit then, so it's hard to give a shit if a different console looks good now. I care more about controllers, UIs, community, etc.
Yeah, I mean we don't have all the details about these consoles his thoughprocess yet...

Adam probably forgot he even made the remark about 1080 60 fps on stage that day... it appeared he was doing an unscripted q and a in front of a large audience, it is easy to get nervous and say things without thinking in that situation.

I write this because the alternative to which many here are inferring is that he accepted a bribe... I wish more of you would give this guy the benefit of the doubt.


More of a Gotcha..?

He clearly says that the price of new consoles warants a rise in resolution..
but today, when it is known that the Xbox One is the one with the lower resolution in several multiplatform games, it´s suddenly OK to have a lower resolution..

how can you spin that..?
It's Senjutsu, he's going to spin it until the thread gets locked.


It's not the amount of system memory that's the issue here, though. They need more high-speed memory it seems.

I think he meant more, if the Xbone staked out something as its bailiwick, in PS3/Saturn/Genesis style. There have already been attempts to push both the audio chip and the ESRAM as providing comparative pluses rather than covering for other aspects of the design; actual differentiation where PS4 is 50% better at (x) and Xbone is 50% better at (y) would be fascinating to watch, especially in terms of its effect on game design.

Static Jak

Which is exactly why people are getting so upset. It's a vicious circle.

Gamer: Why aren't you covering this objectively, there are legit concerns here? I mean we'd like an intelligent discussion on this...

Press: Stupid whiny gamer, it doesn't matter.

Gamer: Why doesn't it matter? This could directly impact more than just visuals. We're talking about something that could restrict gameplay and make the envelope devs push this gen smaller....

Press: Stupid whiny gamer, resolution doesn't matter!

Gamer: FFS we're not just talking about resolution here. There's a bigger picture! (getting angry now, not about resolution, getting angry at the press)

Press: See everyone? Look at all these entitled idiots crying about resolution like it's going to ruin next gen just because of some pixels on a screen!

Game: What the fuck is wrong with you?!

Press: What's wrong with YOU!?

Seriously, that's this conversation in a nutshell. It's so hard to get an intelligent discussion going with all the damn mud flinging and name calling.

There's definitely people out there who'll be a-holes on youtube comments and twitter that will just fling insults at Sessler and others like him and that'll wear down anyone after a while. It helps no one.

But, for example, you just know Sessler will try and make a snarky comment about peoples reaction to this in either another video or on twitter. And that's simply fueling the fire and it pisses off everybody.

The issue is that there's plenty of us who want to talk about this, who want to have the real points laid out there and not ignored. We don't have the soap box that people like him have where we can state our own single opinion and expect thousands and thousands to listen to it.

The only real option is to be part of a louder voice, of a large group like NeoGaf or Reddit or whatever. But then your opinion looses its finer details because it's more of an overall basic opinion shared by hundreds or thousands.

So it can sound like it's only about resolution but if you looked more at the individual instead of the group, you'll see it's about what that drop in res represents and could mean.

We have to be loud about things to even get a fraction of that attention and that can get very frustrating when it's drowned out or waved aside as "whining".


Can't really rely on enthusiast press for super objective reviews of the new hardware. I predict that we will be inundated with the type of reviews that form recommendations buy based on what type of gamer you happen to be. I'm pretty sure those reviews have already been typed up and are ready to go.

Love NFL/Halo/CoDspawn? Love the idea of an integrated set-top box? Get the XBOne. Er, by the way some games are sub-1080p but we think that will improve over time. Don't worry about!

Love NaughtyGuerrillaGames/SuckerPunch/SonySantaMonica/Polyphony? Get the PS4! What? It can't play MP3s or is not DLNA compatible? Don't worry, I'm sure a patch is coming!

Hey, are you the ultimate gamer? Are you sure? I don't know man! Only the most hardcore gamer would even think about this and I'm not sure that you are ready for this!

Buy both!​


Neo Member
I am a ps4 fan and I think it's about the games. If the Xbox had some cool games I might buy that as well. I don't care if one is 720 and another is 1080.


Hark back to the Ye-old printing gaming press of CVG/Mean Machines even Edge, and there were some honest and cutting info with no PR fluff in the middle.

Fast Forward to the last 9 months and the X1 specificity, and we have the worst/weakest most apologetic and defending Journalism (I use the Term Loosely) that I have ever had the misfortune to witness. And it has gotten to a state now that I do not Trust ANY review or article on anything Game related when within each line or paragraph we are treated to a Justification on why this is weak/does not work/costs more as if we are standing in a shop buying the item from a Salesperson, when did this shift happen??

Anyone into tech and lets say TV's for example, would read a review on the Latest Series 8 Samsung Vs the Latest LG, now if the Samsung had better blacks/brighter screen/ less blur/higher or clearer refresh rate etc etc than the LG but cost more then this would be in the summary. The Review would state the difference and facts as they are and then leave the price there to say "Yes the Samsung is Better but is it £x's better than the LG?" for example.

Now if you had the same situation but the LG had all the better features etc and was £x'x cheaper then the summary would be "Well the LG is better on all areas than the Samsung (see Non-justified tech piece above) and is Cheaper, the decision is a no brainer".

And this is the EXACT situation we have here on these new consoles, The Cheapest one is the Most powerful, with the most options and is undeniably the best piece of hardware Bang for Buck or simply Bang in total this is undeniable. But there is no integrity or loyalty to the consumer now, with comments like (who can really see, and only fanboys care), it really saddens me that one of my favourite hobbies my entire life has been ruined and reduced to sad people in positions that should know better lying or deceiving the public in this way. Anyone not techy or just plain not interested will be given duff info from these mainstream sources that are looking to underplay and down value the clear discrepancy, and this is simply plain wrong.

I do not buy into the theory that MS have gone MoneyHat mad, I can only assume there is a dire fear within the industry that is petrified of the death of Consoles(lack of MS advertising Budget etc) and so they are vainly (and naively) trying to keep the X1 alive with false hope and cherry aid.

Stop all the Gumf and tell us the facts and let us decide, 12 months ago it was 1080/60 or bust. One console is giving us that (by and large) and one appears to miss the board by a fair margin. Shifting goal posts now is sad and desperate and only comes across as the desperate acts of Shills or lier's (Neither of which are good in a consumer driven environment).

I only hope that once both are out and we have games on each that are compelling and different we return to some genuine Journalistic intent.....although my hopes are very dashed!! /rant off

Great post and you're dead on with the tv review analogy. Recently, I purchased a new tv and I read several reviews looking for insight. I eventually decided on a tv, but in all of those reviews and comparisons I never read something along the lines of "Well, this tv is better than this one, but good TV specs are meaningless without good TV shows." Can't believe that's essentially what Adam is saying here.


I think this is getting bigger and bigger than just 8th generation disparity. Try to remember (if you can) how things looked before the Internet era. We had printed game magazines to tell us about new games, with reviews and opinions. Then Internet came but those magazines moved there, estabishing sites with exactly the same content as in the printed form but more current and updated more frequently. But then Internet 2.0 came and now everybody can buy a recorder and become a Youtuber with a gaming channel. Some are bad, some even worse but some gain popularity and become quite influential. And we have GAF, a powerful forum for those who are interested in the subject matter. Do I, as a GAFfer, need any gaming portals and other forums? No. I may skip them all and still be better informed than my friends who just read IGN and such.

And now another revolutionary step is coming: game streaming. In two weeks' time everybody can become a broadcaster of their gameplay. You don't even need additional equipment: just your console, headset, maybe camera and you're good to go. I'm sure at least a few of those who try will be good at it. They will gain popularity, views, clicks, money. Who will lose? Gaming portals of the previous generation. Those Sesslers who just play games and talk about them as anybody else. If they don't keep any exclusive deals with game publishers (which actually means faster access to launching titles), they have nothing. That's why they're so desperate. What shall we do then? Maybe it's time to let them die naturally and move on. Now your choice is always just a click away.
We all make mistakes... I hate "white-knighting it" but let's give Adam a chance to explain himself further, he at least deserves the opportunity to do so based on his lengthy and respected career in the industry.

What explanation? The guy says it clearly on the other video:
"(something something developers)Yeah, this is 1080p running 60fps. Do you want to starve doing your fucking job? Come on, we're buying these new consoles, they better be running 1080p at 60fps."
Now that we're seeing games like COD and BF4 running at 720p on the X1, as if by magic, some folks start this narrative that "people don't care"? (Mostly american media...)

The reason this industry is shit is because people like him (and other websites/personalities) are free to spread bullshit according to the highest bidder. Look no further than his comments on "wait for sony to announce their drm", for example.

It's pathetic how these "journalists" act like publishers marionettes so they can get access to games and whatnot. It's absolutely mind boggling to me how people like him, arthur gies and others keep making a fool of themselves, get proven wrong time and time again, see their contradictions and biases exposed, just shrug it off and continue to take a part in this industry.


Interesting, thanks. Can you say more about this fear or "cushion"? Doesn't a "Sony cushion" (or whatever) also exist? (Aren't the press just as concerned with keeping Sony happy?) Just curious about any implicit power plays here.

I always wondered how/ or if Sony would get back at the Gaming media for the PS3 gen.


I have no idea why so many here are developing a persecution complex in regards to the PS4 and gaming journalism. You're the majority, what reason is there to constantly look for and often imagine ways that you think your stance isn't being expressed enough by people who are free to have their own opinions? It seems every day now that an article or journalist's opinion will be posted here and get mobbed for not praising the PS4 enough. Many times the stance will be wildly misinterpreted and that misinterpretation will be ran with. People are acting like there's a steady stream of journalists saying that the power difference "doesn't matter" when I don't know if I've actually seen that said a single time.

When the power of the consoles is discussed it seems that anything less than unrealistically glowing praise of the PS4 is perceived as "downplaying the power difference". Oftentimes the very reasonable opinion is expressed by a gaming site that the obsession some have with the power difference is a bit overblown in regards to determining how much each console will sell. Yet this stance is never considered and saying anything even close to it is written off as "bias" or apologism. Any attempt to discuss the power difference in a wider context where it's treated as anything less than the most important thing ever is immediately discounted. I'm not sure how anybody could not see how out of control the focus on power on this site is. Sure it's worth discussing and a big issue but it's simply not something worth discussing more than everything else combined.

The accusations of bias are becoming completely out of control. There's simply no reason for such a bias to exist in the vast majority of cases people are claiming there is. It's making discussion of articles very difficult as many members here feel a need for every opinion posted to absolutely line up to their own and any attempt to challenge a narrative that has been established here is shut down immediately. That discourages critical thinking, I'm not sure why so many desire views to be homogenized to align with their own when there are multiple valid ways of thinking in nearly every situation. There is no conspiracy in the media to favor one console-maker and thinking such a thing borders on craziness. I welcome diverse views and it's a real shame that some here don't.

Thank you for perfectly articulating how I feel about a lot of posts on GAF during these stupid fucking times.


What explanation? The guy says it clearly on the other video:
"(something something developers)Yeah, this is 1080p running 60fps. Do you want to starve doing your fucking job? Come on, we're buying these new consoles, they better be running 1080p at 60fps."
Now that we're seeing games like COD and BF4 running at 720p on the X1, as if by magic, some folks start this narrative that "people don't care"? (Mostly american media...)

The reason this industry is shit is because people like him (and other websites/personalities) are free to spread bullshit according to the highest bidder. Look no further than his comments on "wait for sony to announce their drm", for example.

It's pathetic how these "journalists" act like publishers marionettes so they can get access to games and whatnot. It's absolutely mind boggling to me how people like him, arthur gies and others keep making a fool of themselves, get proven wrong time and time again, see their contradictions and biases exposed, just shrug it off and continue to take a part in this industry.
You can say that 180s are contagious... Sessler backtracking on 1080p/60 and Beer backtracking on Sony's "needing to address heat issues with PS4"; and both of them saying "our livelihood is at stake!" and proceeding to misdirect it's audience and primary source of income.


The thing I don't get is why is there a need to downplay the difference? Stating that the PS4 version of a game has the edge isn't wrong, but it also doesn't mean that journalists are telling gamers to get the PS4 version since it's better.

If you look at it in isolation, getting a version of a game that performs better at a cheaper entry cost seems like a no brainer. Doesn't mean you should get that version though. While these are objective facts that can't really be disagreed with. PC games run better than consoles, something that's widely known and there's no harm in letting people know that. The same should be true of the difference between PS4 and XB1. Because while these differences exist, they don't really detract from enjoyment of a game, and there's more important things to consider.

If say your friends and family are on the XB1, then there's no harm in getting it instead of a PS4. If you prefer the line up on XB1 compared to PS4, you'd be silly to pick the one with less games you'd like. If you own both platforms but get games one XB1 because of the controller, that's fine. Just like it was perfectly okay to get PS3 versions of games this gen, getting XB1 versions won't really impact your enjoyment. These subjective reasons are why you should pick what console to get, or if you own both which version of multi platform games.

Both of these statements are valid reasons for making a choice on the consoles coming out, and should be communicated as much. You can acknowledge the performance gap and then state the gap while maybe important, isn't significant enough to outweigh other factors based on personal preference. But the thing I don't get is why there is a need to downplay the former and pretend it's meaningless? You can write a balanced article that's useful for everyone without needing to obfuscate matters


Great post and you're dead on with the tv review analogy. Recently, I purchased a new tv and I read several reviews looking for insight. I eventually decided on a tv, but in all of those reviews and comparisons I never read something along the lines of "Well, this tv is better than this one, but good TV specs are meaningless without good TV shows." Can't believe that's essentially what Adam is saying here.

Well, to be fair, you can watch the same shows on both TVs, but the same is not true for the entire console library, there are exclusives, and they are important.

But they are also completely subjective and irrelevant to point out, specially with such a weak launch (which is completely normal and I never expected anything different).

If you like Microsoft's exclusives more than Sony's, then you should look into Xbox One, sure, no one will say that you should choose 1080p even if the games don't interest you, but it's still an objective and very important difference unless everything you play is exclusives. A lot of people build PC rigs that are way more expensive than the Xbox One just to play multiplatforms with better graphics and performance, so those things matter, even if games are obviously more important.

His post really was spot on though, specially about any other media calling out worse products for higher prices on reviews.
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