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Adam Sessler's: On Xbox One and PS4's Resolutiongate, and Day One Patches

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Here's what's not getting through:

1080p/60fps is the standard the GAMERS WANT.

Doesn't matter what the media or publishers or Sony/Microsoft want.

It's what the CUSTOMERS WANT.

It's 2013. 1080p/60fps should ALREADY BE STANDARD.

It does matter because it's more immersive and immersion is just as important to gameplay as art and style and story and features are.


It's what most of us on this forum seem to want, but how do you know what all the customers want?


IEveryone is pushing 1080p/60fps as the Next-Gen standard.

The problem is that the XB1 can't make that mark comfortably, while the PS4 can.

What other PS4 games are actually hitting 1080P/60fps "comfortably"? It seems like plenty of developers are willing to compromise on framerate, if not resolution.


I know you guys remember this gif , this is the first image that comes to my head when gaming journalism is mentioned.



"So what is the takeaway from all of this other than if the internet gathers to an angry mob, things can be changes... but wouldn't it be nice if you could change things that affected people's actual lives."

And this is coming from the guy who lost his shit on twitter because he couldn't get test kits as soon as he wanted to.
Upresed version of 1080p ? Lol come on Sessler, i used to love you but you're clearly sounding like a fanboy, game journalism these days... I'm seriously done with his shows, unless Tara Long is in it...
See I can't buy any of this "directives" stuff.

I mean, you could think they're biased/wrong too- but I really don't think thats their style. I could totally be wrong though.

they were one of the loudest "BUT SONY IS DOING IT TOO" shouters during the drm stuff, openly mocking the no drm hashtag

Brad, the tech guy, was asking not to care about any differences in the systems way back at e3 before any of this resolution business was even hinted


Here's what's not getting through:

1080p/60fps is the standard the GAMERS WANT.

Doesn't matter what the media or publishers or Sony/Microsoft want.

It's what the CUSTOMERS WANT.

It's 2013. 1080p/60fps should ALREADY BE STANDARD.

It does matter because it's more immersive and immersion is just as important to gameplay as art and style and story and features are.

Those gamers shouldnt be gaming on consoles then. They're expecting too much from 300-500 dollar consoles if they think everything should by 1080p 60fps.


I think my main problem with the way journalists handled this whole thing is that they keep presenting their opinions like it's fact. They never preface the whole "the difference between 1080p and 720p doesn't matter" thing with "in my opinion". They always just say it like it's fact.

What's next? Are they going to say the difference between 60fps and 30fps doesn't matter when a game can't hit that on one platform?
I was a huge Playstation fan. PSX to PS2 to...360. Why? Because the games performed better on the 360. This was especially true for the first 3-4 years.

People like me are in the majority, not the blind fanboys.

Then why didn't you own an xbox? Those games looked better than PS2. I just don't understand how people could be so up in arms about a version of a game they aren't even going to play. If anyone should be upset, it's xbone only owners.


Soooo you think there's an industry wide conspiracy to make the Bone look better than it is?

Calling it a 'conspiracy' is kind of a strawman.

People aren't saying that all gaming journalists meet with MS representatives in a dark basement and work this out.

It's about a very obvious bias for whatever reasons, depending on what you think and who you believe, such as fear of being blacklisted, unprofessionalism and being swayed by gifts like free subscriptions, personal preference after an entire generation of the 360 having better multi-plats for the most part (again, being unprofessional), trying to retain strong ties with MS, etc.

You think after all those articles wherein tech and gaming sites suddenly decide that tech differences are unimportant, that there is no bias? Even though they were important for an entire generation, and they still are very important when comparing other gadgets, but no, in this case you must be a 'pixel-counting fanboy' if you care about it?

After all the articles about some magical balance being more important than a ~50% more powerful GPU and faster RAM?

You find it objective 'journalism' that this guy won't even say 720p and has to make up terms for upscaled 1080p?
I wish NFS: Rivals had targeted 720p/60 instead of 1080p/30.

I'm starting to get concerned that resolution is going to take priority over framerate this gen. 1080p is great but 60fps is more important.


"The games are what matters" seems like empty rhetoric to me.

I mean no shit they are, that doesn't have much to do with anything though, neither PS4 nor Xbox One are guaranteed to have a particularly superior line up, so we have to consider that an even ground for now.
However the console that costs 100$ more, having less power and a worse IQ, is something we can already attest.

More over, i seriously refuse to acknowledge the "just 720p is not a big deal", since as a PC gamer (for the last 2 years or so, the PC has been my main platform) i can definitely tell the difference between 720 and 1080, and not only 720p doesn't look good but actually makes some of the finer improvements we are, allegedly, going to get, not that relevant, since you won't be able to see details as well.
We're not talking about DIFFERENT games running at sub 1080p, we're talking about the SAME game running at 1080p on the PS4 and half the resolution on the xbone, you're NOT dropping to 720p because you can run at a better framerate/have better ai/gameplay elements, you're dropping to 720p BECAUSE you can't maintain the framerate at 60fps without dropping to 720p and you're not gaining anything in ai/gameplay elements, because the hardware is weaker AND is $100 more than its more powerful competition.

This is about a direct comparison of the same game on two different consoles, NOT about whether maintaining 1080p somehow would sacrifice framerate/ai/gameply element which is a completely false narrative. Why not drop to 480p to run everything at 120p and throw all the processing power at "gameplay"? Because you're supposed to walk and chew gum at the same fucking time.

Isn't that exactly what I said? (with less capitals).


Here's what's not getting through:

1080p/60fps is the standard the GAMERS WANT.

Doesn't matter what the media or publishers or Sony/Microsoft want.

It's what the CUSTOMERS WANT.

It's 2013. 1080p/60fps should ALREADY BE STANDARD.[/IMG]

How many times this year alone has the press come out heavily on the opposite side of the customers on an issue? DRM and Sim City Online both immediately spring to mind.


Those gamers shouldnt be gaming on consoles then. They're expecting too much from 300-500 dollar consoles if they think everything should by 1080p 60fps.

Erm, obviously they are not if many of the launch titles are anything to go by, unless you're an Xbox One owner that is. And no, a lot of console gamers don't go PC gaming for cost, convenience and value proposition reasons (trade in and resale).


Here's what's not getting through:

1080p/60fps is the standard the GAMERS WANT.

Doesn't matter what the media or publishers or Sony/Microsoft want.

It's what the CUSTOMERS WANT.

It's 2013. 1080p/60fps should ALREADY BE STANDARD.

It does matter because it's more immersive and immersion is just as important to gameplay as art and style and story and features are.


What percentage of people who own a current gen console post on message boards about video games or visit video game news sites?

Of that percentage, what percentage even knows there is going to be a significant difference in the upcoming gen and/or understand the facts of the difference without having someone explicitly explain it to them.

If that number makes up say, like 70% of the customer base then your "GAMERS WANT" stuff is not the case.
Calling it a 'conspiracy' is kind of a strawman.

People aren't saying that all gaming journalists meet with MS representatives in a dark basement and work this out.

It's about a very obvious bias for whatever reasons, depending on what you think and who you believe, such as fear of being blacklisted, unprofessionalism and being swayed by gifts like free subscriptions, personal preference after an entire generation of the 360 having better multi-plats for the most part (again, being unprofessional), trying to retain strong ties with MS, etc.

You think after all those articles wherein tech and gaming sites suddenly decide that tech differences are unimportant, that there is no bias? Even though they were important for an entire generation, and they still are very important when comparing other gadgets, but no, in this case you must be a 'pixel-counting fanboy' if you care about it?

After all the articles about some magical balance being more important than a ~50% more powerful GPU and faster RAM?

You find it objective 'journalism' that this guy won't even say 720p and has to make up terms for upscaled 1080p?
Well said broski,very well said


I know you guys remember this gif , this is the first image that comes to my head when gaming journalism is mentioned.


Because game reviewers shouldn't love or look forward to games? Which other entertainment media do you hold to that unfair standard?

Erm, obviously they are not if many of the launch titles are anything to go by, unless you're an Xbox One owner that is. And no, a lot of console gamers don't go PC gaming for cost, convenience and value proposition reasons (trade in and resale).

Of course they are. Sony's big FPS release built from the ground up for the PS4 can't even do 60fps locked. BF4 needed to drop to 900p. If you want guaranteed 1080p 60FPS, you don't buy a console. It's an unrealistic expectation at this point.


1080p is a marketing gimmick? Now I've seen everything.

Gaming needed a Fox News. Looks like everyone has decided to be one.

It's only going to get worse from here. Half of the gaming outlets want to pretend there's some sort of balance going on here, that these systems have fucked up equally or both not fucked up at all. it's getting more and more tiresome to even have to combat these ridiculous talking points.


It is a big deal, we (as in most people on these forums, hardcore gamers and those debating in the resolution threads) DO care. It's why the resolution threads are so popular and why the power advantage was one of the main reasons cited by people buying a PS4 over an Xbox One in a poll carried out recently online. Cost being the other major one.

If you honestly believe the only reason the PS4 is tracking so many more pre orders than the Xbox One globally, is the price difference, you're fooling yourself. People care about the price, performance, games and more. To get better games for less money is a no brainer. So far the differences between multplatform games have been bigger than those between the PS3/360 and that matters.

Did you go 360 over PS3?


Or maybe it's actually not a big deal? People keep touting how "such and such counted blank game off on playstation for this last gen!" But these same people bought those games on playstation regardless. So maybe it really does not matter. Most of the people complaining about the media "bias" aren't even getting an Xbox. If you're not buying one no one else should? It's crazy how furious people are getting because they don't share the opinion as them.

Did you go 360 over PS3?

the difference between 360/ps3 resolution difference is no way close to what the difference is right now.

Cod : 125%
Bf4: 56%

Dude it's not even close to same situation.


bish gets all the credit :)
It's only going to get worse from here. Half of the gaming outlets want to pretend there's some sort of balance going on here, that these systems have fucked up equally or both not fucked up at all. it's getting more and more tiresome to even have to combat these ridiculous talking points.

Make a new thread debunking all the talking points that have been raised in the last few months. It would be entertaining.


Sess just couldn't say native 720p haha

It is about the games, he's correct there but damn the downplay of Ps4 is hilarious.


Because game reviewers shouldn't love or look forward to games? Which other entertainment media do you hold to that unfair standard?

Did you ever see Siskel and Ebert dance in front of a movie theater whenever an anticipated release came out? Game Journalists are jokes and that's why other forms of media laugh at them.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Well, anyone who knew a shit about anything knew that 1080p/60fps for a was fucking pipe dream of a standard.

That the PS4 will hit that at any decent rate will be amazing. It's like people forgot the discussions from last year about NextGen and resolution and FPS.
Then why didn't you own an xbox? Those games looked better than PS2. I just don't understand how people could be so up in arms about a version of a game they aren't even going to play. If anyone should be upset, it's xbone only owners.

There are little to none of those owners at the moment. It'll be their fault for being mad because with a little research they can find out what they are hopping into.
Say whatever you want about the other elements of this, but the part that stands out to me the most is labeling us "fanboys" in a way because we think resolution is important. A fanboy is a zealot who doesn't admit to negative things about "his" console. I'm talking about the media backlash as a whole and not specifically Adam here. We are just passionate fans (big difference).

It is just a way of writing us off as if we don't matter. I'll never get over that attitude. I just don't see why anyone would feel the need to get on a high horse like that over this issue. If the matter had been handled more respectfully, I don't think as much anger would be present in the discussion. Now that anger is going to be present no matter who else decides to chime in regardless of how they talk about it. This has not been good for the community as a whole and that lays at the feet of those other than those who dwell on this forum. Pretending we are something to be laughed at and ignored isn't smart.


Outside of the occasional bombcast/quicklook on giantbomb i've really tuned out most of the gaming media. So most of the coverage of "resolution-gate" hasn't really bothered me that much.

...But it's sad to see what Sessler has become, i really thought he was one of the good ones. The X1 is $100 more expensive with the objectively weaker console with inferior versions of multi-platform games and it's absolutely shameful to just gloss over that fact. Especially considering the ps3 was absolutely eviscerated last gen because of almost the same exact thing.


I just realized that JackFrags was more impartial than Sessler on this whole issue. A guy who plays a lot of BF4 on PC.


Calling it a 'conspiracy' is kind of a strawman.

People aren't saying that all gaming journalists meet with MS representatives in a dark basement and work this out.

It's about a very obvious bias for whatever reasons, depending on what you think and who you believe, such as fear of being blacklisted, unprofessionalism and being swayed by gifts like free subscriptions, personal preference after an entire generation of the 360 having better multi-plats for the most part (again, being unprofessional), trying to retain strong ties with MS, etc.

You think after all those articles wherein tech and gaming sites suddenly decide that tech differences are unimportant, that there is no bias? Even though they were important for an entire generation, and they still are very important when comparing other gadgets, but no, in this case you must be a 'pixel-counting fanboy' if you care about it?

After all the articles about some magical balance being more important than a ~50% more powerful GPU and faster RAM?

You find it objective 'journalism' that this guy won't even say 720p and has to make up terms for upscaled 1080p?

I guess I have a hard time seeing these as biases from sources like Sessler and GB- I take them at their word when they say that THEY (as in their personal opinion) don't see the resolution differences as a big deal.

I especially think this since the 2 boxes haven't even come out yet. I'm fairly certain that if the PS4 is more powerful in a noticeable way at launch (which is what I think might happen for a few games), it will come out after they've actually played the games.
It's what most of us on this forum seem to want, but how do you know what all the customers want?

What a bizarre argument. Everywhere you look 720p is getting left behind and a lot of it is because that's what people want. It doesn't cut it for desktop monitors anymore, it doesn't cut it for television sets, laptops, tablets, and, fuck, even phones are moving beyond 720p. Why should videogames be any different? We've already had an eight-year generation of mostly 720p gaming and it's time to move forward (or at least try to).


name a game that 1080p and 60 fps wouldn't make better.

I can just as misleadingly say 'more system resources to AI and physics doesn't make a game better'. It's as true.

It would make every game better, if games could also keep all the eye candy. But it's also not possible to have a game like TLOU run at 60/1080p and look as good as it does on the PS3 without having better hardware. Trade offs are the name of the game when it comes to consoles.
It's only going to get worse from here. Half of the gaming outlets want to pretend there's some sort of balance going on here, that these systems have fucked up equally or both not fucked up at all. it's getting more and more tiresome to even have to combat these ridiculous talking points.

the amount of collective denial is disturbing sometimes.

i REALLY wonder if PS3 hadn't been $600 if they would have been defended the same way for some of their boneheaded shit. the media sure was quick to turn on Sony as soon as that price was announced.
So is Sessler being inconsistent vs what he said last gen or are we writing off what he said because he isn't shitting all over Microsoft?
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