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Adam Sessler's: On Xbox One and PS4's Resolutiongate, and Day One Patches

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I actually forgot about that, I wonder if that will happen for next gen.
I know the answer.

I hope that reviewers are upfront about it. If the Xbox One version of a game is clearly inferior then that needs to be made clear. The way things are at this point makes it seem as though it will be something that will come up a lot.
Sessler is really a joke these days. A significant difference in power and 100 dollar cheaper pricetag is obviously a selling point.


I hate this whatever shit. New game consoles are released, and one is substantially more powerful than the other, and it doesn't matter?

These are next gen systems and if power doesn't matter then what the fuck is the point of next gen systems in the first place? Every other metric this guy values can be had on current gen systems and previous gen systems too.



So much this...

This is the best GIF. Every time I see it I cringe, then laugh. So good.


So it's about games not resolution wow such opinion much insight

thanks adam would never have guessed

Well, I fundamentally agree that it is about the games. I think people getting so angry at that sort of look silly. The issue is not that his platitudes are false, it is that they are platitudes.

And stop with the "MS apologist" thing. It's tiresome. It is far more likely that the media is just being hateful towards its audience again. Much more common MO!

It was mentioned by somone back around e3 that the way the press was handling this stuff was almost like some misguided attempt at balanced coverage. As instead of looking at each platform equally on its merits they are trying to be balanced by making the platforms look like they are equal.

I didn't really buy it at the time but the longer this has gone on the more it looks to make sense.


Really you guys are jumping on Sessler now. What he said is 100 percent right. It's nice to have 1080p, but how much does it really matter. Mario Galaxy was the best game last gen. Gasp, guess what it was standard def. Now I'll admit it took ten minutes to get used to the blurry picture, but I had a huge smile because the game was awesome. Last thing to chime in on BF4 looked sharper in the comparison vids on Xbone even though it had the worse resolution.
I'm sure he is a perfectly nice guy, but I've never understood Sessler's appeal in the first place. I used to watch zdtv, and he would just grate on my nerves for some reason.

I'm not saying this because of his opinion here, although he completely misses the overall significance of the power difference.

Is it because of his lofty lit references? I appreciate those (majored in lit myself), but more often than not they just seemed forced and pompous.

No offense Adam.
Of course you don't and nobody was saying anything anywhere about power not being important.

his point was ... let's not encourage developers to use the new console power to focus on two numbers 1080p and 60fp ...let's encourage them to make the animations and ai better and a big factor as well or instead.

Because believe it or not these consoles still make trade offs when going to 1080p/60

The power is far from limitless and they use a lot to hit those numbers

So why don't we keep the res at 720p for the life of the consoles and squeeze the extra juice for all the whiz bangs eh?


I know this was probably recorded before the Resogun livestream, but it's pretty funny watching this video downplaying resolution and framerate after watching him gush all over Resogun. Should have asked the dev why they bothered with 1080p/60fps when you can't tell the difference?

Yeah. Adam went off course in this one.

I mean... it's not trivial, it's : do you want your game rendered with 1 million pixels, or 2 million pixels? I know it's "only resolution" but jeez.


Well, I fundamentally agree that it is about the games. I think people getting so angry at that sort of look silly. The issue is not that his platitudes are false, it is that they are platitudes.

And stop with the "MS apologist" thing. It's tiresome. It is far more likely that the media is just being hateful towards its audience again. Much more common MO!

I think it is less hateful to its audience and more like minded, having in common, and knowing the industry better then the consumers. Journalists have a much stronger connection, as a whole, to the industry then they do consumers, and this becomes evident near every-time an opinion piece from a major game press is released.

The games media has industry perspective... They(majority) just don't have the consumer perspective, much at all, it seems to me.


Gotta Lmao at the mantra being that every outlet that doesn't blow this up to the degree that "we" feel it needs to be are being paid off by MS. Maybe, just maybe, it really ain't as big a deal as "we" think it is.

Demon Ice

Yep. The whole Sessler Twitter drama was about a free PS4 he didn't get. It's as bad as it sounds.

Hahahahaha wow.

Yeah, I'm done with this assclown. I was just starting to forgive him after that faux outrage he pulled with the GoW: Ascension trophy but that is just unbelievable.

He expects people to pay $500 for the inferior console and then pulls this level of a hissy fit when he has to buy a PS4?

Oh Sessler.
Everytime I hear someone now downplay resolution I just picture Iwata and Reggie looking at each other saying "What the fuck?".
Really you guys are jumping on Sessler now. What he said is 100 percent right. It's nice to have 1080p, but how much does it really matter. Mario Galaxy was the best game last gen. Gasp, guess what it was standard def. Now I'll admit it took ten minutes to get used to the blurry picture, but I had a huge smile because the game was awesome. Last thing to chime in on BF4 looked sharper in the comparison vids on Xbone even though it had the worse resolution.

Oh boy you are about to get educated tonight


Is he a personal buddy of yours? :p

He's one of the very few likable "game's journalists" out there.

His video on fanboys he released awhile back is pretty much proof to me that he's not a shill (that doesn't mean he's not biased, everyone is biased, even GAF members).
It amazes me how different the games media is when MS is in a tough position. Back in 2006 you were a complete pariah if you were a media person with a positive view on Sony. I still remember how much shit Shane Bettenhausen used to get on 1up yours from his fellow editors if he said anything remotely positive about the PS3. Now MS are getting the backlash from fans but there is nothing but the most vocal of support for them from the media at every misstep and it's totally out of tune with the public

It still hurts. I had so much fun at the beginning of the last generation and a big part was the 1up crew. Excuse me while I go watch and listen to their old stuff. :p
And stop with the "MS apologist" thing. It's tiresome. It is far more likely that the media is just being hateful towards its audience again. Much more common MO!

Fucking entitled gamers with their "facts" and their "evidence." How dare they question the fourth estate's blind assertions of faith? They don't even know a single person who works in the industry!
I like Sessler but he's repeating the same misunderstanding of the argument I keep hearing over and over. We're not saying that graphics are more important than gameplay, we're saying that it's a serious issue when a considerably less expensive console offers the same games with substantially better visuals.

This is the same guy who said this during drm-gate

And my favorite:

If you add the ps camera, ps plus subscription and forget about xbox live, there is price parity between ps4-xbox one.

Sessler is one of the biggest jokes in gaming journalism and I'm baffled how anyone takes him seriously.


I wonder... did the movie industry critics all talk about resolution as something mutually exclusive from good moviemaking, scripting, directing, etc. when Blu-rays were released for home consumption or when HD cameras came about?


Everyone knows Sessler is pretty delusional
Really? Because i think he's one of the few competent people out there.

But it's a moot point to argue with the hive mind of GAF because once a hate train starts there is no stopping.
As far as I'm concened Sony stepped up after the mistakes of the PS3. In return the "game" media glosses over the hardware differences and acts like we haven't been counting frames and effects and resolution all fucking last gen.

As gamers all we can do is support the console you feel is right for you going forward. How anyone can ignore more power for less money is beyond me. If you love Xbox exclusives that much more power to you, you were going to get a XBone regardless. However we are taking multiplat games here and so far it's PS4 2 XBone 0


It's funny last week iPad mini comes out with its new 2048x1536 pixel screen and tech sites and some gaming sites are all like omg it looks gorgeous, then BF4 and CoD comparisons come out and the same sites are saying "I can't tell resolution differences" embarrassing to say the least, your a god damn technology site (weather solely gaming or not) you best damn well be able to tell.

The bigger point though as has been said time and time again is the whole dismissing the fact Sony has better hardware that will always offer the better multiplat version and for less.

No one is saying don't buy an Xbone if a system has games you like then you should buy it, but trying to dissuade consumers from knowing which is clearly the more bang for your buck is just piss poor journalism.


you can't put a price on sparks
I like Sessler but he's repeating the same misunderstanding of the argument I keep hearing over and over. We're not saying that graphics are more important than gameplay, we're saying that it's a serious issue when a considerably less expensive console offers the same games with substantially better visuals.

But. The games!

Also where joo gonna get halo and shiz bro?

It's not like you can get halo in 1080 on ps4
How anyone can continue to say that there isn't a major bias (or even fanboyism) towards a certain platform within a lot of the big gaming media outlets is puzzling to me.

Especially after the very frequent and otherwise inexplicable trash we've been exposed to lately, such as Leadbetter/EG's series of FUD and damage control articles after years of playing up the 360's advantage in multiplats, Gies' embarrassing drivel and Sessler's whining.

I understand wanting to give these "journalists" the benefit of the doubt, but there's a point where something changes from a tinfoil hat conspiracy into something that is very clear and obvious where it is very easy to put two and two together.


I think he's all over the place in this video, and he's neither incorrect nor insightful with any particular comment. Agreed, gameplay is important. Agreed, I want games to look interesting from an art perspective as well. No, IQ is not marketing and I don't want great IQ because that has been marketed to me-- it is important as this is a visual medium and graphics are a key part of the user experience. No, discussing resolution and how games look does not take away from people discussing the games and the gameplay itself (those games are not out yet so please let us know what you would like to discuss and we will do so).

This is really so perplexing to me. A very simple discussion was happening in the enthusiast community and the reaction to it has just been to treat it like an anathema; like technology is not or has not been something critical to our hobby for 30 years.

Just deal with it.

Great post. I completely agree.


Being from America, I'm beginning to think it's more, familiarity, fear of MS and healthy doses of xenophobia. That would explain it on a larger scale.
This is the same guy who said this during drm-gate

And my favorite:

If you add the ps camera, ps plus subscription and forget about xbox live, there is price parity between ps4-xbox one.

Sessler is one of the biggest jokes in gaming journalism and I'm baffled how anyone takes him seriously.
I can't forget him suggesting Sony wasn't being completely truthful after they confirmed they won't add any new DRM.
So do you only like people if they only say things you agree with?
If you want to argue for the guy, try better than this.


Look at the Rainbow 6 Vegas review for 360 vs PS3. PS3 actually came with the DLC included, and the major negative they talk about is the graphics difference.

I mean, there is that, but scanning through for negatives, they do talk about the search function being less than desirable as well as sound issues when working with voice chat. I'm just trying to see if this talk of people favoring 360 games over PS3 back in the day holds up when the argument is "it's all about the graphics is why!". Like, i remember playing plenty of titles on both where the 360 was better than PS3. Graphics were only a part of it, though.


Tears in the rain
But it's a moot point to argue with the hive mind of GAF because once a hate train starts there is no stopping.

I've never understood this particular point. Even as a lurker, I disagreed with tons of Gaffers and yet agreed with dozens of others. I always felt that NeoGAF users were free to think whatever they wanted


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Really you guys are jumping on Sessler now. What he said is 100 percent right. It's nice to have 1080p, but how much does it really matter. Mario Galaxy was the best game last gen. Gasp, guess what it was standard def.

I wonder when people are going to realize that this is not why gamers are talking about this issue. It's completely beside the point and another discussion entirely.


Coming from a guy who makes 720p videos for a living lol...

Yeah I use to really like Adam and consider him as one of the best in the industry but his recent ridiculous meltdown on twitter and now that video really brought it down on my list.
If he can't see the difference between resolution, then he shouldn't be able to review video games. That's like working at Best Buy and not knowing what TVs are. Psssh. I tried defending sessler because I generally feel bad for the hate he gets buts I'm starting to see why. He irrationally speaks about dumb shit, tries to defend it to his worst ability, and then has no point to his entire rant. There's gaffers in this thread that can outclass him that SHOULD get paid to do what he does.


This conspiracy nonsense is so absurd.

He's editorializing. Patrick Klepeck and Brad from GB said the same thing. Opinions.

Sites like DF will bear out the hard comparisons-cuz, well that's their job. If there are stark differences you'll see that in reviews.
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