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Adam Sessler's: On Xbox One and PS4's Resolutiongate, and Day One Patches

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You can detect him trying to downplay the situation some but I don't think he's necessarily wrong. It is all about the games and what each system has to offer (and both of them have something for everyone). Games will eventually win out, which is why I can't wait for both consoles to come so we can get past all this prelaunch drama. Just because you have one game at 720p and another at 1080p, that doesn't make the 720p version ugly. If you have reasons for purchasing an XB1 (controller, exclusives, friends, etc), you shouldn't be ashamed of the multiplatform game you get because it's at a lower res because you're still getting the same experience. Disappointed maybe, but not ashamed. You will still have fun.

However, it is pretty funny to see how differently performance is being viewed. The performance of 360 games were always looked at as a positive over the PS3. Now that roles have reversed, it's not important? Please. Graphics aren't the most important thing but it still is a relevant aspect to discuss.


As others have mentioned, the PS4 can deliver a better experience but for 100 smackeroos cheaper. That's the real topic that most of these dudes aren't so keen on addressing. They pick and choose on what to report but skirt around more substantial aspects between the two consoles.

Seriously ... 'up-res'ed 1080p' ...

A better experience for *you*. If you can afford one console and you love Halo, buying a PS4 is not a better experience for you. There's far more to the experience than resolution. Pretending that our priorities should be everyone else's will never work.


This conspiracy nonsense is so absurd.

He's editorializing. Patrick Klepeck and Brad from GB said the same thing. Opinions.

Sites like DF will bear out the hard comparisons-cuz, well that's their job. If there are stark differences you'll see that in reviews.

It isn't a conspiracy to say that these media people don't relate to the consumer and just patronize the industry. This is what is happening. It isn't shilling for xbox, it isn't playing favorites, it is him and others having more of either a personal obligation to the industry more then the consumer, or he just doesn't relate to the consumer, or he just prefers the industry to the consumer.

Either way it makes his opinion less...relevant to the consumer and just placating to his peers and/ore constituents.


Neo Member
This conspiracy nonsense is so absurd.

He's editorializing. Patrick Klepeck and Brad from GB said the same thing. Opinions.

Sites like DF will bear out the hard comparisons-cuz, well that's their job. If there are stark differences you'll see that in reviews.
I'm not say that there is an actually conspiracy but these journalist literally could not make statements that made it look more so, I'm not even singling Sessler out but FFS could they even attempt to try and appear unbiased the gaming press quite literally did the editorial equivalent of eviscerating Sony and the PS3 7 years ago for the exact same issues.
Adam Sessler said as far back as like May that he still needed to see more from both of these consoles before making any real statements on each.

Now, months later, and after some multiplats resolutions start to surface, I assume he still hasn't seen enough because he has a really hard time saying anything.


This is the last straw with Sessler. I'm done. He's trying so hard to be neutral that he's swayed into full on political apologist.


What is it with animated GIFs on here?



"Resolution" itself isn't the problem and that's what people aren't getting. It's the fact that Resolution is being deflected away as something that doesn't matter for the average consumer who is buying something. Your telling me you would rather buy a 720p television for $100 more than to get a 1080p television of the same quality and features for $100 less? It's ridiculous. In the end, the content of what your purchasing is what matters but let's not deflect the huge elephant in the room. Less for more or more for less? People want value and quality.
Well if the only difference between the two tvs was 720p and 1080p, then of course anyone would choose the cheaper 1080p one.
I mean if the 720p television came with a new type of UI and awesome games that you wanted to play you'd pay more for it. I would anyway. Resolution/power is nowhere near the deciding factor for me when it comes to choosing a console. (I'll get all of them eventually anyway)

I just don't think when it comes down to how these two consoles do on the market that it's going to matter much.
This conspiracy nonsense is so absurd.

He's editorializing. Patrick Klepeck and Brad from GB said the same thing. Opinions.

Sites like DF will bear out the hard comparisons-cuz, well that's their job. If there are stark differences you'll see that in reviews.
Well, I guess the question is- Are they honest opinions? I will give them the benefit of the doubt but their entire existence is built off of clicks to a website.

I have an honest question for EVERYONE: why are these critics never critical of other journalists in their field?


I like Patrick but he also said the PS4 will have the same DRM. Then it didn't. He of course said "well they recently changed their mind on this."

Maybe he knows someone who let him in on that little fact or maybe he's a piece of shit, liar. I guess you have to choose.
Really you guys are jumping on Sessler now. What he said is 100 percent right. It's nice to have 1080p, but how much does it really matter. Mario Galaxy was the best game last gen. Gasp, guess what it was standard def. Now I'll admit it took ten minutes to get used to the blurry picture, but I had a huge smile because the game was awesome. Last thing to chime in on BF4 looked sharper in the comparison vids on Xbone even though it had the worse resolution.

would it be just as playable with framedrops? nope.

would it be as good at half the resolution? nope.

framerate and resolution impact the gameplay of a game more than, say, higher precision shadows.

lower resolutions make it more difficult to read the environment. frame drops add controller lag, which directly impacts your connection to the game.

I'm bored of this notion that framerate and resolution doesn't matter, and that we should focus entirely on gameplay.

Hell, it seems to me that people who want games dropped to 720p to get 'more effects' are the ones looking for pointless graphical frosting more than those of us pushing for our games to look clearer and run at a high frame rate.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
The notion that higher resolution and a smoother frame rate are marketing gimmicks is beyond insulting to my intelligence. Sessler is beclowning himself here.


why does everyone keep bringing up gameplay in this situation. the games in question all have the same gameplay on each console. the difference is in resolution. one system(ps4) has the same gameplay and better graphics as the other system(xbox one) in both games that caused this whole "scandal". Gameplay has no baring in this at all.

As for the whole "most people can't tell the difference", who knows, but the gaming press should be asking hard questions about the xbox one considering the facts we have right now. The same game on xbox one can be played on ps4 with better resolution and a higher framerate for the most part. why is this. this info has been out for a week but we haven't seen any major interviews or opinion pieces on it at all. its all been dismissive articles almost bashing anyone that thinks its a big deal.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
This conspiracy nonsense is so absurd.

He's editorializing. Patrick Klepeck and Brad from GB said the same thing. Opinions.

Sites like DF will bear out the hard comparisons-cuz, well that's their job. If there are stark differences you'll see that in reviews.
Oh, well if giant bomb said it....

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Soooo you think there's an industry wide conspiracy to make the Bone look better than it is?

That's what we're trying to find out: whether there are mandates or directives from the publishers guiding / stifling the press and balanced reporting, or whether portions of the gaming 'enthusiastic' press are simply uninformed, incompetent, and unethical. Or both.


The games media created this. They framed it as a big deal when Madden was 30 FPS less on PS3, when Bayonetta ran at a lower resolution, when Fallout looked worse, when Red Dead Redemption had less foliage. Places like Eurogamer made their name pointing these issues out and framing them as a point of legitimate discussion

But now suddenly that the shoe is on the other foot and it looks like Sony will win the vast share of these comparisons, they seem to want to shut off the conversation entirely. You don't see a massive, concerning double standard there?
Nah, just a lot heads buried in the sand.

The gaming media right now:


Sessler is on that level of "gaming personality" where he has such a large audience and so much access that he kind of has to be nice to all the major players or he risks losing some of it.
Why would their be? I think you're seeing things that aren't there man, tbh.

You really don't think there is a media bias towards the Xbox? That's been the whole point of these discussions for the last 7 months.

This is the last straw with Sessler. I'm done. He's trying so hard to be neutral that he's swayed into full on political apologist.

It's the difference between presenting both sides equally and being unbiased. I think he's trying to be diplomatic, but he's unable to see how crazy he sounds.
"Up rezzed version of 1080p"
Is that even the right way to say it? It sounds so weird to me.
Definitely not, but it sounds better for the XB1 than native 720 when he said native 1080 on the PS4 earlier.
Console wars have a funny effect on people.
Alright so far you've tried to reduce peoples criticisms of Sessler to console war motivations and only because he has a different opinion than them, keep it up. Doing great.
Conspiracy indicates an organized action of multiple parties.

So no.

A xbox bias in media?


Or maybe it's actually not a big deal? People keep touting how "such and such counted blank game off on playstation for this last gen!" But these same people bought those games on playstation regardless. So maybe it really does not matter. Most of the people complaining about the media "bias" aren't even getting an Xbox. If you're not buying one no one else should? It's crazy how furious people are getting because they don't share the opinion as them.
Almost the entire point of these new systems is their graphics.

I don't understand the downplaying of graphical differences because of that fact. I mean, if one phone shows a game in 480p and the other in 720p, then I could see someone easily not giving a shit because the graphics aren't really the point of mobile games. But for game systems so focused on visuals, this is very odd.


Gotta Lmao at the mantra being that every outlet that doesn't blow this up to the degree that "we" feel it needs to be are being paid off by MS. Maybe, just maybe, it really ain't as big a deal as "we" think it is.

If this was only about resolution maybe you would have a point. The media does this with every problem that MS has though and it's really fucking annoying.
But do you concede that a console running 1080p games now could drop down to 720p later with a big increase in framerate/ai/gameplay elements? Similarly a console already at 720p could not do the same?

That is a simplified view of the current situation due to launch issues and everything else, but it is still a significant point of discussion at this stage of the game and you would think not one to be so continuously glossed over.

We're not talking about DIFFERENT games running at sub 1080p, we're talking about the SAME game running at 1080p on the PS4 and half the resolution on the xbone, you're NOT dropping to 720p because you can run at a better framerate/have better ai/gameplay elements, you're dropping to 720p BECAUSE you can't maintain the framerate at 60fps without dropping to 720p and you're not gaining anything in ai/gameplay elements, because the hardware is weaker AND is $100 more than its more powerful competition.

This is about a direct comparison of the same game on two different consoles, NOT about whether maintaining 1080p somehow would sacrifice framerate/ai/gameply element which is a completely false narrative. Why not drop to 480p to run everything at 120p and throw all the processing power at "gameplay"? Because you're supposed to walk and chew gum at the same fucking time.
I like Sessler but he's repeating the same misunderstanding of the argument I keep hearing over and over. We're not saying that graphics are more important than gameplay, we're saying that it's a serious issue when a considerably less expensive console offers the same games with substantially better visuals.

this. this. THIS.

why does everyone keep bringing up gameplay in this situation. the games in question all have the same gameplay on each console. the difference is in resolution. one system(ps4) has the same gameplay and better graphics as the other system(xbox one) in both games that caused this whole "scandal". Gameplay has no baring in this at all.

As for the whole "most people can't tell the difference", who knows, but the gaming press should be asking hard questions about the xbox one considering the facts we have right now. The same game on xbox one can be played on ps4 with better resolution and a higher framerate for the most part. why is this. this info has been out for a week but we haven't seen any major interviews or opinion pieces on it at all. its all been dismissive articles almost bashing anyone that thinks its a big deal.

framerate is tied to input latency. resolution is tied to readability of an environment. it's going to be harder to spot distant snipers in BF4 on Xbone, and it's going to be harder to aim at them during a drop in framerate (which happens more on the Xbone).

I'd say both have a very clear baring on gameplay.


Really you guys are jumping on Sessler now. What he said is 100 percent right. It's nice to have 1080p, but how much does it really matter. Mario Galaxy was the best game last gen. Gasp, guess what it was standard def. Now I'll admit it took ten minutes to get used to the blurry picture, but I had a huge smile because the game was awesome.Last thing to chime in on BF4 looked sharper in the comparison vids on Xbone even though it had the worse resolution.

It matters when there a two otherwise identical games on competing systems. For comparison sake, if you owned a Wii and a PS3 and (just saying) MG came out for both, Wii @ 480 and PS3 @ 1080 which would you choose? Would you be at all bummed if you bought it on the Wii only to find out later that it was in a higher resolution on the PS3?

The last part is just plain silly.


If journalists had to buy their games and consoles more often I think they'd sing a completely different tune. When you're getting it all for free it's all too easy to write such differences off, but when you're putting your hard earned money down, can probably only afford one console and a handful of games, you want the best value proposition possible, and that means the best versions of games, whether that difference is small or large. I think journalists who write such larger differences off as nothing just show how little they relate to us gamers.

It's like private schooled rich politicians being the authority on poorer boroughs, council estates and a life far removed from their own.

K' Dash

I agree that gameplay and art are more important than graphics, but WHY in the name of all that is GOOD, can't we have good art and good gameplay @ 1080p60?

Sess, I like you, but maybe you should let some people from Rev3 see your videos before you post them, and if they're review them and see nothing wrong, May God have mercy on your soul :(


That's what we're trying to find out: whether there are mandates or directives from the publishers guiding / stifling the press and balanced reporting, or whether portions of the gaming 'enthusiastic' press are simply uninformed, incompetent, and unethical. Or both.
See I can't buy any of this "directives" stuff.
Oh, well if giant bomb said it....
I mean, you could think they're biased/wrong too- but I really don't think thats their style. I could totally be wrong though.


Or maybe it's actually not a big deal? People keep touting how "such and such counted blank game off on playstation for this last gen!" But these same people bought those games on playstation regardless. So maybe it really does not matter. Most of the people complaining about the media "bias" aren't even getting an Xbox. If you're not buying one no one else should? It's crazy how furious people are getting because they don't share the opinion as them.

I was a huge Playstation fan. PSX to PS2 to...360. Why? Because the games performed better on the 360. This was especially true for the first 3-4 years.

People like me are in the majority, not the blind fanboys.


Conspiracy indicates an organized action of multiple parties.

So no.

A xbox bias in media?


I'm starting to agree. Back in the early ps3 days every little detail different from the 360 version of games were scrutinized.

now all of sudden it's no big deal.


The point is that concluding a discussion on the differences observed on the SAME games in different platforms by saying "it's the games that matter in the end" is completely besides the point, since the question being addressed is precisely how the SAME game looks in two platforms.

Disappointed in Sessler. Not 2 hours ago he was oogling at what was possible gameplay and graphics-wise while watching Resogun being played. Well, power makes that possible.
If journalists had to buy their games and consoles more often I think they'd sing a completely different tune. When you're getting it all for free it's all too easy to write such differences off, but when you're putting your hard earned money down, can probably only afford one console and a handful of games, you want the best value proposition possible, and that means the best versions of games, whether that difference is small or large. I think journalists who write such larger differences off as nothing just show how little they relate to us gamers.

It's like private schooled rich politicians being the authority on poorer boroughs, council estates and a life far removed from their own.

Noticed how much gamer blogs have exploded the last few years versus the mainstay sites? They have to buy their own games, and they have no issue dishing dirt and rumors because they have no allegiances.
Honestly, I'm not getting the hate. The guy honestly seems to think that it's not going to be as relevant to the consumer as game choice & value proposition, which (in his eyes) are legitimately equal.

And I get why Rev3 (and by extention, most gaming outlets) aren't just saying "Buy a PS4, it's the best experience". Because saying that kills half their audience. The hardcore XBox audience who love Halo, Gears, and the friends they've made on that network aren't going to switch just for higher resolution. They've been sold, and it just isn't logical to stop catering to that half of the isle.
Here's what's not getting through:

1080p/60fps is the standard the GAMERS WANT.

Doesn't matter what the media or publishers or Sony/Microsoft want.

It's what the CUSTOMERS WANT.

It's 2013. 1080p/60fps should ALREADY BE STANDARD.

It does matter because it's more immersive and immersion is just as important to gameplay as art and style and story and features are.

1. He is right, 1080p/60fps doesn't make a game good.

2. Ignoring the fact that the more expensive system has a lower resolution and framerate in huge launch multiplats is dumb.

If microsoft somehow has a million amazing games, all at 720p, and the PS4 has like 2... at 1080p - Sessler will be right. In reality what will happen is that most games will be multiplats and the will look and play better on the ps4. And then it comes down to exclusives and that's personal preference. This past gen I preferred Sony's.... will I this gen? I don't see it changing but I guess it could...

I agree with this post 100%.
Ive said it before and Ill say it again. I patiently await The Witcher 3. When that drops and pushes both these consoles to their peaks then we will see how big the disparity really is.
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