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Address the Sess - Machinima/MS YT Scandal with Leaker, TotalBiscuit, J Schreier


I love how whenever something like this happens everyone starts talking about the most horrible and stereotypical business stereotypes they can think of. Then a group starts calling for the benefit of the doubt right before those stereotypes come out of the woodwork. Erik's presence on this show is great because he represents everything that's wrong with this part of the industry.


Oh man Sessler assuming the reaction of the internet is just because of the deal coming forward not the real issue of the nondisclosure bit


I caught that too. I was waiting for someone to call him out on that. Maybe someone should ask Adam Sessler if he thinks the nondisclosure regarding the Machinima contract is, good or bad. I'd like to hear him squirm on that question. He's trying to play both sides (probably because he has friends to do these type of shady deals). Good thing his viewers would hammer him later if he tried to apologize for Machinima.


Wow that was not smooth at all from the Sess. Erics just feeding everyone typical PR nonsense too...


I hope people on GAF start appreciating Kotaku's ethics more. Very few publications (even good ones like Giant Bomb) refuse travel expenses.


Oh man Sessler assuming the reaction of the internet is just because of the deal coming forward not the real issue of the nondisclosure bit


As I detailed in my post earlier in this thread, Sessler is completely unhinged after what happened in this generation transition. He is no longer a personality that can be taken seriously. I don't know whether he is intentionally doing this stuff to be a devil's advocate or if he really is just a fanboy with a microphone at this point, but it's sad how he seems to so profoundly miss the core of each and every controversy that has arisen in the past eight months.



But it really is the disclosure statement, or lack thereof that is the problem, not the NDA. Those lines don't tell us whether there was or wasn't a disclosure statement, either in the NDA or elsewhere. I looked at a bunch of the Battlefield launch videos that appeared to be part of the program, and none had a disclosure, so EA is probably as guilty as Microsoft, but the proof isn't in the linked thread.


Lol several industry veterans on the Hangout and it takes the Anon to bring up the most important point...


If I was reviewing games in this industry, I would forcibly withhold any review on a game's online component until it was actually in the wild (post-release).

Would this mean I wouldn't be reviewing TitanFall until after its release date? Yep. So sad but that's why I can still write preview articles.

And that's why it's fucked up and why they have reviewers by the balls. You lose a shit load of hits coming late to the party because you're doing things honestly.

But honestly, any BF5, TitanFall review etc that comes out based on a play through in a closed environment at any such event, should NOT be taken with anything more than a grain of salt. BF4, Sim City etc, learn from those.


You don't need to be empathetic towards me.
The no face guy finally brings this talk on point. Let's see how long this last without Adam or Erik derailing it.


I hope people on GAF start appreciating Kotaku's ethics more. Very few publications (even good ones like Giant Bomb) refuse travel expenses.
If there's one thing Jason is a pro at it's putting Kotaku in a good light.
It's a shame that other media outlets are less inclined to follow their lead.


Which is a no-win situation when you're acting as a moderator. This whole thing seems poorly thought out.

I've seen a couple of his panel interviews where he either knew more about the topic, or at the very least was better at enabling a decent discussion (the Youtube Content ID panel for example), but this really is awful.

I said it earlier, but I think if Fraser from VGA was able to get on this panel like last time, it would've been much better.


I can't speak to the rest of kotaku, but Jason has been doing quality work.

Jason is fine. Great, even.

The network Kotaku is a part of, and many articles that Kotaku prints, are not fine. They are as big a proponent of terrible clickbait as anyone else. Sites like Deadspin have also crossed ethical boundaries in a major way before.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
sessler got really pissed when this point got brought up
Erik's comments about journalists barely able to pay their rent and not having specific intent to influence opinions on a specific game or whatever sound like some of the things I remember hearing when I was flirting with the concept of being a tech reporter. The PR guys would never dream of influencing you so baldly, but I do think the effect (intentional or not) is make PR seem like your friends and buddies, and to create a bit of an old boys' network where you curry favour in ways that get you better coverage of your game even if it doesn't amount to telling writers what to write. If PR does their job right, I think the idea is that writers will simply have you and your products at top of mind, and be more inclined to mention them even if there's no intent on the part of the writer to do so.

But the rent comments also sound hilariously predatory. Yeah, buy some poor bloke a drink, be his friend, form a lasting relationship that allows you to get easier access to a journalist than other companies that didn't get in. It's disturbing as hell and I never liked that part of tech journalism.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
Sessler defended MS? Did anyone blame MS for what happened?

No, they blamed "The Industry".

You expected otherwise?


TB:" based on my experience with these deals, I do believe that MS had nothing to do with the contract that it was Macinima's deal." (pp)

didn't hear sessler's opinion on that. he let tb talk.

jason knows his shit ...


Jason Schreier…



extra source of jiggaflops
Jason is awesome and I thought that before for months now (I considered making a "Kotaku isn't so bad any more 2013 edition" thread, but it all boiled down to Schreier's articles.)
Now putting him next to this Erik guy is just unfair.
Again, Erik completely missed the point.

It's not what the PR guys are "supposed" to be doing that's wrong, it's that they're not doing doing what they're supposed to to begin with.
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