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Adult brony tries to abduct a 11 yr old girl at Brony Convention

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Adult brony tries to aduct a 11 yr old girl at a Brony Convention in San Francisco. Lots of guys in fedoras. Also, guys selling inappropriate fanart and bodypillows.

I know cons now have harassment policies, but do they have extensive CCTV to catch people out for doing such activities to confirm reporting to security or police? I'm not sure how the fanart was even allowed to be sold there?

Didn't see a thread for this so hoof me if old.


Apparently the Tumblr original person had pictures of the girl but deleted everything:
The person relaying this story had pictures of the girl in question along with others of the event but people bitched and she removed them. Would be a lot of trouble to go through.

There isn't much traditional news info, but it does seem the events weren't fake. She didn't report to the staff. There are some accounts from people in the comments who worked at the convention:
This thread is a trainwreck. Not sure what I expected.

Someone tried to follow up on the original story, and it unfortunately seems like there could be a bit of truth to the story: http://www.horse-news.net/2014/04/advice-for-babscon-delete-facebook-hit_22.html


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Well, bronies had a good run. It just takes one bad apple to ruin the whole bunch.


I really don't know how to read tumblr comments :/ Not sure if I want to though, I'm sure some insane persons are trying to defend such behaviour.


This is almost like the latest episode of Bobs Burgers! Except they kidnapped Tinas rare pony instead of Tina, but otherwise eerily similar.



Why didn't that dude get fuckin STOMPED by the other guys there? Are bronies cool with pedophilia or something?


What the flying fuck. Tumblr has shitloads of thathappened.jpg stuff but if this is true, they should've reported him to the police - and 'fan art' peddles to the organizers.


"A dude tried abducting an 11 year old, but she told us not to report it and we trusted her judgement on that matter."


Why the fuck wouldn't you report the fucker instead of letting him walk around the area the rest of the day to potentially try and take another little girl?


How the fuck are they gonna let a potential predator roam free to kidnap some other kid just because they're protecting the one they find adorable?

Edit: Okay, everyone else said the same thing before I hit post but still. That's just confusing as hell.


This paragraph pretty much puts into words how I feel about bronies. EDIT: spelling (for better or worse)

But I also met a lot of skeevy dudebros. A lot of guys in fedoras loudly discussing sexual shit in a room with children. Guys who drew/sold/displayed really fucking inappropriate “fanart,” including gross bodypillows that had no purpose in a little kids’ toy convention. I met a guy who gushed with absolute glee about the pleasure he derives from “corrupting innocence.” I met a lot of people who wanted to take something sweet and nice for children and make it about THEM. A lot of guys who wanted to make it about their dicks. People who made it UNSAFE for the intended audience to even be in attendance.
I'm calling bullshit. You call the police or at the bare minimum get ahold of organizers to do it for you.

Not make tumblr comments.


Or.... There was one asshole criminal at a convention with hundreds of honest folk.

If this happened E3 or Comic Con would you be so quick to label those fandoms at "creepy"

those are on creep level as well. Wouldn't let some kid wander in those places alone.


But I also met a lot of skeevy dudebros. A lot of guys in fedoras loudly discussing sexual shit in a room with children. Guys who drew/sold/displayed really fucking inappropriate “fanart,” including gross bodypillows that had no purpose in a little kids’ toy convention. I met a guy who gushed with absolute glee about the pleasure he derives from “corrupting innocence.” I met a lot of people who wanted to take something sweet and nice for children and make it about THEM. A lot of guys who wanted to make it about their dicks. People who made it UNSAFE for the intended audience to even be in attendance.


This whole story is fucked up not only that 'brony' stalking a little girl but the lack of action from the people the little girl told. If A guy is happy to try and get one little girl up to his room what stops him from trying with another one later?

Fucking lousy stuff right there.


This whole thing is immature and dumb.

Edit: additionally gross. Way to fuck up a kid's childhood. Look back on cartoons and think of some sweaty dude in a horse costume pawing at you.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I was going to make a rebuttal to the comment about the girl having no peers at the convention by saying that it is more at the fault of other kids not attending, but I am guessing the con was booked primarily by adults.


Am I the only one wanting to know why an 11 year old is walking around a convention by herself in the first place? I definitely think they should have retarded the creep though, regardless of what the girl said, because if he tried it with 1 girl who's to say he wouldn't try it again (or had tried it before)? Bronies tend to be pretty creepy, I definitely wouldn't want my hypothetical kids to be around them.


Super Member
The discussion gets stupid when the responsibility of calling the police fell to "other Bronies". Tthe article writer was the one directly communicating with the girl and knew exactly who she was talking about. However, the actions she did take were also appropriate.


I want to say these people are complete morons for not getting that guy thrown out or in trouble.

But something is telling me this might be fake.


I don't know if a Tumblr post is adequate enough evidence for me, but if it happened it's definitely disturbing.


Ugh. The story is fucked up.

I know there is a lot of negativity regarding the original poster and why she did not push the girl to report to the police, but I do feel it was kind of unwarranted. Nevertheless, they should have still at least talked to the girl's parents about the incident so they could let the parents decide whether they should report it to the police.

But yikes, I knew that there were some creepy bronies, but to the point of enjoying "corrupting innocence?" Damn.

On a side note, I did try watching the show to see what it was about. I stopped watching at episode 2. I can see the appeal, but it was just not my cup of tea I guess.


I'm calling bullshit.

We start sending a coworker with Babby whenever her parents aren’t around and she wants to go check out artist’s alley or the vendor’s hall. Because otherwise she’s not safe. She can’t run around and freely enjoy a convention about a show aimed at her, because instead of being surrounded by peers she’s somehow surrounded by men who pose a threat to her.
So, the parents presumably find out some dude was stalking their 11 year old kid, and then choose to leave her with some cosplayers working a booth anyway?

Bollocks. Don't believe a word of it.


So not worth it
I want to say these people are complete morons for not getting that guy thrown out or in trouble.

But something is telling me this might be fake.

I'm with G-Fex on this. When that happens you don't report the guy? You just let him walk about and do his thing? Even after he tried to grab and abduct an 11-year-old girl?

Seeing as it's a tumblr, the OP author of that piece is probably someone trying to stir up shit, as is normal around those parts.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Or.... There was one asshole criminal at a convention with hundreds of honest folk.

If this happened E3 or Comic Con would you be so quick to label those fandoms at "creepy"

Honestly, any place that has dudes that dont know to shower before events activates creeper alarms


Not to defend bronies but this could've happened at any other convention. Abductions aren't exclusive.

Do not approve of selling that shit there though.

This honestly could have and I'm glad to hear the girl is ok. Of course, that's not going to stop people from coming in and letting whatever stupidity from their mouth fly because "OMG THOSE FUCKING BRONIES! ARRRGHHHHH!"


Confirming adult bronies are creepy

He didn't do it because he's a brony but because he has a problem. It's like somebody who kills people in a high school for example. If this person played video games, the media says it's the fault of video games and of course it's totally wrong.
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